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    1. 24-06-03 UFO Invasion, Déjà Vu

      by , 06-03-2024 at 05:15 PM
      Earth was under attack from what I can only describe as flying saucers. I was in a strange place, impossible to describe. An area separated from the rest of the world by huge... there are no words for it in any language I know. Like gigantic window blinds but placed vertically, forming a wall that could open and close. I think I went through at some point and it closed behind me. I felt deep inside that my every step was predetermined, and I was always going to end up where I was supposed to be, safely "imprisoned" behind that wall, until the aliens were done with the world (but I had at least survived the armageddon). I felt like I wasn't supposed to stop this disaster, just survive it. I was having some kind of massive déjà vu the entire time. I remembered having dreamt all of this before, and felt like I was simply retracing my steps. I walked out into an open area, and saw hundreds, maybe thousands of saucers descend from the heavens. I knew that soon, they would lay waste to our world. I'd seen it happen before.

      In one scene, still in the same dream (where on the timeline this happens is unclear), I'm sitting at a table with a number of other people. They're talking and the subject of dreams comes up. I say I've had lucid dreams before, and begin elaborating on the entire subject. I think synchronicity also came up. I think at one time, I called out "11:11!"

      Updated 06-03-2024 at 05:17 PM by 17412

    2. Night of Sunday 2/11/24 (DILD)

      by , 02-12-2024 at 05:18 PM (Dreamlog)
      How 'bout those Chiefs?:
      I'm in a hotel room, hiding off to the side by the entrance.
      Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are in bed together 'celebrating' the Superbowl win.
      I'm stressed out that I'm going to get caught.
      I decide to come out from behind the wall and admit that I don't know how I got here.
      There is a tall, regal looking red alien in front of me. There is another off to my left. That one seems to be observing Taylor and Travis.
      The aliens are wearing robes, and have mostly human features, minus their elongated heads and red skin color.
      They would have fit in with Marvel's depictions of green and blue aliens from Guardians of the Galaxy.
      The alien near me says in a deep feminine voice "When you became lucid in your world, you came to our world."
      This triggers me to do a nose reality check.

      I become lucid...but the dream fades.
      I false awake and tell my girlfriend about the red aliens.
      I've lost lucidity.

      The Red Alien.

      Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:11 PM by 99808

      lucid , memorable
    3. Night of Sunday 4/2/23

      by , 04-03-2023 at 05:23 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Benevolent Alien Sages
      There has been a 9/11 level attack on planet Earth. On the human race. A group of benevolent aliens has revealed themselves. There is a great pillar climbing to the sky, or maybe it descended from space. Winding around the pillar is a spiral staircase. Around this structure, there are smaller pillars of the varying height along the staircase. Atop each stands an alien. I get the sense that the higher one ascends the staircase, the higher level intelligence the alien is. The aliens are sagely, wise, kind. They tell us that they have revealed themselves because humanity faces a great threat, and they want to help.

      The alien sage. Made with Nightcafe AI.

      I'm in a spaceship or futuristic bedroom. In shape, it is similar to the AirBnB my girlfriend SB and I stayed in while we were on a ski trip some time ago. I'm in a bed. The headboard of the bed has different switches to simulate a starry night and other ambient environmental effects. It's possible that this is part of the alien dream, based on the theme, but uncertain.

      Updated 06-01-2023 at 08:06 PM by 99808

    4. ccclxxxv. Alien collective invades, Questioning if I'm really me

      by , 05-26-2022 at 05:10 PM
      2022 May 9th

      Some in-line notes.

      (woke up sweating, vivid long dream)
      Some build-up or something; there are aliens and we are fighting them off as a whole, but only just barely so. It's revealed these aliens are just a scouting party and they are part of a larger conglomerate of alien species. During the dream I see several different scenes just as an observer.

      Meanwhile, there's chaos as a human leader, a woman with short hair, declares that nobody has rights anymore, and that we are moving into a new era beyond our conventional conception of rights. She sounds or seems delusional in some way. I think I saw her give this announcement on some TV thing, but just as an observer.

      Then I'm in a town, outside. There's a modern feel to the area and the previous announcement had been broadcast on the radio, though I didn't hear this myself as a character.

      There's an RPG element to reality but it feels absolutely real in every other way.

      I survive an attack and fight my way into some place. I am constantly chased by aliens or possibly their machines. Eventually, I use some fast-travel mechanic. Once at my destination, I meet up with a friendly robot. It explains that this worm thing has moved to the edge of reality, it looks like a Combine alien. (In retrospect this whole bit makes me think of the original Dune film)

      Normally, reality moves independently of what's in it. But being at the edge curves reality and causes this high pitch noise to be heard throughout the entire dream. And now, in it's current state, reality moves with the contents. This means there's a very big danger to existence itself and all this chaos makes it worse to deal with. (This segment made no sense at all after waking, but during the dream everything seemed to make sense; there were implied laws of reality that were taken for granted and the whole thing had a semi-mystical aspect to it)

      (most of recall lost for needing to answer door)

