Spring Competition 2024 Night 5 (DILD) 04.01.2024 I am in a lucid dream where I am at some sort of amusement park and there is a bad lady mind controlling the workers. I go and use mind control to free some workers minds and then we spread out to free the other workers. It changes from an amusement park into a convenience store. After that I laid in bed for like an hour which is why I remember so few details of the lucid.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Staying at school for several days without going home. But then a storm is coming and I decide to get on the 1st transportation home not to get stuck even more days. My animals are home alone and I am not sure they have sufficient food or water of it the storm won't cause damage in my home. On the way, I go buy some more food and water for everybody and somehow end up debating with some lady with a baby, who has a bigger load of work of the two of us: her with the baby or me with all my pets. We agree to disagree. Riverstone's brother calls me, insists I have to come to his place and taste something he is brewing in the pantry. I say better not but I do taste some sort of nachos on a sauce that he prepared. He insists I taste the other thing so I go look for it at the pantry. From a window I see a couple dudes touching an unresponsive cat at a café entrance. They seem to want to pick him up but does not seem like they have something good in their mind. So I go there and push them aside and pet the cat. He reacts and slowly gets up. The guys get pissed at me for interfering and I get defensive and literally fight the smaller one. They back off a bit but come back again. All of a sudden I start feeling weird, reality perception altered and I think they drugged me somehow. I look at them and they become whiter and whiter, like beings made of porcelain with perfect white bodies, no hair and no clothes. I am apparently going through a similar transformation. They drag me to my home. The feeling is very harmonious and loving and everything looks beautiful, but I haven't forgot who they are and what the situation was before so I become defensive when they both grab me and I realize they want to rape me and drugged me so I let my barriers down. I struggle and I become wrathful. I growl and spit fire and climb walls to get out of their range. They admit they expected me to cooperate and that now they will have to be rough with me. But I grow bigger and stronger and I resist and lock myself in the kitchen. They talk to me through the door trying to reason me out. Once the drug effect is gone we actually have a conversation and they seem to become aware of their actions and apologize and say they want us to become friends. I explain we ain't friends. They say they have time. Diogo Faro (a comedian) is in my house. We're both in bath robes like we're very intimate, but actually we're still strangers to each other and I am trying to break the ice while I cook something in the kitchen. We talk and we become friends. He invites me to come to his next shows 5 days in a row. I ask if I can go to only one or if are they all different. He says they're different. I complain it's probably too costly for me but I'll try to go to at least one. Then he asks what other comedians I like and I say I love Jon Stewart but no way he is coming to our country and I hope someday to see a show with Jon Oliver. Then a friend of his comes to pick up Diogo. While they talk I notice one of my windows is not well fit in the framework and I try to fix it. I explain to them I already had a problem with a window falling to the ground floor once and that luckily nobody was hit by it. Then his stupid friend knocks the window down just for fun. It falls down several floors. We hear screams at the ground floor and I think the worst just happened. I kick the guy out from my home and Diogo is a gentleman and takes my side and tells his friend what an asshole he is. He stays in my apartment as I go downstairs to check it out, not without first grabbing the other guy by the neck and tell him he needs to pay damages and take responsibility for injuries on likely victims. But he scrambles. I reach the street level and there is a beach party going on at the entrance of the building, which is an apartment tower by the sea. I look for any sign of someone hurt and nobody is complaining, all looks normal. I check cars in the park and none seems broken. There is an abandoned dog in the park which breaks my heart but some ladies seem to take an interest and do not leave his side, so I believe they'll help him. I move on and go a bit more to the side where there is a garden and apparently the window fell there. No person was harmed but little elves live on that garden and one of them got scared when the window fell near him and he accidentally cast a spell on a lady nearby. He gave her the body of a fat beaver but kept her human head. Everybody freaks out when they see her. I am with Riverstone at DMV or something, dealing with some documentation. He goes somewhere else while I wait in line, so we don't waste so much time, but he takes my backpack to put in a locker nearby. Unfortunately I leave my phone inside. Then I meet 3 girls who seem to want to bond with me, they want to exchange contacts and I don't have my phone. I tell them to wait that I'll get it but they leave anyway and for a second I feel sad like "I thought we had connected". Anyway, I start looking for those lockers and realize I am in a gigantic hub of services and transportation, an endless maze of corridors with access to trains and subways, with counters of different services along the way. I become mesmerized by an ecosystem of tiny crustaceans that seem to inhabit some old carpet under