Woke up to the sun. So bright. (writes dreams) Honestly I should just get up. Or… On the side of a road, On top of a hill was a place full of stores and services. Usually I would just stop to get something to eat or for my dad to pick up some gas for the trip. But after coming twice it got apparent that I was a more regular visitor than anyone else. As it happened that my dad would be doing something and I would have to stay and wait for hours. I had some time to kill talking to people my age. As I ganged their trust (GET IT LOL HAHAHAH pls laugh) they told me that they run sort of a “little” gang here and that they run all of the stores. I said that's pretty cool and after a while of wandering around and doing different things. Eventually I joined the “motorcycle gang”. Which was what everyone's little nickname was for it. I surprisingly wasn't expected to stay or to come often but when I do eventually come often I would have access to all the lounges and stuff. I made some friends and they wanted to go get lunch at a supermarket. I came with them. We found a spot with Chinese food and different types of chicken. As I ordered my food I realized it was gone. So I went back to go get something else. At the time the kids were waiting for me. Another line started to grow so in a bit of a panic I got some chicken legs because they happened to be way cheaper. As I continued in the line one of the people behind the counter asked if I joined yet. (Let's call him bill. I was already talking to him before lunch) I said yes so for confirmation he went to one of the people I was with and they said yea. As I continued up I realized that they never gave me an ID card to order. Bill started to speak to the guy running the supermarket. (Lets name him Joey) “Yo Joey wanna watch what happens if you don't have your ID card?” Joey, already knowing what was about to happen declined, lacking interest. Bill pulled out a knife from his side pocket and went to attack him. I grabbed his arms and tackled him. Throwing the knife out of the way. A narrator said that in his mind he thought I would’ve been a good leader. I ran through the store, chicken legs in hand looking for more food I could grab. After about to grab a pastry I saw Joey running closer to me so I ran out the door. I looked for a car I could drive and after I saw a lady getting out of the car to set it up for a refuel I sprinted in the car and got it out of park. I drove right to the entrance of the plaza and luckily there were no cars. As I drove on the highway and onto an exit. The road started to be filled with houses. It was a mixture of country, suburban and ghetto. Gained lucidity, As I got to a part where the road was grass I slowed down and I saw that the side of the road was covered with extended houses. As I drifted past many I messed up and hit the structure of the house. Luckily it was still connected to the ground so it didn't collapse. Shortly after I ran into a tree. Realizing that this was a good time to let him pass by, I waited for a second but realized he was far behind. (car skills are way too good honestly) I continued on the road and reached a neighborhood. In the middle of the road was a group of three cars and two police officers on each side. Moving them. I went to the side and drove right past them. After some more insane moves I got to an intersection where there were hundreds of police cars. I immediately got out of the car. I randomly jumped (scooby dooby doo style) and then raised my hands up. I got arrested and a cutscene began of me getting free and getting 280 thousand dollars. Then I woke up.
[This is a series of dreams that occured over three nights, from June 13 to June 15 in 2017.] [June 13] I am at a festival sort of place, where there are dirt paths and stalls selling things. There are many events going on. One "show" has recently been cancelled, something about the building being unsafe. There is something amiss at this festival; children are going missing. I am trying to gather all the children without families (which is most of them) and take them to a cave, a designated "safe place". The cave seems to have a magical barrier to keep negativity out. At one point I find a little blonde girl and try to coax her into coming with me, but she disappears when I turn around and look back. [June 14] Continuing from last night, I am at the same festival, but my girlfriend is kind-of there (it's weird, she was blurry, like she was phased in from somewhere else] and a frantic young man is following me. He is shorter than me - natural, as I am my alternate self which is rather tall - and has curly brown hair and black-rimmed glasses. He is trying to tell me something, something about a bad thing going to happen. I listen to him casually while walking until a loud rumbling begins. The grond shakes, and people start running and screaming. The guy tries to say something along the lines of "I told you!" but I shoo him off and forge my own way. I am surprisingly calm for someone who thinks this is all real, slowly moving through the crowd and keeping an eye on the sky; the sky is beautiful, a prismatic shatter of color that slowly turns black. I make my way out of the festival and to a nearby farm house. There are many people inside that aren't too happy about me intruding in on their space, but I ignore it. An old man, presumably the keeper of the house, tries to trap me in an upstairs room. I easily resist his attempts and look for something I'm apparently looking for. I eventually find