Memorable Dreams
It was quite a weird night. I had just come back from a cruise and I was in this 5 star hotel. Except one strange thing was the room was incredibly hot. We couldn't find the thermostat so we just lied there in the heat. I woke up several times and I felt I had no need to go back to sleep but to pass time til morning. I had drank a shit-ton the night before. Anyways I only remember one dream from that night Black: dream [COLOR="#800080"]Purple:[/COLOR] lucid I had given unwanted sexual advances to a friend on the cruise and she was ignoring me and I felt horrible about it. For some reason I have a very foggy idea there was some part of the dream where 2 of the friends were sitting in the hotel room while I was sleeping. Anyways the first thing I remember clearly was being in my grandparents front yard. [COLOR="#800080"] I then became lucid and did not do any reality checks. I knew I was dreaming and I started trying to fly. I flew up about 30 feet in the air but I started to lose momentum and slowly fall back down towards the ground. I looked at my hands which looked incredibly realistic. I repeated trying to fly for about 15 more times then I woke up.[/COLOR]
Hi! I had another lucid :D. Every time I go lucid I am always in a car, hopefully I learn to go lucid when Im not in a car. Last night I went to sleep early because I was tired and also my stomach was hurting. I just kept falling asleep on the couch so I just went to bed at around 8 or 9, really early for me. I usually have trouble falling asleep by midnight. Anyways here's how my dream went. Earliest part I remember was buying pills in the mall. It was inside this weird store that was pretty much purple and had a little stand in the middle where I got my pills. I let this girl see the pills and I thought she gave them back. I had a bottle of my new pills and my old pills, she looked at the old ones. As I was leaving the store I looked inside the bottle for my old pills and there was nothing there. I looked at her and she started trying to walk away, I chased her down and kept trying to get my pills back. I got this little pamphlet from her with some of the pills in a baggy on it or some pills that stick to the pamphlet in an orderly fashion. I couldn't check if they were all there so I kept chasing her and getting my pills back. After a while, like 5 minutes dreamtime, she got to this maze. I kept going along the side of this maze and she came out right in front of me and I took my bag of pills back. Then she tried to grab them back and the bag ripped and it went all over the floor. The next part was my sister and me in the car going somewhere, she was driving. For some reason I think she is the girl trying to steal my pills in the mall. I also tell her I have to go home but she gets her friends in the car and she says nope and they start driving somewhere else. So at this point I am really angry over everything she has done so far so I smash her head through the windshield and push it against the window through the broken glass so her head comes off. Her friends keep driving and somehow her head grows back. I sit there a while and then [COLOR="#0000CD"]I realize I'm dreaming. I look at my hands in the car (my car) and it looks exactly like real life its crazy. I look over to my sister and shes reaching her hand out trying to touch me like a zombie, I fly out the open window and land along the side of the road. I quickly try rubbing my hands together and it works for a bit. I look around and I'm in a road with wheat on both sides, or very tall grass and a tree on the right side, when I'm on the left side. Past the wheat is a forest, it's in the afternoon and everything looks awesome. I fly into the air again and I chase the car down, Im about to shoot an energy blast to blow up the car from the air but I accidentally wake myself up.[/COLOR]
I apparently always go lucid when Im driving. Anyways I dont remember much at all about my dreams last night except when I went lucid. I was driving my car and I just knew it was a dream, I didn't do a reality check or anything I just realized I was dreaming. I rubbed my hands together so I wouldnt wake up and I tried driving around for a bit but it didn't last long and I woke up. Thats pretty much all I remember I only have this one other fragment of playing this game where I had to pour this liquid in little grooves on a board. I let it drip and the girl next to me told me I lost cause if it drips then you lose.
