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    Scionox's Journal of Dreams

    15th Oct 2013 FPS missions, Base assault, Stealing enemy data

    by , 10-16-2013 at 01:11 AM (521 Views)
    Dream 1(fragments):

    There was something about videos, show and timezones.

    Dream 2(fragments):

    Something about fighting mutants.

    Dream 3:

    I was playing some FPS and there was a mission that i had to do while teaming up with someone else. We came to some country using coastal road and had a few vehicle choices from here. We had to use gunboat because teammate AI was really bad at driving cars in this place and managed to crash one into water when i was testing.
    I've planned stuff on the map i had and we went ahead, mostly using rivers as 'roads'. We ran into quite some outposts but gunboat had powerful machine gun which worked out nicely versus enemies, after two or three outposts we were finally at the destination of the mission. It was research center of some kind, we've landed and killed guards using some weapons. Then we went in and there were some switch/code puzzles. In the end we have found a ladder to the second floor. Beyond another code locked door there was a storage with some important data, teammate started browsing it while i was covering him, at one point some dude with special abilities appeared and wanted to distract us, i've managed to damage him and then he retreated. More enemy reinforcements started coming, whole trucks of them so we had to finish up and find way out of building, and then we just used our boat and escaped.
    I've apparently had two more missions to do and i was thinking how did i managed to complete so much of a game in one day, which was around 10 missions according to menu(false memory says hi).
    Next mission i've started started in a lake full of helicopter wrecks and game started looking somewhat like far cry. I've got out of it and went through small forest. According to the map there was an friendly camp nearby, which i've soon found. Friendlies were fighting enemies already, and were losing, it was hard to see since camp was on the hill. I've joined the fight and enemies apparently had ridiculous amount of hp, they could survive around 30 headshots without problem, i've still managed to hold them off because they were not really good at aiming. Eventually with a few friendly soldiers left we finished off all enemies then some strange woman appeared and there was some talk about warrior duel or something.

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