it: a trap door that leads to a huge underground factory. It is big enough for me to transform into my royal form, wings spread and all. I try to fly but find it difficult, and the dream fades. [June 15] I make it out of the factory and am somehow back at a different sort of festival, an indoor one. I end up at something that is drawing a crowd, some famous performer doing something I cannot remember. I watch until two officers come up to me with handcuffs and tell me to come with them. I get the feeling I should listen, so I comply without protest. On the way to their vehicle, cuffed and all, I feel a man press a key into my palm and whisper to hold onto it. I stuff it on the side of my panties, where they hopefully won't search. We drive to the holding station, where I sit on a bench and the officers explain the "situation" to someone else. Somehow, my cuffs loosen, and I sneak away. I go through a few doors and am suddenly in an underground mountainous area, airy and full of light yet so artificial. As I walk through here, a voice begins speaking to me: the man from earlier. He tell me where to go and I eventually am led to a door with a key slot. I still have the key he gave me, and it fits perfectly. Thing is, it only opens to more scenery. The voice tells me to be patient. I trust him and keep going; a little hiking and a weird cougar later, I stop at the mouth of a waterfall. The voice tells me to go through the waterfall. A strange blue creature comes forth from the falls, beckoning me in. I obey, going through. Things are strange on the other side. So much so, that my first reaction is to turn back around...but then walk back in. The place has many vivid colors and strange creatures, plants, and such glowing, odd scenery in general (think Wonderland, really). A pink creature greets me, and then I wake up.
I was at the top of the Gen-Sys company building. Gen-Sys was a company that did breakthrough science in genetic engineering and the like, transhumanist sciences that I support. It was night. There was the brightly-lit reception area, where people arriving by chopper are received. The Gen-Sys symbol above the door leading out to the helipad. I was arrested by a typical "MiB" FBI agent, and escorted out to the helipad. The agent commandeered the Gen-Sys chopper parked there, and intended to fly me across the country (out west, to California) to be interrogated and imprisoned. I "knew" the company HQ I was at was located in the north-west of the country, but probably not at the coast. Maybe Chicago, or Detroit? The building was on the shore of a large river, and on the other side of the river was a major city, its many lights shining in the night. I was very angry for being arrested. I called the agent terrorist scum, and that he was helping the real bad guys without knowing it. I think I was talking about the luddites always trying to sabotage the company's efforts, trying to make them look bad. And being a transhumanist zealot... well... you never know what I might have done to the poor luddites, the cause of my arrest. The helicopter took off, but I struggle and jump out (it wasn't hovering very high yet), my hands still tied up. I sees Gen-Sys personnel at the entrance to the reception area, so I calmly walk up to him and tell him I changed my mind about leaving. Apparently hoping he'd be deceived, and let me leave through the building. It didn't quite work. Not sure what happened next.
I think I was in a school, and there was a shooting. I was hiding in a room, along with Fernando Alonso (the F1 driver). I was terrified, but Fernando had a plan. He stayed calm, and started crafting makeshift guns from junk laying around the room. In the end, we both had a gun (that resembled a Sten) with 11 bullets. We decided to leave the room. I wanted to move crouched with Alonso standing behind me, to cover more ground with our fields of fire. In another scene, a man showed up at our door (before we left). There was a group of people roaming the area, and I felt we could trust no one. I had a pneumatic rifle now, with a long piece of metal shoved into the chamber as improvised ammo. I stuck the gun through an opening in the door, and shot him in the face. It didn't do much to hurt him. After having survived this ordeal, I found myself in a different location (Dallas?). I "knew" I was thousands of miles east from where I was earlier. I was walking with others, a little confused as to where I was and how I got there. I think a woman told me where I was. Anyway, I am stopped by the police. They asked me if I have guns, I say no. They search me (my bag?) and find the makeshift guns from the previous dream. I realize how screwed I am. I would never convince the cops of my innocence. I couldn't even explain how I got here myself, so why would they believe me? I sat there for a while. I got a strange feeling. There were a lot of people, talking loudly. A marketplace of sorts? I felt like this couldn't be real. I didn't know how I got there. And why am I in America? I somehow made a conscious decision to "wake up", and yup... my reality shifted and I woke up in my own bed. The transition was really weird, and cool. I was flying a propeller plane far away (in the Pacific?) to fight in a war of sorts. My sports plane was outfitted with missiles. I encountered an old friend (Eros) and his girlfriend too. The bastards had a jet. At some point I think I had landed on a carrier. My mom was there? I was trying to turn to take off again, but forget to let her get on?
