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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    #88. Mr. Hyde

    by , 06-25-2010 at 07:24 AM (611 Views)
    Wednesday, June 23, 2010

    I seem to have a thing for slamming people into walls. I blame Supernatural.

    My partner and I were subtly infiltrating a top-secret military prison. Unfortunately, it didn't go well, and I'm currently on my own, trying to stage a massive escape.

    You know you should watch out when getting in is way too easy.

    I'm rushing back to the entrance, a mob of angry prisoners behind me (though I'm more worried about the guards). I come across a control panel, key in random numbers and watch the door slide open, Star Wars-style. I'm through the door, looking at a massive warehouse. The only way out is straight through the exterior wall, a solid mass of cement blocks and brick.

    "Blast!" I command, letting kinetic energy tear its way from my hands. I barely even recognize that I'm saying the word. The far wall falls apart into a pile of rubble and dust, leaving only -

    Another wall is behind it. Pure cement.

    "Blast! Blast! Blast!" The walls keep falling down, replaced by more walls behind them. No way I'm getting out through here.

    "I was hoping you'd come this way," says a menacing voice.

    A giant steps out from behind the tall stacks of crates in the room. He looks like Hyde from the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie. He's several times taller than me, and can move freely in the gigantic warehouse.

    Huh. This is kind of like that rancor level in Jedi Academy, I think to myself. I visualize the layout of the game - lots of jumping and running away, that won't work. I have to dodge as Hyde throws a few crates at me.

    Now, how do I take him out? Fighting won't work, I'm too small.

    Stop. You're fighting a giant during a mass breakout from an underground prison. Wake up, you moron.

    I don't mean that literally.

    I'm lucid. I barely have to think about it as I grow several meters taller, causing the room to seem average rather than cavernous.

    Hyde is charging me. I stop his attack easily, spin him, send him flying into a wall. Chunks of mortar fall down around him.

    Not a second later I'm on him, pinning him down and delivering a punch to the jaw.

    Hyde has something of an inappropriate reaction to this.

    Mr. Hyde. Scare Factor: 3.

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