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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Day 821: A Blur

      by , 05-13-2020 at 09:35 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 10:00 PM

      Woke up at: 3:00 AM

      Dream 115: Fragment

      I remember having some semblance of a dream. Hushed voices, blurry pictures, that's all I can remember.
      My dogs woke me up when they saw a police car with floodlights in my neighborhood. That same car enforces the 10:00 PM to 6:00 Am curfew in my town.

      Updated 05-19-2020 at 07:35 PM by 93490

      side notes , dream fragment
    2. Day 106: (Clever Title)

      by , 05-27-2018 at 03:40 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Dream 89: Not So Lethal Lava Land

      The whole dream was in this faux 2D perspective. Sometimes I could see the environment in first person, and others I saw from third person. The entire dream looked like a video game. Everything was a sprite, from the foreground to the background. At the end of the dream I remember getting cornered by a bunch of purple dragon things and being eaten alive, so that's fun.

      Dream 90: You Said Room Temperature, Right?

      Daytime, grass covered yard in between my house and a neighbor's. I'm talking with a friend about the pink gecko I have outside my house (True story, geckos often like to clime on my windows). I told him/her that I managed to keep one as a pet, and made it a little dirt home.

      When I got to its little home, I saw that it had died inside of the water. My reasoning within the dream was that it was too cold for the lizard and it died of hypothermia. Its eyes were glowing a light green.

      Dream 91: Fragment

      Another school fragment. Nothing much to talk about here.

      Updated 05-29-2018 at 03:59 PM by 93490

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Day 105: Time Skips Are Fun

      by , 05-26-2018 at 04:12 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Whoa, did not expect to be gone for 26 days (Around that anyway, I don't care). And I missed my 100th day anniversary, so that's a shame. But enough of that, let's get started.

      Dream 87: Bus

      Just a fragment. I remember sitting on the window seat of a bus while looking out through the window. It was sunset, and there were two girls in the parking lot, a couple. I stared at them for a couple seconds until the taller one with the shorter hair looked at me and I looked away.

      Dream 88: Educational Hijinks

      Except there are no hijinks to be found. I was just getting from one class to the other--not very interesting. This was also a pretty dull fragment.
    4. Day 48 & 49: The Calm Before The Lucid

      by , 04-04-2018 at 04:12 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Didn't recall anything on Day 48, except for some vague imagery. Fell sleep around 11:00 PM and woke up around 7:00 AM. Dream counter: 59.

      Day 49 is when things start to pick up. I guess thanks to reading up on both Sageous's 'Lucid Dreaming Fundamentals' and FryingMan's 'Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming', as well as Sensei's 'Thanks For All The Fish', Dolphin's 'Essentials to Having A Lucid Dream', and some ancient, long-forgotten DJs I found in the grandfathered DJ forum. Needless to say, this couldn't have been possible without them. So, thanks if any of you are reading this.

      Day 49:

      Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM

      Woke up at: 3:00 AM and 6:30 AM


      Dream 58: Lucid Once More!

      Riding with my family in the large SUV. From where we're going, I can recognize that we are going out of downtown and headed towards the high school, but we're going in the completely wrong direction from where we should be going. Usually we go towards the intersection on the way to school, and out of the neighborhood caught in between the school and downtown. Immediately, I get that "feeling" that Sensei elaborated on in his post, and I just went with it. No further questioning required.

      I open the car door and gingerly step out. I think the car might've stopped on my way out. Everything was super vivid and really bright, too--something someone would associate with a bright summer day. I don't exactly take in the time to soak it in, I'm just so excited to have gotten this far.

      I spot a girl by the side of a building, some stuff happens, and I then try to change up the dream environment. I woke up shortly after. Not because of a sudden "jolt" of excitement (If that were the case I would have woken up a whole lot earlier), but I think because I caught the LD near the end of a major REM period, that and I lost my train of thought sometime near the end of my lucidity.

      I have a system set up where, whenever I get lost in my thoughts, I interrupt whatever's going on and either observe my surroundings or do an RC. It's a really efficient system, mostly because I tend to fantasize about things on a regular basis. This is basically the only way I RC now, when I'm not being observant/aware. I really regret not having this system down-pat, as I feel it could have helped me not to lose track of myself at the end of my LD.

