Public enemy, zombies and falling off the roof
, 01-14-2015 at 09:24 PM (469 Views)
In this dream I was living in an old flat. I was living on the fourth floor, and the building had seven floors. I was talking with my neighbor and friend, fat man with curly hair. He was wearing grey jacket and black pants. I entered my home, and in the radio I heard that I am the public enemy, and that the special forces were sent to get me. They came to the flat by a helicopter, made their camp on the rooftop and slowly came inside, securing room after room. They haven't checked only room where I planted C4 explosives. The upper floors were somehow disconnected from power, so I had to get the wire three floors down. I entered the room where I wanted to use the power source, but it was full of shambling zombies. Only one of it attacked me. It was a zombie of my younger sister. I was fighting with it, dealt some punches and used some wrestling throws. Then we just talked, and then she just stopped fighting with me. When I finally dealt with her, I could plug the wire, but I rushed towards the roof instead. I took my sniper rifle, and eliminated spec ops one by one. In the end there was only my neighbor there. I tried to shot him, but whenever I pulled the trigger the rifle swung to the side, and I missed. He told me I was always your friend! And now what? You're going to take AK47 against me?! Health bar appeared above him. I took AK47 and shot at him, leaving half of his health bar, but suddenly I've fallen off the rooftop. While falling I could see through the walls, and saw the wire plugged by someone, and bomb waiting for the trigger.
*This is a recurring dream, with an addition of trying to destroy the flat by blowing it out and zombies. I remember a few of the dreams from the time when I wasn't writing a DJ. They started in the same flat and the same house, although I was never there in the waking life. These dreams also had different stories. In one I was going to work, in another I went to the hospital, and in one dream I was escaping from the police from that house, through the city, stealing some cars, running into the hospital from previous dream and taken some medicine.