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    1. July 2, 2023 12:00 PM

      by , 07-02-2023 at 11:36 AM
      I met on online friend last night and went partying and clubbing with him and his friends, it was a wonderful evening and I had a great day, came home around 7 am and fell asleep almost immediately

      In my dream, I meet a random celebrity and get to join him on his "premiere tour" for the night, they go to random openings of locations and then sit at a table at the back of the venue for a while until the next one comes by. At some point they get the venue and tell me it's at the station called "pizza" I ask them if I should get on the underground on my way there but they telling me I should take the "Louvre tram"

      I then slowly wake up still tired, but rested enough to no longer sleep (hungover lol)
    2. Wednesday, April 5

      by , 05-20-2023 at 03:41 AM
      I am in a house with Melissa. (I think it is ‘our’ house in the dream, though it doesn’t look at all like our real house). This house is smaller and simple, size-wise it seems like a two bed, one bath. I’m in the front yard/entryway right now and it too is simply landscaped and clean. There is a tiny, empty stone river bed between this property and the neighbor’s. I think I am in the yard now, and I have removed the sun from the sky. It is as simple as it sounds, and I simply hold it in the house, a sphere of no temperature, exactly the shape and color that it appears from Earth. Now, I’m back outside and with Stella and floating up into the sky. I’m high enough to … roof of the house when I will myself to go higher. I think this is the highest I’ve ever managed to go. I see Maggie down on the lawn. Back on the ground now, I return the sun to the overcast sky. I hold it … I retrieved it from and a soft magnetic pull takes it the rest of the way.

      I’m in what feels like a night club that is kind of out in the middle of nowhere. There’s a group of people waiting to go in. When we do go in, I notice how dingy the place is. The floors are sticky and all of the handwritten drinks on the walls sound unappealing. All I can think is that I have no desire to drink here and that this is not my idea of a fun time. There are also some booths here, where I sit with some unfamiliar people. One of the ladies humorously uses my middle name - Ryan James? We are going to order BBQ.
    3. Thursday, February 23

      by , 05-05-2023 at 11:20 PM
      I am entering a Starbucks with some unfamiliar others. It feels like it’s in a hotel lobby, directly at the bottom of the elevator (that we’ve just gotten off of?) Right away, an employee lets us know that they have very high standards here. She has heavy makeup and an intense, almost inhuman look in her face. Just a little later, we’re all eating here. I’m drinking a glass of wine and think I start to really feel it since I haven’t been drinking at all
    4. Thursday, January 26

      by , 05-05-2023 at 11:19 PM
      I am getting a new tattoo. I’m seeing Jordan (the guy who did my ‘why not’ tattoo). I think I have asked for something that is definitely not what I am currently getting. Looking down, I see that he’s completed a simple rectangle taking up most of my left calf, at a slight angle. The lines are thin and impossibly straight. Nobody that I show this new tattoo seems to like it. I notice that I have a few small tattoos on my legs and think that the rectangle is fitting.

      I am going to hike Half Dome. Options for someone going with me are Melissa and Ethan S. from work. They both end up [missing] out on me. I accept that I’ll be going along and then start to worry about the time … started around 5:30am last time. I notice that I’m wearing fairly short shorts and a button up t shirt. I’m now outside and Aunt Anna shows up in their brown truck. She has a dozen or more large bottles of hard alcohol for a get together and asks me if it looks like too much. I visualize the amount in one (whisky) and start to think that yes, it is.
    5. Monday, August 3