      In one bit, I'm this woman, a diver, and I'm coming out of some water into a house or apartment through the floor. It's night time or the house is dark, some lights are on. I'm sort of on the floor, tummy down. A TV is in front of me. I think to myself, "am I actually myself?" and then, just as I'm about to do a reality check with my hands, this other woman with curly hair comes out of a doorframe, smiles at me and we start talking. We know each other as characters. At this point I think to myself that I like her body. I still try to do the reality check, but because of the conversation and social setting, I end up not focusing enough on my reality check.
    5. Ethan & Aliens

      by , 05-13-2022 at 11:01 PM

      Updated 09-01-2024 at 11:32 PM by 99032

      Tags: aliens, dragon, ethan
      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    6. Victoria crowned pigeon or Goura victoria

      by , 05-08-2022 at 04:51 AM
      100,000th post!-crown.jpg

      So I'm chilling in kikos house, I go outside to feed some plantain to the bird feeder. As I exit the house I notice there were two new birds in the corridor but on the right side of the house, not by the feeder. So I go inside the house to not scare them, the birds were big and veryy beautiful, the colors were of all the phases of blue and purple, I googled them and found out it's called the Victoria crowned pigeon, they had a very beautiful blue crest on their head, they were very exotic birds indeed. So I'm inside the house spying on them and so is my uncle, so I whisper to him to bring me my cellphone so I can record them, and so he does.
      I get my cellphone, I peak outside the house to record them and one of them says "Hello", I look over to my uncle and he says that he didn't speak. I look back at the birds and the bird says "Yes, I'm talking to you", I got scared for a bit because a bird was talking to me.
      I said: "Heello (shaky voice), please don't go, I won't harm you"
      Male bird: "Yes, I know you won't"
      And so our conversation started.
      I started asking questions, and the first obvious one I asked was:
      me: "How can you speak in spanish?"
      Then both of the birds started talking to me,
      Birds: "We are special beings from another planet, we have lived on earth for many years now and we learned how to speak with humans and with birds. We really enjoy your planet earth so we like being here, we know how to speak really good spanish "
      My uncle disappeared, we were us three speaking. They never told me why they visited me.
      They also told me their names, their names reminded me of the greek alphabet but their is no way I could remember this.
      Me:" from where do you guys come from?"
      Birds: "We come from another planet, we travel through portals."
      Portals just like you see in the movies.
      Me: "how do you make the portals?"
      Birds: "They told me the name of a very weird material that they used to make the portals, it was something from their planet that made it possible to open the portal."
      Me: "Does your planet have a sun?"
      Birds:"Yeah, of course"
      Me: "How is your sun, yellow like mine?"
      Birds: "It's actually more orange than yours."
      Me: "Is the oxygen of your planet like earth?"
      Birds: "Yeah it is, you could actually go to our planet and breath normally"
      Me: "What is the predominant or superior species of your planet?"
      Birds: "It's us, my species, in our bird form, we also have an ability to transform into different creatures but we like the human form. With our intelligence our species is the most powerful one of our planet, our planet is about 500 (light years or something) away. The only way humans can get there is by using the portal. One time we saw a human in our planet but we think he was astral projecting because he disappeared suddenly or maybe he died."
      Me: "Can you guys speak with the bird species of earth?"
      Birds: "yeah we can, we can speak in their language"
      Me: "Do birds speak to each other when they tweet at each other?"
      Birds: "All birds of earth speak the same language, an eagle can speak with a pigeon, when you hear a bird tweet it's actually a secret phrase, it's actually a coded message that only the same species knows and the tweet actually means a long sentence. For example a short tweet can mean - go away fast that they are hunting us"

      Then both of them transformed into their human form, I couldn't see the process in which they transformed to humans, I only saw them as humans, it was a man and a woman.
      Then they explained to me that they needed to to a ritual in order to conserve their energy and to recharge their energy so they could maintain their shape and open portal, this ritual consisted of something with hugging a lot and being very close to each others bodies.
      They showed me a portal, I could see through the portal and the other side in their planet, I saw the portal but I was scared of entering it because maybe I couldn't return to my body.

      Updated 05-08-2022 at 04:53 AM by 43768

      Tags: aliens
    7. A Fascinating “War” without Real War

      by , 09-24-2021 at 05:33 PM
      Morning of September 24, 2021. Friday.

      Dream #: 20,003-02. 2 min 54 sec read.

      Late at night, I watch sparkling silver cursive text (as if covered with glitter) move smoothly through the sky from right to left. I am on the front porch of a fictitious version of the Barolin Street house (where we have not lived in years). The text is not on a banner as it seems to be a solid sequence of plastic material shaped like the outer form of the writing, moving like a conveyor belt. I am unsure of the implication. I decide it may be unseen aliens because the text refers to humans collectively, using “you” (not me personally).

      I describe it to Zsuzsanna as she approaches. As text often does in dreams, it continuously changes, but with some readable words and phrases forming and morphing here and there. There is a transition to a similar scene, but unresolvable indoor-outdoor ambiguity (impossible with conscious perception) is predominant before the narrative changes again. The entire neighborhood seems to be inside the house. The floating text is unlike silver glitter now and plain, “rotating” across the “ceiling.” (It is a common mistake in my dreams for the sky to become a ceiling or vice versa.)

      Now it is daytime. The events are more vivid as I become more physically aware (temporary proprioception correlating with my specific level of REM atonia). Objects are continuously moving from left to right in midair, in front of the eaves of the porch. They first seem like miniature air conditioners. Zsuzsanna is to my left (as with our sleeping position). I know they should keep going, but a few of them fall from the sequence on the porch floor and outside near the porch door.

      I pick up one object and throw it into the front yard. I soon throw another one that rapidly slides across the street into someone else’s front yard, though into a culvert drainage ditch (confusion with the Cubitis house in America). There is an unfamiliar dark-haired man who is also moving similar objects out of the way. I apologize to him. He remains cheerful. He tells me that the gadgets might be a type of camera. (This event is my dream’s most vivid part because of vestibular phasing, somatosensory phasing, and increasing, though imaginary, proprioception for eventual emerging from REM atonia.)