Preface: A lot of exercise lately. Allergy problems prevail, so I took benadryl last night again. My body is sore today. Fragment I am rubbing my arms and forearms. DR 1 I'm with my sister, and we've been arrested. I've done something terrible (killed or hurt someone) and I am in a lineup on a platform. There are odd characters in the lineup and nobody looks like me. A few minutes later my sister is released and she tells me not to worry. She leaves for a while, and I can see her- talking with her children and my mom. I start to wonder if things will be okay, and if I will make it out. I am still standing on the platform, waiting for someone to tell me what my fate will be. The next thing you know, the lighting changes and the whole platform moves to a mall. We are in the middle of the mall, and I am still on the platform. I climb down. We are very close to a McDonald's and my sister has bought the kids some food. They are running around excitedly, and then she tells me she has a surprise. Its a little dog- tiny puppy that is brown and black. I pick him up and hug him and tell them that he is so cute. I am really happy but I keep wondering if I am going to be arrested or taken away for my wrongdoings.
Dream 1 I'm with Josh and I have some pre-workout. I meet up with Daryl and he seems to be excited that I have taken some pre-workout. He opens up a wrapper which has some kind of narcotic in it. I seem pretty amped up from the pre-workout and go straight in for a dip of speed. We're now driving and a police car begins chasing us. Daryl is driving and he doesn't stop for the cop, instead he tries to flee. I tell him he's an idiot and that he should stop the car. There's a few times where we almost get captured but we seem to get away each time. I recognize the street we're driving down, which is where my Auntie Rita lives. Eventually we get caught and end up in some kind of venue. I think it's a TAB (Betting Place). There's cops around us and we try to swindle a deal so we can get off the charges. The charges consist of illegal betting and driving offenses. We pay back the TAB what we took from them, and ask how much extra do they want to drop the charges. I think we're looking at 1,200 or maybe a bit more. We agree with the price. There's two cops which seem to be corrupt, definitely one of them for sure. He's bald. We can see a bowl of cocaine which belongs to the police officer, and Josh decides to have a dip. The corrupt cops tells Josh that it's baking soda or something and laughs. I think he was having us on, and that it was actually cocaine. I remember seeing a scene of the cop being behind a door. The door timber looks brittle and myself and the cop are ripping the timber off of it. I'm now at some other house, doing something. I can see a kid. Another scene of being at a house. I can see the same kid as before. I see a scene of a mansion and a guy inside it. He's the owner of the house. I move closer to the scene and notice the guy in a bed with multiple females. The whole bed is plain white. The man is under the covers with one of the females. They seem to be hugging one another, while the rest of the females are getting pedicures while browsing on a laptop. The pedicure is being done by some type of machine, which runs automatically. The scene begins to fly through the house into the backyard. The backyard has lots of people and looks lavish. I can see some weird stuff. There's a few toilets which are lined up next to each other. They move back and forth across the garden. I walk over to a track that long jumpers run down to perform their leap. There's a car that looks similar to a remote controlled car. It's going back and forth on the track. At first I thought it was going to run straight into me, but stops just in time. Dream 2 I'm at a beach and I can see Daryl, Thomo and some other person. They're near a volleyball net. I can see a group of people coming towards me in the distance. They look familiar. I remember that Thomo is having his bucks party and that I can't attend. I think about what I can say to him, and feel I should tell him I can't afford it. The group of people arrive where I am, and I'm greeted by most of them. One of them looks like Jamie Smyth and he is so happy to see me. We hug one another. I'm now at the local football oval, standing where you sit to watch it. I see the group that I saw earlier here. They're heading to a beach. A name is announced, and that person is the first to go in the water. It ends up being a kid. He doesn't want to be the first one to go in. I grab a cup and piss in it. I walk with the cup over towards some people. I pretend to drink it to gross them out.
Updated 09-20-2014 at 01:14 PM by 24939
6/4/2014 I accidentally fail asleep before getting to dream incubation and mantras. I should go back to sitting up while I do all of this... In bed: 12:03 AM - 9:45 AM #5. I. 7:30 AM I am with my bro and mom. We just got a new Gamecube controller or two for some reason which even still have a few stickers on them as we take them out. We want to test them. We only have LB’s Gamecube around. It is strange because it is only half the height of a normal Gamecube because somehow she rigged it so that it’s only the top of the Gamecube yet it still works normally. We turn it on to test on. #6. II. 8:30 AM I am out with a bunch of other people at night time on a field. We have each built different contraptions, toys, things for some purpose. I have this weird snake toy thing that it is built around a sturdy wire that can be turned to change the shape of the snake. We form a line eventually which I realize later is to try out one of the people’s inventions. I am unsure what exactly it does, but there’s a helmet attached to a small machine and has something to do with mental health. I see people put the helmet on then start talking and telling their troubles and such. It is disconcerting to see people just saying all of this out loud to everyone around. Before long, there is just one person in front of me in the line. It is unclear whether she was about to be the next one to use it or had just been using it, but I watch as this girl that looks J gets arrested and taken away for whatever reason. It seems related to both the machine and the person in front of me. Me and the guy walk across the field diagonally to the other side where there are a few other people.