a counter of some public service and I lay on the ground just admiring how they attract flies on silky sticky strings and then eat them and communicate with one another through the strings. But I need to move on and I go randomly in the direction I think is the correct one. I reach some escalators. There is a normal one to the right, one coming down on the left and one in the center with strange smaller steps and colors. I take that one. On reaching the top there is a guy that looks out of Street Fight and a cage where I am supposed to get in as he yells that I have taken the challenge and now I must compete. I am scared about what kind of competition it is. If I'll be dropped in an arena to fight. So I skip it and jump to a sidewalk exiting the place. Then I see the competition was a life size Mario Kart race and I regret so much having skipped it. I then chose to explore what other games are there and step into an interior amusement park. Each room is home to a game or arcade and there are kids and adults playing. I spot a friend going into a room so I follow her but then lose sight of her. I see another entrance to a darker room, seems like a movie theater, but people sit relaxed in groups around tables and they are eating. There is popcorn and candies everywhere and apparently one can eat all it wants. I grab popcorns to the left and right, there are levels and levels of shelves with displays full of sweets. It's truly the dream for any kid or glutton. Then I spot some employee looking at me and making me signs to leave and I realize I had to pay an extra ticket to be there and be able to eat. I just leave with some kind of sweet on a stick. I hear beautiful music inside a room that looks like the palace of Versailles and I dance happily until I hear some voice saying "take that girl outta there". I notice I am behind an orchestra playing to a select audience and I get out from there discreetly. Then I am busted by some Arabs who apparently are with my dad on some lunch meeting. He had spotted me and they felt compelled to meet me. They make fun of my previous fail and invite me to join them just to upset my dad. They ask me what's that I have on a stick and I say some kind of marshmallow, not sure. But they turn it around and becomes evident that it is a pigs head on the stick. I am horrified and they are disgusted. They take it away from my hands. At my farm and a bunch of family members is there. My grandpa is there and my mom and my aunt are taking care of him. My dad, my cousin Sara and maybe her brother are also there. An ambulance is coming with the sirens on and we all think it can only be a mistake because everybody is ok. But they still park the ambulance and the nurses come out in the direction of the gate.
Awake|Dreaming|Lucid I'm talking with Fadi and Johannes. There is an amusement park and a boat were two people can go in a water current. There is a girl that reminds me of Kristina. I really want to ride the boat with her but someone else does it instead. I am separated from my group. There are a lot of disabled persons in a room and some people are being grouped up with the disabled persons to help them through the amusement park. I am paired up with Nora from Rosenfeldt. Notes: I talked with Johannes and Fadi yesterday. There are people shooting at each other in an apartment building. I am hiding in a room next to a door. I think how bad I am at shooting games and that I probably will die. There is a man that enters the door and I raise my gun... I thought it was a gun but actually it's just a phone. I still point it at his head and take all these photos at him. He is shocked and back away each time I take a photo at him. My phone is out of pictures and I have to find another way to finish him of. We moved to a spiral staircase as I fired pictures at him. I grab him and throw him over the stair rail so he falls down. I am suddenly on a big pedestal and people are using fake guns to fire at each other. They do firing sounds with their mouths. There is a man that is occasionally showing himself from his cover about 20 meters from me and is shooting at me. There is also a man that is doing the same but from a position right beneath the pedestal. After a time I pretend that I am being shot at and lie down. When I lie down there is a man that screams that he exploited the new patch in order to defeat me. Notes: Apartment buildings are often in my dreams. I remember another dream where it was almost the same as this one. I fake die in some of my dreams. I read about a new patch in a game and told my brother that his most hated enemy got debuffed in the new patch. I'm in a typical classroom in the left bottom corner of the room. Everyone is watching their grades of different tests and I realize there is a test I have failed several times. It is some kind of civics test. Alexandra thinks it's weird how I can fail a test when all my other grades are good. I tell her something about how civics is not for me. Notes: I had a homework in history and thought I wasn't that good at it. That is why I dreamt about this. Albin shows me a picture of when we were children and I have long hair. He makes a joke about the long hair I had. Notes: I watched the picture IRL he was showing me in the dream today. I'm with my old school bully Kevin and we are fighting. I have a firm grip around him and we are both on the ground. When I think about it I don't think the position we were in works IRL. I am winning. Notes: One of the only fights in my life was with Alexander, Kevin's bully friend. I'm flying with a hoodie. There is a car that is following me. When I think about what I want to do in the dream it becomes instable. Notes: I must learn to start stabilizing my dreams.