      It is suddenly night again. I am temporarily concerned that the objects, like empty cardboard boxes at this point, might explode (myoclonic anticipation caused by REM sleep). Our middle son walks out into the front yard (from the porch) just as an explosion occurs (though he is about ten years younger in my dream). The explosion causes him to fly back through the top of the porch’s inner wall (physically impossible but a predictable outcome when remaining in the dream state after a REM myoclonic event). It is as if there was a gap above the window frames. He now stands near us and seems fine. I get the vivid impression of a simulated “war” or events caused by aliens that do not understand that humans can die. (My level of metacognition is low, so this is my mind creatively compensating for the fakeness of the dream state.)

      In the next scene, multicolored glowing barrels are “rolling” in midair in the sky and “shooting” rectangular and square pieces of themselves at various buildings and people (though no one seems injured). At this point, there is a vague association with “Pixels” from 2015 (likely an influence for much of the content).

      In my dream’s last scene, I walk up to an “alien” who seems to be fixing a public building. I talk to the unfamiliar man (who looks human). I tell him that Earth’s military might destroy their spaceships once they learn what is happening. Protoconsciousness (caused by REM cerebral phasing) initiates as an “alien” who reminds me of Melvin Belli as the Gorgan from the “Star Trek” episode, “And the Children Shall Lead.”

      He holds up his hand, addressing the other “alien” and me while cheerfully saying, “Propaganda!” about what I said.

      “That’s not what ‘propaganda’ is, you moron,” I shout. I explain what propaganda is to him as I slowly wake, but consider they might not understand other English words. Of course, this was the protoconsciousness catalyst that triggered more realistic emotion (more so than the earlier explosion near my son) as well as cerebral phasing.

    8. Scary mind controlling aliens. Couple dance.

      by , 10-16-2020 at 07:56 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I have some smaller friends who remind me of the Stranger Things company. Helene sends a message to me about aliens that have the ability to brainwash. Some of my smaller friends discuss whether we should try to build gear that can prevent mind control. They say that it is worth trying even if it does not work in the end. New fragment I copy paste the information Helene sent me and send it back to her because I want her to read the instructions. I talk with her over the phone too. She says that she has never seen that information earlier. We understand that Helene has been brainwashed and we prepare the gear. New fragment I sit on a rotatable circle platform with an iron helmet that is notably home made on my head with four other people. The one opposite to me also has a helmet but not the other two people. I start to spin the platform by using my feet against the ground. The smart one that is in charge of the operation says worried that the speed might be too high and that we might die. I keep on spinning and don't care about his statement. There are some of us guarding the door from the aliens. There is a platform from the ceiling were about five aliens stand on that is being lowered. I close my eyes because I think it is a movie and do not want to look on them because I don't like to see scary things on television. My closed eyes don't help me because I still see them. They are tall, green and slimy but has a normal face like humans. They reach the ground and start to walk against us. We spin faster and faster until the energy is full. There is a new platform that starts to rise and takes the aliens with it. The aliens are able to walk of the platform easily but they just stand there. The platform rises to the upper floor and an arm of one alien is trapped and cut of by the elevator. Nobody seems to care. The upper floor is very close to our floor and we decide to run away. I suddenly have very slippery heels and it is almost impossible to move in them. Stefan F is helping me to move. There is an alien that helps us and Stefan says that there is only one double agent. I tell him that we can't be sure and that there may be more. There is a staircase we come to and Stefan walks one way and I walk the other. I don't want to leave him but see that the two different paths we chose led to the same destination only that mine was shorter.

      Notes: This was a nightmare and I was scared when I walked to the bathroom in the night. I saw a movie on netflix that Helene tipsed us to watch. We talk about brain control in the english lessons. That feeling when you can't run in a dream is so frustrating.

      I wake up 03.20 and wrote down the alien dream. I try to WILD and have a very positive mind that I will succeed. I am able to keep my focus but the itches are bombarding me. It's impossible to relax and I decide to sleep. I had some confusing FA too.

      It is some kind of Bolliad and I sit by a table with Diego. There are tables placed in the middle of the room and there are some youths dancing couple dance around us. I see some girls that look lonely that I want to cheer up by dancing with them but I decide not to. The youths that are dancing want to group dance instead but there is a young leader (about 20 years old) that encourages them to keep on dancing in pairs. I look for William and is sad when I remember that he is too old to be there. There are two old sister missionaries (about 70 years old) that talk about all the cakes on the table in front of me. There is a big cake that they want the recipe to.

      Had a dream about dad and something too.

      Updated 10-16-2020 at 08:01 AM by 97565

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    9. Jumping on trampoline, poop. Shooting aliens, captured, love.

      by , 10-01-2020 at 03:41 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I drink extra water in order to wake up in the night. I wake up 03:37 and write down this dream.

      I'm bouncing at the Sturkö trampoline with another person. Suddenly all this fertiliser poop is dropped next to me on the trampoline. Me and the other person quickly go out of the trampoline. My sister is there and I ask her if it was her doing. She is serious and says that she needed to do it for something important. I walk in The Green House and see Tobbe M there. He talks about football. Gradually Tobbe transforms into Klaus and he starts to scream loud. He screams about football and how the judges are bribed in a crazy manner.

      Notes: Klaus screamed in a very scary way.

      When I went to bed again and tried to WILD I got some real pain in my left foot. I moved my foot and felt if something hit my foot but nothing had happened.