lol wow, I had so many dreams last night I don't even remember much at all about the first dream except the little notes I wrote down in my physical dream journal. I got a smaller dream journal to get me to write only notes about the dreams instead of the whole dream, but still its hard to not write down so many details. Dream 1: Most of what I can say is just what I have written down in the dream journal, can only remember the last part. Apparently it was some video game where I was fighting on expensive boats and there were jet skis, except I have no recollection of this part whatsoever. I do remember there was this one part of the dream I had to get an elevator and it was some scrapyard on the roof of a skyscraper, and I had this one girl helping me get across. And on the other end of the building was this temple and Eggman was inside the temple somwhere. We were about to go inside the temple and fight these creatures but the dream ended there. Dream 2: All I wrote down was something about fighting dbz style, I would really like to remember more of this dream but all I remember is I was controlling a character that was hovering over the ground really fast and moving to the right around a big rock. Did not feel like I was flying personally at all though. Dream 3: This dream I remember more clearly. In real life I am starting Spanish 102 on monday, but I had a dream where I was in the first class of Spanish 102. I sat in a seat right in front of this scrawny kid I used to work with and he said sit your mangy ass down. I said shut the fuck up you scrawny little piece of shit and I sat down and I stared at him cause I knew he was gonna try to hit me. The entire class was like "ooooh!" then he tried to hit me, but me being bigger than him I picked him up and threw him halfway across the room. I think after that I woke up. I don't act that ghetto in real life lol. Dream 4: This dream was the longest and I remember it the clearest. I was at my friend Mike's house and we were all playing xbox or something and I was just chilling there with some other people. Everyone else besides me and mike went to go do something and me and mike talked for a bit, i forgot most of it but we just talked about jobs or something. Then I saw his xbox homescreen was some lady with her breasts showing for like breastfeeding or some reason other than porn and then the other people came in. There were two girls and they were commenting negatively on it, then I realized they had their shirts off and I was asking them why they hate it so much when they are showing their own breasts (lmao). I realized I had to go to school or something so I grabbed my controller and headset, but they wanted to use the headset so I let them and just took the controller, for some reason I was in my boxers so I grabbed my pants and was telling Mike how I needed bigger pants cause they're all a bit too small for me now (not gaining weight irl), he says yea i hear ya then I grab my backpack and leave. Next thing I know I'm in some school, no idea what grade or age group the people are. I realize I lost my backpack so I go down this hallway looking for it. The hallway has white tiles and roofing and red lockers going down on the halls. On my way down some girl I know named Shannon is talking about how she doesn't take Spanish and is saying "psh, thats German politics", or something like that. While im walking by (I liked shannon in high school) im secretly wishing i took german instead of spanish lol. I walk up to this group of people and they are standing by a bunch of backpacks, they look to me as I walk up to them and I just say I'm looking for my backpack. I remember they are standing right near the entrance to a bathroom. I see a backpack that looks similar to the one I am looking for, not lucid so my dream self knows and im just kind of watching. I say I think thats my backpack and then say no that just looks a lot like it. Then one of the girls there says I think this is it, and hands me my backpack. I say thats the one and take it and walk out the door. Once I got outside the school I noticed one guy starting to run. He said he missed his bus and I think I missed it too. He said he went to some elementary school I went to and some college like James Madison or something. He said this all as he was sprinting down the street. I was sprinting right after him and we went down the street and through some neighborhoods. Looked like the area around the middle school I went to except it was very similar to this one small town I remember from another dream. I kept following him and told him its like chasing someone in GTA 5, and he laughed and kept sprinting, we were going somewhere in a big hurry but I had no idea where. He got into this open car and opened the door for me. Then as I was about to get in he drove forward a bit to prank me or something and he accidentally fell off the side of this 20-30 foot cliff. I was thinking "oh shit" and he started slamming on all sides of the car then when I looked over the car was spinning in the air like crazy then rolled about 7 or 8 times once it hit the ground. He was on the ground near the car and I asked if he was ok and if he needed an ambulance and he said he was fine. I kept asking him if he was sure and then I saw this girl with torn clothes get out, all she had left was her short shorts on. She was looking the other way and I was like oh crap she was in the car too. Then shes just standing near the car looking the other way. I was with the guy I was chasing and the girl was looking towards her father who was on a nearby street. Then her father came up to us and apparently he was in the car too? (dream doesn't make sense at this point) He walks up to us and his lip is sliced so that the bottom part near the left part is sliced off and the little triangle of his mouth is pointing away from his face. We kept telling him that it was bad and he needs to go to the hospital and he kept asking us wow are you sure, how bad is it? and we were explaining it to him lol. He kept touching it and we kept telling him not to. That was the end of the dream.
