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    The Erratic dreams of StaySharp

    Long lucid with few details, a nice city and mountain vista and a night stroll

    by , 05-25-2016 at 05:41 AM (693 Views)
    This seems to have been a very long completely lucid dream, in fact once more I was utterly incapable of remembering the while thing from the beginning, despite thinking about it immediately after waking up. The order of things might be slightly messed up.

    The first thing I clearly remembered was having a small asphalt road in front of me, a small or maybe medium sized city behind, behind that a large mountain and a castle on the far end of the mountain. It was a beautiful day and an awesome vista, the sky was slightly cloudy I think. I wanted to get to the castle, and instead of going the entire way I looked away, and when I looked back it was a lot closer and different than before. I'm not sure how I then actually got there.

    I was in the castle in some tower and a toilet room, though the details are fuzzy. Some time later I was in my current home town [K] it was night and I was talking to myself for stability, which worked for quite a long time.

    And... since I was too busy and lazy to write this up immediately some details have gone missing. I really need to make a habit of writing down everything within 24 hours...

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