      I'm by a gas station and there are some aliens shooting at us. I shoot back but get captured. I am being transported to some kind of house that is slimy. I am half lucid because I try to actively wake myself up here. I am being led to a passageway and I meet a dead end. There are some holes in the wall to the right with some kind of thick liquid running through them vertically. An alien in the front that also is a prisoner is crawling into a hole and disappears. I take my hand in to the hole to feel if there is air on the other side of the liquid. I feel a wall and I assume that the alien was able to teleport. I do the same thing with the second hole and find that there is also a wall stopping me from entering there. The third hole doesn't have a wall and I am able to crawl through even tough it is very uncomfortable, especially since it is a very claustrophobic passage. When I am through I find myself in a doom shaped room. There is a bench that I go to and sit. An alien that is humanoid enters, I think that she is about my age and attractive. She comes to me and we start to kiss. She sits on my left leg. I don't know how long time we interact but I am suddenly with other humans that I know. I talk to Diego and he is mad at me because I kissed the girl. He seems to be interested in her by the way that he is talking about her. I tell him that it was only a dream and that it's okey. '

      Notes: I talked about it being a dream in the dream but never got fully lucid and got hold of my IRL memories.

      Always when I have a love interest non lucid dream I wake up with energy and happiness.
    10. cxlvii.

      by , 08-31-2020 at 01:31 AM
      Chronological re-direction entry;

      2nd August 2020

      4th August 2020 - 1

      4th August 2020 - 2 (lucid)

      5th August 2020


      Canyons and ravines. Going around with someone else, but don't recall who.

      Eventually something about escaping or getting away. An alien "saucer" ship. Vision, of an alien communicating in an unknown language, as if on a holographic screen/display. One word stands out from the alien's speak however: Hyperdrive.

      I need to find a hyperdrive for these aliens, or find a suitable person to repair theirs maybe, I remember thinking. The drive would be mounted at the top of their ship?

      Still in the same dream, in my old home's building in the stairwell. Something seems different from how it should be. I go to one of the in-between level landings and go through one of the storage areas behind the frosted glass. They have a door on the other side which leads to a different, but mirror version of the stairwells. I don't question this in the dream, but it would have been a very good point for a RC, as this construct would be physically impossible in reality, there would be a drop on the other side, not a mirror version.

      The stairwell was well lit by natural light, but still many dark contrasts. Unlike in present day, the stairwell had no automatic lights.

      6th August 2020


      Some early dream part was something about sending waves of hundreds of "native" fighters, fighting for some cause that a faction I belonged to was pursuing. These native fighters kept being annihilated by the enemy, which was simply better equipped.

      After this happened more than a few times (I remember seeing it, but not being there), I went to the fronts myself, only to find that there was no strategist in place here and so felt it was no wonder they kept getting slaughtered by the enemy. Lack of equipment could have been substituted by adequate and cautious strategy to defeat these openly arrogant enemies.


      By the end of this dream I was watching some kind of live concert? There was a white female singer in the centre of a room. She started to sing a song I don't know, it was titled "Snowflake" or something. At first I thought that it was going to be silly, but then I found myself relating to the lyrics of her song, feeling like it was a song that could have come from H's perspective about me. The lyrics started off something like "something as simple as; merry Christmas!; is enough to [something] my snowflake".

      In-line note: Re-writing this here now, it seems there's still a lingering emotional link, despite not remember the dream very well visually; this suggests to me that this is attached to a very specific part of my subconscious, as I only have a few specific instances of this happening.

      Because I found myself relating to the lyrics so oddly and so specifically, I did a reality check. I had the correct number of fingers, and my fingers wouldn't pass through my palms, so I decided perhaps too quickly that reality was consistent enough that I wasn't dreaming.

      I remember the whole thing was all very "sing-along", with people in an audience playing their own instruments, in perfect time with the music, somehow just right, with no flaws at all.

      Extra note:

      - The music in the singing lady dream was, to my memory, completely dream-generated, but it did have elements of old timey singing/melody, which H does listen to a fair bit and I usually listen to as well when H does.
      - The first fragment from the 6th came from an incredibly long dream, I remember being in a lot of different places, mostly tents, trenches, battle-scarred streets, etc. I remember many scenes of both brightness and darkness, but I seem to be remembering an overly orange, sandy tone to the dream.
    11. Two scifi dreams

      by , 12-08-2019 at 11:57 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      Cauliflower Spaceship
      I'm far away in space and in the far future. I'm on a massive spaceship that was damaged from the inside, by a battle I think, I can't recall. I'm explaining to the crew that a chemical reaction near the engines created oxygen that was leaking to the fuel line, making us go way faster than we should. We were way off course, doomed to be lost in space as our ship was damaged.

      Suddenly our ship is destroyed. We have spacesuits on and float through space uncontrollably. I see an alien ship, it looks like a cauliflower. The front of it splits into 6 triangular pieces that open up to reveal a massive swirling portal inside the ship. We fall straight into the portal and find ourselves falling to an alien planet. Somehow we land safely. We are in an alien city that looks to be very advanced technologically. On the side of the road there's a booth that gives you a shower and new clothes instantly. I try it out and in a flash, my skin is dripping wet and I have a brand new suit on that's still warm like it was just ironed out. There's another smaller machine that creates coffee from some sort of recycling. It looks bad and smells like poop, which makes throw up before I even taste it. Dream ends.

      Memory-erasing hostile aliens
      I'm with army friends next to a big lake that is unfamiliar. This location doesn't look like Finland. There is a mountain range behind us that the other soldiers turned to sand with some bizarre weapon. Then the dream gets confusing, because we encounter aliens that eat memories. I can only recall quick moments of action. We were driving in jeeps, most likely leaving the lake. Another moment there is a towering alien with no facial features, like a silhouette, standing in front of us. We start firing at it, but my memory cuts there. I recall the alien firing a green plasma orb.

