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    Snehk's Dreamlands


    by , 05-06-2016 at 08:14 AM (515 Views)
    First dream

    I was in my house. It was late evening, I was working on a history essay til midnight. Next day in school, that crone of history teacher didn't even wanted to check our essays and wanted to make an exam instead.

    Second dream

    I was a writer, writing a story for a horror movie. I've written about a zoo with deadly, mutated animals. The complex has closed down for some reason and nobody was able to leave. The only way led through crocodile pens. A group tried to escape, while manager stayed to wait until the way is open again. The group was eaten quickly by mutants, while manager was still inside, playing hide and seek with them. As I was writing, I could see everything like in a movie.

    Third dream

    Dark late evening. With my sister we were carving something in vegetables for a big party that she was organizing. I carved out some letters, as she wasn't able to carve properly. Then we were out of fruits and vegetables, so she left to get some. I waited and waited, a few people entered the house and told me about some horrors incoming. I noticed that doors were taken out of their hinges. I went outside and stood on stairs, watching as ominous fog was getting closer. I decided to put doors back on their hinges, but when I touched them, bought turned into day and fog disappeared. Them sister came back with others and I had to help them bring furniture inside. Next day I was working with father in his workshop, but then siblings with pals and a girl from Finland that once stayed with us when I was in a student exchange a few years ago. We were talking and laughing.

    Fourth dream

    I was wandering a city, heading to hospital to get some important papers from doctor. I noticed a woman really similar to my previous teacher, and she was heading to hospital too. Crossing the road I heard someone calling me, it was my sister with her classmates. We went to hospital, but there was enormous crowd and no one was able to get to a doctor. I decided to take my car and drive to her house. It was raining, doctor lived in a village inside a jungle and had a cottage made of bamboo. I entered it as doors were open and looked at a desk. At first I looked at ringing phone and saw that my mother was calling. Then I found my papers on bamboo desk. Research showed that I'm not a male, but a female. My body started shifting and I woke up.


    I was back at drivers license course, driving around a city. I talked with someone who said that I have only an hour of driving left.

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