      I woke up subsequently after that LD. I walked around a little bit, pondered whether to write down the dream in my DJ, and just decided to use a mnemonic technique to remember it in the morning. I thought having a really bright phone screen in my face during the middle of the night would only keep me up.

      Post WBTB:

      Dream 59: False Awakening and an LD in one night? Nice.

      Pretty much what it says on the tin. I had a FA where, during the middle of the night, I got up to record my previous LD, alongside a dream I don't remember happening at any point.

      Dream 60: Tantalizing Trump Towers

      I'm in this barren, empty room with pillars and a kitchen set in the back. Everything was colored pink, or a really faded red--one or the other. Then I lost my train of thought (Or, in the context of this dream journal, pulled into the Thinkspace). It was about Trump Tower, the one situated at New York City. Apparently, the design of the tower has this window that, if directly shone upon by the sun, would then blast concentrated solar energy upon Central Park, setting it ablaze. Pretty...interesting to say the least.

      Dream 61: Tower Defense-Os

      Nothing much to this one. Just something about a tower defense game only with classes duking it out on top of a sea of milk and corn flakes.


      1. To make this less of a headache to read, I bolded the titles for each dream. I'm always for convenience (Maybe because I'm really lazy), so I hope this helps for people who want something easier to digest.

      Updated 04-04-2018 at 04:25 AM by 93490

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , lucid
    5. Day 34: Cheese Gods and Betrayals

      by , 03-20-2018 at 11:14 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Day 34:

      Fell asleep at: 7:00 PM/ 11:30 PM/ 3:30 PM

      Woke up at: 10:00 PM/3:20 AM/6:30 AM

      Dream 38: Butter-y Cheese Sandwich

      I'm at a party with a bunch of other people from my school. I make my way towards an exceptionally odd room; A stone hall with what looks to be a sky blue haze surrounding it. There are a bunch of other people lying on the floor, waiting around for someone to arrive. I too decide to lay on the floor until this somebody walks in.

      My friend (I can't remember which one exactly) comes through the same door I went through. He brought a couple big bags of MacDonald's and handed everybody their food. He tosses a grilled cheese my way, and since I never turn down a good meal, I eat it then and there.

      The sandwich was... annoying to deal with. For some reason, the cheese felt more than content to just slip and slide all over the place. A couple globs even fell to the floor as I tried to eat it.

      Dream 38 & 1/2: Cheese God

      I'm touring some Mexican city when I come across a large statue in the image of a pudgy, jolly man. For some reason, my mind automatically associates him with cheese, and I dub him the Mexican God of Cheese. Yep.

      This fragment could be part of something else entirely, but since it still has something to do with cheese, I decided to group it up with Dream 38.

      Dream 39: Tough Cookie

      Again, a third person narration dream. I'm looking at this undercover agent who's looking to capture and arrest a certain infamous drug lord. The drug lord in question is a blonde, tired eyed, and deceptively two-faced individual.

      She never reveals her name, and takes the agent on a tour through the city. Once she has him in an unknown location, she reveals her true colors and traps the guy in the sewers, as she waits for hunger and fatigue to wipe him out.

      Her 'right-hand woman', a pudgy blonde woman with a hearty demeanor, talks her into leaving town. Given their interactions, I'm willing to guess that the two have some sort of romantic interest in each other, which would be cute if it weren't for the fact that they basically left someone for dead...

      But in any case, the two speed off towards the horizon in a motorcycle and the two get away Scot free.

      The perspective then switches to me, myself, walking with my family over to the car. I'm talking to my dad about something I can't quite remember. Something about art.

      It did feel like I was IN the dream this time, so progress is definitely being made.

      Updated 03-21-2018 at 12:10 AM by 93490

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    6. Day 26 --> Day 31: One Heck of a Backlog

      by , 03-17-2018 at 11:45 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Nine whole months since I joined this forum and I'm still a terrible procrastinator. Now you see why my User Title is the "Master Procrastinator?" So, to all future dream journal bingers out there, PLEASE don't miss more than three days of consecutive dream journalling. It really does do a number on your recall and motivation in general.

