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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Broke the dry spell

      by , 02-05-2022 at 04:52 AM (Orion's Dream Journal)
      I was in my old school with my old friends that I am no longer in with any touch with because of the lockdowns. We were attending a class , It wasn't a wonky dream and everything appeared realistic . The teacher ordered all of us to move to the top floor in a single file. Me and one of the freinds walked out first and were nervous when no one followed us. They followed later , of course when the teacher urged them to and they were struggling to form a single file . they bumped into each and sent each other back because they wanted to stand just ahead or behind their friends and form groups. I did that too , got pushed behind and then pushed someone behind

      It was fun , I thought to myself "Man , this is probably a dream but I want this to be real" and then I got the feeling of the dream . Its a pretty distinct feeling for me when I get Lucid . Feels like when you you are struggling with a math problem for a long time and it suddenly hits you how to solve it out of nowhere , It feels like you are "breaking out" . I pinched my nose and breathe through . Everything became clear . I didn't want to stray too far from the plot of the dream because I was enjoying it ( and didn't want to do anything too crazy because I am bad a stabilisation ) . The stairway was long , unending even , the line kept going up and up. I took the time to touch and gaze at the walls while going up , I could see the cracks and texture pretty well. by the time we reached the top , I was panting hard and out of breath . my legs hurt . The sensation too was very realistic . I sat down and the class was about to begin , I saw this as the perfect time to sneak out . I moved towards the back door , went out and no one noticed . it was dimly lit and empty room on the other side. I turned around , imagining a window behind me to summon it. I turned around again but it didn't work and the window wasn't there .

      Then the dream just ended and I felt my body lying on the bed
      lucid , memorable
    2. The Twins

      by , 12-20-2021 at 01:41 AM (Orion's Dream Journal)
      Most of my dreams take place in my old school . I was sitting on a bench when a girl my age spoke to me . She was charming and I felt comfortable talking to her . I turned for a few seconds to talk with another friend . I turn back to her to see another girl . I remember thinking that I have never seen a blonde person before (which is true) . Both were blonde and had completely ruby eyes , yet they never come off as scary to me. I asked their names . One of their names started from E and another ones from K .
      non-lucid , memorable