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    7-21-2013 Double Lucid and lots of nice sleep

    by , 07-21-2013 at 05:09 PM (613 Views)
    Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid

    SO! Tonight, i finally got a ton of sleep! I'll start going to bed earlier i promise! Either way, i had a ton of dreams tonight, probably more than my record of twelve but some of them were stupid and i didn't want to log every single one of them so i just logged the lucids and some other ones in this log. Yeah, i know it's a bad habit to not log all of them but i will from now on, don't worry.

    Mysterious night ship and end of the world dome fields!:
    It's day time and i'm at some building in a part of my town. Some people from out school are asking who owns some computer parts they had. One part was a gpu with two fans on it. It definitely looked like a piece of trash but i went home and that night i looked it up on my computer. Turned out, it was a piece of trash. Either i then went on to eat some garlic bread and maybe the next night. I was alone and i looked out my front window and saw cars on a road not too far away.

    The cars looked like they had been in a wreck and had been abandoned, no one was in them, it was strange. I then looked out my back window, and in the night sky, i saw some spaceship in the sky far away from my house slowly moving across the sky. I went to door to get a better look at it, it was still moving but behind the clouds now, although i could still see it because of it's lights. Then, all of a sudden, the sky erupted in explosions, and a glowing dome shaped forcefield sprang up and covered the main part of town which i could see over the woods on my farm.

    I thought about what it was for, maybe our country was getting attacked and that would keep the city safe but at the same time, lock them out from the outside world. I also wondered if the dome was meant to lock the city and slowly kill the inhabitants because of lack of outside contact.

    I then found myself in a nice sports car under the dome. Everything looked futuristic. How did i get here? i wondered. I drove around and then wondered again, Do i really want to live like this? under a dome?

    A game of chess:
    I'm playing a game of chess with somebody, but it had some weird rules so i ask him how to play. As i do, the chest board forms an environment and i get sucked in and before i know it. I'm in what looks like a theme park but the people i'm with are sad because a person just died and they were attending a funeral.

    Alien death:

    I'm in a desert at some government test facility. They have these aliens lined up. The aliens have powers that let them control smart people. The government wanted the aliens dead so they brought in basically barbarians which killed the aliens. The government people then took the dead bodies for testing.

    Required skills:
    I'm with a smart girl who is older than me. And by smart, i mean really smart. I'm also with a group of other people. We're about to get on this platform that rises and acts as an elevator because there is a hole in the ceiling which allows the platform to rise through. I attempt to get on but i'm not fast enough because it went up too fast. Then, another platform with people on it comes down and hits the platform that's going up. This causes both the platforms to start going up again but since they hit each other. The platforms were damaged and were slanted sideways. The top platform then ran into the ceiling and crushed the people on it.

    After that, our group went on the regular elevator. As we got to the top and walked out. The girl told me she has enough skills to survive. I didn't have near as many skills as she did, it was weird talking to her.

    The paintings:
    I just got back from martial arts. I'm at my house now, it's night time. I look outside my window and i see black portals appearing all over the sky, cars were flowing out of them. I then yelled for my sister to come watch. She came but appeared outside sitting in a chair. I then wondered how she got through the window. I then realized that i must be dreaming, but first , i had to take this stupid retainer out of my mouth. I was too focused on that to solidify my lucidity so it went away and then my dream self went to bed. I woke up. Then went back to sleep, and woke again.

    This time, people i knew were in my room and i thought i must be dreaming. This got my lucidity back. I then wanted to change settings so i spun around on my bed. As i did that, i imagined a city. The city at first wasn't detailed, but i kept on imagining it and it soon got pretty detailed and eventually, poof! i was there! I then started to walk around, i stopped at the corner of some street to test my senses, it was pretty cool really. I was aware. I could hear, smell and etc. I then tried to rub my hands together, this felt a little weird but way better then my previous lucids.

    I kept on walking and eventually made my way to like a gallery of paintings. I then focused on the hallway lined with paintings and the detail instantly increased. I then walked up and checked out the paintings. The first set was the same painting but the face of each figure was different. At this point, i was completely amazed at the detail in the paintings. Then somewhere along the lines, i must have woke up or something because i can't remember past this except for a different dream that came after.

    Boss fight:
    I'm in a room, it's dark, and only me and this girl are here. I have a gun and she has a laptop. We're fighting some sort of boss monster. We eventually kill it.
    I then realize i must be dreaming. As i do, i try to change the scene to a beach but i didn't focus it like the last one so once i started talking to people on the beach, i transported right back to the room, except this time it had windows, it was night outside, and it was on top of a really tall building.

    A girl was tied up on a chair next to me. why she was tied up, i have no clue. either way, she wasn't the girl i wanted to ask but i'll talk to her anyway. I asked her what my true name was and she then started trolling me and giving me stupid responses like 'princess' and 'quantesia'. I wasn't getting any where with her so i decided to try it in a later lucid dream.

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    Updated 08-06-2013 at 02:03 AM by 63517

    Tags: alien, chess, dome, farm, lucid
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable
