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    1. 27 Jan: Somewhere in Africa, friend with a local black family against my own racist family

      by , 01-27-2023 at 11:59 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In an african country, can't identify which one. Visiting some family in a village, the kids love me and we are very good friends. They want to take me along to their daily activities. We hit the orange dirt road and I fear we may have to walk many many kms. Luckily the weather is very nice, not hot nor cold, just about right and the walking is very enjoyable. We cross paths with other kids from other villages at a crossroad and I realize this is not the remote area I first thought it was. Soon we arrive at another village and we drop the youngest at their school: then I walk with two oldest sisters to a highschool. There are other white teens there, but I am a new face and they are all very curious about who I might be. We enter their classroom, but before the teacher starts asking me questions, the older sister says bye to her teen sister and grabs me to take me somewhere else. I thought she was staying in this school to, so I ask her about it and she says she quit school and is now working for a circus. They are still training at some empty facilities on the back of a zoo. Looks like some empty barns. She is really happy about her job and she shows me a huge poster that's being painted to announce the coming spectacle, featuring her among others and I feel so proud and happy for her. I then need to go, but as soon as I exit the zoo I realize I don't know where to go. I go around the external wall of the zoo and I find an entrance that gives access to the reception/management of the zoo. The gates open and a fancy car is coming out and I remember that I am actually an heiress to the white family that owns this place. I fear they see me, because of the way I am dressed and dirty. They totally disapprove of my friendship with these girls.
    2. 11 Apr: Bus dragged by flash flood and killing someone in Hollywood in the 30s

      by , 04-11-2021 at 09:11 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Taking a bus somewhere. My parents are also on board but not seated nearby. There is some flash flood and the bus gets dragged by muddy waters. The water covers most of the bus and I think of strategies to get out, but the windows are fixed with only small horizontal ones on top which open but hardly anyone can get through them. I get my parents out through there anyway and then I go next. Then the water recedes and we take refuge in a subterranean park just to get some rest and plan what next. My parents lock me up in a public bathroom and say it is not safe for me and they will go outside do some reconnaissance of the situation. I am pissed. But then laugh when I notice the bathroom walls don't go all the way up but have an opening that communicates with the next bathroom. I climb the wall and get on top it. On the next division, there is a dog someone also left in there alone, but he is friendly. As I am exiting through that door and taking the dog with me, some couple appears and claims it's their dog. I am a bit upset with these people, whom I think are a bit irresponsible, but I keep quiet and just say goodbye to my friend. Then my parents come back and are upset to see me outside and I joke "Did you really believe that locking me would stop me? And they agree they were silly."

      I am in Hollywood in the '30s (maybe). I got a leading part in a film and I am absolutely thrilled. I think it is all going fine, until some other girl who is sharing the house with me and some others, reveals she got a part in the same movie and not any part, but she is meant to replace the leading character. I get seriously mad, but I avoid taking my rage on her and run away to a different room to cool down. She follows me and confesses she didn't know it was me and she is sorry and that it is all some revenge plan cooked up by people who hate me and she only accepted because she needed the job and is nothing personal. I forgive her, but then later, this girl accuses me on the set, of stealing her earing which appears magically in a pocket of my coat. Then I realize she is indeed part of the revenge plan and I beat the shit out of her until she dies. Then a guy who comes to intervene and is holding a gun, accidentally shoots himself in the chin and also dies. I run away down some stairs to the basement. The police arrives at the scene and I don't wanna be caught. So I go through a trapdoor that leads to a park outside. I try to blend with the people on the street. I hear police sirens everywhere. I head to a small aerodrome nearby where some Africa dude that I know traffics stuff. I wanna try ask if he can fly me away to Africa. I ask him where in Africa it would be better for me to start a new life from scratch. He suggests Ghana and he paints a lovely picture of it. I can see myself there already and then I come back to reality and think I'll probably never make it. The police comes raid the aerodrome and my friend helps me hide by ducking on the ground in a bushy area. We slowly move towards the entrance booth and with the complicity of the lady in the booth that controls the entrances and exits, we escape to outside. I keep on the move, I hide. But I end up coming back later to the aerodrome and taking a plane later to Africa. I then see myself living there for years, getting married to a local and having a kid and sitting calmly at a café with my family, enjoying my new life.

