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    Diablo, rock concert

    by , 01-20-2015 at 06:23 PM (544 Views)
    First dream

    I was playing Diablo 2 : Lord of destruciton on my laptop. I was a paladin, running through the forest in the first act.

    Second dream

    I was standing in the middle of the stage. I was holding an electric guitar in my hands. When I was ready to play, I felt strong, stinging sensation in the right side of my lower body. My mother arrived, and she told me Why are you dating with sister of your brothers girlfriend? I looked at a DC standing close to the stage. A skinny blonde with pearl white teeth and brown eyes. She had pale carnation, and she was wearing casual clothes. A black shirt and jeans trousers. She was smiling to me. I saw her first time, yet my DC mother claimed that she was her. I replied to my mother Don't disturb me! I have a concert to play, and there is a weird stinging sensation in the right side of my lower body!

    *I woke up with the same weird pain, but luckily it ceased until now.*

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