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    My Prince

    by , 08-14-2011 at 08:01 PM (700 Views)
    Before I get to the prince part, I was in a drive-by. I know the drive-by dream was long and vivid, but I woke up and went back to sleep and now I don't recall it so well. In fact, I JUST remembered it. There was a long ordeal, me and some other people were running. I don't think I was involved in this "gang" if you call it that, but I was tagging along with them and I can vaguely recall some familiar faces. The only parts I really remember was being in a house, one of our people was injured and they were off in the kitchen. I was standing next to the door. Someone yelled "drive by!" and I got down in time to the floor. They started shooting up the house and then some of the rival gang were coming in. As they reached the door, I pretended I got shot. I started holding my neck and gasping, doing my best to pretend. One of them rushed passed me to the kitchen and another stayed and she put her hand out to see if I was really dying, to check my pulse or something. I pretended it hurt really bad and started gasping again and turned away. Next thing I know I'm running across a parking lot trying to dial 911. The lady I called was talking about how she would have to investigate if it involved gangs. I said fine, that they needed to send an ambulence. I even had the address. I gave it to her and suddenly I'm walking into walmart. That's all I remember.

    So, the prince dream. I go to this mansion to visit my fiance, it was incredibly beautiful.

    It was just like this, middle of the ocean, but more round and more glass. I realize that T's a prince, but I'm visiting him like we're dating again or something. I remember laying on the couch with him in one room, and there was a sun roof. The clouds were incredible, unreal, even. They looked like a painting and I was in awe of them. T even asked me if I could be dreaming. I said nooo way (damnit.) His little brother had come down and had my son's pacifer in his mouth (his brother is 9 years old.) I took it out of his mouth and told him to go get his other one from upstairs, then me and T laughed as he walked away. T got up to do something and I browsed around. I found these shirts in these tubs, and was trying to compose an outfit for myself. I tried on a few shirts. All of the shirts had some funny comments on them. One was like.. a picture of a comic, it was familiar, it might have been an anime, but it had some joke on it that I really didn't get. Some of the shirts made me think that he had bought them for his ex-girlfriend, which kind of made me feel like shit. Anyway, he comes back and says let's take a ride in the ocean. I didn't even know we were on the ocean yet, but when we got outside, we rode these jet ski's out pretty far. That's when I got a view of the house. There was a random bar in the middle of the ocean out there. We stopped to get a drink but I started to get scared, because it was small and the waves were even rushing over it. Then I saw a shark under the water and me and T took off, and this sounds weird, but we started riding these two mexican servants. O.o

    We get back in time and it was like a race. I pull myself up onto a ledge, still freaking out about a shark being in the water. We go inside and we're in the living room with some of T's family. I start to walk into another room but I hear part of the conversation from the mexicans. They were saying that no one took Spanish classes anymore, but that they had gotten good jobs for it. I turned and said, hey, I'm taking a Spanish class this semester! They both smiled at it and I said, when I come back on the weekends you two will have to help me out. They laughed and said of course. Then I walk into this middle room. I asked T what it was supposed to be. There were shelves everywhere, but a couch and what not. He just said it was the back room and I said, "well, you need to do some rearranging." lol

    This is pretty much all I remember now. I can't express how real everything felt. I woke up pretty happy.

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