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    1/22 - chased by a demon tiger at a multi-story pier

    by , 01-23-2023 at 05:21 PM (189 Views)
    I am with a few of my friends. It is nighttime and the moon is very bright which along with lanterns and streetlamps helps illuminate the setting. We are at a harbor. while very crowded and energetic during the day, is quiet at this time of night. it consists of at least 7 wooden stories of piers which are meant to accomodate enormous ships and small vessels alike. you can get around by climbing stairs and ladders between the stories. the piers are also directly connected to a vast labyrinth of shops and restaurants (mostly seafood). [I had the feeling I had been to this city in a dream from months prior. me and my husband had gone sightseeing and were looking for a museum which held the city's famous masks, ut we stayed on the surface level and were there during the day] Me and my friends are on one of the upper stories when we see a white and yellow [like the white and yellow from a previous dream] tiger which begins to chase us. we run to the lowest level while the tiger-demon shapeshifts to chase us down ladders and stairs. EVentually I lose sight of it and make my way very quietly down to the small boat to meet up with my friends again. we are all there and we begin loading onto the small wooden boat.

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