Updated 10-20-2013 at 05:11 PM by 60885
My sleeping schedule has stabilized and my body has recovered from that spicy hot sauce incident, so I am starting to recall more dreams and also longer dreams. The vividness of the dreams appears to be the same though. I feel like now I just need to work on increasing the vividness and length of my dreams and it should be much easier to do an RC inside one and become lucid. I actually wrote down the second dream first, then as I was trying to go back to sleep I remembered the first dream, that was pretty lucky and I'm glad I managed to remember it. Dream 1: I remember eating a bunch of foods, not particulary which kind of foods, but was supposedly in a place halfway between the middle floor of my house and some sort of mall with a clothing store, that looked similar to the layout you see in the clothing store the members of the Jersey Shore worked at, except there was a tv on the right wall. I was watching one channel on the tv on the wall from outside in my chair when my brother, sister, and my sisters friend Tori came into the store. Joey changed the channel but I didn't bother him about it for some reason. I am not actually sure if this next part is part of the same dream or different dream, I'm going to go ahead and just make it Dream 2 just cause i feel like it. :cheeky: But there is definitley a gap here in my dream recall :shock: Dream 2: I remember it was a big group of people going to this giant parking garage, like something had just ended. I was rollerblading around the entire place while people were talking, and getting in cars. I saw this girl from my high school although she had twins of herself, they were both extremely hot. I saw my first girlfriend ever from middle school (also pretty hot xD), and pretty soon I fell over on the rollerblades. There was this food stand and my friends Andrew and I think it was Sancho were holding up a giant bag of sandwhiches/subs. They were all storing the food away for whatever wasn't sold at the high school reunion or whatever it was. The lady running the stand said we could take as many sandwhiches as we want. I tried to grab some but couldn't stand up because I was on rollerskates. Andrew and Sancho kept grabbing a bunch of sandwhiches, then I just took the whole bag because they were being douchebags. Dream 3: I had a dream similar to another one where I'm going through a mall thats closing down. On the top floor there was a movie playing so me and a bunch of other people went to go see it. Then a few people, around 10 or so including me went on a road trip to the beach, I don't remember much of this part but it took a while, maybe 5 minutes or so. Anyways once we get to the beach we start playing volleyball. My friend Andrew is with us except he is on the other team, theres also a lot of fat women for some reason, but mostly just normal strangers. I start out being in the back and I'm always the reason our team is losing points. I decide to go up to the front and start spiking it, and we start winning points. Then I start bragging saying stuff like is that all you got? and I tell them I'm ready for round 2 lets go. Then we are in some area and everyone is in this small room and crowded around cause there's so much of us. Most guys have a girl around their arm and I don't then this girl comes up to me and gets under my arm, didn't even say anything wtf. Then my friend Andrew walks by with an attractive girl on his arm as they walk by, then as I'm about to walk out the door theres this girl with a massive butt that says "aww ill be your girl" then she twists her hips up and almost slams them down on me, I try to hold the bottom of her butt to reduce the blow, but not try to grope her. Then I walk outside and I get stopped by a lady police officer, she looks like an old teacher or someone but I just can't point out exactly who she is. She stops me and says I got something in my arm. I have no idea what it is but I say oh it's probably nothing (it might be drugs or something). She takes out a wooden paddle and starts rubbing my skin with it to find out what it is. I kept telling her how its ok and it's probably just something stupid, trying to get her to stop. She keeps going and eventually a plushie football comes out of my arm... WTF!?!?!, then she opens up the football and says "ICE CREAM", I look inside expecting ice cream but theres just a tiny plushie ball inside. Then I wake up. craziness I tell ya :panic::panic: EDIT: Just remembered last night I also had a dream fragment where I was just watching this movie, the dream was just the screen and I was not even watching the movie in the dream it was just the screen. The movie was about like a behind the scenes look at a Led Zeppelin that is going to be coming out soon. (not in real life)
Updated 10-19-2013 at 04:36 PM by 60885 (just remembered dream fragment)
Sleep: 5:00 am Wake: 11:45am 12:50 pm 2:00 pm First dream I had me and my friend James were hanging out. This guy had stolen his stuff and was selling it at a yard sale. Apparently the bad guy was either Jim Carey or a guy that looked like him. So we steal it back and Jim Carey says to call 911 and we run away, but we already have a plan for escaping. We have ropes and we jump down this well to a sewer and Jim Carey says "You gotta be KIDDING me!" and we run through the sewer to the other side and on the other side we have to climb out then climb up this big wall. The wall looked like storage crates you see on a ship or plane and we had to claw into the metal on the way up. Half the way up the wall we hear Jim Carey fall down the well and scream all the way down. We assume he is dead and that is the last of him. My friend James was using a crowbar and he threw it down for me to use after, I had trouble climbing up the wall so he went back down to help me, and saved me before the metal bent too far and broke. This was all during the day. The crowbar fell on something that was coming out of the wall of the same material, so it could rest almost half way up the wall while still laying there for me to use to climb up the wall. Once we got to the top there was a door into a room. We opened one of the coffins of James relatives and she was really old and also very rude. Her eyes and hair were disgusting and her eye kept getting tangled into her hair when she talked. She kept talking about how bad a family member James was and that was the end of the dream. The second dream I had I was going from door to door in the neighborhood first trying to ride my bike. I kept riding it through peoples garages and when a garage closed I had to bike around their house. Eventually I ended up with a boogie board and I got a running start then slid on the boogie board all the way into a pool where a bunch of people there. I saw my old Co-worker Sam and a bunch of people there and that was the end of the dream. The pool was way too crowded. I also had a dream me my friend trey and my brother Joey were in the basement playing call of duty. My brother said we are all atheists here even though my brother is not an atheist in real life. Don't remember any other part of that dream.
