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    Serenity's Silver Millennium

    Work dreams! Ew :(

    by , 10-02-2010 at 12:37 AM (556 Views)
    September 30, 2010

    Asleep by 1:30am

    Some fragment about me talking to feist about Darren's hair. Don't remember why.

    WBTB 6:30am. Tried to MILD, but I was feeling rather awake all night... Anyways, didn't work out so well.

    Some work dream
    There was a dude who worked for my security company (as a driver) who had a desk in my office site. Dunno why. I had a crush on him and we started kissing. Then, I remembered I'm still with Jack... I either just totally led this guy on, or I need to break up with Jack. Neither was looking very awesome.

    Some other scene where I saw one of my co-workers get jumped (on camera). I actually radio'd him to watch out, so at least he was prepared. I called 911, but they weren't answering. My co-worker made it out alright. In fact, the guys who jumped him shook his hand and congratulated him on a good fight

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
