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    Cities in the Astral

    03/17/12 WILD Horse

    by , 03-19-2012 at 04:36 AM (444 Views)
    LD30: Had 1.5 hours to attempt my last WILD for the night. It had almost failed, and I got very floaty and almost lossing awareness. I finally started see exotic swirling patterns and I tried to move a dream body, in case I actually was on the threashold of an LD. I could feel myself move. I could bend each joint and feel myself dance and stuff, but the visuals took a couple minutes to become dream like rather than pshycodelic. I spent some time working on transforming into a horse. I like to feel as if I am the animal rather than just appear as it. I spent a few minutes and got into the shape of a horse. Other than me there was no imagery, like The Matrix training room. I stablized by stamping my hooves and trying to hear the noise it made. I couldn't really hear it well, but it did the trick. I was trying to remember why I had wanted to become a horse. The alarm rang and woke me. The dream may have been less than 10 minutes, so that short WILD took 80 minutes to work. Dur~8-10 min.

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