Sleeping in a comfy hotel bed in Berlin with complete privacy instead of having family or roommates. My dream initially started with me entering a hotel room, much different looking than where I'm currently staying. Kinda like a building you'd create in Minecraft and somewhat reminded me of the hotel in Wijk aan Zee where I stayed at with my family in 2010 and drank coffee for the first time at the age of 12 which then became my to-go drink for the next 12 years. I constantly remind myself to not forget my card as I leave my room. Exploring the area around the hotel, it's a flat grassy land like those old videogames had, colours resembling that of retro Halo grass maps. I go outside and I'm in this "space park" with climbing frames and rocket statues that double as bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom so I climb up the ladder with one hand while holding my pet cat Luna in the other (while somehow maintaining my balance and not falling off while letting go of the ladder to get the next step. Each bathroom I'm attending I'm surrounded by people outside and despite the toilet being inside a spaceship cockpit with those one way reflective windows, I feel like I'm being stared at and don't go. I walk out of the space park and end up in this street from Amsterdam which is set in the 70s-90s as sound has a VHS quality and everyone speaks in a much thicker Amsterdam accent. I then see this man walk into an alley which I magically remember (in dream universe) as this back entrance for a theatre where I would go with my theatre group from 2017-2019. I then woke up from my alarm clock with 7 hours and 58 minutes of sleep!
Was my birthday yesterday, fell asleep in a good mood I dreamed that I was at my workplace, but it was a different workplace and this old man accused me of filling the printer with goo or something despite the fact that I hadn't been to the office in a while. I then sit in an express bus driven by no one other than Tyler The Creator, who gets into a fist fight with an old man, different one from before, before telling the man to return to his place as we've almost reached our destination. Tyler then proudly shows us a pet bird he just adopted. We get dropped off in South East Amsterdam where everyone leaves into an apartment while an angry looking cat walks into my direction. I get into the apartment quick wondering how I'm getting to work tomorrow. I then woke up. Dream was in English, Tyler's part at least, and also in Dutch I think. The express bus was probably influenced by the fact I travelled to the Netherlands this weekend and on my way back someone got stabbed in the train and all other trains were cancelled because of it, after being stranded for three hours, an express bus picked us up snd brought us to a connecting station.
Archie from Riverdale tries to get with Veronica, in order to win her heart, she wants a photo of my Eastern European roommate and her girlfriend in front of a painting drawn on a hanging bed sheet hanging in our apartment (both of which aren't my real roommates but only exist in the dream) Archie asks me if I can get a picture, I come home and the painting is torn apart, but nevermind that, my roommate yells her that uee girlfriend has gone missing m, she wqs last spotted in Amsterdam. My roommate and I to a fashion school in Amsterdam fo check fody here. She's not here and my roommate keeps searching. A mysterious wonan holds my arm and starts guessing my sizes. After getting all sized correct, she asks if I wanted to last minute replace on of her models that didn't turn up. I accept and tell my roommate I have to quit the search aa I got scouted, she wasn't happy with the news. I go to the set, and am in a dressings room with different models. I get given w pretty normal set of clothes to wear; White shirt and black jeans, but then have to wear a Duck mask and weird flipper type of shoes with a aligned balls betheath it which makes it very hard to walk on those shoes in balance. After seeing the other "duck" models walk towards the set, I join them just to discover we're in some sort of theatre play/dinner show, and only on the first act of what's going to be hours worth of seasons (we were just at winter) After improvising to the model scouts singing scenes, I return backstage where a girl from theatre school asks how long it is until the summer act so she can finally have her singing scene. Meanwhile, my fictional Eastern European roommate found her girlfriend as she had her GPS tracker in her phone all this time gets closer to hear girlfriend and I can track her location through my job (not actually in real life) and tell her I know where she is but can't tell her due to data protection laws (This is like my job in real life). I then wake up. I watched the newest Riverdale season yesterday, didn't expect it to be THAT memorable lol This dream was in English, I think the part with my theatre school classmate was in Dutch, though.
