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    1. cxlix. Duplicitous family & Arresting myself

      by , 09-01-2020 at 02:20 PM
      9th August 2020

      Fragment (DFLN thread):

      Part of a long dream, the last part revolved around this kid with autism and he'd made an explosion or something. He lived in a mansion all on his own? And he had a rich dad?

      I remember at some point there was a fireman and he was the one that told me all about the kid. When he told me the story I felt sorry for the kid somehow. Then the kid had an older brother who was just a nasty and petty and by the end of the dream the kid with autism had been faking it all along and his whole family was mean and petty.

      I remember H was with me for most of the dream.

      As I mentioned in the DFLN thread:

      Quote Originally Posted by DarkestDarkness
      To be honest waking up to this dream was a bit disappointing, I had a carrying-over feeling of being disillusioned in people as I became more awake but eventually overcame that through the day.

      10th August 2020

      Dream (DFLN thread):

      Recall only the end of the dream, but it was still a long sequence.

      I was a police character and I was going somewhere I'd already been to earlier in the dream. The dream was sort of cycling, or repeating, in some way? I'd come here before but as Homer Simpson with Bart. We'd been looking for Marge.

      In any case, as the policeman now, I went to this spot to pick someone up, who was already in handcuffs and escorting a woman. This place was in a very busy mall, there were loads of people.

      I picked up a police cap off the floor, I knew intuitively that it was mine somehow. I undid and then redid the prisoner's cuffs. Though I don't remember the prisoner character's actual looks, I picked up a wallet which resembled my wallet from waking life. In it, there was a photo of me, but I didn't realise that it was a photo of me. This was who the prisoner was, some "me". So I took him, by the cuffs and we walked down some stairs. Nobody was phased by me as a policeman taking this man in cuffs through the mall.

      The mall visually resembled one from my early childhood. This other "me" who I had in custody was being accused of rape, or something?

      At some point, I realised better I was holding my police cap in one hand, I hadn't put it back on yet. I remember H's voice at some point and I was talking back in normal dialogue, but H was not physically present. We were discussing typical police caps, and the fact that they have them on at all times, pretty much.

      Eventually, as I was walking, the prisoner was not a person anymore but instead a corpse in a body bag. I don't remember how this transition happened. But I remember as I realised this, the body inside the bag went floppy and heavy and I had to adjust my grip. I remember feeling the cuffs on a bony corpse through the bag and I just carried on carrying the body bag in a more dignified way than I had been initially. I woke up while I was still walking.
    2. [Stormy Weather Safehouse]

      by , 10-26-2012 at 07:30 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Friday, October 26th, 2012]
      A storm was coming, one that could probably blow me and my family's house down. I thought about running to a
      safer area...

      <In a later dream...>
      Me, Alex, Nathan, and some other unfamiliar people were doing drugs.
      Then out of nowhere- the door busted down and they were there among us.
      We were busted by the cops! Alex's Mom appeared and told me to run.
      In the general confusion and chaos that ensued, I assumed it would be possible to get away.
    3. Vague recollections

      by , 02-22-2011 at 07:08 PM
      I had a bad night's sleep last night, which I think effected my recall. I have some brief impressions though.

      1. Someone, an older man, pulling me by the arm. He is very angry with me for something I did.

      2. Taking some sort of test.

      3. One of my friends being arrested.

      That's all I can remember, dammit!
      Tags: arrest, test
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 11:03 PM
      110: 6.16.10; 9:52AM BREAKING NEWS: Police Arrest Off-Duty Officer, and the Minotaur is Dead! (MILD)


      I had a rather lengthy lucid dream, of which I will relay two parts to ensure the details I provide are accurate and interesting.

      I was at the end of my driveway (a recurring location in my dreams), and saw three police trucks speeding on the road, coming to a fast stop in front of my driveway gate, lights flashing in the warm daylight, arranged in such a way as to surround a black SUV, now stopped along with the police vehicles on the road. The police got out of their vehicles with shotguns drawn and aimed at the SUV. I put up my hands to show that I was there and didn't intend to interfere, but figured that as I was standing next to my gate behind a couple trees, I really didn't need to have my hands up like the man who was exiting the SUV, and stepped a little behind my gate to watch the events unfold.

