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    1. 1/30 - being chased by federal agents through a labyrinth of rooms

      by , 01-30-2023 at 08:26 PM
      I had been in this area in prior dreams. escher-esque architecture + maze of pointless rooms; plain light concrete walls + no view of the outdoors. and yet, soft light coming from nowhere.

      Me and my husband were going to our room, but some federal agents came out of a disguised opening on the ground. They were wearing dark trenchcoats, sunglasses, and a poker face. the opening was square and incredibly dark to the point where i could barely make out the set of stairs leading downwards. me and my husband went down the opening, but the dream perspective stayed above the surface so idk what went on down there. A federal agent escorted me out of the opening, but my husband stayed inside. The federal agents disguised the opening again and i went off to my room to sleep.i got into my room which was a smallish room with floor, walls, cieling being made of the same light concrete as the rest of the dream structure with a bed on the wall opposite the door i entered from. i began to get suspicious of the agents and the suspicion soon became fear. I ran through another door and kept running through empty rooms. Soon I heard the agents crashing through trying to find me. As i continued running through the maze of rooms, the rooms became darker and more house-like. I got to an empty room with a small door near the floor which when opened revealed an old chimney. I climbed inside the chimney opening and found a crevice where i could hide half of my body. luckily there was a lot of clutter and debris in the chimney, so i covered the part of my body left exposed with the debris. A federal agent opened the door to the chimney opening, but thought that i was just clutter. So i successfully hid from the agents.