2017, 05-19 Search for Asuka I am in an amusement park with my mom and my brother John. We are waiting in line for a ride, it seems we have been waiting forever. We finally get up to be next and one of the cars pulls up to the platform. There are three seats there, perfect for the three of us. John gets on, then my mom, but when I was going to get on a bear comes from behind me, walking upright like a human, and takes my seat on the ride. My mom says I’ll just have to catch the next one. I’m annoyed that there is a bear taking my seat. The ride leaves and I walk away from it, passing two more bears who are next in line. I wander through the amusement park for a bit to find a ride I will go on by myself. I find a hall of mirrors and I decide to go in there. As I am walking into the hall of mirrors I see a man waiting at the entrance for me. I immediately recognize the man as MoSh. He asks if I think she is somewhere inside this maze. I ask who. He says Asuka, of course. Isn’t that why we’re here? So we go into the hall of mirrors and start looking around. The first thing I notice is the mirrors don’t reflect either MoSh or me. But they reflect each other in an infinity of mirrors which is quite disoriented. It’s hard to see where the paths are, so we make our way through it like blind people, groping our way with our hands. After making our way through the hall of mirrors for a while we find an exit. The exit leads to a large garden, a beautiful garden. There are many colorful flowers and green bushes and I hear water flowing somewhere nearby. I look around and MoSh wanders off a bit, then he says he sees her. I look in the direction MoSh is looking and I see a Japanese woman in a kimono. It’s Asuka. MoSh and I head over to see Asuka, there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with her. But as we are passing a hedge the thing attacks us! I see MoSh has a sword and he cuts the vines reaching for us. I use an Alex Mercer blade arm to cut more vines reaching for me. After a bit of pruning we get to where Asuka is. MoSh asks her where she’s been, she says she’s been here in the garden. MoSh says this isn’t her garden, though. Asuka seems disoriented as if she was on drugs or something. I look at some flowers that Asuka had been tending and getting too close to them makes me feel a bit light headed. Those must be there to keep Asuka drugged so she doesn’t try to leave. I tell Asuka she’ll feel better once she’s back in her own garden. She looks puzzled, but says ok. I focus on Through the Never and on getting to MoSh’s inner world. The portal opens and all three of us go through. Asuka says she feels sleepy and would like to rest. I figure the drug needs to wear off. MoSh takes her to a bedroom to rest, everything around me fades and I wake up.
