i have been feeling pretty motivated the past few weeks and recently got into reality checks and awareness and all that stuff again, im gonna have a lucid dream one of these nights and i cant wait
I remember being behind a parking lot by my moms workplace and it was cloudy outside and there was still trees by the river before they cut them down
We were in the beach playing this game my mind made up. So what you did in the game is you have a water balloon and there's hoops and a person stands under it. The balloons are super fragile also and I remember recording part of it and texting my friend.
North Korea got tricked into making Kim Jong un not president and someone else became president and killed Kim jong un
We moved into the house next to ours and new people moved into our old house and it was dark outside and in the new house there was like a big black wall of blanket, I also remember standing on my road looking at my house from an angle
Lucid dream finally!! I was on the steps of my house, I couldn't see anything but I knew I was dreaming, I instantly started to be aware of my surroundings and my dream became visible and vivid, I started walking down my road and this time it was night, I thought of someone to appear and when I did my head kept turning uncontrollably but it went back to normal, I soon got onto the main road and I was just walking enjoying the lucid dream, idk why but I enjoy walking sometimes. That's all I remember but here are details -I remember walking with my friend and we were trying to make it look light out -the sky was blacker than usual at night -the road was kinda distorted -I seen weird stars
I just remember swimming in this wicked oily water stuff
I was in my room looking out of the window, and there was screaming like high pitched screaming and it was messing with me, I live by the woods so it was scary, I went to go for a walk back there but I was wearing these weird shoes that didn't look like shoes and then I was walking a trail with my friend and I see this with lady with long black hair and a pale face laughing demonically and screaming was behind her, I tried shooting but the bullets just dropped and turned big, she started flying towards us but still in the standing position and then I got to the store and the workers disappeared and that's it
I had a dream that there was a hard point game mode, and you'd have to stay in the hard point the longest to gain points for your team, there was a hard point in my living room and we spawned at the end of my house, on each different ends, it started and we went running, I seen my sisters friend dayna (enemy) and I got to the hard point first, I was racking up a lot of points and she comes a long and stabs me in the leg, I get pushed of and I grab my knife and stab her in the leg and slice her arm a lot, there was some other enemy but idk who and I kept stabbing both of them, and I slicing and it felt so real, suddenly the hard point changed and I went running to my sisters room cause that's where the other one was and someone was sleeping in the bed while another was in a blanket at the hard point, I was about to stab whoever was in that blanket st the hard point but I heard a "hey" and it was my sister, she was an enemy and she was on the winning team and had no weapons and was the only one at the hard point, I threatened her to get off or I'll stab her but she never got off and I just couldn't. The hard point moved again to the living room and we got there and my mom was watching tv and me and my sister were fighting for the hardpoint (like pushing) and yeah idk who won
I just remember doing reality checks because the scene I was in (don't remember) didn't seem like reality and so I kept doing RCs but they weren't working for some reason and then the last few worked but I wasn't aware.
ME and ny friends were walking and my friend said "let's go to this house" and he knocks and we go in and there's cool stuff all over, more happened in the dream but I know how it is Details -it was night -it was in another dream
I just knew I was dreaming and I just kept feeling everything and looking around and I went outside, it was dark out of course like always, right ahen I got to the end of my driveway I seen 4 cars coming down the road and I just put my head down, anyways I was walking down my road and the end of the road finally looked normal because last time it didn't and I was thinking "yay finally a dream with everything right in it" and instead of thinking for it to turn daytime I just yelled it because it's fun, anyways I dropped something and tried using telekinesis but I don't know where I tried it, outside or inside? Telekinesis didn't work for me though so I'll try it another time, Details -I remember when I was walking down my road, I had long hair that kept getting in my way and it was annoying -at the end of the road I looked to my right and all the house were normal -it might've been the most boring but most detailed lucid dream for me.
I had teleporting powers and I teleported out of the "map" and I seen my little sister running and I told her what I did, I went back in and she went on the swings and she fell off, I teleported to her and then gollum or smeagol teleports and I hear the teleporting noise. He lands and hits me
Something weird happened and I became lucid. I was barely dreaming at this point but I did a reality check in my not full dream and it worked, my dream became a dream when I went outside, I started running down my road and I seen a basketball hoop high when I turned to another road and I bet myself I could jump to it, I got ready and bent down and I jumped, I went wicked high like 3x the size of the house and I started falling, I landed on a roof but lost control and grabbed and branch to keep my balance, I was like yay I'm on a riff and I asked a kid who was laying on a roof some questions and I remember just walking around on it. I was kind of losing lucidity sadly and yeah, more regular stuff happened but too lazy to say, oh yeah this is pretty interesting. I had a classmate who was over at my house and she was a "Dream Guide Level 1" and the word level was fancy
We were at school juts hanging out like usual and regular stuff happens and my friend says "hi" and passed me and we got downstairs and she was there again and said "hi" and me and Darius went to a table and there was lots of girls there and I said "hey guys" and me and Darius talked talked to them and we had to leave so we got upstairs to our lockers and we're going back down the atrium using the main stairs and before we got to the main stairs we aren't he said girls meet us at the top of the stairs, and they asked f we wanted to hangout so we said sure. So suddenly we were walking in town and they ask "hey should we get a cab" and it was a cool act and we said yeah. So they told my friend harius the Darius to wait here and I didn't know so I asked if we should wait and he said yeah, so it started to rain hard and we got to one of two tress and I got there first because my friend liked the rain anyways we went to the fence to check it out and rode some lambos and and motorcycles and we see the girls with the cab and we went to them.