      by , 11-30-2020 at 07:23 AM
      I am in or near downtown with Melissa and Brooke, going into a restaurant. The place is somewhat small and modern looking (sparse décor and a simple counter). The long counter is along the right hand wall, perpendicular to the doors. There are menus above the counter and then seating across from the counter. It’s fairly crowded and I don’t notice any masks (it almost feels like there is no need for it in the dream, as if it’s pre-Covid). We shuffle in and a man comes over to take our order. None of us are ready; he tells us to move somewhere else while we look?, I think to maintain some kind of social distancing. We’re now seated in a booth. I think I’m irritated at Melissa/the situation unjustly, because we weren’t ready. A larger, bald? server comes over and sits at our booth to take our order. Nobody seems ready, still. I sort of grumpily volunteer to go first. I had been thinking of a scotch that sounded good, but couldn’t think of the name. I thought it started with an ‘H’ and even googled ‘Scotch that starts with H’. I noticed Melissa glancing at my phone as I held it somewhat under the table. I never found out what I was thinking of. I tell him “I’ll have a scotch, please. Neat.” hoping he won’t ask which kind or planning to say McCallan 12 year. After a moment he says something like ‘I heard if you put some Amber in it, it’ll make it weak… like Sisolak’. I realize he heard ‘weak’ instead and nicely tell him ‘no, neat’. Melissa is now casually mentioning that Sam plans to break up with her tomorrow over text/FaceTime? She says she’s fine with it and sounds it too. She’s now telling me she got the job at a pizza place. I tell her I’m happy for her. I see a picture of a pizza divided into the 7 days and ask if she’ll have to work every day. She says no.
    6. Magic guitar man Martin and bad dad

      by , 09-26-2020 at 03:32 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm in a big hall with my family. I see an audience and Martin (Kajsa's Martin) holds a guitar and is playing. He suddenly takes the guitar in one of his hands and stretches it out. While he stands there holding in his guitar, he is simultaneously playing with the fingers of that hand. It looks amazing and I am astounded. He is playing some kind of Cmaj7 chord by the look of his hand (Barre at the third fret) but it sounds like a regular C chord. I take another guitar and tries to do the same thing. It looks like a six-string guitar but it feels like a twelve-string guitar when I hit the strings.

      Notes: I heard Martin would see us yesterday.

      I've been drinking alcohol and am intoxicated. Dad is drinking alcohol and is laying in a bed. Me and mom is complaining at him but he is just dodging us. Mom asks him why he would have kids if he would turn up like this.

      Notes: Me and dad is not drinking alcohol at all. I saw my friends drinking yesterday. Maybe that was why.

      Updated 10-19-2020 at 09:43 PM by 97565

    7. Wednesday, June 17

      by , 06-24-2020 at 04:48 AM
      I am in a convenience store with Melissa. We’re walking up to the registers, me with a giant bottle of Jack Daniels, her with a giant jug of some pink wine. A guy walks up to one of the empty registers to take us. He’s a little older than us and seems kind of shady. He keeps his head down and says nothing but “IDs.” We show ours; mine is fine, but apparently he has a problem with hers. He slides her a binder in which I think she has to write down a reference? She writes down “Daddi”, who I think is a real person. He then gives her another paper, i guess this one an acknowledgement that she’s not kidding around. She raises her eyebrows at it, slowly writing in big letters, ‘okay’ where her name should go. Now I think he’s making her do another reference. I think she writes ‘Victor’, who, again, I know is a real person. I take it out of her hands and shove it back to him, angrily saying something like ‘no, he’s a real fucking person.’ The guy is now off doing something else, and I watch him from the corner of my eye as I tear out, fold up, and slide into my pocket one of the sheets for a humorous keepsake. I don’t think Melissa wanted me to do it, but I adeptly did it with one hand and without getting caught. Now we are walking into Dad’s house for a get together. I put the Jack Daniels in the fridge, right at home among the other bottles of Brandy, Scotch, etc. I know everyone brought their own, and I feel jealous and somewhat regretful because I don’t even really like Jack Daniels. There are only a few people here so far. One is a lady with short blond hair who announces that she’s leaving really quick because something’s going on with her son. Now we’re sitting around a table, and they’ve made a drink out of the Jack Daniels. I think it has Red Bull and some kind of spice. I’m glad that they like it.
      Tags: alcohol, store
    8. Monday, March 23

      by , 03-28-2020 at 10:30 PM
      I am outside with Melissa, alongside what looks like Geiger Grade. We are on the north side, and it almost looks like it did before all the construction. I think we are walking on stilts. She wants to cross to the other side right now, but I look back and see cars coming. We just wait until the intersection, which was very close anyway. Now, we are in what feels like a very large garage. There are a few inches of water on the ground and partitions about every foot, hanging down with several inches of clearance above the ground. Melissa is somehow going above them, but I choose to go below. I simply hold my breath as I pass under each partition. I think I have fins on and I notice the ease with which they allow me to move through the water, enabling me to clear at least two partitions at a time.