      Day 26:

      Fell asleep at: 2:30 AM

      Woke up at: 9:15 AM

      Dream 26: Pizza House Party

      Going over to the counter (Which has been removed in real life but not in the dream), I pick up four slices of pizza. They have a store-bought cardboard tray, but the pizza itself is restaurant-tier. I go back to the couch along with my dad, and it seems like the couches and coffee table are arranged correctly. I didn't make the connection between the two (The counter being in the wrong place but the furniture in the correct order), which no doubt would've made a solid LD.

      I'm not quite satisfied yet. I decide to go get some of the last pizza before everybody else does. Now there's even more pizza on the counter. Everybody else goes to get some more pizza, and I end up only getting about two slices. I think to myself, "Well, I already ate four slices, so..." and just accept it.

      I briefly chow down on my second helping. I go over to throw my plate away when I bump into a little white machine with a GPS monitor on it, which is situated in front of my mom's room. My dad tells me to be careful. Guy's got foot problems, and I figured whatever it was, he didn't want me touching. I walk away from it so that I wouldn't be held responsible for it.

      Day 27:

      Fell asleep at: 1:00 AM

      Woke up at: 8:00 AM

      Dream 27: Jostled by the Mob

      Exiting out of the hallways, I make my way into a little outdoor area within my school. An influx of students exit from all sides, all 600+ of them. All of us are headed straight for the staircase outside of the band hall.

      Once we get there, I begin to get jostled by a whole bunch of M's friends. I even see the girl who looks an awful lot like my friend's sister, who's the only face I can remember. We all sit down on the stairs that somehow stretch all the way across the building. Some guy is singing an overly emotional song about...something I can't quite remember.

      He starts picking out people from the audience to sing along, meanwhile I bust out a calculator that can somehow run GBA-era Pokemon games. Nice. The guy next to me sees what I'm doing, and motions the singer to point at me. He then stares at me playing Pokemon on my calculator and stares at it instead. He then pulls out a calculator and I begin to tink he wants to know how I got it done. Jokes on him, I ain't telling.

      Day 28:

      Fell asleep at: 4:00 AM

      Woke up at: 11:00 AM

      Dream 28: Uh...Pups?

      A short one. I dreamt that Nemo and Cleo took the forms of two overly large bugs, both yellow in color. I still tried to put them in their cage though.

      Dream 29: HANDS OFF, MAN.

      I'm in an unknown house. My brother is lying on the floor, minding his own business. The both of us are talking about joining a club or something when he does the unthinkable. The guy gets up, walks over to me, and crushes my babymaker something fierce. You can tell how much I wanted to kill my DC brother after that...

      Dream 30: AGAIN?!

      I was on the couch, just barely waking up from a dream. My dad and my brother are pacing around the couch, wondering who's gonna take out the pups. My dad elects my brother, who then elects me. I have this stupid half-smiling, half asleep look on my face, trying to convince them that I'm still asleep. I pull out my phone, confident that they'd be none of the wiser. Then my brother kicks me hard, again, in the one bone that matters. You can tell how much I REALLY wanted to kill him after that... Thankfully it was just a dream, so no harm done.

      Day 29 & 30:

      Fell asleep at: 1:00 AM

      Woke up at: 9:00 AM

      Dreams 31 & 32: Nothing

      Fragments again.

      Day 31:

      Fell asleep at: 4:00 AM

      Woke up at: 1:00 AM

      Dream 33: The Rich Get Asylum

      Another narration dream, this time starring the voice of DiGi Valentine. In a corrupt, poverty-stricken city, the ones raking in the dome are the owners of an insane asylum. Extortion, money laundering, and exploitation are their main methods of making money.

      Dream 34: T'was A Mirage

      I look at the TV, astounded by the fact. My 5-6 year old copy of Super Mario Galaxy 2, scratched to hell and back, is finally functional! Everything is just how I remember it. I grab the controller, but I don't like how loud it is. I lower the volume on my TV using the buttons installed on the TV itself, and then immediately, the game crashes. And then I crash, emotionally. I hate this.

      Dream 35: Shirtless and Witless

      I start off in a computer lab, the room darkened accompanied with the busying sound of keyboards clacking. The dismissal bell signals the end of the school day. I get up and go through the hallway to the school parking lot. But then I realize something, both my pants and my shirt are missing, leaving me with semi-translucent red underwear.

