14th Nov 2013 Various Fragments, Complex, Video games, Fights
, 11-15-2013 at 02:30 PM (577 Views)
Dream 1(fragment):
Some kind of video game.
Dream 2(fragments):
I have entered some underground complex and was using radio to communicate with someone. I was searching for quite a while around various areas. Then i finally found what i was searching for and found way to disable security on it. I went through opened passage and reached a chamber with massive futuristic energy weapon, there was a panel near it where i switched a few things and went back through the passage, i could switch lights on and off using some kind of cursor on the way. Then i've found way out of complex and there were castle ruins near the exit. Group of rebels were fighting someone, which then turned into a large fight between two sides and i had to get through that. I"ve found a truck and started getting around but then road got blocked by random rocks. Luckily a bunch of dynamite packs were nearby which i used to blow rocks up.
Then i've reached some kind of glass underwater passage and then some dude appeared and started using sleep inducing weapons, i resisted them, retreated a bit then counterattacked. Then later as i continued through passage there was something about butterflies.
Dream 3(fragments):
I was playing some doom mod and there was a level that was like huge maze complex set from sections 4 by 4. Some enemies were different and there was one enemy that was throwing skulls. I got lost for a bit but then found way out using a map, exit was unlocked but i was trying to 100% level, soon part of map opened revealing a horde of lost souls, against which i used a rocket launcher.
Dream 4(fragments):
I was playing serious sam and there was some desert temple map with enemies appearing in groups, i was trying to get through it without saves.
Dream 5(fragments):
There was some fight on ruined rooftop where i have teamed up with someone else and we had to fight a team of two girls with some kind of psionic abilities.