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    14th Aug 2013 Doom map, In and out of lucidity - Day 4

    by , 08-14-2013 at 02:58 PM (536 Views)
    Dream recall from today's naps.

    Dream 1(fragments):

    I was playing Doom and roaming through some huge map. It was some kind of complex with outdoor areas at west and indoor areas at east, and also some ventilation system passages. It was pretty mazey and used alot of grey/white textures in places, but also brown ones in other places and green in outdoor area. There were some new enemies and something about player character was dragon-related(can't recall exactly what though).I realized that it's dream while viewing automap briefly and tried to memorize it. Then i lost lucidity.

    Dream 2(fragments):

    I've had chain of false awakenings during which i either was trying to deal with mosquito or was talking to someone about PC hardware. Then there's another false awakening, and this time some nice voice is asking something, i try to respond and eventually get up i feel that i am dreaming and i feel... quite more aware of surroundings than usually, there's some female DC, we talk about something for a bit and i end up following her and losing lucidity, there are three more DCs, i become aware of dreaming again while going downstairs but then talk continues and i lose lucidity again, i look around and think about reality checking, but end up talking with DCs again. They say that we are going to certain place and i didn't liked it so i went back.

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