      Updated 04-13-2021 at 09:40 AM by 34880

    3. 27 Mar: Lamb's head, making out with Seth Rogen, demon, semi-lucid explorations

      by , 03-27-2021 at 11:01 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Some avant-garde show or ritual where some guy goes around defying the audience to dance inspired by what they are watching. Many on the audience seem to be professional dancers by the way they move. Then someone starts passing a lamb head as a prop. But the lamb head is alive and I feel horrified, but not like scared, but worried for the "animal". So I kidnap the lamb's head and run away with it. Take it to the vet and they say it needs surgery to survive. After we get some more info about the origin of the animal, the vets tell me I need to go to Africa and get something that will heal the animal. Once in Africa, in some remote village, I need to pass a door with two guards. I try seducing them, but they don't flinch. Then ask me for a million dollars to go in. I explain the situation and say it is to save an animal's life and they reduce to half a million, which is still ridiculous but I agree to and they let me in. I then steal whatever was inside the guarded house and return to the vet. The lamb is now able to get its surgery and regrow a body. Later I get a call from the vet saying the animal is doing great.

      I married to some rich family, but I have this feeling I did it against my will and feel unhappy. I am walking with my family through some hipster area of old docks now turned into restaurants and bars. By the other side of the river I see Manhattan. I am walking ahead of them, making a little dance waving a white shawl in the air, feeling empty inside. Then I encounter Zilla by chance and she walks with me. She spots some vegan fast food and invites me to come along. I do and let go of whomever I was with before. Riverstone is there too and although it's mid morning, they both wanna eat lunch. At first I say they are crazy but then I give in to the idea and ask for an Impossible Burger. While we sit at a table, I get notified that I have an exam to renew my driving license renewal in a day or two and I panic because I wasn't aware and haven't studied shit.

      I am dating Seth Rogen. I am half lucid, so at first I feel like "Why didn't I chose some hunkier guy to fool around with?". But he is extremely sweet and I actually start feeling the hots for him. We're sitting on a bed or couch, making out, and when I kiss him he gets really excited, in a very adorable innocent way that makes me want him more. He starts reaching out to his pants and I am totally into it. But then I notice that there is another bed to our side and two girls are sitting on it, watching us and that disturbs me. Worse, I spot a red demon under their bed and see that he is about to snatch one of the girls, so I jump to grab her and rescue her. The demon gets pissed and starts projecting long arms, claws and tentacles and weird heads coming from under the sheets, without ever leaving the bed area. I beat him as hard as I can until he kinda retreats and I sunk into the wall.

      My mom is with her friend Paula. We are at an ice cream shop and I look for a vegan flavor. There is one for the stupid price of almost 25€. I complain a lot to the seller and he seems not to understand my complaint. Then I realize that's the price for a whole bucket of like 5 to 10 lt and I apologize and ask how much for a cone with a ball. I then follow my mom and Paula to a car. They didn't get ice cream so Paula is offering something else like crackers to my mom and ask if I want some to. Then we go get my dog Hachi and Paula goes get some other dog like animal on a leash to accompany us on a walk, but it is some dog-like alien with green body parts. I insist that she keeps a good distance from me and Hachi, because Hachi already reacts bad to other dogs, let alone alien dogs, but she keeps forgetting and getting to close for comfort. One time they almost get into a fight, so I give up on this walk and we take the dogs away. Later on I accompany them again to some kind of old garage where mom is talking to the owner and some guy offers us crackers and cheese. I am giving it a try when my Sensei enters the place. First he pretends not to see me while he talks to the rest of the people, clearly nervous about approaching me. I also pretend not to have seen him in the first seconds, but then gather courage and I say hi and give him a hug. He feels relieved and actually a bit overjoyed, so then he gropes my breast and pretends it is by accident, but I know it wasn't. I ask about the classes, he says it all stopped because of the pandemic, but that he misses it a lot. I say I do to. I wonder why he doesn't ask me why I left the classes way before the pandemic started.
      Music starts playing, some Latino rhythms like salsa and he and everyone else start dancing. I don't want him to invite me to dance, so I leave through a back door into a backyard and I see my mom is already there with some new age "kumbaya" group. They seem harmless, so I let her be. Then they invite us to go on a boat trip and I start drifting from the dream.
      Probably had a very brief episode of FA and felt my bed shake like there was an earthquake, but that brought me back to the dream on the boat. I laugh and tell my mom that when the boat started the engines, it coincided with me feeling my bed in RL shaking and she laughs.

