Ugh so weird.. even for me. I was on my computer talking casually to my high school ex, A (who I don't dislike, but am not on good terms with/ think of him) and his best friend, B (who was a mutual friend who stayed out of the drama but who I also don't see anymore since he's.. well.. my ex's bff. But no harm done). Anyway, the three of us were chatting on a strange chat program that allowed us to get into each other's itune libraries and play songs from them so all three could listen similtaneously to the chosen song. The boys were choosing music from mine and we all were laughing and joking around like we were the best of buddies. I cannot stress the weirdness of the situation enough, but the dream made it feel so incredibly natural. We were happy and no one else from high school made up our group of friends. Just us three. In the next fragment I remember, we had met up at some kind of low-lit indoor mall. Scenery was fuzzy, but I could tell we were still having fun together. I can't remember what spurred on the next part exactly, but the next thing I knew, B was flirting with me somewhat. He stopped joking around and looked serious, making the whole lighthearted mood of the dream shift. Then the most bizarre thing happened: he leaned in and kissed me! Even more bizarre, is that my dreamself liked it and was falling for B. When I was waking up, I still felt some of the lovey-dovey emotions from it. But when I was really awake I was just so shocked and very conflicted (the kid is like a brother, not to mention my ex's friend which is a big no-no). I am honestly not attracted to the real B like that, so what the heck is that dream trying to tell me? My reaction when I got up = ..............! ... ....!! WTF IS WRONG WITH ME!? (lol )
Overall, the dream was pretty clear and, well, random as hell. It was about two siblings: a teenage boy and his little sister who was probably around six years old. I was not actually in the dream myself, but I kept switching perspectives (or bodies?) between the two characters. The siblings were on a boating dock and were standing on an oddly rounded deck. It made a sort of "pool," but it was not closed off to the rest of the ocean. My aunt told the siblings about a red sea creature that used to appear there every now and then. The siblings decide to go on with their plans to swim in the "pool," assuming the story was just an urban legend. After a while of playing with her brother, the little girl dives down to see what was at the bottom. Somehow, she gets stuck down there and starts to drown. Her brother becomes concerned and dives after her, only to see her being carried to the surface by the red sea creature, which was only seen as a big red and pink blur. The girl could see a woman's arms were holding onto her. Both kids were getting out of the water, but the sea creature had disappeared as quickly as it/she appeared. The boy was helping his sister to get out, but was surprised to find that his sister had a fish tail and had been turned into a mermaid! The girl, being the little kid she was, thought this was awesome. After getting over the shock, her brother laughed and stayed with her to let her swim more. Soon though, a man caught sight of the mermaid child and immediately wanted to capture her (and implied he would hurt "it"). He told others and formed a group of people who were after the girl. When they made their intentions clear to the brother, he grabbed his sister and started running from them. When they found a hiding place for a few moments to catch their breath, they overheard two of the lead men saying that if she stayed in the water long enough, she'd keep her powers, grow gills, and be able to breathe both air and under water forever; but if she stayed out of water in her human form too long, she'd become a human for good. Obviously, they wanted a mermaid so they had to hurry before she was out of the water too long. They caught sight of the brother who was making his way toward a truck. For whatever reason, his sister (who was in a temporary human form from being out of water) was riding on top of the truck while the brother speedily drove away. The girl could see the men in another truck coming after them. The two then reached some sort of big hotel, which they tried to hide in. Somehow, the group chasing them had gotten everyone in on it, letting everyone think that she was this horrible thing that was on the loose and was dangerous/ evil/ a disgrace. Running again, the two went down different halls to try to escape (which had weird triangular mirrors every once & a while randomly on the walls). They came to a dead end, where the whole group of men were waiting to ambush them. One of them purposefully got the girl wet with a bucket of water, which made her tail grow back. They had backed her into a corner and she looked terrified, but her brother somehow got past the group, grabbed her up before they did, and sprinted out of there. He eventually made it back to the same "pool" type thing they started at and the group chasing them was nowhere to be found. They tried to find the mysterious red sea creature again, but only thought they might have caught a glimpse.
Pretty crazy LD adventure. I was lucid in my old middle school where I saw one of my old high school teachers whom I looked up to. Feeling uncomfortable in a place I associate with being bullied and tough times, I found my way outside. I had previously decided to talk to a recurring DC that's been appearing in my dreams for the past 6 or so years, so I took advantage of my lucidity to try to find him. I tried the spinning technique to hopefully track him down. I ended up someplace else, so I spun again. Then I was inside a building in a big city. I was with someone, a friend I suppose, who was leading me around. We passed some desks and down some halls, but overall the place seemed rather vacant and dreary. I went in a bathroom to spit something weird out of my mouth (no clue how that got there..), but I accidentally went in the men's room. The trashcan I had used was near the exit anyway and I knew it was just a dream, so I didn't really care to feel embarrassed that a guy walked in as I walked out. I went up an elevator one floor. The room was large, spacious, and had big windows on all sides which let in some of the dimming daylight. It was in the center of this room where I saw an empty fish tank. The fish were somewhere dangerous (can't remember where or if they were out of water). I tried to help them back in the safety of the tank but I had difficulty. Most of them seemed dead or dying by the time they were in the tank. I touched them each to see if they were alive and the last one started to wiggle and eventually swim around normally. Feeling sad about the dead fish but happy about the one I saved, I turned to leave the building. Meanwhile, no sign of the DC, as much as I was trying to "summon" him. I walked down the hall, toward some stairs, where I ran into my brother. He was excited to see me & I him, but I told him we were in my dream. I told him we could do whatever we wanted and, excited about that, he was about to leave to do who-knows-what. Before he did I called after him, "hey please tell me if you see my friend. Tell him I'm looking for him." He told me "alright!" I continued to say, "oh- he's got dark hair, fair skin, and usually red eyes." "Red eyes?" he was laughing/smiling like he would in real life. "Yup. That's him. Dream, remember?" I laughed/ smiled too. He went down the steps and out of the building. I followed soon after, but my brother was no where to be found. I wondered what that meeting could have represented. Outside, it was dark- nighttime actually- but lit up by street lights. It was raining and around me people walked up and down the sidewalks. I continued walking down the sidewalk, calling out for my DC "friend." I was beginning to get soaked with the rain. I eventually fell into deeper sleep, never finding that allusive character.