This was from my dream journal notes from the night of 1/05-1/06. Unfortunately I did not remember any dreams from last night. Even though I got a good amount of sleep, the quality was poor and I woke up a lot. Dream 1: I was riding an Evolution ride, with a bunch of people. This included my tulpa, Tess, and an African American gentleman. I don't remember who else was there, but I remember many of the seats were filled. The difference was that we were inside, with a floor beneath us, so it wasn't as scary as the one I rode in the waking world a few years ago. Anyway, after a while it started going higher, and we realized that it was actually on the inside of a sky tower. So cool So we were actually riding a ride inside of another ride. Some weren't too happy about this, but I was excited. We reached the top of the tower, and then our cabin containing the Evolution dropped and free fell, which took me off guard. I wasn't expecting that at all! After the ride finished, I got off and I found my brother and sister waiting for me by the exit. I'm not sure if they rode the ride too or not. There was an exit sign that said to exit through certain shapes (there were differently-shaped holes in the fence). I found a random hole in the fence and exited the ride, and then the dream faded. Dream 2: False awakening! It was a Sunday morning. I was lying in bed, sort of waking up, but it was still like 6 AM so I decided to go back to sleep. I was looking for something in my bag. I found a thumbtack in there for some reason, and I immediately started having OCD fears about poking myself in the eye with it. I remember finding it weird because prior to that point, my OCD hadn't bothered me with that. But it wasn't quite enough to make me realize that I was dreaming. I got very close, though. Then I accidentally turned a kids' meal toy -- a puffball -- into a purple-black color, and it yelled out something. So now we have talking toys. Then my brother responded to the toy and then he woke up. (?) Oh, right! We BOTH woke up at an apartment in college, but we were roommates (not true in the waking world). Then he said "Oh no it's like 9:39!" and apparently we had church at 11 and ran the risk of being late. I freaked out for some reason, even though that should have been sufficient time to get ready, and then I woke up. Dream 3: Okay, I don't actually have any personal recollection of this one, but hey, it's in my dream journal. I was working at an office. There were a lot of people. Including an African American guy. (Same as before, maybe? I don't know why my brain keeps brining that to mind, of all things). Someone asked "Will you take the plates?" so maybe I went to a restaurant? I don't remember. Dreams from 1/06-1/07: I had already packed my DJ for college, so I had to type these into my phone, and boy is that annoying when you're half asleep! Dream 1: I was chased by some "sketchy people". One of them had an accent. I nimbly jumped away. Dream 2: I was on a boat, and it was rocking quite a bit in the water. I talked to a friend of mine that I haven't seen in forever. Dream 3: I was at a zoo. I can't remember which one. I was trying to talk to a lady there (an employee), but she was not interested in interacting with me or anyone else there. There was a panda that had been transferred from the Santa Barbara zoo. There were some little kids who I thought were annoying who wanted to watch a movie. Just a disclaimer: IRL, I actually don't find little kids to be annoying at all. I think they're cool. But we have different opinions in our dreams, I guess? :O This is the part where I became lucid. This is the gist of what I said: Within a dream, I was walking fully clothed in a river with many other people. There was an attraction of some sort. Might have been the river itself. Then, a typo reads "Loodpskarr mentioned case which I forget. My phone amen skethblkm are sodden." I have no idea what I actually meant by that, but I think I must have gotten my phone soaked in the river. OH! It was a Samsung! That's how I realized that I was dreaming! I talked to my aunt, who just randomly happened to be there, and told her that I thought I was dreaming, since I don't use Android phones IRL. I'm an iOS kind of guy. And then I woke up. :/ No time to do anything cool! D: After only 20 minutes, I had another dream. I was taking a Spanish class, and could do it but I was rusty. However I was confident that I could improve with time.
We were at the amusement park again, but this time it was night. The group of people split up and me and a familiar person went to hang out around what looked like a courtyard, with roofs surrounding an opening. There were cushions and places to sit but there were also pools in the floor for some reasons. There was a small exhibit, like a school science fair exhibit, about a mascot named "Rocket" which was a... rocket. I told the DC that I thought Rocket was just a feminine of Rock before I remembered that rocket is a word. There was also some toy trains and tracks. I set something up but it went awry and the train fell over and spilled out the inhabitants which are figurines of Winnie the Pooh and friends, and somehow the train ran them over. We laughed. I then brought out my laptop to watch anime or something. This friend must've been close to me because he was already apparently faimiliar with my stash of hentai and nude selfies in my pictures folder which I had opened for some reasons. He seemed to mostly like women though. We mentioned something about having to go home soon. The anime started off on a rather... naughty start, but then it was about a girl and a boy in a magical academy. They were using a magical chest that let them project nightmare visions to prank people, but they got accidentally sucked into the chest and the chest closed and locked. Then began their adventure.
Slept in today, can't really recall previous dreams. I was in an amusement park with friends from my boarding school. It was in Thailand. We're going to be here until 9PM which seemed a bit boring, even for amusement parks.