      I am again semi-lucid, back on land at some ground floor mall at some private condominium, but the atmosphere is dark and heavy and I see no one around. I also feel watched by agents or demons whom I know to be present in the dream, ready to attack me. I walk through the corridors and sense a presence following me. I do evasive maneuvers until I find an exit and run around the building to try and see me stalker. It is some shady guy who disappears again. I see a lady walking away with the alien dog from Paula. I fly upwards to assess my surroundings and then land in some university campus, which I find lovely. Each faculty seems to have a theme, for instance, literature classes take place in a mini medieval village, where each house is a classroom and people gather around communal tables to debate topics, instead of facing a teacher. I walk a bit through the narrow streets, the houses are all ground level timber-framed and feel very cozy. At the end of one of the streets there is a bigger building, like and open hangar, but it is a tavern or bar, and the decoration changes completely. It is 60s and cinema inspired. It has the colors and the furniture typical from the 60s and posters of old spy movies on the walls. There is a door leading to the parking lot with a toll booth. A vintage car from the 50s just stopped at the booth and when I approach, a bunch of gangsters come out of it and point guns at me. Turns out I also have a gun and also drop it on them. For some reason they stand down and leave. My cat Yéti comes out of nowhere and I pick him up. Once on the normal city streets, I see my mom's apartment building or a very similar one, but with a few more balconies. I see the details like the tiles on the walls and feel extremely nostalgic about it, to see how detailed it is engraved in my memory. Then I fly upwards and take notice of the rest of the buildings around, think about getting beyond this and do something interesting. I fly higher and higher, until what I see below me is an African plain at sunset, as far as the eye can see. I feel free and relaxed, but my cat Yéti who I am still holding, is getting pretty nervous and wanting to jump, so I look for some place to drop him safely. There is a house floating in the air, no front wall for some reason, so I just go inside. I am planning on resting there for a while, see if Yéti can be left there safely, but the house starts tilting and everything in it slides through the open wall and falls into the void below us. Some old Asian lady comes in from another room, looking surprised to see me and in panic. I only have time to grab Yéti again and I jump into the void to fly away on my terms instead of falling.

      I am in a room talking with BTS and I find them all very nice and smart people. I decide to become their fan and wonder if any of the guys in the band is single, so that I could hang out with. I sit between two of them and one, I think the youngest, immediately leans on my shoulder and gets really close. I was fantasizing about dating one of them, but all of a sudden I feel like he is pushing it a bit too much too soon, so I tell him nicely to back off amd take it easy. The others laugh.
    4. 16 Mar: Gore nightmares of genocide and demonic possession

      by , 03-16-2021 at 09:05 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some African small village. Some white man is rounding up black and white children to burn them alive. Nobody stops him, as if afraid of the consequences and I don't get it, because all I see is one man. When he lights the fire, I scream in horror and decide it's worth risking my life to fight for the children. I first throw rocks at the guy and hit him in the head. He falls on the ground and I beat the shit out of him, break his arm and try to strangle him. I am really possessed and ripping the guy apart. The villagers use the chance to put out the fire and save the kids. A black female police arrives and asks me to stop beating the guy, so she can take him into custody. Then I am lauded as an hero and invited to some big music event. The band playing sounds a bit like AC/DC. There is then an after party and I come with Riverstone. Someone complains he wasn't invited and I yell at them that he is the reason I am still alive (don't know why).