      I am going to some work dinner. I’m arriving at the same time as a blond girl that I guess works with me but that I don’t really know. The hostess asks her how many, and she replies ‘one.’ I’m a little put off, as we seem to be the first ones and I thought she would just get a table for all, but I guess not. When she returns and asks me, I tell her ‘two’ in case Melissa is coming. She seats me at a glossy, wooden, rectangular table next to a wall. There are a few open seats but there are also 2-3 Asian boys and Anthony from jewelry. He seems slightly surprised to see me, and I feel likewise. I say hi. I’m going to introduce myself to the others, but I think I let too much time pass to where it would now be awkward. I’m now sitting at a different table with Brooke. The waitress has not been over in a long time; when she does come over, she grabs some dishes and makes no intimations of offering further service, so I take it upon myself to ask for a glass of water and a Macallan 12 year, neat. Brooke also asks for something. She says okay and walks off. I am eating tiny, raw eggs, breaking off a part of the shell to get to the contents.
    9. Monday, January 13

      by , 01-14-2020 at 06:34 AM
      I think I’m at either Matt and Sara’s or Opa’s house. It seems to be a family gathering. There also seems to be some tension between Matt and Sara. I find Sara alone and ask what’s going on. She tells me that she’s pregnant but Matt won’t stop drinking. Sure enough, I look over and see him holding what looks like a glass of whisky.

      I am on a promenade along the river. I think some of the family is here too. I also can’t shake the feeling that this place is very familiar somehow.
    10. Sunday, December 22

      by , 12-23-2019 at 07:38 PM
      I am at Nathaniel’s, watching him for a while. I’m lying on my back, with my legs straight up, him balancing his torso horizontally on my feet and holding my hands to balance. He seems to be having fun, and his personality is just as I remember it. Now, his dad is here, and he is just as nice as I remember him too.

      I am walking into what I think is a huge Walmart. As I walk in, I am cognizant of my middle parted hair hanging almost to my shoulders. I’ve decided that I am growing it out again and am pretty happy with this resolution. I also remember asking Makayla and her saying I should. I think I am going in here for a Christmas gift. I think I’ll look in the kitchen aisle for Mom and then I think for Melissa too. I end up not even finding the aisle, but end up by the cases of water. Everything looks like it is in bulk. I also notice bulk sized jugs of different tequilas and vodkas for around $10. One is called ‘Jimmy John’s Vodka’, which I think cannot be that good. I then get the idea to look at the beer, just to see what they have. There is a somewhat small selection on a few shelves, but then I notice that it is labeled ‘non alcoholic’. I step out into the wide and long main aisle (almost the size of a street) and notice a guy coming towards me on a bike. I started stepping into his path, but then wait for him to pass. I think I am also aware of my eyesight and how it is not that good. I have found the beer aisle now, which seems to be mostly six packs of cans in cardboard boxes. Nothing really looks that appealing. One says ‘Finally Harvest Time’ and has a graphic of a moon and the silhouette of a person. I think that can’t be that good either. Now, I am by some food products and wonder if I should just grocery shop while I am here. I don’t have a basket, but I can carry a few things. I am looking at the breads, thinking about what I would use them for. There is one that looks like four large pretzel rolls. I then notice the same package in someone’s cart, and the bottoms of the rolls look slightly burned. At the end of the aisle now, I see a large, circular, plastic container of frozen chicken tenders. There seems to be three groups, each arranged around a thing of sauce? The label indicates that it is a Phil Lesh brand, which I think is cool. I pick it up, contemplating getting it, but put it back because it’s really big. Then, I hear Phil himself over the intercom, saying that it’s my last chance if I was thinking about getting those. His voice is calm and monotonous, which makes it sort of humorous.
    11. Sunday, June 9

