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    Cities in the Astral

    02-24-12 WILD Silver Buildings

    by , 02-25-2012 at 07:33 PM (504 Views)
    LD10: 10th LD in the 8 days I have been placing my journal on this sight. I had no luck until it was time to get up. I told my wife I wanted to take 1 last stab at an LD, so she got up and I started the WILD process. This time it only took a few minutes. The swirling colors became a fairly clean image. I looked around and found myself standing in front of a historical building here in Boise, The Train Depot. It sits atop a hill and has a park attached. All of the buildings had been painted silver and the words on the buildings bell tower were all wrong. I looked at my hands to help me stablize> I usually do specific Mudra hand gestures to bring a little more control.
    I have usually seen my hands with the correct number of fingers, but this time one had two extra small ones. I rechecked the other and it sprouted a six finger. Oh well, I often am very picky when stablizing (see my last LD) but really did not have time for a marathon dream, as I knew my wife would have to wake me soon, so I said good enough and tried to decide what to do.
    My dream goal that I have so far failed to meet this month has been to vividly smell something. Not just picture that I did, but to actually incorperate my sense of smell in the dream. I decided that sinse I already had a nicely formed park, I would assume it contained flowers and go try to smell them. I casually strolled down by the pond and found bacholer button flowers there. I tried to smell them, sticking my nose right into them. I tried this for about a full minute. I actually did preceive a hint (a tiny hint) of real sent there. This is the first time I remember ever engaging my sense of smell so far. A tiny step forward, but the experience was maybe 5-10% of the waking sense of smell, so I do not consider that I met my goal.
    I walked back up the hill and came to a trailer where a DC of my mom was on the porch. I went inside and looked around. Nothing much of intrest so I went in another room and decided it was time to stablize again. I did my hand mudras, and created the proper amount of fingers. Then I chanted 'OM' 3 times, to bring my sense of hearing into the dream. I went back out to the front room, where DC mom was on the phone. (I think my wife may have walked by the door on the phone, influencing the LD) I saw a box of oranges, and decided to try my dream goal again. I picked up an orange and tried to smell it. No luck here. DC mom was glaring and said into the phone she had no privacy. I found this seen boaring so randomly picked a short adventure I could attempt before my wife was going to wake me (we have somewhere to go this morning).
    I decided to go fight with a beautiful vampire woman, but then have the story progress so that we ended uo in a sexual scene. Kind of inspired by Buffy's affair with the vamp Spike. I was not sure how to start,so I just programed the idea into the dream, went out side, and attempted to levitate. I figured I would fly around and just come on the vamp. I can always levitate, but this time I was heavy and realize a shadow woman was staddling me with her legs wrapped around behind. Ok, so this must be the vamp. Well that was easy. I stood up (I levitate Indian style) but she was gone. Sudenly two shadows each grab one of my hands and pull me. I yank one of them around in front and she becomes a solid beautiful vamp. We battle, but only for about 45 seconds as I am in a bit of a rush, fearing my wife will wake me any minute. The scene resolves the way I intended, with some hot steamy stuff.
    When that scene was over I had a false awakening. I was getting up in my real house. A van pulled up out front so I looked outside and saw an uncle who should not be randomly at my house. This brought me back to a lucid state. I was going to repeat the stabilizing routine, but realized that the dream had been going on for about 20 minutes, so time was running out. What could I do real quick that would be a good use of the last tiny time I had? I decided to see how quick I could forcce an awakening, so I sat in my office chair and focused on opening my real eyes. I popped awake, and came straight out to write this. Duration ~20 minutes.

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