08/25/12 MILD Day in the Park
, 08-25-2012 at 03:35 PM (470 Views)
This dream had a large amount of non-lucid content before the lucid portion. No need to desribe it in great detail. Basically i went to a barbaque at my Dad's families and they had an auction game so everyone need to tell how much cash they had, but i only had 3 dollars. then we were in a resteraunt and so on. The only interesting thing is we were going to meet at the park for a Crosby, Stills, and Nash concert and on the way there me and my sister jumped the river, but it did not make me lucid or even RC.
We got to the park and other relatives from dad's family were there. I was shocked to find the band just standing on the grass and only a few dozen people waiting to listen. I sat on a bench next to my sister and fell asleep. I was awoken by a comotion, someone had tried to hit my sister.
I got up and realized nothing was making sense so I did my levitation RC. I floated off the ground and that made me become lucid. The crowd disappearded. I stabilized the dream by patting down my body with my hands. I spent a minute or two levitating quickly through the pine trees, until i came to the edge of the park and saw a tall condo. i decided to see if I could fly in the classic Superman form from the movies, and did it reaching the top floor of the building.
On the top floor i started to go into a third person scene involving the cast of the show Scrubs, but forced myself back into the dream. i jumped down to ground level again. I somehoe felt my sister was on the top level now, and i wondered if this may be some sort of shared dream. I decided to float in a meditation pose up to her window to see how she would react. I talked with her inside the apartment about it being a dream, but she seemed to be just a DC, so I decided tto try and float through the closed window. It worked on my second try, but the screen tore.
I went back down to the park and tried to pass through some playground equipment and it worked, but I kept feeling the objects pull against me. I decided that I should fly to the moon. I looked up in the sky, but it was day time. No matter, the moon would still be up there, so I took off in Superman style. before I got a hundred feet up the DC of my sister ran out and was yelling something about us needing to meditate. The dream end when I stopped to talk with her. My wife had gotten out of bed and this is what ended the dream. Dur ~ 10 minutes.