      by , 06-27-2019 at 08:54 PM
      I am at 10 Torr for a celebration for one of the cousin’s graduation. This place looks similar, but not exactly the same. It seems to be a little smaller and a bit more homey. It’s still a square room but has more of a kitchen vibe due to the counter and the décor. It also seems to be wrapping up; Aly is behind the counter, putting things away. It seems like nobody is left at this point. I was going to try one more drink, but I’ll be fine without it. Mom is sitting with me at the counter. It looks like it’s going to be closed now, but then a 20-something year old guy shows up behind the bar. It seems they’re now open or regular business. Two girls, maybe in their late 20s or early 30s, are already taking a seat at the bar. The guy looks to them, looking a little disheveled. The girl closer to me starts ordering something with orange/grapefruit juice, but the girl by her completely cuts her off, ordering something with the same juice but a little more specific. The guy doesn’t seem to care; he lets her finish and then turns to the first girl to let her finish. The first girl waits a moment and then makes a snide comment to the other. The guy is now looking to us. I notice two small, empty glasses on the counter in front of us, and it worries me for a moment, making me think for some reason that Mom might have a drink. I ask for ‘just a coffee liqueur and vodka’, oddly self conscious of my voice. Mom orders something kind of specific that I’ve never heard of; it sounds like some kind of mock tail. The drinks come out quickly, and it looks like they’re in small white bowls and not glasses. Mom’s looks like a strawberry ice cream or really frothy strawberry milk topped with whipped cream and a slice of banana. Mine looks like it has cream in it and then it tastes like it does too. When the guy comes back over I assertively but kindly tell him what it was supposed to be, and he fixes it. I now try Mom’, and it does seem nonalcoholic. Her face looks a little sad to me. Melissa has been waiting in a car outside, and I’ve been texting her. She’s being kind of sassy. I’m not sure why she’s just been waiting out there. I look outside and briefly see her and it looks like she’s changed into a pajama shirt.

      (fragment) I am outside and climbing/ scrambling around on some granite boulders all together and overlapping one another. I hear Kat? narrating like Jon (or Luke Larson?) is climbing, though it’s definitely just me here. She is sort of talking it up and pointing out the danger of the boulders being right behind you. I am in street shoes and sort of pulling on some holds and playing with different moves. The grainy holds are pretty decent and slightly chalked. I don’t think it’s even completely vertical, and I don’t think it’s all that hard. I think the boulder behind you is close enough that you could put out a leg or arm and stop yourself before you would fall into it. This small boulder field slowly turns into the top of a backyard. I’m standing on top of the smaller boulders with Kat, looking toward the house. There is a small, neat lawn and a few neat trees nearer the house. The house also gives the impression of being neat.

      (fragment) I am at work with Laynie and a small group has done a grab and run out of the door 18 emergency exit. We catch up with them in the stairwell. It’s about 3-4 teens or preteens. One of the girls is reminiscent of the blond 13 year old girl that was taking pictures of herself doing gang signs. She sort of talks back, but ultimately we are in control. We are being hard on them but they seem to not get it. I think we have them out in the parking lot.

      (fragment) I’m with Scott and Tyson? downtown when they see something going on through a hotel room. We are going to go in to see what’s going on. These hotel rooms seem to be in an overpass that we are walking under. I don’t like not being able to see and not really know what’s going on. I think it has to do with a shooting or someone with a gun.
    12. Cold Water Casino

      by , 05-15-2019 at 03:06 AM (Night Vision)
      I’m on a trip with my parents and an unfamiliar young man. We were all supposed to go to a casino—and they did actually go. But I didn’t care much for that plan, and so I’ve been off doing something else and only arrived back at the hotel room in time for their last trip there, late on the final evening.

      I have the impression that this is a place they’re familiar with, but this will be my first time there. I’ve been told not to bring my purse with me for whatever reason, but I don’t like going around without writing materials on hand, and so I say that I’ll just take my wallet out before I go. But it seems my parents are so eager to get back that, rather than waiting the couple of minutes this will take, they go on without me, leaving the young man to drive us there.

      Outside, it’s raining hard, and has been for a while, judging by all the standing water in the streets. As we go on, it only gets deeper, until the car, which is a fairly low one, starts having trouble moving forward. Some light on the dashboard has come on. He curses at the car—and quite probably my parents, who would have had no trouble handling this in theirs. I suggest that we just pull off the road onto higher ground, as some other cars seem to be doing, and walk the rest of the way there. It isn’t very far. He agrees to it.