Non-Dream [COLOR="#4B0082"]Dream[/COLOR] [COLOR="#DAA520"]Lucid[/COLOR] Ok well haven't posted in a while but here goes. I don't really know the chronological order of these events so my dream may be told out of order. The facts and events are what actually happened in my dream, although they might be in the wrong order, and some parts are also missing as I don't remember the entire dream. Sleep: 4:00am Wake 2:15pm 1. [COLOR="#4B0082"] My first dream was in the basement of my moms house, where I live. For some reason instead of one bar under the stairs there were two smaller bars next to this great view of a window thats the size of a jacuzzi? It went from the ground to the ceiling and there were two bars on the side. Both of them had this green tile on top like the bar we have in real life. I realized I usually spent time at one bar and I just was getting comfortable to the other bar when something happened and I went into another room where my mom put in a third bar that was much bigger. It was a big oval and stretched as far as a schoolbus lengthwise. On one side there was beer on tap and my grandparents were testing it out, I asked my mom what happened to the old bar and she said she got rid of it. I felt sad and that was the end.[/COLOR] 2. [COLOR="#4B0082"] The next dream I remember is I was on a cruise. Apparently it was a pretty shitty cruise now that I think about it because it only had rooms on one side and pools on the other. Apparently we were docked in Japan and I was walking in my bathing suit to the pools side of the boat. I was just trying to find a hot tub to get into. The architecture was weird[/COLOR] let me explain the top of the boat in MS Paint. [ATTACH=CONFIG]4353[/ATTACH] [COLOR="#4B0082"]At first I saw a father helping his daughter down the waterfall steps, which was cool and cute at the same time. Then I got into the hot tub, and there was this family in there. The father was sitting across from me, they had a daughter to both of our sides and the mother was sitting on the top of the hot tub. The father started telling me this amazing cop story and I was trying to pay attention so i tried to get comfortable. I tried to get comfortable but I kept leaning towards his daughter and he kept getting more suspicious, I tried to move away but it was just awkward. I looked to the wife and she filled in some of the story while the father told it. I eventually left the hot tub to go look off the side of the cruise ship. It looked like a Japanese harbor, and then for a few seconds[/COLOR][COLOR="#DAA520"] I went lucid. I didn't even try to do anything my subconcious already knows that I am going to wake up if I do anything exciting. I decided to just sit there and enhance the view. It suddenly turned to night and the sky had so many stars and there was a beach way down below me. Shortly after that I lost the lucidity[/COLOR] [COLOR="#4B0082"]and my dream continued. [/COLOR] 3. [COLOR="#4B0082"]I had a dream me and my brother were playing call of duty, and we decided to play this other game. We looked like little slime people, like yellow gum drops except everyone had white hair and glasses, which were supposed to portray they were old. At first me and my brother were racing against each other, and you had to press A fast to win the race. I ended up doing the trick where you put the sleeve over your finger and rub the button across to be able to press A extremely fast. My dad was in the background and said something then asked if he could play. After that we watched another team of two try to beat my and Joeys added score. I handed my dad the controller and that was the end of the dream.[/COLOR]
First of all I am amazed I even got a dream last night. I got extremely addicted to playing pokemon crystal and I played it til 5:30 AM, then I just didn't even set an alarm, did not WBTB, did not do any techniques just fell asleep. non dream [COLOR="#4B0082"]dream[/COLOR] Sleep: 5:30 Wake: 10:30 [COLOR="#4B0082"] I dreamt I was going camping somewhere on this long road trip, and I was going to meet this person I was going to go with, in real life she studies with me (name is jessie) When I was driving at some points I had a shiny blue mustang and at other times I had a white motorcycle with black and green secondary colors. I parked outside this restaurant with glass walls so you could see the people inside really clearly. The landscape was about the size of about 9 football fields in a square and was all one big grassy field, except there were many hills. At the edge of the square there were leaves that look like they are from the fall. I tried to go pee but before I unzip my pants I see this helicopter looking for people that are trying to go pee, so I say I might as well go in the restaurant. So I go back to the restaurant The restaurant had a wonderful modern design with the glass windows looking out at the blue sky and the autumn landscape, it was really beautiful. When I was inside the restaurant all the sudden me Bruce Willis and another guy were about to fight all these ninjas that came out of nowhere. That's where the dream ended.[/COLOR] Definitley gonna try to get back on schedule, maybe I had such a great feeling of achievement of finally getting a lucid dream the night before I had no motivation left for me to continue trying to go into a lucid dream. I definitley need to keep up these habbits.
