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    Subjects' Dream Journal

    7-2-2013 10th lucid

    by , 07-02-2013 at 08:57 PM (617 Views)
    legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid

    First fragment: I had really long dream at the beginning of last night, it seemed like it went on forever, i remember being zero from code geass and causing all sorts of chaos on my farm

    Second fragment: I killed a giant dragon the size of like a skyscraper.

    I'm in some sort of dusty wasteland-ish city. The city is split into two parts, one part where bandits can live freely and one part which is protected. I'm in the part with bandits... great. Anyway, i run out of ammunition for my rifle and i decide to go to the store to buy more but the bandits start trying to kill me and then of course this leads to a long chain of events in which i hijack one their vehicles and start driving away and etc..

    Now, i try to go get ammunition one more time so they still get in my way so i'm just like "screw that" and start driving up to the town square to move into the safe part of the city. Well, i get up there and this martial arts class is having some sort of ceremony but i walk through it anyway xD. I start looking for the door but can't find it. Eventually, this martial arts person comes up to me and asks me to join their dojo and i'm like no, i'm already training somewhere else.

    But then i look down and realize i have a black belt on and i'm like wait..i'm not a black belt yet. And this is where i become lucid. However, this lucid i can think clearly, finally, i have a high level of lucidity and since i do, i reminded myself to do a DEILD when i wake back up. Anyway, i see the door that leads to the peaceful part of the city and i head that way, as i do, i look at my hands and they have long and short fingers scattered here and there.

    For some reason, the weird hands may have freaked me out a little and that made me lose a bit of control, my teeth started clicking together, like what happens when it's cold and you start shaking. So that happened and it was uncontrollable to the point i could hardly speak. Eventually, i wake up and do the DEILD. Let me you tell you, i wasn't ready for it at all xD. My body started shaking violently and since i wasn't expecting it, it was sort of a shock and i couldn't proceed but it was cool none the less.

    So this marks some milestones! I'm about to hit 25 dreams logged on here, I just hit 10 lucids , I also had a lucid dream the last night so this was exciting(2 in a row!) , And i managed to have a high level of lucidity which allowed me to think clearly. Next milestones up are: 50 dreams logged on here , 25 lucids , and dream control/awareness.
    CanisLucidus likes this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Wow, any idea what was up with all of the shaking? Was all of that really happening or... some kind of false awakening? Very unusual!

      Congratulations on the lucid, particularly the #10 milestone! Onward to the next milestone!
      Subjects likes this.
    2. Subjects's Avatar
      I was trying a DEILD and if that's like a WILD but skipping the beginning parts then isn't shaking/noises and etc normal? Wait, are you talking about the Shaking from the DEILD or the end of that lucid, if it's the lucid then i have no idea xD
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      The part with the DEILD, heh heh...

      Ah, so there were sensations of your body shaking violently, not the real thing then, huh? Cool, cool... yeah, I've certainly heard of plenty of people that this happens to although for whatever reason this isn't something that I experience. For me it's generally a very smooth transition. Sometimes I'll sort of "fall" into the dream scene, but that's not too bad.