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    The yard sale heist adventure 2/27

    by , 02-27-2013 at 10:44 PM (568 Views)
    Sleep: 5:00 am
    Wake: 11:45am 12:50 pm 2:00 pm

    First dream I had me and my friend James were hanging out. This guy had stolen his stuff and was selling it at a yard sale. Apparently the bad guy was either Jim Carey or a guy that looked like him. So we steal it back and Jim Carey says to call 911 and we run away, but we already have a plan for escaping. We have ropes and we jump down this well to a sewer and Jim Carey says "You gotta be KIDDING me!" and we run through the sewer to the other side and on the other side we have to climb out then climb up this big wall. The wall looked like storage crates you see on a ship or plane and we had to claw into the metal on the way up. Half the way up the wall we hear Jim Carey fall down the well and scream all the way down. We assume he is dead and that is the last of him. My friend James was using a crowbar and he threw it down for me to use after, I had trouble climbing up the wall so he went back down to help me, and saved me before the metal bent too far and broke. This was all during the day. The crowbar fell on something that was coming out of the wall of the same material, so it could rest almost half way up the wall while still laying there for me to use to climb up the wall. Once we got to the top there was a door into a room. We opened one of the coffins of James relatives and she was really old and also very rude. Her eyes and hair were disgusting and her eye kept getting tangled into her hair when she talked. She kept talking about how bad a family member James was and that was the end of the dream.

    The second dream I had I was going from door to door in the neighborhood first trying to ride my bike. I kept riding it through peoples garages and when a garage closed I had to bike around their house. Eventually I ended up with a boogie board and I got a running start then slid on the boogie board all the way into a pool where a bunch of people there. I saw my old Co-worker Sam and a bunch of people there and that was the end of the dream. The pool was way too crowded.

    I also had a dream me my friend trey and my brother Joey were in the basement playing call of duty. My brother said we are all atheists here even though my brother is not an atheist in real life. Don't remember any other part of that dream.

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