      Suddenly I'm standing on the road leading to my childhood home. The gaps in my memory terrify me. The aliens are using my worst fear against me. The streets are empty. I run to the house and turn on the TV. The news make no mention of the aliens. No one else can remember them, even though they could be everywhere. My brother is in the house and sees my worried look, asking what's going on. The fear wakes me up and persists even while awake. Takes a moment for me to realize that it's safe now.
    12. Strange alien/monster fragment | [09.07.2019]

      by , 07-09-2019 at 01:06 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Unknown creatures in normal society
      I talk to somebody, possibly my mother or my father. Then, I go down the staircase towards the exit of the house. Meanwhile, something important happens and some also important dialogue or monologue occurs. Back to going down the stairs, the door where one of my neighbors live suddenly opens, revealing something looking like a classical alien happily dancing out of the flat, which was considered as a monster in the dream. I go further downstairs and exit the house.

      Sometime in the dream, I also seem to be in another one of my neighbor's flats, finding a different monster, which might have had fluffy, long fur.

      I don't remember anything that was spoken in the dream, I only remember that it was an exciting story, likely including an element of the alien/monster species being endangered by a sort of war and hatred against them.
    13. Arrival

      by , 01-24-2019 at 07:19 AM
      Morning of January 22, 2019. Tuesday.

      Dream #: 19,027-05. Reading time (optimized): 1 min.

      This entry describes a vivid dream from an early evening nap, which typically renders rapidly processed vestibular system correlation, most often something or someone falling or coming down from above as in this case, though still inherited in some cases and not always with a so-called sleep start.

      In my dream, I remain aware of being in the dream state, but I do not attempt to mediate any of the processes. It seems to be in the afternoon. I watch a black double-decker bus slowly come down from the sky and land in the middle of the street in an unknown location. (It comes straight down from above. There is no forward movement.) I do not see any wheels, but otherwise, it has no unusual features. However, it is implied to be an alien spacecraft despite the “aliens” appearing as human teenagers that fill the bus. (There are no thoughts about a driver or any defined backstory.)

      An unknown girl comes from the back, from the top section, and emerges through the main entrance on the side facing me. A crowd of people slowly approach her. The bus is facing to my right, implying left-hand drive, so it is erroneous if intending a UK or Australian setting.

      Waking autosymbolism is usually oriented to the right when sleeping on my left side. Bus dreams are usually linear vestibular system correlation and inherited, not transitional and projected as here, though again, this is a nap dream. I am assuming the emergence simulacrum represents Zsuzsanna.

      Updated 01-25-2019 at 06:55 AM by 1390

    14. 2018-12-11 Biblical surgery and alien eviction - communication with stomach

      by , 12-11-2018 at 10:45 PM
      Non-lucid – NoteslucidInterpretationwake/dream visuals/visions

      2018-12-11 Biblical surgery and alien eviction leads through death to a search for stronger communication with my stomach, realised through talking to a white horse/camel.

      This entry will be written in Danish as I intend to use it in therapy.

      Drømmen starter med at jeg ser et opslag på Facebook. Dette er et som Casper Møller har delt og er et billede og en tekst af 1:1 revelations (kan ikke huske navnet) med en mand der ligger på en mellemting mellem en sarkofag og et operationsbord. Det har en meget stærkt tema om Lucifer, hans fald og periodiske genopstandelse før Jesus vender tilbage. Billedet er også en video og jeg klikker på den og en stemme går i gang med at læse teksten op.

      Mens teksten læses op suges jeg ind I scenariet. Jeg bliver til en dæmonisk skikkelse, der ligner en klassisk grå alien fra diverse film. Det er mig der opererer på manden der ligger på bordet. Der er en forholdsvis ondskabsfuld stemning, som dog skifter I løbet af forløbet. På en eller anden måde stopper den her alien/jeg op og får ændret situationen og gennemfører ikke operationen. Faktisk kommer en anden alien ind I billedet og ser ud til at glæde sig til at deltage, men den første begynder at slå sig selv I stykker og på grund af et eller andet han har lavet på operationsbordet betyder det at den nye tilkommer også begynder at gå I stykker.

      Dette får dem begge til at flygte. De flygter ud af lange og smukke gange, der er rødlige og har et royalt udseende, og mens de flygter ses der billeder af maget muskuløse mænd og kentauere der bliver vækket – på en eller anden måde med fornyet gejst på grund af rumvæsnernes flugt – og jager rumvæsnerne ud.

      Scenariet skifter hurtigt til at se paladset udenfor. Det virker til at finde sted på en anden planet, men det er lyst og det ser meget æstetisk og majestætisk ud. Ud fra det sted hvor den lange gang ville være kommer nu et gylden sfærisk fartøj, som er rumvæsnernes. Det beskyder byen under det med nogle gyldne laser stråler, men besvares så rigeligt af byens blå laser stråler og forsvinder til sidst.

      Der skippes.

      Jeg ligger udenfor ved en svømmepøl, jeg ved blot at jeg ligger og der er en fornemmelse af at ting “stopper”. Dette finder sted et par gange. Vejret er grålig og det virker til at det trækker op til regn, selvom det har en sydlandsk feriestemning over sig. Der sidder fire mennesker foran mig, hvor en af dem er min mor. Muligvis min kusine, min far og en fjerde ubekendt. Min mor fortæller.

      “Nåh, han er i gang med hans døds-process” og insinuerer at det bare skal have lov til at fortsætte.

      Jeg er meget forvirret hver gang jeg vågner og det er svært helt at beskrive hvad der sker. Min bevidsthed fortætter ligesom og jeg føler mig stadig som mig selv, men det er som om der er noget der stopper og som om at det hele stivner til og jeg falder ind I mig selv.

