6-14-2013 Ghost hunters and lucid #6
, 06-15-2013 at 02:20 AM (521 Views)
Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid , Side notes.
Ghost Hunters: I Was in a town. This old man found me and i got to join this team of like teens my age, it was a team of like 4 people including me. We were a secret organization.
The old man then sent us out in teams of 2 to go and catch Two ghosts or something similar. This one ends with me and this other girl running into the castle and accidentally like destroying part of it xD.
Cook Challenge: I remember getting into a cooking competition with a friend. I don't think i won xD
Knights: These knights gathered in my backyard and starting like waging war. I'm not really sure what they were fighting over but meh...
Lucid #6: This might have been at the end of the knights dream, im not sure. But i'm on my farm, and i realize i'm dreaming, but everything oddly goes to black and i can't see. Don't know if this is because i'm waking up or because i got lucid and messed it up. Either way, this was a pretty bad lucid dream xD , the last one was really successful compared to this occasion.