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    Competition Entry # 10

    by , 08-06-2014 at 01:59 PM (416 Views)
    I didn't tell about the second hypno-session I did, because I had included recall, and was graced with the worst recall of the comp the following night - but knowing as it usually takes a day or two to seemingly do something - I have to consider it has to do with now having one of the best recalls of the comp. Maybe not many more points - but the dream from which I woke up at last is so clear - I could write 2/3 pages about it, with all sorts of details. So much that I feel like procrastinating on it and hope, I won't for so long as to forget again.

    Dream #1: With two women, I know, and we are in preparation for a theatre show, getting into costume and make-up - and there's an obviously gay guy doing the ironing of a dress for me, and leaves the iron on too long and ruins it. He gets told off anyway - but I get a bit hysterical and holler at him - well - then everybody hates me, and I have to fall all over myself to apologize, the others are angry, he not so much. Actually he takes me to the side, and asks if I would like to take part in his pornography project. He gets out a smart-phone and shows me what he has in mind. I did dictate this dream - but I dictated - naa - won't describe this now, not that I don't delete it...
    As I thought - I still see it all in my inner eye - two guys, one woman and hopefully red paint. I'll leave the rest up to your dirty imagination.
    Ah - but that was it - don't know, how this would have gone on - but it didn't.

    Dream #2: I find on the street a very expensive but ugly looking watch and think about if I should just sell it or try to find the owner and maybe get a bit of money for bringing it back. There's a jewellery/watch shop directly on the corner. A friend tells me, I should bring it back, rather, and I do. When we bring it in, it is suddenly something else, something which unfolds and then is a funk receiver or something other secret-service like. They let it disappear instantly and we don't get money for our niceness, are supposed to leave - so the friend of mine steals another three watches. But when we look at them - they neither have special effects, nor do they look valuable. Tough luck...

    Dream #3: The old motive of moving into a flat - this time one with four rooms and four people already living there, but nobody seems to mind this, including me. It's set in a certain city, where I used to live for a while, and I can describe the house - something turn of last before last century, one side going out to the right middle of the city, the other side to the river, and there's a garden in front of that side. It's strange - on our level, like a balcony, second story. And in one scene I climb out the window to remove the excess snow there so we can see the river, and get stuck, and somebody has to rescue me from there. Then there is an older woman, maybe in her 50s, a bit on the crazy artist/late onset hippiness side, and she has a dog, which manifests out of a toy, hanging on the wall, and likes me a bit too much, won't leave my side. Also she loves knitted blankets and they are everywhere. There's the young gay guy from the prior dream there as well, with a depressed ex-boyfriend hanging out around him, to his displeasure, and another two woman live there. Most is about getting to know each other, showing each other things, like the toys, one woman creates and sells - nice little plastic figurines, which also form a puzzle for example. I tell them I will plant some datura stramonium on the balcony and they really love the idea! I have lots more little scenes - like me testing the sink, and finding it is not meant as kitchen sink, but some sort of old-style appliance, which nobody knows the original purpose of, and while trying to make coffee, I get to cleaning out the place, and it's not nice - in some sort of sieve I find what looks like rotting worms - I won't go further - but I know, how every cup and thing looked like, smelled etc. The gay guy was later wondering, if I might not be a man after all because he liked me - but nothing much comes of it. I'll stop it here - not patient enough.

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    Updated 08-06-2014 at 02:12 PM by 66050

