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    Orion's Dream Journal

    Summer Competition - Night 7 - Wild

    by , 06-09-2023 at 12:24 AM (289 Views)
    I slept at 1Am and woke up to do a Wbtb at 3Am and slept back , then woke up at 5Am to do another wbtb . This time I did my usual technique of focusing on intent to get lucid and the ringing in my ears to get lucid . After doing this for a while I started to visualise some stuff about college . As my intent was still "running" in my head , I always had the idea of "I want to get lucid in this scenario while daydreaming . The visualisation then suddenly started going its own way and getting "deeper" . Then I felt a jolt and it became super clear .

    I was with my friend at a place similar to my college basement . Yellow walls and no windows,, low illumination . I was in some sort of toy car for kids with a friend and it was spinning . The friend was wearing a very wierd triangular mask . Looked kind of like a astronaut's helmet just triangle in shape and his chin was melting off for some reason . It was Falling off drop by drop . I was lucid throughout this scene . I stabilized the dream but woke up without being able to do anything .
    Meiseki, Harlequin and Saizaphod like this.

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    Updated 06-09-2023 at 12:38 AM by 98568



    1. Meiseki's Avatar
      Awesome WILD!

      his chin was melting off for some reason . It was Falling off drop by drop .
      Less awesome...
      Saizaphod likes this.