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    She tried kissing me with extacy in her mouth.

    by , 12-01-2012 at 10:57 PM (504 Views)
    This was a very enjoyable and exciting dream and I wish I remembered more about it. I had several dreams throughout the night and two lucids.

    There was a very exclusive band playing on a stage, there was a football/party vibe to the whole thing, only a few people in the world had seen this band play. I'm on top of a stand and there's a good looking female reporter walking around interviewing people, just getting a comment out of each person, I had no interest in talking to her. She's screaming out loud asking if anyone else has an interesting comment to share. All of a sudden the man married to my mother stands up next to me and points toward me and says "he has a comment" I had no interest in talking to the female reporter.. But I said "I'm just chilling, bro" while being somewhat nervous and excited. This intrigued the reporter and for the first time she took an interest in someone for longer than just a short comment. And she asked me something about female to male attraction.

    I answered with something like "I believe the most important thing is to be non-needy, and in order to achieve this you need to be able to show vulnerability. I believe a vulnerable man is an attractive man, and it's the most attractive attribute that you can have. If you show vulnerability and act like yourself, you'll not only disqualify yourself and seem non-needy, it will also display confidence which will later on end up in you not caring what people think of you, because you're comfortable displaying your vulnerable and true self. You wont be loved by everyone, but you will polarize people, to one side or the other, and very quickly know whether or not they like you or not, you will not only save time but once you actually find someone who likes you they will like you for who you truly are and not lies you've created to impress people." at the same time I think "I'd rather be hated for being honest and truthful than appreciated for my bullshit"

    This impressed the reporter, and all of a sudden everyone knew who I was. I had polarized people, there were men who were jealous of all the attention I got, and I was hated by many, but I had some people who were truly in love with me. I appear right in front of the band, on a grass field that was lit up by party lights. There were drunk people everywhere. One of my friends noticed that one girl was particularly impressed with my speech and he pushed me all the way to her until I was standing right in front of her. I could sense that see was very uncomfortable standing that close to me, I was intimidating to her. But I spoke to her for a bit, brought her with me to the stage that I was now leaning towards with my back as she was standing right on front of me, I had her full attention.. I took her number, and at the same time her friends were trying to pull her away from there, they were in a hurry going somewhere. I made sure she didn't leave before I got the number. As she was holding my phone, calling her own phone from it, this other woman I used to be in the same school with, came up to kiss me without saying a word. I kissed her back, and she had several pills in her mouth and a lot of coke. I assumed it was extacy and spit it all out immediately. Now everybody around me got angry with me, and they started punching and hitting me repeatedly as I fell to the ground. I appear in a futuristic corridor.

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