Alright, I think this one my be one of my favorite dreams and probably my longest lucid dream right now. Some time before sleeping I took some melatonin (one tablet, this is the first time I ever used it) and I guess since it supresses rem sleep I had some kind of rem rebound after I woke up which gave me this long dream. I was in the street in front of my house, at night. I remember opening the front gate and going up the stairs. Details are kinda fuzzy but I remember entering my apartment and going to my room. I suddenly woke up but managed to stay still (might have swallowed, but didn't move) so I tought I might as well try DEILD. Now, I've tried deild many times before but I just get a lot of popping in my ears and the feeling of a numb body, then I just give up and get up. This time tough, I persisted and tried to imagine things, like dream scenarios. My toughts started getting derailed so I tried to imagine seeing my room's ceiling through my eyelids. I think I also tried to imagine the sensation of flying. There was one point were I decided I should get up and check if I'm dreaming. I opened my eyes and stood up, everything seemed pretty real until I did the nose RC and found out I was dreaming. I was pretty excited, running around the house trying to do some dream control. I don't remember very well what I tried to do but I remember not being able to control the dream with expectation and being confused because my recent LDs have had pretty good control. I went to my parent's bedroom and it was pretty dark so I imagined it becoming daytime outside. I looked through in the window and it was very early in the morning and still pretty dark, so I imagined the sun speeding across. Surely enough it started getting brighter and the sun speeded across the sky. I stopped it by shouting some command (maybe I held out my hand too) and I positioned the sun to the middle of the sky. I then told it to come closer. Closer! I began to try to pull it with my mind and it came closer and closer until it seemed to have engulfed everything. It was kinda like I was floating in space and I was now inside the sun which was blue now. The inside of the sun is kinda hard to describe. It was like it was empty and the outside of the sun was a thin blue forcefield. In the middle of the sun there was this little white dot which I tough was a blackhole. Eventually everything snapped back to normal and I was back in my parents' room. I continued trying to control things and failed, so I decided I should look for my Dream Guide again. I went into the hall and said out loud "Dream, I'm ready to meet my dream guide" but as soon as I said that, a voice said that I wasn't ready yet. I argued that I was and then I found out it was just the housemaid that used to work in my house. I figured that if I can't find a DG I might as well summon Yuu (she is a dream character I created in waking life). I extended my hand behind my back and felt a hand. When I pulled it back it was a doll and I tossed it aside. Walking towards the living room I did this again and failed somehow. I tried it again, imagining the feeling of her hand and succeded. There she was. I don't think I had seen her in such a vivid dream before. Her hair was bright pink, brighter than usual. I told her that she looked prettier than usual but I don't remember what she said, but I remember she was "smarter" than usual, like it wasn't just some random DC. She had a sweet fragrance to her which I also commented on. I told her we should go to her house. She manifested a pair of fancy magical pink scissors which she used to cut up a portal in the dream. I didn't create annything like that for her but it was pretty cool. We arrived in some kind of huge house (it looked like we had been shrunk) which kinda looked like mine. I remember there being some huge dogs which we played aroun with. The details are kinda fuzzy here. I asked her why this house was so big and she said "Because it's not my house!". She used the scissors again and we ended up inside a car in some street, at night. I remember there being some bright pink fuzzy dice hanging somewhere. The car seemed to be moving by itself. I told Yuu that I wanted to live here with her and she said something like "You just want the car!" but I said that I really meant it. We got out of the car and walked on the streets. I'm pretty sure there was snow. I really felt great at this moment, just walking around with her in this dimly lit street. Eventually I woke up in some amusement park at night, walking on some kind of orange catwalk towards some attraction. I was feeling really drowsy and had some drool on my face. I tought that, somehow, I was dreaming while I sleepwalked around the park. There were two guys behind me, who seemed to be dressed as Dumbledore and some other character. For some reason, they were following me while I sleepwalked. I called some guards because I felt they were creeps and the guard pinned them to the floor and told me to go to an attraction (it was some kind of bullet train with a lot of people getting on). I went towards it and when I entered the train I woke up. This was a pretty cool dream, I loved hanging around for the first time with Yuu. This dream is so long, tough, that I forgot some details, unfortunately.
