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    1. 14 Oct: A zombie attack ends up in a fight with anime characters

      by , 10-14-2022 at 08:15 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my mom's place and there is a big event going on. There are groups from several disciplines, from chemistry to politics. I am going around ensuring people have what they need. In the political group, there's this awful fascist guy who seems to have an interest in me. I hate him, but I am enjoying his attention and wondering how I can use it against him. I am picking up some of my personal documents from the dining room table by the window when the chemistry group barges in with lots of large posters and rolls of paper with formulas and in a frenzy about something urgent. I leave them be and I go around meeting other groups, when something bad in the chemistry group happens and some chemical or biological sample is released. It drives some people out of their minds and they start attacking others. Then it spreads and I realize it is a zombie attack. There is no escape from this full house, so I open the window behind me and use the rope from the shutters to rappel down the building. I enter through the window of some other house where apparently I have family or friends. They are just enjoying their rest and I tell them to gather food and prepare to leave because there is a zombie attack just starting. They don't believe me, so I go look outside and indeed many have already reached the streets and are climbing peoples' windows and balconies and going inside their houses. First we close all windows but one has some problem and I am unable to close it before having to fight off some zombies trying to come in. Finally we put some heavy furniture blocking it to gain some time and I tell the others that our best chance is to go up onto the attic and stay there with food and water for some time until the first wave attack is over. Some of them agree with me, some don't, and some girl starts making a lot of noise with her insistence in going out and I worry she'll attract more zombies. When we open the door to go upstairs we listen first if there is any agitation. There isn't, but then a couple ladies who don't look like zombies, attack us in a different way. They drop two ladybugs' bombs on us. Basically it's like two bombs full of ladybugs that release thousands of ladybug which immediately stick to our skin and orifices. I have my ears clogged. This is just a distraction, because soon after we start getting attacked by the zombies. Predicting this, I run to the kitchen to get a sharp knife and hand other knifes to the rest of the group. Then a couple zombies also bring knifes and try to get close to slash me. I fight them both and manage to stick the knife on the brain and neck of the first one. He makes some comment when he realizes I got him, like not believing I got him. The other one I think is his brother, so obviously he gets pissed. We fight and I win, but then I am overwhelmed by a constant flow of anime characters with katanas and other weapons and I don't understand why they are so intent on killing me. At some point I am fighting maybe ten at the same time but already managed to steal at least one katana from the arm I cut off of someone. On one hand the katana on the other still the kitchen knife. Then I start levitating to fight them in the air and only a couple of the have the same ability, greatly increasing my odds.

      Updated 11-01-2022 at 08:33 PM by 34880

    2. Ripped heart and the guy

      by , 07-02-2017 at 04:22 PM
      Finally, a vivid dream againxD and it was pretty long I thinkxD I had it two nights ago, so I can't explain everything in detail now, but I somehow know how...here I go!

      I was on my way to school I think..or at least, a place where there were lots of people.
      On this day, I was almost late, so I was in a hurry. I went on my bike.

      Than I was with friends somehwere in the dream, and arrived on the place where I had to be. It was on a car road and there was this small guy (an anime character from an anime I really like..) called Otani, who was really teasing me hard.

      I was so irritated and mad that I ripped out his heart out of his chest. That was so weird..Why did I do that? It felt really realistic as well..I throwed it away, and the guy (I usually like in the anime) was slowly dying. I had regret on taking his heart, so I wanted to safe him. Than there appeared this guy I now Always see in my thought during the day, who helped me to tell me how to safe him. He was super calm and kind to me, even though I did something that terrible..Anyway,

      The heart was on the car road, and there were riding lots of cars. It was to be lucky to not let it be crushed by a car..When the heart was on safe zone because of the wind, it moved away from the cars, I could pick it up.

      Than the kind guy explained to me to try to attach the heart to the blood vessels inside of him. I saw the hole where I ripped out his heart, I tried to put it in again. Explained to me, if I do it correctly, the heart would attach itself to the blood vessels. The heart was weird enough yellow, lol.

      I did it correctly, and the Otani guy lived again. I was relieved, and the guy who helped me was proud of me, still as calm and misterious as ever. I sticked with him more since I really liked him somehow. He let me fell good and happyxD
      The Otani guy also stayed with me and the guy and began to tease and pick on me again.. That was really stupid..but I couldn't get mad again, since I would rip out his heart again if I did. I tried to ignore him.

      The unknown guy tried to get Otani's attention by giving him a gift to get him to not tease me again like that. I was really happy with that. I saw at that moment that the unknown guy had unknown money that was rather pretty. He told me it was money from other countries to where he had travelled. I was hypnotized by the money by it's prettiness. He saw how cool and awesome I thought it was and gave me some of it with the number ''8'' on it. Really, only with the 8 on it. I wondered what that meant..but anyway, I really was happy by the gift, I really felt happiness>.< I maybe have a little crush on him lololol.
      He was happy that I was happy and had this really beautiful smile on his face. (wait a minute...Why did I not notice that this was a dream? I mean, money with number 8 on it doesn't exist...lol)

      Than the scenery changed to it of a classroom. I sat on a chair and I was injured, the unknown guy was nowhere to be found this time. but I had my Lucky charms were enough for me for now, but anyway, I couldn't do much and Otani had to solve the problems on the chalk board for me. He totally didn't want to do that for me and throwed the chalk to my face.

      Me and the teacher went mad and ran after him through the hallway of the school. It looked kinds funny on this part, but I woke up because of my mom at this point..I wish I could continue this dreamXD hahaha.

