Programming Tutorial
This is where you will come to learn C for the programming team!
The course is outlined as follows:
Completed lessons
Lessons in progress...
Lessons not yet begun
I will also most likely be creating some short little assignments for each section so check
regularly. The first lesson will be posted when I have time.
Thankyou for your interesting in the Lucid video game idea!
Click here to post.
The course is outlined as follows:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Programming Lesson 2: Variables and expressions Lesson 3: Loops and conditionals Lesson 4: Functional Decomposition Lesson 5: User Input Lesson 6: Data Types Lesson 7: Arrays Lesson 8: Linked Lists Lesson 9: Stacks & Queues Lesson 10: Recursion Lesson 11: Vectors & Matrices Lesson 12: Introduction to Graphics with SDL
Lessons in progress...
Lessons not yet begun
I will also most likely be creating some short little assignments for each section so check
regularly. The first lesson will be posted when I have time.
Thankyou for your interesting in the Lucid video game idea!
Click here to post.