Out of dreams: Black In Dreams: [COLOR="#4B0082"]Indigo[/COLOR] Argh, I just deleted so much of my previous entry, but I'll try to write this up again. My dreams are beginning to work better, I'm starting to see my dreams more vividly. I began to say "I will have lucid dreams" as a mantra, and it kind of works because I have more vivid dreams, except they still are not at lucidity yet. Sleep: 1:30 Wake: 5:00, Concious and trying to enter REM 5:30 - 6:45, 9:20 [COLOR="#4B0082"] I begin in a weird basement I've never been in before. I see a game system next to a tv so I pop in this sonic game. Sonic is running and apparently I have a PS3 controller even though I only play xbox 360. I press circle to do the spin dash thing when I get to a giant room and there is a giant button in the middle with a star, kind of like the one in this image except much bigger [/COLOR] [ATTACH=CONFIG]4196[/ATTACH] [COLOR="#4B0082"] Then this guy starts commentating in the background of the game while I'm playing. "You have to collect all the rings to hear the whole story", and as I collect the rings I can hear some sort of story being told but only as I collect the rings. I don't get all the rings and I jump again (sonic spends a lot of time in mid-air so you can hear a lengthy story) to hear the rest of the story that I missed. Except when sonic jumps he doesnt spin he just does a boring jump like everyone else. The commentator says "Let it be heard you can have sonic do classic actions and my own specialized actions" and he obviously set his actions to default. From the big button there are three different paths of rings, so three different stories I guess. After that I find this other object in the next room, this weird device to listen to music.[/COLOR] I'll try to draw it but I am terrible at MS Paint, so bare with me here. [ATTACH=CONFIG]4197[/ATTACH] [COLOR="#4B0082"] You could move the machine along the song list, and I just chose the song in the middle, which was a Madonna song for some reason, and so the machine started playing it. Then after a while it played Van Halen, it probably automatically goes to the next song by itself.[/COLOR] After this dream I wake up, and even though I feel tired I get up for about 5 minutes so I can wake up a little and record that in my dream journal. After I record it in my dream journal I take a few sips of apple juice and go back to bed. I lie in bed for a while trying to stay concious as my body and subconcious would go into REM mode, but all I can get are slight hallucinations after an hour, so I just give up and go to sleep for real. [COLOR="#4B0082"] My first dream after this is me and a girl eating cake in a dark room. The cake is kind of gross so I only take one bite. Then I start to see me and a girl start kissing on the chair/table thing you sit on at the doctors office, except I see this from the third person. We don't really french kiss or anything just sensual touching and just the lips. The girl wants to have sex after that but she tells me she can't perform a specific sexual action (forget what it is) and so for some reason I refuse to have sex with her. She keeps begging me to do it anyways but I say I have to go, and I walk out a door, and through the door light is coming in through the sides of the door for some reason maybe because the room/outside on the other side is much brighter.[/COLOR] This dream makes me so angry lol. [COLOR="#4B0082"] Me and two other people are talking, I think just anonymous people from my classes at college. We are sitting in chairs outside my bedroom, two of us on one side of the room and another guy on the other. The other two people start talking about dreams and then I say how hard it is for me to go lucid and how I'm trying hard to get a lucid dream, and I'll have to keep trying tonight.[/COLOR] THEN I WAKE UP, I was so angry at my brain....