      Well, what my question is...Who was the unknown guy? before this dream, he would appear suddenly in my mind, not smiling, but really calm and misterious. I don't know his name or anything about him, but he gives me this warm and happy feeling when I see him. I also can't erase him from my mind, he keeps coming. I never thought of a guy, he is just there and I wanna know more about himT_T I know his figure by his black hair (and an asian look lol, but yeah) and a striped sweater. (HE'S SUPER CUTE)
      But yeah, he now appears in every dream of mine in another settingxD

      Next dream entry is about a LD I had last time^_^ I hope you enjoy them!
    3. Web shooter,Applejack's dirty hair and weird shit at the store.

      by , 07-11-2014 at 08:24 PM
      I am participating in an airsoft battle at an abandoned military outpost.I am running around,trying not to get hit by enemy fire.While running through the abandoned buildings i run into a bunch of military cadets from the academy, that i could see behind the group, doing some jogging.One of the people in the group is a friend of mine so i decide to sneakily make my way to him so the commanding officer doesnt notice(i distinctly remember that the officer had moustaches).I somehow manage to sneak in without anyone,accept for my friend,noticing.We talk for a while until we cut a corner.There in front of us i see a steep hill rising 2 meters off of the ground and assume that that is where we should go.I sprint ahead and try to climb the hill.I dont think i climbed it the normal way.It is kind of like i am trying to run up while staying vertical,but i am not sure.Anyway,i fail and fall back on the path.While turning around my friend sprints past me and up the hill.He succeeds and makes it but quickly falls back down.I turn around and see him lying on the floor in full MK-5 armor(from Halo),he is having trouble breathing.He is having an astma attack.I start wondering why he does not have an inhaler.I think i was yelling for help but i am not sure.While standing there,i decide to try to calm him down so he can breathe easier.I put my hand under his head and instruct him to try to calm down and controll his breathing.It worked a little bit but he is still having trouble.His older brother runs up to us and he tries to assist me in saving him.We turn around to ask people for help and when we look back,he has died and has turned into a shriveled up piece of skin that i picked off the ground.We are both very sad.The building next to us has a ladder and we climb it to the top and turn into anime characters.His girlfriend also appears.They try to convince me that there was nothing i could have done but i do not agree and leave pissed off.I enter a abandoned factory with the machinery still intact,still angry.I look at the floor and see some kind of fancy sci-fi device,and i feel like i am being watched.I hear an ethereal voice that tells me to pick it up and i do so.I try to figure out how to use but i dont know how,so the voice instructs me to press this not-very-obvious button on the top and it shoots out spider webs.I use the device a couple of times to try it out.
      Now i am home,exiting my room and going down the stairs into the living room.I decide to test out the device to swing around the room,but the web is too weak to properly carry my momentum.I see a shadow moving above the stairs and swing myself onto them.I see a bluish-gray kitten on the top of the stairs covered in spider webs.I come closer and notice that it is having slight trouble breathing.I assume that it has gotten some into its mouth.I help it and clean the webs off of it and go into my room to find out why that happened.When i enter,i see some shadows behind the window curtain and after moving it,i see three more kittens there hiding in fear of something.They look at the top of my closet and i do the same when suddenly,something starts shooting webs at me.
      I am exiting a hotel,POV is in 3rd. person.I am chasing down a guy who has stolen something.I try to swing with my web but run out of juice so i run after him at a speed that surprised me.

      3rd. person view.Rarity and Applejack are fighting about something on some hill.I am playing Applejack here.After some time,the argument escalates and AJ throws dirt into R's face.R in turn throws motor oil on AJ's head but she doesnt mind since she is a coutry girl.She throws motor oil at R and she gives up.1st. person POV.AJ is looking at R while she is leaving.Environment suddenly transforms into my room and AJ realises she needs to wash her hair so she doesnt have motor oil on her head.She exits the room and finds herself at a crossroads between a bunch of stone corridors that resemble something out of an Egyptian pyramid.No success.

      I am that chubby blonde actor guy that died recently(too lazy to look up his name).I am in a store,trying to find things to buy.I scan the shelves and find a bunch of gourme food packed into a fancy bag.I remember there was some kind of big orange thing in there that migh have had little balls on it but not sure.I look for a price but i cant see anything.I want to buy it,so i look to my right.There is a cash register in the corner there with two women.I ask one of them if she could tell me the price but she disregards the question and starts talking about what stuff this bag contains.After a while i get the impression that she is telling me that i cant afford it and leave before she got a chance to finish.I was quite annoyed.Now i am me.I look at the shelve where i found this and i still cannot see a price tag.I leave the bag and pick something else instead.I look to my left,where i left my school bag and go there to put the food in it,but on my way there Fillip H. and some other guys i used to go to school with appear out of nowhere and form a circle around me while arguing about where to go next.They do not appear to notice me so i make my way to my bag on the floor so i can put my food in.I manage to get it and they finaly disperse but they leave behind (don't remember his name) J.,who got very upset that they left him there.I turn around to look at his face and he yells at them with an angry expression on his face.
    4. Water then anime girl

      by , 10-11-2012 at 03:24 AM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      The dream started out where I was on a water ride with family. We had all got together and were on this ride together. But then it changed, we weren't on the ride and after we got out of a tunnel in the ride we had jumped out of the boats or rafters and continued to go on this adventure ride where it was like a water park and a ride at Disney land. After slipping and drifting down this pool water river that was super clear and clean I had decided to separate from my family on go down this giant slide that slide down into another pool of water. Then after this my dream changed to where I was with a anime character who was Yui from K-on!

      Chernobyl dead zone-hirasawa.yui.full.1186820.jpg We were sitting together and drifting/relaxing in a view around this beautiful scenery that was surrounded by amber clouds, flowers, and a deep cool water surface with petals that hit the water. We were drifting down this view like we were rafting but just sleeping/relaxing while on the water surface. We both had our feet out towards this view and just as this was happening I woke up. Dang it!