      Da det er ved at være overstået vender min mor sig imod mig og krammer mig, på en kvælende og klam måde, som gør at jeg bliver nødt til at skubbe hende væk. Hun spørger mig: “Du gennemgik din døds-process, det var meget spændende, hvor mange gange døde du?” hvortil jeg svarer “Det ved jeg ikke helt, måske 3-5”.

      Da jeg svarer dette er vi nu indenfor I et hotel, med et meget ru gulv med små sten der har en gummiagtig karakter at gå på. Det hele er meget blåligt og jeg siger. “Jeg ved ikke helt hvor jeg er, det er enormt forvirrende det hele, det eneste jeg kan se er at jeg er I et blåt hotel, jeg aner ikke hvorfor eller hvor lang tid vi har været her.” Jeg kan ikke huske om min mor rent faktisk spørger mig om jeg kan huske mit værelsesnummer, men jeg siger I hvert fald “jeg bor på værelse 422”, hvortil min søster og mor griner en smule og en af dem siger: “Nej du bor på værelse 527”.

      Jeg føler mig ikke stødt over deres latter, men finder en trappe jeg kan gå op af der kan tage mig til mit værelse. Den første trappe går ikke højt nok op, mens den anden faktisk går højt nok op og også indikerer at mit værelse ligger lige rundt om hjørnet. Problemet er blot at der er en glasplade der fungerer som et bord lige overfor trappen I hjørnet der blokkerer, eller I det mindste gør det enormt besværligt og måske endda lidt farligt, min vej. Endvidere når jeg kigger hen til venstre I retningen af mit værelse kan jeg se at vejen er spæret af en glasdør og bagved dem står der nogle lamper der indikerer at den vej er brugt som et hyggehjørne og vil gøre det hele endnu mere besværligt. Så jeg vælger i stedet at gå ned igen.

      Jeg går udenfor og har min madras med som jeg normalt sover på. Den skal børstes af og det går op for mig at der er nogle eller en person(er) der ofte går over den og efterlader en masse sand på den, så den skal rystes. Jeg kan også mærke en smule irritation omkring det, men ved ikke helt hvem det er.

      Herefter skifter scenen til at jeg nu ligger på min madras på mit værelse I hovedgård, som det ser ud. Kaiseren – eller I hvert fald en mørk skikkelse med hans energi – kommer ind og giver mig en dåse danskvand. Jeg åbner den og begynder ivrigt at drikke da jeg er super tørstig. Kaiseren siger “Pas på med at drikke for meget, det kan være giftigt”. Jeg drikker – lidt trodsigt – halvdelen af dåsen hurtigt, og sætter den fra mig og siger “Det gør ikke noget det gør ikke noget for mig det her” og kan mærke at jeg stadig er ekstremt tørstig og tør om munden.

      Jeg hopper ud af sengen og går ud af en dør og befinder mig nu I en baggård. Der er en have-lignende stemning, det er lidt mørkt og der står en palme I midten af græsset. En ældre kvinde med kort krøllet gråt hår og store runde briller – mens jeg skriver dette kommer en tredje association ind – som minder om min Moster og Kirsten, min terapeut, men også en klient jeg har – Lotte.

      Hun siger “Dennis du bliver nødt til at forbinde dig med din mave, den kan nok være lidt svær at komme I kontakt med fordi du putter så meget lort I den.” Jeg svarer: “Jamen det lyder mega fedt, jeg vil vildt gerne I mere kontakt med min mave” og tænker straks på de nylige spændinger, smerter og ukendte emotionelle påvirkninger jeg har oplevet.

      Jeg begynder at blive lucid her da jeg begynder at kalde “Mave! Mave!” hvor den kvindelige figur stopper op og siger: “Du skal følge vinden, hvis du vil finde hvad du søger”. Hun får implicit fortalt at jeg blot skal finde den retning hvor der er direkte modvind hvis jeg vil etablere kontakt til min mave igen.

      Jeg er vildt begejstret for dette trick og kan mærke at jeg kan bruge det I fremtidige drømme også. Jeg drejer mig rundt – imod uret – og finder ud af at der hvor vinden blæser mig lige I fjæset er der en lille sti imellem to bygninger der leder ud til vejen. Jeg begynder at gå derhen og ser en strandpromenade, som minder om den jeg har været på så mange gange I Thailand, og mens jeg går råber jeg “Mave!” gentagen.

      Jeg ser en Raptor gå forbi udenfor og bliver en smule skeptisk. Jeg snupper en kort pause og fortsætter så. Nu kommer jeg ud og kan se ned på vejen – jer er pludselig I et hotelværelse – og der går en masse spændende mennesker, dyr og andre objekter jeg kunne interagere med dernede.

      Jeg råber igen “Mave!” og ser til venstre, hvor der går en T-Rex, som jeg jo har historie med, og træder et skridt tilbage. Jeg står nu I et relativt lille og mørkt hotelværelse, foran vinduet der er firkantet og med klart sol lys skinnende igennem. Jeg beslutter mig for at hvis det er T-Rexen jeg skal snakke med for at komme I kontakt med min mave, så må det være sådan det er u-anset hvor bange jeg måtte være for det.

      Så jeg træder ud på taget og ser pludselig at der er længere ned end jeg havde regnet med. Jeg bliver lidt bange for bare at hoppe ud I det, så sætter mig ned I lotus stilling indtil jeg begynder at svæve ned. Jeg kan mærke på vej derned at der er lidt meget fart på, det er nok til at hjertet lige slår et ekstra slag uden jeg er bange for at slå mig. Dog fornemmer jeg at jeg har mistet overblikket så meget at den vej jeg gerne ville ned på med de mange dyr og mennesker ikke vil være der, fordi jeg har mistet mit fokus. Jeg tænker dog også at det ikke vil gøre noget.