      At my teenage room at my mom's house, but different, because it is on ground level. Some dude breaks in my window and I think he wants kill me, but then he just grooms me and seduces me and I feel like he wants to abuse me. Riverstone is in the house somewhere and the guy is alerted by the noises of his presence, so I use the opportunity to claim my boyfriend is coming. The guy gives up his intents and prepares to leave, but lets me know that he will return. So I lock and glue the windows shut. (So Riverstone did save me, but in a future dream. Odd.)
      The stalked does not come back to my house, instead he causes a fake fire at my high school, to make everyone come out and then kinda kidnaps me. When he does so, I detach from my own body and see myself as a young blonde teen girl. He says something to her ears and she is bewitched. Next time he comes, she actually is longing for him and she kisses him in front of the school colleagues. Since he is an older man in his 30s, all kids and teachers present react in shock and she looks at them like she couldn't care less and finds them all pitiful. Later she is with teachers and colleagues at a workshop where they have some practical crafting lessons. The creepy guy is there too, at first just like a ghost. He possesses or hypnotizes a teacher that throws himself at a rotating saw, cutting himself in half and splashing blood and guts everywhere. Everyone is horrified and then the guy materializes, looking devilish. Now is obvious to me that he is a demon. He grabs the dead teacher's heart and gives it to the girl for her to eat it. She somehow is now fully naked and covered in blood and everyone else runs away. But I confront him. I want to stop him. And now he wants to kill me. He traps me in some kind of mental maze, the space around me transforms so that I can't get out of it. One room leads to an identical one and he is always there. There is no escaping. At first he just taunts me and I get a knife and slit his throat every time I see him, but he just appears in the next room and the next. Then I try to kill one of his manifestations by stabbing him repeatedly and slitting his throat while repeating like a mantra "in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit". I don't know why, because I am a buddhist. He seems to lose some strength and not be able to fight back. Then I kill another one and chop him into pieces and stab and slice each organ including the heart and as a result it opens an horizontal slit on a wall, to escape this place and go back to the "real world". I repeat the prayer even more intensely and feel like I conjure the Holy Spirit as a gush of wind comes through the slit and pushes through the space behind me, as if to blow the demon away from me. Once outside, there is a stairway and as I climb it, I also get the power to multiply into endless manifestations, so I am ready to face the demon if he comes after me. Strangely enough, those manifestations are all dressed up as the Daredevil or some kind of Power Ranger type of suit in dark red and blue tones.
    5. 6 Oct: Crime in the Arctic Circle

      by , 10-06-2020 at 10:32 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening astral projection

      I am a detective with a colleague working on a case somewhere in the Arctic Circle, on a small community. It's freezing hell and locals found a body near the coast. We try to collect some evidence, but the body is completely frozen and we can't do shit and nobody seems available to pick it up to the morgue. Then someone warns us of a polar bear coming towards us and we have to run. The bear goes to the corpse with the intention of eating it, we try to scare him away but then a pack of wolves comes from another direction and we just have to give up. Next day we find bits and pieces of the corpse, like an arm and a foot.

      Later on I am somewhere in Africa visiting some friends, but on arriving at their place, I encounter dozens of lions and lionesses either roaming around or lying down in groups here and there. I jump inside a car that is parked just outside their house and call out to someone. But their door is open and I fear the worst. I drive around and find more people I know and bring them in safely into the car. We are packed like sardines and some lions get more aggressive, so we get out of there.

      Updated 10-12-2020 at 08:30 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Friday, 12th of the 6th, 2020 - Big one

      by , 06-12-2020 at 06:15 PM
      Dream 1:
      Involved me and my family moving into a new house, in a very fancy neighborhood. My room had an incredible view of the sea, and at night the full moon reflected off the water and through the windows, bathing my room in blue, teal, purple, and pink light that danced on the waves.

      Dream 2:
      Okay, this one’s going to be quite long so buckle up. The perspective of this one is also confusing- I was watching a tv show, but it was in the first-person perspective and I was the main character.

      I’m a rifleman with incredible aim, due to my ability to perceive things that happen quickly as happening more slowly. Kind of like slowing down time, but only inside my own head.

