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    My best lucid to date.

    by , 09-03-2011 at 06:48 PM (566 Views)
    Okay, so it started off as a small showdown. I had smoked some before I went to sleep, and that was my first time getting high.

    The lucid was amazing.

    I had become lucid in a certain storyline setting... I was captured. By someone with low moral standards. I was pretty much her slave, but I was intelligent. I got out of it, and ran into this mining town. I went down the road a bit, and got to a town. I went lucid here, and decided to mess around with my powers, as usual. I was having difficulty, but getting better. There were fires being put out in the city I was in, and I thought nothing of it.
    I then put on some sort of night vision, just to be sure, and I saw that she was there. These were some serious people, planning something big. I needed to stop them. I was pretty high up, so I jumped down, but slowed myself down right before I hit the ground. I'm getting a lot better at dream control! I did some cool things, taking out the assassins, but I felt myself drifting away. I laid down in the dream, and just stayed still...

    I felt myself, awake.

    I fell into the dream, a small lapse of consciousness ensued. I was instantly lucid, but at the start of the dream I was in. Same house, same people, same scenario. I decided to do things a little differently. I had better control, and I was in some water when they were introducing me to the house. I picked some up, and threw it at her, and turned it to acid once it was on her face. She screamed and screamed, and I got out of there.

    I don't really feel like doing the next part.

    I was back in the city.
    Things were a bit different, I had more control. I could conjure up whole weapons and portals now. I decided to go to the fourth dimension to make the dream last longer, because I was enjoying it so much.

    I took a black hole out of my pocket. It turned a bit purple, and started sucking things in like a floormaster in Windwaker.
    I jumped in, but found myself in a shop! I cursed, and I was ticked off, but I bought everything inside, and woke up.

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