      Da jeg endelig lander ser jeg at den vej jeg var på er væk. Den jeg står på er mindre befærdet og det er pludselig blevet nat, men det er faktisk stadig den samme strandpromenade. Jeg tænker at de nok skal gå og råber igen “Mave!” og spinner mellem 270 og 360 grader rundt om mig selv imod urets retning.

      Her ser jeg en stor hvid hingst komme løbende og mens jeg råber “Mave!” begynder den at ride hen imod mig. Jeg spørger den om den er min mave og I det jeg gør det bliver den til en hvid kamel, med tre pukler, hvor den forreste af de 3 er delt I 2, selvom det ser sundt og raskt ud, som om den egentlig blot bærer en genetisk mutation der giver den denne tredje to-delte pukkel.

      Den svarer at den er min mave og jeg knæler for den, hvilket den svarer med at lægge dens venstre hov på mit tredje øje. Derefter skifter den til at blive en venlig og varm 44-årig mand, med kort gråt hår. Jeg spørger “Hvad skal jeg gøre for at komme I bedre kontakt med dig” og han svarer “Din mormor kom til at trykke en lille knogle I stykker hernede (inde I højre hofteskål, hvor psoas løber) da du var 3 år gammel, det var ikke med vilje, men det kan man også se på billeder.” Der er en implicit besked der handler om at denne skade/traume ikke har været kendt og at noget kropsterapi kan have forværret det, men også at der ligger noget derfra der stadig rumsterer. Jeg svarer “Ah, jamen jeg har jo også fået scannet indersiden af mine hofter, så der vil man kunne se det?” han svarer “Jaaa, jooo.” med en tudelig intonering om at det ikke er helt rigtigt, men at det heller ikke er helt ved siden af.

      Drømmen Ender og jeg vågner med en meget rolig, afslappet og rar fornemmelse I kroppen. Det var tidligt, men jeg stod op og fik mediteret med min mave som fokus, fik lavet yoga, danset og TRE og fik mig noget morgenmad og følte mig godt tilpas.

      Non-lucid – NoteslucidInterpretationwake/dream visuals/visions
    15. 2018-11-18 - Initial dreams for the guide group exercise

      by , 11-19-2018 at 01:18 PM
      Non-lucid – NoteslucidInterpretationwake/dream visuals/visions

      2018-11-18 The first of the four dreams occurred during the night, in response/preparation to our dream workshop during the evening and the interpretation round this morning. They occurred in the wake of an Ayahuasca ceremony which took place on the Friday, which for me were heavily themed around (A) the practice of acting/doing what I felt like, risking to provoke and loose standing from my friends and (B) learning to see under and past the emotional pain – that is not staring myself blind at the stuff that is troubling me, without ignoring it either, but allowing myself to see the broader picture.

      Dream 1: Sexual fantasy turns to voice from beyond, which culminates in a brutal murder and forgiveness of inner children.

      I am lying in the ceremony room, where a couple of us have gone to bed. Nala and I are starting to make out and she starts inviting to sex. I am thrilled, yet I don’t quite do anything about it. Eventually she calls out to Mads something along the lines “Mads I am trying to have sex with Dennis, but he doesn’t really seem to want to go along.” I quickly respond “Yes, Yes I do” and then we start having sex, she guiding me inside her.
      The dream then changes. Now there is some darkness and a female voice is calling out to me: “This is karmic, I will meet you in the summer.” I think to myself this pertains to a soulmate or girlfriend to come and I pull her out of the shadows, so that now I am staring at a doll face, that doesn’t seem to have any real facial features except the contours of the doll face and some long blonde hair. I ask her if she can provide additional details of herself, at which point I look at the doll face and see that her cheeks round up a bit. Other than that nothing else happens.
      I then parcour jump down into the basement, meant for parking cars. There I meet two boys, one is about 4-5 years old another is maybe 7-9. The young boy tells the older “This is where you did me wrong (or: this is where you annihilated me)”. The older doesn’t seem to quite understand, but then the story continues.
      Then a 12-13 year old guy appears – there is no question that he is a bully and he is much bigger, both taller, more muscular and fatter, he has a distinctly malicious energy about his person - while the two aforementioned remain hidden down behind a corner. The big guys is there to bully and the 7-9 year old then pushes the smaller one out from behind the corner, he seems to blush and turn red around the cheeks while doing so.
      As the youngest run out the Bully picks him up. As he picks him up he turns into a small baby of 6 months or maybe even smaller as in still a fetus. As soon as he has picked him up he walks over to a railing and slams the head of the youngest down into this railing. Killing him.
      The youngest looks like a doll and I say something along the lines of “Ah it was a doll”. However then the scenario shifts about and from above the doll is seen lying on the ground, and it is clear that the Bully has killed the youngest fetus/6months old cold blooded.
      The 7-9 year old is devastated and I am now back in my body and participating in my dream. It is clear to me that my reason for being there is that I must forgive the 7-9 year old, that is the karmic stuff the woman was talking about. I sit down with the guy and we both cry like babies.
      I don’t think I have ever been so wrecked by guilt, disgust, anger, sorrow and empathy for the guy. It is difficult containing all these ambivalent feelings and focus on forgiving him, yet this is what I sit down with him and do.
      Dream Ends.

      Dream 2: Walking through a fairgrounds in the rain.