      I’m hunting somewhere in South Africa, when I’m suddenly surrounded by tribal men, and I’m held hostage by them and taken to their camp. One of the other guys there had been cannibalized by the tribe, but managed to survive by putting himself into a “stasis” for over 200 years. He awoke when I got there, and had a tourniquet around his upper left thigh, so the leg could be removed more easily and he could grow it back. That wasn’t the first time he’d had his leg cut off. He told me I could wait out my escape, and he would show me how to put myself into the stasis. Or, I could join the brutal fighting ring set up for the tribe’s entertainment, and fight my way to the top.
      Fast forward and I’m holding his limp body in a shallow pool of water, surrounded by fire. I join the fighting ring in his honor, and in an attempt to secure my own freedom. I have to do what it takes, no matter the cost. End of episode one, credits roll.

      Episode 2-
      I’m transported to the fighting ring. It’s sort of like prison, only mad-max style; All the guys there have a communal food area, and outdoor time, but the majority of the time is spent training to kill each other. The buildings are all made with scrap metal patchwork, rusty and brown.

      I arrive at night, and I’m dropped right inside of the doorway, which is blocked off by fences and chains outside. A giant flood light turns on and I’m briefly blinded, then a chain whips around my back and pulls me inside. I fall on my face and hear everyone laughing at me.

      Fast forward and I have a few ‘friends.’ There’s a woman there, who’s one of the fighting coaches, who’s also my love interest. She has mechanical augmented arms. I have nightmares about showing up in the ring, and she’s my opponent. I’m training hard and she’s watching me closely. I’m the only one who’s ever dodged knives thrown at me.

      Next episode-
      It’s time for my first fight, after a week of training I must kill this man who has throwing knives for his signature weapon. (Everyone there has a unique weapon; I hadn’t decided on mine yet. It’s an aspect of the ring where “the weapon chooses the warrior.”)
      All I have is a pocket knife, against this guy who out-ranges me completely. This wasn’t his first time in the ring, either. He had won a few fights before fighting me.

      Anyways, it’s time to fight to the death. He begins by throwing his knives, and I begin by dodging all of them. I see them slowing down in front of me, and they become blurry and warped by my vision. I still manage to dodge them and even deflect a few. His last two fly straight at my eyes, and I catch them both. He’s coming at me with his fists now, enraged by my successful dodges. I easily side-step his blows an give him one good slash across the throat. He stops and holds his neck, coughing and sputtering blood onto the sand. I’m now behind him, so I kick the back of his legs and bring him to his knees before stabbing him in the side of the neck, finishing him off. The crowd watching is roaring at my victory. I’m lifted up by my friends, and we celebrate.

      I know it is only the first step towards my freedom.
      Credits roll.
    7. Documentary

      by , 04-15-2019 at 09:43 AM (Into my world)

      this dream is short but for me it was very interesting and strage.

      I'm in a documentary, I see the scenes but I'm not a part of it, I'm the voice that explains the things.
      the documentary is set in the African savannah, and I'm telling you how the man evolved.
      our predecessors were called Eres'al, they were bigger than us, with hair all over their bodies, they had strong arms with big hands and they walked on all fours; in practice we were something very similar to a gorilla.

      This animals became human because some individuals, in addition to looking for food and avoiding being eaten by others, found time to devote to themselves to stop and reflect, this with time led their minds to evolve.
      We can see this big gorilla laying in a field and looking at the clouds that float in the sky.

      The next part of the documentary take place on the bank of a river with a waterfall nearby, wee can clearly hear the sound of water falling from a big cliff.
      there are see a man and a woman, still very primitive and naked, who haven't yet learned to speak approaching for the first time. both of them had never seen a human being of the opposite sex, so they are very shy and wary. they approach slowly and when they are a few steps away from each other they stretch their hands until they touch each other.

      In the last part wee are in an African modern village, there are people who walk among the huts, others who cultivate the fields. then the camera zooms into a school without walls where there are a lot of children writing on their notebooks, the teacher is explaining something and on the other side of the room wee see a cameraman who is obviously doing a bad job because he isn't suppose to be in the scene.


      this dream is hilarious, I'm thinking about how it would be if they really did show a documentary like that on focus hahaha

      Updated 04-15-2019 at 09:47 AM by 96212

    8. 3/26/2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 03-27-2018 at 06:29 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I'm trying to get home from about Mason's house to KC but there are people from the mob coming to kill me. I'm looking on the street and seeing different houses around the main guy's house and wondering why anyone would want to live near the mob since it would be a lot of pressure to have to go to events you were invited to. Trying to get home, the street with the big hill is blocked by 4 or 5 mobsters running up the street at me. I run right towards Owen's but it's blocked that way too. Before they can come kill me I decided I want to wake up and do so.