      The man stepped out of the SUV, a well-built man with dark clothing and a shaved head - certainly not a person to be screwing around with. His hands were still up as he got to the hood of his car and leaned over it, as the cops wanted. One of the officers drew a rifle that resembled the shotguns the others had, and shot the man in the chest three or four times. He fell to the pavement with no visible wounds, leading me to the conclusion that it was a kind of stungun, with non-piercing rounds.

      The officers surrounded him, allowing just enough visibility of the man for me to see that he himself was wearing a dark blue jacket with police patches all over the sleeves and shoulders. I figured I'd see it in the next day's newspaper, seeing as he was an off-duty officer who's arrest I'd just witnessed. One officer looked over at me and said something, which I only took to mean that they were okay with me standing there close by, watching. They took the man away and the dream transitioned.

      A while later into my dream, I was in an all-wooden room on a structure made of poles, almost like bamboo coloured a rich brown. I wasn't alone within this structure - I was fighting a minotaur.
      Yes, I know, it's awesome! This minotaur was a giant, agile skeleton with great horns affixed to the skull, with one nasty temper. He knew the structure well, a multi-level scaffold with no walls, since the structure was encased in an enormous and tall room.

      He wasn't at all shy about flaunting his knowledge of the room's layout. He expertly raced about each level to get to me, forcing me to find ways to move up to higher levels to stay at least one floor away from the skeletal beast. My movement took me to a very high level of the structure, achieved by flying with my signature arms-shot-straight-up flying method through square holes I found in each level's floor, almost as if there was supposed to be a ladder for each, and of course, the minotaur was close below me. I knew what I could do at this point to stop him once and for good, and I let him reach my level.

      He reached this floor quickly, and stared me down with a nasty smile - well, as much as a skeletal minotaur's human-shaped skull could muster - and proceeded to approach me with a slow walk. He was visibly smaller than his regular size, now matching my height. I would use this to my advantage: I drew him closer to me, and positioned myself behind the square hole in the floor, watching the minotaur walk toward me in a perfect linear fashion. He stepped into the hole and slipped down, both feet first.

      I leaned over the hole and watched with a smile as the (relatively) miniature skeleton fell several stories to the floor and crash-landed on his back. Upon impact he returned to his full and giant size, leaving only his chest and skull (with those giant horns, now coloured rich brown like the wood surrounding me) visible from where I stood. I believe I saw some bones flying off him when he'd smashed into the floor, but he appeared now to be a perfect, flawless, unmoving skeleton. With horns.

      Note: This was another lucid dream induced through simply requesting to have one prior to going to sleep. Is this enough to call it a MILD, even without RCs?
    5. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:34 PM
      95: 5.15.10; 11:41AM Part 1: A Warrant For Her Arrest + A Morbid Experience with Harry And Hermione. (Non-lucid)


      Julia and I are preparing to arrest and man and woman for some abduction-related crime. They both had an abnormal fascination with their victims' feet, and kept them locked away after abducting them for that reason. I stall the man and woman while Julia goes to secure a warrant for the woman's arrest, but after she leaves and is gone a while, Julia seems to have disappeared, and I go searching for her, as I can't arrest them without a warrant.

      I wind up in my house and remember that I can use my cell phone to call her and find out where she is. I find my phone charging on the floor of my hallway. I unplug it and take it to my desk, sitting down, and discover that I have 40 new messages, none apparently from Julia. From what I could tell, most of them were screenshots of a game from a contact by the name Uchimaru.

      Watching these screenshots for a bit, the dream transitions inside them, taking me into a Harry Potter video game, where Harry is to steal a dragon's egg. Harry and Hermione are both there, and their characters keep dying from either jumping off the tiny cliff they're on within this giant cave, or from somehow falling from great heights onto that very cliff.