      I am outside in a fairgrounds of some description. The atmosphere is holiday-like and I am walking around by myself, though there are many people around. I am walking past playful attractions, like a bouncy castle where I wonder if it is OK I am wearing shoes. I also walk past loads of food outlets – notably fastfood ones, like Sunset Boulevard and McDonald’s – and contemplate buying food, though I don’t in the end.
      It starts raining, severely. I get drenched in my brown Polo shirt, which I received from a friend of mine about 15-20 years ago. I wonder to myself how I will manage being all drenched and I take off my shoes and find that they are completely soaked in and filled with water as well.
      Dream Ends:

      Interlude: Before going into the dreams that followed later this day it is worth while noting a few events that transpired. The reason being that heavy emphasis was placed on sharing and interpreting these above dreams before the following 2 occurred. Thus the following two dreams can be both expressions of the same primarily activated themes, but also responses to the interpretations that were carried out.

      So I interpreted the first dream as essentially carrying a theme, which is best summarised as the relationship between various inner children. The narrative transformations provide some indications as to what the theme is about, I think.
      The dream starts out as a sexual fantasy – which is both day residue, as we fell asleep together and both of us apparently experienced fear and confusion as to what the connection was all about, as well as a pinpointing of a challenge I experience in intimate relations (the fear of reaching out, making the first move and committing to expose myself through expressing desire and attraction) – that then transforms to a karmic message “This is about karma, I will meet you in the summer”, which is a dialogue with a “faceless” woman (which carries on a theme of recent where a veiled woman has made herself known, as well a running into “the guy who wants to remain hidden” on the same night in a different dream), which then leads to a display of the killing of the youngest child (4-5 years old, turns into 6 months/fetus) through the brutal action of the 12-13 year old, but guided by the 7-9 year old.
      The intense emotionality, the supernatural aspects as well as the residual impact leads me to suspect this as a prospective dream, indicating that a dawning realisation of the interrelation between various “sub-programmes”. I suspect this is related to the connection between my fear of intimacy (which was prevalent with Nala) and my fear of promoting myself.
      The reason I suspect this was that when I was discussing some of the potential meanings of these boys of various ages with Mads on the way back from the weekend the 12 year old reminded me of a time when I had a crush on a girl from my class (Djana), though I never really dared to admit it. I could admit it to myself, but I was afraid of admitting to it publicly, which has been a recurring story ever since. This theme of public displays of affection was actually activated as an element of conscious reflection during the breakfast, where I engaged with Nala in an intimate fashion.
      So it is as if at least 3 of these 4 inner children are known to me. (1) Fetus//6 months old – pertaining to being abandoned (in the womb through smoking, alcohol consumption and potentially a polluted motivation of wanting to keep a hold on my dad, indicating a dysfunctional relation already then and the traumatic experience at 1,5 months old that I have talked to my mother about) (2) the 4-5 year old (The memory of getting punished for reaching out for food, being shamed and made wrong, as confirmed by my cousin who was in the memory) (3) the 12-14 year old (associated with being afraid to publicly commit to attraction and already at this point in time experiencing difficulty in expressing sexual desire or making the first moves. The 4th (the 7-8 year old) is so far unknown to me (it is the period of my life where I first discovered computer gaming, is the first that springs to mind).
      In any case the notion around Djana becomes present in one of the following dreams.

      Dream 3: How can one loose a space ship, well apparently it is because we forget how to look at the stars at night.

      There is a vista of a city skyline in bright sunlight. I am overlooking this from the water, a river I think. Then a portal opens and a version of the starship Enterprise appears. Then another and another I think of up to 6 or 7 appear. They are all slightly different, with different details around particular the engines, but it is important and it is made known to me that these differences matter, as it is a proof that I am not “just seeing things”.
      Then an alarm is sounded, or it is made known that we have lost a starship. There is a meeting of various generals from all over the world. Then a question is posed “How is it even spotted when it is hanging out there in the outskirts of the solar system in the darkness?” and an immediate, but also embarrassing answer (because it is so obvious) is posed. “Our allies (a different species) can walk in space and so can easily see spaceships in the darkness”. Then the Iranian general walks out to observe the stars and train his vision, but also do something of some description to retrieve the starship.
      Dream Ends:

      Dream 4: At a party, going home early to meet Djana, but is instead greeted by 6-7 aliens looking for Hude Dant – which I recognise as an obvious allusion to Hugh Grant.

      I am out partying with my friends. I decide to rather quickly return home and here I hope that I will find Djana at home. When I return I notice a small car parking on the other side of the road. It is driven by a woman – who is sitting in shadows and whom I have an awkward feeling about – we have a history and she is somehow connected to picking up Djana or someone else. I walk in and am pleased to find that the doors are open and that there is a light on. I walk in and down to the basement, but can’t find Djana. Instead I find my laptop lying on the sofa.
      Then a whole bunch of people walk in. I immediately know that they are aliens disguised as humans and that they are somehow connected with the previous spaceships (though I have no explicit memory of the previous dream, in this dream). There are 3-5 of them in the room and they are looking for Hude (or Lube) Dant, but I also know that this is a poor way to cover up that they are looking for Hugh Grant.
      There is a scenario shift to a driving car with 2 aliens in it, where one has disguised itself as a Dane and another as a Swede. There is a statement that I should keep away from Copenhagen and that there is something funny about this disguised Dane speaking Danish. It is all connected to a greater mission of sorts.
      Dream Ends:

      Non-lucid – NoteslucidInterpretationwake/dream visuals/visions

      Updated 11-19-2018 at 02:31 PM by 35291

      non-lucid , side notes
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