      The dream scene was getting off of a boat. I think I'm now in a different country in Africa. The boat unloads us onto a dock with a shop attached to it. I'm looking around at various items looking for a Coca Cola bottle. There are a few soda bottles but I don't end up purchasing one. I remember I wanted to find a local that would show me the best places to get dinner and thought maybe a hostel owner would know.

      The dream opens up into this massive place of shops that looked like cabins and then a massive pool and amusement park as well. I was swimming in the pool and talking to some people I didn't really know. Then I'm around the pool deck. I'm wearing a full suit and do a side flip into the pool, accidentally kicking a girl which disappointed a girl I had talked to earlier.

      I meet up with my friends, I think moo and kolby were there. We were walking down this path and on both sides we were passing these massive water slides that were gushing water out. We decide to go on this one ride. We walk into the room and it's filled with black padding and cushions. We're confused but then all of the sudden the floor below us just gives out and we're free falling down. People are hitting different obstacles made of cushion and everyone's laughing and having a good time. I don't hit any obstacles so I get down pretty quickly.

      We go outside and look at more water slides. Looking up into the sky, there are two massive rides that were red and white. They must've been more than a mile up into the sky and stood straight up except for a slight curve in the middle. I got a little freaked out to the point where I couldn't even look at them, I thought they were really unsafe. We took a short ride up into the sky to get a better look at the massive rides but the little white ride hooked and then went back down.

      On the ground we were back at the pool area. It looked more like someone's backyard or a hotel area. There's small townhouses made of wood and black/blue glass surrounding a small pool and hottub. I'm in the pool swimming back towards the main pool and shop area when I see johnny b with a very long nose which I thought was interesting. They come out to the main pool area with us and I'm seeing people from my high school swimming by. One is Celia and the dream ends as we're in the back of a car. I'm now watching myself third person having intercourse with her.
    9. Cloth Quest with Seven Pet Lions

      by , 09-22-2016 at 03:22 PM
      Morning of September 22, 2016. Thursday.

      I am in Africa on a long expedition. My wife Zsuzsanna and our children and some unknown people are on the journey. Curiously, the “vehicle” we are using to travel in is only a tent that is somehow moving over the savanna without any apparent explanation (as it does not seem to have wheels; it somehow slides slowly over the ground). I have seven pet lions, at least three being male. They walk along with us on our journey without incident.

      A male lion is inside the tent at one point but is not a threat. I am also in the tent for a time to “sleep” and also to look at a treasure map. As we travel over the savanna, I watch the scene from above for a time but I am eventually back in my physical form. We are seeking some sort of magical or at least special material, a roll or piece of cloth with special properties, the location of which is apparently indicated on the map.

      We reach an isolated outdoor market where there are several African cashiers, at least three of them females around forty years of age. They seem to be selling the special cloth we had been seeking. There are two counters set up on each side of an outside area I enter. I examine a cloth which I first feel may be what we are seeking. A cashier tells me that it is a thousand dollars for a yard of it. I am not so sure this situation will work out. I go to the opposite counter to look around a bit.

      One male lion walks around near the counters, being as tame as a dog, and I pat its head. Other people do not seem to be at all concerned about my lions.

      Eventually, I notice a piece of cloth that I expect is the one we need. It is uneven though and is not quite a yard. The cashier tells me this one is also a thousand dollars if I want it. I almost express my annoyance to her but I do not. I take out my wallet and pull out one fifty-dollar bill after another, materializing the money out of thin air just at the point my hand is in the wallet, deliberately doing this and realizing this, but without dream state lucidity. I assertively hand her the money which I just mentally willed out of my wallet, twenty fifty-dollar notes, which I know is exactly a thousand dollars. She happily gives me the material.

      The cloth’s design shows a repeating pattern (in mostly bright orange, yellow, and sepia saturated hues) of a scene of two lions (male and female) lying in the savanna in front of a boulder and a tree and the sun on the horizon in the background at their left. I pick up the supposed special cloth from the counter and we are on our way. Of course, this represents Zsuzsanna and I sleeping together during the sunrise, the cloth being a literal association with bed sheets and pillow cases.