I'm in what I guess is supposed to be Amsterdam, though it doesn't resemble reality at all. I'm somewhere underground with a group of people. It is some kind of excursion. To what seems to be the north is a long, steep road, with a significant amount of water running down from it, as it seems to be currently raining. Because the road is made of asphalt, the water cannot permeate the surface. Somewhere at the end of the road, at the low level, the ground is natural soil, which is soaking up all the water and actually starting to flood. We have nowhere we can go, as we're underground. There is one small square building, not even 2 x 2 metres. The room has a ladder in it, going straight up. I decide to check it out, to see if we can exit from there. At the top is a window through which we'll have to exit, after which we have to exit through another window. They're both very small though. I tell the person in charge that we may be able to exit, but that either a smaller person will have to check it out since I'm too big to fit, or that I will have to break both windows. I have an idea how to prevent floods in the future: trees. The road needs a lot of trees. They will stop the water from running off and will soak it up. The asphalt will have to be removed though.
Highway I'm driving a car in the Netherlands, somewhere at the edge of Amsterdam, going up to a highway. It's starting to rain quite heavily. I swerve a little bit because I wanted to move right towards the run up a bit too early, crossing a line. I move back to my own lane but a few seconds later I already have to move right again to go onto the highway. At first everything is fine, but then there is oncoming traffic. I appear to be headed in the opposite direction, though it doesn't cross my mind that it's my wrong doing. I stay on the left side, as the approaching vehicles are using the right lanes. Fragment > I'm with a group of people. We seem to all be sitting on a bunkbed. Someone is standing in front of it and is asking us a question as if this was a lecture. It's about the warning system for extreme weather. No one seems to know the answer. I know I know the answer, but I can't think of the correct word in English for the name of the system, though I know its workings. Matter of fact, I can't even think of the correct name in Dutch. > There's something with a sort of library where I stayed for a few hours. I walk out of there, laptop in hand, but I gotta pay a type of parking fee. That fee seems to be in the range of 80 - 90 something (not sure which currency). It's a really high amount.
The first dream was probably because I've started playing a new MMO called Rift. Also, I had a dream earlier in the night, but the last few days I've been so tired that I don't write them down many times. Hopefully it's just a phase 3/5-6. 3. Playing WoW on dad’s computer on the couch. He comes in and says, “Are you at a stopping point? I need to get on” “Yah, I just have to loot these guys.” Get off. Dad gets on and logs into HIS WoW account (he plays in the dream). His character is lv55. “Wow, you’re 55, huh?” (graphics look amazing). Then I want to show him my character when he’s done. Use his computer, but ends up taking too long and he doesn’t care anymore. I start to play a racing game. Cars are based off of Toy Story characters. A setting was set to “real” so if you crash, you blow up. I make a racer blow up in a pile of rocks 1030. Theresa and I are in a hotel in Amsterdam. Take out the keycard and our room is 17. We walk by a door with 2 girls. Look on the wall and there’s a 17. They had just opened the door for someone and I peek inside. One of the girls at the door gives me an odd look like I shouldn’t be looking. “Oh, this is my room… 17.” We walk in and it’s huge and open(50-75’ ceiling at least). Girl shows us around the place. Starts with the front and there’s a heart shaped bed. Then an open space and the lady starts to dance. I think to myself “I hope I don’t have to dance with her.” Then the room is a bar and lots of people. We find Michelle Xxxxxx and hang out with her. See a Kelly Xxxxx guy around. We go to some table with a few guys and talk. Guys start to act like dbags, so we kindly leave and get our own table. Theresa is now StacEy, but named Brianne. Another girl is Brianne Xxxxxx. StacEy is now Theresa again. I’m sweating a lot for some reason and trying to use my shirt to wipe off the sweat. Shirt is long sleeved and light blue. We then start to leave. Kelly guy seems mad at us. We decided to head up some stairs and go to our room. I’m back on the 1st floor and some guy bumps me. Then Kelly again. I head to the room since a big fight seems to be brewing