      It was bitterly cold, and I rushed back to class, using my backpack to cover up my half-naked self. Unfortunately for me, the teacher was still in the class. I went to my desk and grabbed my shirt and pants and put them on before she noticed. I waved a polite goodbye and left in relief.
    7. Day 20: 20/20

      by , 03-06-2018 at 04:47 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 11:30 PM

      Woke up at: 6:30 AM

      Dream 20: Damn QTE's...

      Laying on my bed during the daytime, early morning I'd guess. I'm playing a sort of Heavy Rain styled game on my 3DS with a zombie apocalypse setting. My character is limping away from a horde of zombies as both of his legs are broken. The button prompts are faded and move around on screen, obscuring my vision as I try to determine what button it wants me to press.

      For some reason, I had a really terrible time trying to get past the QTEs. I distinctly remember my character getting chomped on by zombies two times because of failed/missed button prompts. I got real pissed off and just turned the game off afterwards.

      This is one dream I really wish I had gotten lucid in, honestly. The morning sky, vivid imagery, and near life-like setting would have been an amazing world to play around in. It could have very easily turned into a level four lucid dream if I tried.
    8. Day 19: The Empire Strikes Back

      by , 03-03-2018 at 11:19 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Oh lord...

      Day 19:

      Fell asleep at: 10:30 AM

      Woke up at: 3:30 PM


      Before falling asleep proper, I tried my hand at a nap-induced WILD. I ended up getting too anxious and couldn't do the WILD proper, mostly because the prospect of an LD was too exciting for me to handle. My heartbeat was the fastest it had ever beat in its life.

      I did manage to get my legs and arms numb, and I did manage to hear one or two auditory hallucinations, but I finally stopped when my brother got at the pups.

      Dream 18: Nice Guys Don't Play These Games

      Me and a cousin of mine are scampering through this dark, ginormous house. It's nighttime, of course, and we quickly make our way into the building.

      My cousin hops towards a bunk bed in one of the bedrooms and makes himself at home. He tells me to block/barricade the door before the 'others' get here.

      Being the upstanding, dedicated nice guy that I am, I ask him why we're doing this to begin with, and refuse to lock the door. This could be someone's property, and I don't feel like pissing off an entire family and getting charged for it.

      I should have spoke a lot sooner, though, as a terrifying presence forces both of us to run away again. We make our way through the backyard...Then the dream ended.

      Dream 19: Reference Sheet

      I'm looking over a character reference sheet for some video game, either Fallout or Overwatch. The character in question is an old, African American detective with a patched trenchcoat, gray hair, and a cigar in his mouth.

      He has the same tired eyes that characters like Brock and Majin Buu have, as well. There's also a diagram that has a picture of his younger self, complete with black, greasy hair, and his old self.

      Updated 03-03-2018 at 11:22 PM by 93490

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    9. Day Five and Six: A Dry Spell Is A' Comin'

      by , 02-18-2018 at 05:45 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Day Five:

      Fell Asleep At: 1:15 AM

      Woke Up At: 9:00 AM

      Dream 02: Images

      Same as last night, except I remember even less of this one. Maybe tomorrow will get better.

      Day Six:

      Fell Asleep At: 1:20 AM

      Woke Up At: 10:20 AM

      Dream 03: Fragments

      I remember playing CTF in Overwatch. The map in question was Ilios an I was playing my main, Lucio, scoring free hits on people by blasting them off the stage.

      There was also another dream, but that ended up being swamped by this one.

      I have really got to start going to bed earlier. Maybe that's what keeps messing up my recall.
    10. Day Four: Intensive Journaling (BUST)

      by , 02-17-2018 at 06:28 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 10:30

      Woke up at: 7:20

      Dream 01: More Flashing Images

      Nothing particularly interesting happened last night. I went to bed really mentally exhausted, mostly because of all the homework I had to do, and just plopped myself into my bed.

      I think I remember being in a sterile, white lab with maybe one or two doctors, but that's really stretching it. All I can remember is the color white.

      Also, from now on I am going to be numbering my dreams. Even if they're fragments or flashing images, they will still count towards the dream total.

      Updated 02-17-2018 at 10:10 AM by 93490

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Day Two: Intensive Jounalling [BUST]

      by , 02-15-2018 at 03:14 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 10:30 PM

      Woke up at: 6:30 AM

      I think the dreams I had last night were about as vivid as Day One, but I'm pretty sure I forgot about them as soon as I woke up. All I remember are bright white flashes.