I'm on vacations with my family, the path we're walking on it made to simulate a forest, but it's fake, like an amusement park. We walk between the well integrated attractions, looking around. Other the limits of the fake tree I catch a glimpse of a castle in full gothic architecture, all high spires and graceful arcs, in light gray stones and slab roofs. I décide to try and go there, and my family follow. We push past the fake trees into the remants of a real forest, with moss and ashes everywhere. On the trail we're following, there's a square tower, with a large wooden door, locked. I easily scale the wall and enter it through a window. It's an house, and I start exploring it. The ground level is a diing room with a dark wood flooring, the furniture old but loved. A rickety staircase, almost a ladder, leads up to a TV room with a large, nest-like sofa taking up most of the room, making it nest-like and confy. On the far wall, there's a opening that lead into a bathroom; I can make out the sink and a tiny bit of shower curtain. I take a ladder to the next level and find another dining room, with armchairs and a big window overlooking the forest. I climb up the wall and end up under the roof in a bedroom; the whole floor is the cushy and confy, and there's a lot of pillows, the whole room in effectively the bed. There are a couple off roof windows, making the room sunny. I try to climb up into the roof itself but it keeps elongating, closing around me and making it difficult to breath and move.
I'm in a place like a giant Chuck-e-Cheese's, there are multiple floors of cushioned walls and nets. I am walking around and meet a dreadlocked guy I know from school. I show him a green, poorly done, tattoo on my wrist that identifies me as part of the same ninja secret society he is a part of. We climb up to a higher floor where we look down and look out for trouble, some group is doing shady stuff in the park, we have to keep an eye out. Vaguely remember playing with a small arcade cabinet. Go to a kiosk nearby my house to load my bus card, hear a guy welding to repair a magazine stand. The welding pistol is a screwdriver. I go up and ask if he needs help.
Fragments I see a line for a new amusement park ride, it's a grey day. The ride looks like a shifting, neon pink floor. It shifts to the sides and people have to balance as they walk through. It looks like it would be bad for my knees. I see a creepy, middle-aged guy in the line among all the kids. Is he a predator? People swarm around him and he reluctantly walks away. A vague memory of being told, or maybe just realizing; this is your dream character you must remember. (!) I'm enter a bookstore in a modern shopping mall. I'm waiting for a friend to finish looking through the books by a shelf on the wall. It's as if the mob is now here and has singled out a guy I know from school claiming he stole a book, it's even a book he already owns apparently. He is angry and yells he did nothing. The gang hones in with a sense of righteous indignation. I try to pull them off, this is not the way to handle this. I'm scared of being swept up in the fury. Suddenly outside the bookstore in the hall of the mall, the guy pulls out the book and shows he paid for it, the sales rack outside has the right price on it. People drift away shamefully. I know they blamed him only based on how he looks, very rough and tumble. A guy who was in the mob who I tired to stop awkwardly tries to start small talk by a sales shelf, says everyone's a but hungover today. I just nod and say "yeah". Back in the bookstore, I wait for my friend again. I see a man dressed in an elaborate steampunk style. I see some old Penguin classics on sale, 3 for 1. With another friend I walk away from the store down the halls of the mall. I mention the books I bought and I offer to give her one. She says she would rather have a 10€ gift card to somewhere. We enter an elevator and as we press the button to go to the top floor the elevator goes so fast that everything shifts and smears. The doors open and there is only an overflowing trash can with a McDonald's employee trying to empty it. The doors close and we go down a floor. The elevator opens again and we see the same scene. Immediately there is a weird sense, how can this be? We turn to each other and then turn back and see that we are on a new floor, the trash can and employee (who was looking very stern) are gone. Weirdness. We get off to try to get into the restaurant proper.
