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    Cities in the Astral

    08/14/12 WILD. Over an hour of nREM LD to get 10 minutes in REM only to fall prey to a FA

    by , 08-15-2012 at 10:56 PM (789 Views)
    I had attempted a WBTB earlier and just got cool HIs, then I had to stop to go to an appointment. I was awake for 2 hours before I got home. I used earplugs and a face mask and started on my back on a couch. I had trouble disconecting from my body. I got in mild HIs in about 5-10 minutes they included a loud sound like a sword coming out of a sheath, tons of color swirls and finnally images like faces and such. I ended up having to get up and pee, but left the mask on and tried not to wake up any more than needed.
    I layed back on the couch. I created the sensation of various things using the visualizing tricks I teach in Dream Yoga. I easily reached a point were it fely like I had wings and was diving and soaring but the visuals just would not come. I am not interested in cheating, and am taking part in Matte's competition, so I did not consider this as good enough. it was great fun and a way to pass the time while waiting for a better sleep phase. I ended up partially waking, so with mask still on I felt my way to my bed.
    In bed is where the WILD started getting good. I was able to get back into SP and HIs almost at once. I went back to dreaming in nREM about transforming into an angel and flying doing all sorts of tricks, suddenly I could see landscapes and looked at my hands. The hands were there but all messy and not very vivid. I flew up to the top of a spire of rock. I sat on the spire and looked at the visuals waiting for a better sleep phase, if not REM than at least a latter stage of nREM that would give me the visuals I felt were lacking. I spent this time doing a reality check, as I was getting confused as to what I was doing or how it had happened. First I tried floating and it worked, then I tried grasping my wrist and not only could not feel a pulse, but my wrist swished through my fingers. Then I saw the tips of great big wings and regained full lucidity. I went about stabilizing with a sequance of mudra hand gestures.
    At this point I was sure a clear and reasonably vivid nREM LD was taking place as the visuals had improved to what you may expect from a virtual reality that needs improvement. There was color, but most things also were a bit translucent and proportions and depth perception were not very realistic.
    At this point I transformed back into my normal self and slowly with careful intention grew a set of wings. I could feeel the feathers form and I kept this up until the wings were huge. I dove of the spire. The wings were really much too huge so I reduced them to about how angel wings look on comic book charecters. I was still not in REM and was a bit frustrated, as this process seemed to be going on and on. I remeber actually wondering if I was having much REM at all lately and almost lost lucidity. I decided I better stabalize again. I landed and used a rope ladder climbing stabalization where I slowly watch and feel each motion involved with climbing. I went back and forth between fancy dives and rolls in flight as an angel and climbing the ladder.
    I decided the idea of flying up real high or climbing uo was too time consuming so I went through a sequance of running and jumping off of convienent mile high cliffs.
    Funny observations include when I ran if I did not pull my wings in tight I started to lift off before the cliff, and that during one dive I was in a bad position that caused me to free fall. I was hopeful that these random problems signalled the approach of REM. I tried to induce REM which is hard to explain, but it still did not hit for awhile. Various odd things started happening, like voices and random channges in the scenory that would get in my way.
    All at one time everything went nuts for a second and I fell out of the air and the visuals went crazy like a blurry colidascope. I was standing in Walmart and my wife was over by the pharmacy, then i was standing there in a sleep mask leaning against a display. I only was confused for a moment, and did a basic mental RC which brought back full lucidity. Here it was! REM at last! How much work to get here? I grew angel wings again, but just had them appear, rather than grow. i wanted to get busy flying. I spent a couple minutes flying very very fast around and over isles in the store and swooped past some women. I decided I should go outside (would have been good to teleport for 3rd task, but spaced it off.) I saw a man near the exit with a fancy white hat so I decide to dive past him and snag the hat for fun,,, whoosh, right over him at very high speed and snagged the hat. I turn over in the air and examined the hat, it was like a cowboy hat or something. Still flying backward I looked for thee man and he was staring at me, but still had a white hat. I threw the hat like a frisbee back onto his head and it merged with the other hat.
    I saw a lady going outside so I flew out the exit and landed outside. She was getting into a car. I went over to the car and got in. I tried to talk to her, but my thoughts were messy and I just said some random dream nonsense. She looked irritated to have a stranger in her car. I reached over and touched her, when the scene went all blurry. I forgot to stabilize soon enough.
    I was standing in my bathtub wearing a sleep mask and the water was overflowing. I got confused and thought maybe i had moved into the tub and tried WILDing from the tub. I had a FA at this point and did not recover lucidity after that.
    Dur~ 1 hour nREM LD and 10 minutes REM LD
    Xanous, HawkeyeTy and ThreeCat like this.

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    1. Sivason's Avatar
      I just remembered that I also took the time to enjoy a complete chili dog in the walmart. The taste was close to real, but bland.
    2. Beefer's Avatar
      Wow that is an awesome LD for nREM. Now I got some motivation for a WILD ^^ .
    3. HawkeyeTy's Avatar
      This motivates me to do my dream task of growing angel wings.. Awesome LD!