      Updated 02-15-2018 at 03:18 AM by 93490

      dream fragment , side notes
    12. Haven't Had This One Since I Was 12... & Don't Burn Your Bridges Behind You

      by , 12-27-2017 at 06:16 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM

      Woke up at: 10:00 AM

      Dream 01:
      I remember being in a white and sterile environment, much like an empty doctor's office or some high-tech research facility. I think in the dream I was fighting some monster, a theme that hadn't been present since I was, well, 12 years old. I seemed to have god powers in the dream as well, and the fight is heavily one-sided. I feel a sense of deep empowerment and relief as I slice up the enemy Kingdom Hearts II style, and finishing it off by slicing it with light powers.

      And that is the end of it.

      Dream 02:
      I'm in high school again as I spot my old friend, Ace. It's an awkward introduction at first, since I kind of, let's say, burned a few bridges with her that I'm not proud of. A wave of embarrassment runs down my face, stress sweat, blushing, heating up, you get the idea.

      In the dream she has completely black hair for some reason, and she is wearing a faded dark-grey jacket. She always seems to dye her hair (Even when I knew her way back when) so I didn't really catch on and do a reality check. Anyway, I start talking to her. She's still her usual chipper and weird self, and she kind of doesn't really care that I had burned bridges with her. Though her proportions have changed (AKA her butt was bigger for some reason).

      I begin to wonder "Why am I still so worked up about it after all these years?" but brush that aside to continue having a conversation with her. We were at the cafeteria, but for some odd reason the lunch ladies and food aren't there. They always seemed to have a habit of setting up after the students got there anyhow.


      1. The whole theme of fighting god monsters and reuniting with old friends is quite weird all things considered. These are all things that have never happened to me in recent years, due in part to me having wanted to forget about them. Maybe my subconsciousness is trying to tell me something here.

      2. This is the 5th dream in a row where I was in some kind of foreign or fantastical environment. Being in my room used to be one of my biggest reality checks and now I'm barely even inside my house in dreams anymore. Perhaps I'm getting slightly more detached from reality? Could be.
    13. Sonic Boom but It Has 2D Animation

      by , 08-06-2017 at 02:51 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      I think I can officially call myself a fanboy.

      Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM

      Woke up at: 8:00 AM


      Alright so last night I had a dream that I was just on Youtube and I came across a video that went over the subject of "What if Sonic Boom was a 2D animated show?". I watched it and MAN did it look good.

      The animation was smooth, the characters looked top notch, and body movements were a sight to behold. But due to the negative association that goes towards the Boom cartoon, there were (Of course) some hate comments.

      +1 for realism I guess.


      1. This isn't the first time I've had a dream where I was using the internet (And especially Youtube).

      2. The video in question was not even close to finished. The animation was there but it looked like they still needed to clean it up a bit and add some color to it.
    14. First DILD!

      by , 07-03-2017 at 01:38 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      I was in the dream and I realized something was off. I immediately do the finger through the palm RC and find out that my finger goes DIRECTLY THROUGH IT (It had a little friction going in however), I also do another reality check, and plug my nose. I felt a gust of wind go inside my nose and I now know I'm dreaming.

      Feeling ecstatic, I quickly realize that if I get too excited I'll wake up, and internalize those feelings. Shortly thereafter, I wake up.

      I quickly forgot that dream however when I woke up. I still remember the feeling of excitement and elation when I successfully preformed those RCs and now I think I'm getting closer to intentional LDs in the future.
    15. Blackness, Vauge Voices

      by , 06-26-2017 at 03:55 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)

      I did not get a wink of sleep last night. My older brother was watching television, I couldn't calm myself down, and the room was freaking hot as hell. Because of this, I ended up staying up until 12 PM! I did have problems with insomnia beforehand but they never escalated like this before.


      Because of this I ended up not having that many memorable dreams. I vaguely remember hearing some voices but whether that's because my overactive waking mind or not is left to be determined. I don't remember seeing much either, since it was drowned out by my waking thoughts and stuff.


      I really have to fix my insomnia problem if I want to do the CAT method after all. Starting today.
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