Got startled awake by a phone at 9 am, only got 4 hours of sleep and mighty kitty still fast asleep, I followed his lead and got back to bed. Took me way to long to fall back asleep, thanks advertising compagny I was in a amusement park, and I remembered that it was owned by Disney*. I was walking around in the restaurant of a hotel with big windows that overlooked a harbor. The walls were white with a wooden trim and the floor carpeted. There was a handful of buffet tables, and someone had left their bikes against one of them. Being my usual clumsy self, I knocked both of them on the floor and had a hard time picked them up. I moved one of them to a railing, them tried to move the other one, but it was really heavy. Feed up by this, I decided to lift it up using telekinesis and placed it back against the table. I started to walk away, then I paused. Wait, I juste used TELEKINESIS. That's a dream, right?** I looked auround, surprised. I thought this would come back, but not that quick. I tentativly walked back in the lobby of the hotel and found myself in a corridor. I looked myself over and discovered that I've wandered around wearing a pink, plushy, very short bathrobe*** all this time. Not really having a clear objective for this dream (since I thought I would have time to come up with one...) I decided to keep walking around and maybe find something interesting. Upon finding a mirror, I tried to change my clothes. I opened the bathrobe and inveiled a multicolored, iridescent corset underneath. My arms were still kind of twisted in the bathrobe and the dream was going a little fuzzy, so I simply changed it into an short vest in the same color that the corset and slipped it back. Shortly after, I lost my vision, everything going black and white before fading to black. I feel like I'm waking up, and push myself back into the dream. I ended up in front of my real house, standing in front of my window. my lucidity was very, very low, and while I was aware that it was a dream, I was pretty much a passive spectator. I turned to my left and put my right hand behind my back**** to summon Eli, but nothing came and I started to feel a weird sens of dread. I looked back behind me and saw a figure huddled against the palm tree that's in my front law, looking even crying or in pain. I quickly walked up to it, calling Eli's name. I kneeled beside the figure, but it wasn't Eli. It was an male DC, with shapeshifting features. He got up and started to cornered me. David showed up, his hair shifting from ginger to white and them back, pushing the DC away and pulling me to his side. We all walked up to the street and the male DC started to go to another house. We followed him, even if I felt unhappy about it. He entered the house and I finnaly woke up. * That was of course a fake souvenir. And there wasn't any hidden mickey! ** a accurate reddition of my thought process, caps and all. *** I own the same one in real life. It's comfy. And I don't wear it in public, that would cause the fashion police to come after me. **** That was my go-to method to summon people while lucid and never failed me before (I had a better level of dream control though.) It's dead easy: put your hand behind you and expect someone slip their hand in it. I had someone putting me in an armlock once, but he was a jerk.
Updated 09-19-2015 at 01:41 PM by 88858 (typo, typo everywhere!)
29.01.2015Wife won't ride a baby attraction but decides to ride a massive roller coaster (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Full dream (+1) First DILD (+10) WBTB (+2) I went to a theme park and it appeared to be almost empty of people,e yet the weather was awesome and I felt pretty excited. I first walked towards the Pirate Ship. It was pretty much like the real thing, but there were no people in line and I wondered if it was open. I always like to warm up riding this baby. Not a huge rush, but it is fun. As I got closer to the attraction, I saw that on some of the rows there were people dressed in black, and it seems that they needed to assist into swining the boat. My wife chickened out from riding this one (she would not ride it in waking life) so she decided to just hang around while I rode it. One of the employees was giving me instructions in how to ride it. I told her I rode it many times in my life and I was trying to step inside. I saw the employee, who now was my friend, walking away, so I followed her and I was having a nice chat with her. I saw an attraction that had the face of Lord Ganesh which I was trying to incubate (+15) which I found very amusing to see on an amusing park. From here, I was enjoying a couple drinks with my new female friends and suddenly, I heard the noise of a roller coaster. She exalted, "Oh yeah, let's go!" I followed here and there was a massive roller coaster. She said that she loved it, that it was so amazing I had to ride it. I looked at it and I felt it would be so cool, so I joined the line. I recalled that I was supposed to ride the pirate ship and that my wife would be waiting outside. I pulled my phone to text her but she joined us and asked me what was going on with the Pirate ship. I told her I was going to ride the roller coaster instead. She replied to me, "Oh, alright" followed by joining the line. I asked her, "Where do you think you are going?" while I was laughing. She replied, "To ride it!" I turned lucid right away. My wife would not ride an even tiny little kids roller coaster and she would not even look at the beast roller coaster I was planning to ride. I decided to get two points out of talking with a DC, so I told my wife, "Yeah right... you riding that... lol."(+2) I had my cell phone still on my hands so I attempted to use it. I saw a ton of weird characters and I believe my screen was in black and white (+4) I decided to take a flight to make my dream stable (+1) I kept flying for a while (+4) until I saw a sea scenery that looked very pretty when suddenly the alarm clock woke me up.
