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    Cities in the Astral

    03/15/12 Shorted Out WBTB

    by , 05-16-2012 at 05:43 PM (412 Views)
    I do not know what went wrong with this one. All I can figure is that the heavy dose of sleep aids, plus wine, messed up my internal dream works. I did a WBTB and at some point realized I was all confused and perhaps was aware in my sleep. I decided to do a RC. My main RC is a gravity check in which I attempt to levitate. I tried to levitate and my body came into focus. I suppose I was levitating, but I will not count this short levitation to be flight for the competition thread.
    I realized right away that my preseptions were all messed up. My body was distorted, kind of warped, and even though I felt myself floating, I had no ground or objects to refer against. So, it was I dream, yay, I got lucid. Then the odd part. My head started to kind of spin and get confused. I almost felt an electrical short going on. Remember the screeching noise in the scene when Neo fir takes the pill. Everything faded out into some odd stuff I can not recall. Dur ~1 minute

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