      The next part I remember clearly is being inside the casino, in a large room with a grand staircase, crowded with fancily dressed people. On the upper floor, near a restaurant area, I meet up with my parents again. It’s sort of like a buffet, with tables in a horseshoe shape, each one with an attendant behind them, offering samples of various kinds of foods to the guests. Mother is going to get a chocolate milkshake—apparently, a favorite of hers there—but my father isn’t interested. The idea doesn’t appeal much to me either, and anyways, this is all new to me: I want to try things out before I order anything.

      He heads off somewhere else. I get some kind of a soup, and then head over to where they’re serving white wine. I try the sample they have there, which is pretty good—but they have all kinds of interesting drinks here, and this would be a good chance to try things I wouldn’t necessarily want a full glass of. And my mother is trying to get my attention from across the room, so I leave the table without ordering anything and head over in her direction.

      Then, suddenly, I feel a spray of cold water—and the people around me do as well, judging by how they’re crying out. It seems someone is spraying people with a hose. I move out of the way, wondering what that was about. Maybe the casino staff themselves are responsible. The whole reason this place exists is to take money from people, after all—I think it’s best not to lose sight of that—and it wouldn’t surprise me at all for one to start charging people to keep things going nicely, once they’ve got them used to it.

      Once out of range, I pause and kneel down to make sure the cat is still with me. He is indeed still there and comes to get pet. He’s an orange cat, an adult, though on the small side, and has been here with me this whole time. So far, nobody has noticed him—or else they just don’t care. But it’s still a little dangerous for him to be here with me, and so I’ve been making sure he stays close, waiting until I feel him against the back of my ankles before moving on.

    13. Wednesday, March 20

      by , 03-22-2019 at 03:06 AM
      I am up at Lake Tahoe, I think with Mom and Melissa. We’re hanging out, then I think Mom says something about getting drinks (Melissa and me) while they’re cheap, on happy hour, etc. I look up to the second story balcony area where there is a man making drinks, and it isn’t that crowded. I figure I might as well go and get some just so we have them before it gets crowded. I discuss it with Melissa and she agrees. As I start off, I realize I didn’t ask what she wants, but figure it’s probably a vodka sprite. I don’t know what I’m in the mood for, but one of those does sound refreshing on the beach. I start climbing up/down some wooden wrap around table on a deck and realize I am right by some guy trying to eat. I realize it’s pretty rude and move. I now start one way, look at the lake, realize it’d be a very long way to get to the other side, and start the other way. I realize it’d be the same thing this way. Then I see a little path that sort of goes down the middle and onto the beach and start following it. It looks cloudy over the lake.
      Tags: alcohol, lake, water
    14. Saturday, December 29

      by , 01-19-2019 at 10:41 PM
      I am outside, at what seems to be a beach, with Melissa, Brooke, and possibly Breezy. It is dark out, and there seems to be some sort of smaller event going on. There are some tables and bar counters, etc. I break off from them to go buy some shots, unannounced. I’m not really sure what to go; after talking to the bartender, I end up with two shots of ‘something fruity’. I can smell it, and it is fruity. I take them back to give to Melissa, but Brooke grabs them and takes them both at the same time. I’m now in a different area. There’s a nicely dressed guy here buying a bottle of something. I’m worried about money, but then remind myself to live a little. A bottle of fine German Riesling for only $126, he remarks, as if that’s a steal. I agree, but then start to think I’ve seen that for less.
      Tags: alcohol, beach, wine
    15. Wednesday, December 26

      by , 01-10-2019 at 04:22 AM
      I am in a room with Melissa, Alex, and their aunt Janet. The room seems large, dim, and empty. The walls look black. Despite this description, it doesn’t really convey any negative emotion. The three of them are huddled around, each holding some type of nozzle. Alex tells me to hurry and come over; he’s also counting down from 3. I hesitate, but go over in just enough time. I am handed a tube with a white, square nozzle. Everyone has one and starts drinking from theirs. I start drinking (the liquid seems to come out of one of the corners), and it is red wine. I realize they’re chugging a wine cooler (I see the box that the bag’s in). I’d rather have a glass, but go along with it. I don’t drink a ton though, as I have no desire to get drunk. Janet doesn’t stop for quite some time.
      Tags: alcohol, wine
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