      Lion autosymbolism has already been explained in many of my past entries, but here is a brief rundown: Factor one is coalescence (potentially being “swallowed” back into whole consciousness) and factor two is the augmented domestic cat association as being a “witness” to the dream state and the nature of liminal space (that is, the autosymbolic waking process). This dream is based on a partial association with “The Sleeping Gypsy”, an 1897 oil painting by French Naïve artist Henri Rousseau. The association transforms into the ending autosymbolism of this dream of which also represents art and the nature of sleeping and dreaming, as dreams are autosymbolic of the nature of the dream state and waking process itself. The cashiers and the checkout scenario are autosymbolic of the dream state’s implied exit point.

      Updated 06-22-2018 at 12:36 PM by 1390

    10. Going to Africa, School (Lucid), and At Kohl's Again

      by , 10-14-2014 at 02:01 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was with a group of people. The next day, we were going to Africa. I'm not sure what the purpose of the trip was. I was supposed to be careful in certain areas, however, so I didn't catch any diseases.

      Then, the next day, I was in Africa with this group of people. We were by a desert area. I was trying to remember how I had gotten there. I "remembered" before the flight, but I was drawing a complete blank for the flight. I could not, for the life of me, remember being on the plane!


      I was in a classroom. I was sitting at a desk/table next to a guy. There were many students in the room. The teacher, a guy, was teaching. I had these workbooks, three I believe, and the teacher was telling us to do something with them, like go to a certain page or something. I was trying to follow the directions; I wanted to do well.

      I then was driving up to my high school. It was morning. I looked at the front of it, and it looked like my elementary school, but it had my high school's name on it. I parked and started to walk in. I got almost to the door when I realized that I had forgotten my backpack. No matter, I'll just make it appear on my back. I tried to do that, and it made me realize that I was dreaming! I walked into the school and into a room. My brother was in there playing the piano I think? I don't know what we talked about, I can't recall, but I then wanted to make angel wings appear on my back. I looked at my brother and saw that he had these what looked like costume green fairy wings on his back. I concentrated on making the wings grow and then saw them coming off my back. They also looked like costume fairy wings, only white. Eh, I was close. My brother was then talking, but I couldn't hear anything at all; there was no sounds whatsoever, as if someone had hit the mute button on my dream. Everything then went black around me. I was not all the way out of the dream yet, however. I took off into the air, letting myself float like a leaf in the wind. The wind was blowing me around quite a bit, but I let it; I was going with the flow. I felt myself flying for a few seconds, and I then, unfortunately,
      woke up.


      I was working at Kohl's again. There was a newer girl working with me. She was telling me something, and I was talking back to her, telling her I had worked there for almost 3 years now. I then thought to myself how that didn't seem quite right. I briefly became lucid while looking at a shelf, and thought to myself I could either keep the lucidity or go on with the dream, but I lost it for some reason.


      I had another, very explicit lucid dream, and while I sometimes do a spoiler tag, this time, I really don't think I want to type it out. Sometimes, these dreams get too personal to share online. Sorry, guys.
    11. Africa

      by , 07-21-2014 at 06:57 PM


      I am on vacation in Africa. My family and me are in a restaurant and there are snakes everywhere. Big blue ones. One man gets bitten in the chest and gets thrown back by the hit. He dies instantly.
      My dog is there too and I am afraid he will get bitten. The owner comes and takes one of the snakes. He also brings a box full of baby snakes, from whom one bites me. nothing happens tho. After that I jog home.
    12. Rpg

      , 01-30-2014 at 05:48 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night, bed at midnight - 8am

      Had lots of dreams. Remember only this one.

      DR: I'm standing by some huts. Looking at a guy kneeling, holding an RPG on his shoulder. The front part of the weapon stayes aimed at the target, even as the back part moves when guy moves adjusting his position.

      Based of the huts and color of the soil, I believe we are in rural Africa.

      Hi fires, and now I have a first person view. My vision zooms in to the point of the impact. I clearly see the rocket approaching a house on the edge of the village, hidden from view in foliage.