January 28, 2015 Wow... I went to bed pretty much as soon as I got home (around 5:00pm) and went in and out of sleep and slightly delirious waking time until the morning alarm. This cold has been kicking my ass, royally. As such, I only remember two dreams, really. There are some more fragments, but I'm honestly not sure if those moments were when I was asleep or awake... Oma's House I was at Oma's house, and was worried about getting everyone there sick. After slinking around in the corners a bit, I meet two young men. I'd never seen these guys before, so I was wondering why they were at Oma's house. I started talking to them, and found out that one of them had given up on graduate school because he hadn't finished all of the application materials, and the deadline was soon. He didn't think he had a chance at getting in this late in the year, and so he had just given up. I went online, and got access to his email to see what news there was about the application. I figured out I could open and close my hands to change the color of the background. White background meant I could edit and write in the email, while an orange background meant I could only read the email. IT was like turning on a safety lock. I got the feeling that this guy would get into the school, and was going to tell him, but he and his friend were both gone when I went to find them. I went to the back room to see if they were there, but when I opened the door, there was a woods and small meadow in front of me. I went through the door, and figured I was at the cabin my family owns. The chairs were all set up and I decided to go for a walk. In the woods, I met a family of deer and watched them amble along. Amusement Park I was at an amusement park of some sort. There were two sections of the park, and I wanted to get to the other one. Apparently to do that, you had to go through this underground area. It was strange, though, because the underground area was almost a complete circle, so the entrance was right next to the exit. There was a tall wall separating the two parts of the park, though, so you still HAD to use the tunnel. There were stairs and escalators at both ends, and a bunch of stalls lining the whole tunnel. I remember that by the time I got to the other end, there was a big stall completely blocking all four of the escalators up to the other section, and so I had to take the stairs. I was mad at the owners of the stall for taking up all that space, and wondering why on earth there would still be escalators if they were going to just be blocked anyways. When I got to the top, I saw through a door into the office of the head honcho of the tunnel, or something. Inside, a guy (maybe the same guy from my other dream. I can't be sure because of how weird of a state my mind was in) was getting some of his teeth brutally pulled out. I ran in and tried to stop the head honcho, but apparently this was completely legal? Head Honcho said this other guy owed someone his teeth, though I was still doubtful, and wanted to do something about it. It just didn't seem right to me, but the other guy told me to leave and that he was okay... So I exited the tunnel and found myself in what seemed to be a loading bay or construction area. I wondered where the park had gone, and even asked someone in a hardhat where the park had gone, and he was like "it's right here," and motioned toward three entertainers. One of them was a midget in a shiny purple costume, karate chopping a cat. Another was tall and pudgy wearing bright yellow, balancing something on his nose. I don't remember what the third person was doing, because I woke up.
20/8/2014 2320-0440 1. I was in an amusement park with a friend from my old school (M). I was on one of the swinging ship rides with him. I was cowering in fear in the corner. I also went around with him buying souvenirs. 0444-0630 2. I was with my high school peers in a big building. I found J somewhere in the building. I noticed how good she looked. She was looking for someone named Leslie. I helped her look for this Leslie person. It seemed like we were all in a rush to get out of the building for some reason. We found Leslie, which turned out to be a sweater. She put Leslie on and looked even hotter. After that, we tried to rush out of the building. J and me ran out of the building together, with the dream ending there.