      The rocket hits the ground just feet from the first house. Soil there is black and coarse. Other places is orange-reddish. As it impacts, I clearly see the shockwave circle spreading. It doesn't explode and I say "It's a dud". Then fire shoots from the top of the rocker into the air. I think that's harmless and not how it's suppose to work.
    13. Poverty parkour with Skeletons

      by , 11-02-2013 at 05:44 PM
      Third-person P.O.V shows a kid about 8 or 9 who is in some ghetto place of Africa. There are several floors laid with loose old bricks. The kid does crazy and dangerous life-threatening stunts. He says he does these stunts because he pretty much has nothing to live for. After he says that, the view ascends up the brick landscape slowly. As it gets onto the higher levels, a series of miniature skeletons appear on the rugged and dirty brick floor. As we ascend, the skeletons get much smaller. These are the skeletons of impoverished human beings. I now understood why the kid never cared if he lost his life doing those crazy stunts. I felt an overwhelming sense of sympathy and felt sorry for the kid.
    14. Hitler gets blown up!

      by , 09-17-2013 at 07:20 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/17/2013, 10:05-5:55

      Meditated last night. Same mantra as last time.

      Dream 1:

      I was on a battlefield as a soldier. I looked to the right and saw a destroyed building. There was the body of Hitler next to it, a piece of the building, and a crushed military tank. I also saw a fence in front of me with a trench. In the trench was a bipod-ed sniper rifle aimed at the building. Also, everything was on top of a sheet of ice.

      I then recall being in a war room. Someone was pointing to a map of the world toward where Australia should be. There was ice on the map in place of the over-sized island. There was some everywhere on the map, actually. I guess it represented the world in an Ice Age. The guy pointing then pointed to Africa and said something about "them" being in Africa, but also in the "Home Depot" of the world, as he pointed to Asia. (WTH Asia is Home Depot?) The dream then ended.

      Updated 09-18-2013 at 07:56 PM by 58207

    15. Ups and downs [Lucid!]

      by , 08-08-2013 at 05:01 PM
      Isn't it funny how after I had a lucid dream I had two nights without anything?

      Welp, now I had another.

      Oh, mind...

      It started off with me in Africa with some cousins (We don't have any cousins in Africa, weirdness..). We were walking around a market and bought a watermelon then went on our way. I remember carrying two slices out of five. We came along a mud puddle and we jumped in it. For no reason.

      *Memory blindness*

      We then came to an intersection. To the left was a slight hill leading back to the marketplace, the front and back were a dirt road. On the left there was a small forest that ended a couple yards ahead. The sky was mostly cloudy, with some patches gray. It was raining.
      We met with some guy who was chubby, short, white, and had glasses. Everyone started talking to him except for me, my brother, and my younger cousin. He looked to be about 6 by the way.

      I started thinking about this trip. And how the airline ride went. Then I realized; there was no airline trip. I thought I just might have forgotten it, but then I did thought about doing a RC. Then my aunt said "Oh no, I can breathe, its a dream! We're not real!"
      I did and RC for myself, and I could breathe! I started thinking about all this stuff I wanted to do, and the task of the month and all.

      My mind, kind of got overwhelmed. I could feel it too, that anxiety of wanting to do things. The sky started flashing different colors. I started to remember the DV podcast, then I remembered the "Making out with the ground" trick.
      I layed down and started, uh, making out with the ground. I will admit, it took my mind off dreaming, I guess because you can't see anything, just dirt. Plus your preoccupied with thinking it'll work. The sky stopped flashing, and everyone looked like they didn't know a thing.

      I figured I would go to France. No particular reason. I just haven't gone there before. I then tried to teleport but instead my mind brought up a map of the world. I punched France with my fist, and it took me too another map with a map of France. I popped Paris and it made me turn right. It all seemed like a really badly made video game, but it seemed to do the trick. I walked out, and I could see the Eiffel tower! I was a long ways away though, so I tried to teleport again.

      But as we all know, for me, teleporting twice is a death sentence.

      My eyes in real life quickly opened, then I realised what I'd done and tried to fall asleep again.

      ly it didn't work.
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