Updated 06-06-2014 at 08:05 PM by 51715
Dream recall from today's naps. Dream 1(fragments): There was something about some girl and some other characters in dark room, she was saying that she knows what will happen and that some particular person is coming, then that person comes through the door and i get weird sensation of falling. Dream 2(fragments): Story about some people visiting some house and never coming back, it apparently asked them questions and absorbed them, then the whole house literally started moving. Not sure if i woke up and got back to sleep, or it was FA, so it is either an actual WILD or WILD from dream.. Dream 3: There is some weird noise and sensation of rapid movement, i know i am dreaming. I open dream eyes and get up, room looks exactly same as in waking life, i go towards balcony while rubbing hands, but dream fades out as i am about to start flight. I wake up and everything looks weird, at first i mistake it for HH but then realize that i am still dreaming, i get up and rub hands, it fades again. I wake up again and gravity isn't working properly, i shout something and make some objects disappear. Then it fades out again and this time i wake up properly. Dream 4: I was at home and some family members were watching some series and there was some talk about it, we were discussing some things then police came, one male and one female and arrested someone for bribing or something. There was some discussion about it and i knew that they were not fair, i tried to solve it but got arrested as well for same reason apparently, but then i said something along the line that i was not really doing it, but rather that i would do it if i had chance to do, which i don't, unless i will have that chance(Dream logic!) which confused them and they freed me, but not the other person, they also taunted me. I got angry and slashed male policeman across the face as if i had claws, leaving 2-3 visible bloody marks on it, he got scared and i tossed him onto the floor. At this point i realize that i am dreaming, and that kinda breaks scene in a way that DCs freeze in motions like they aren't programmed for that or something. I am about to attack another police person, but she is a different DC now somehow, so i decide against it. I go through corridor and decide to switch forms by standing on all four like i did in other dreams, but something goes wrong and dream destabilizes and movement kinda gets limited, then as it fades to black i feel weird slight pain. I wake up on the street and someone's calling me, there's a tunnel and very tall train. I wake up again, this time at home but in different room, i realize that i am still dreaming and i notice weird radar dish thing on the wall. Then i wake up properly.
I've been absent from dreamviews for a while and unfortunately I've been terrible about the lucid dreaming attempts. I thought dreamviews was gone and two nights ago I randomly decided I would start dreaming again and I look on the internet and find dreamviews again. Glad to be here, on my second attempt at mastering my dreams. #1 Me and laurens family were camping and somebody (I forgot who) was driving and I was trying to teach them how when they somehow ran into a model plane that was in the sky. We drove away as fast as we could but pretty soon we were arrested. I forget a lot of what happened when I was arrested, but soon we were released and I went back to the camper that we were staying in and lauren's dad shot me in the chest. I looked down and my shirt was off and the bullet was partially sticking out of my chest. I touched it and it started gushing blood.
Updated 08-13-2012 at 06:32 AM by 52918
So my dream starts off at Walmart (Thing about my dreams is that i have many "Dream Locations" When I'm at Walmart in my dreams it's always the same over sized Walmart) Anyway, everything is normal until this evil dude come's from nowhere with a black sword. I here a voice and it's generic like and says "You must take the sword. You are the chosen one." In front of me is a golden silver sword stuck in the ground. The sword is between me and the evil dude( He is about 17 and wearing all black. He has black hair and brown eyes) I run at the sword and everything goes into slow motion. I grab the sword and pull it from the ground. The second i pulled it from the ground i saw a smile cross the guys face and I knew I had made a mistake. He then swung out with his sword in a sweeping motion. This created a wave that knocked me back and threw me into the shelves behind me, but it didn't stop there. The one slash cut into the ground and roof destroying any thing in it's path. It brought up a giant wave of smoke and debris. I couldn't see anything but i could feel the earth quaking under my feet. Then all the smoke cleared and i did a 360 but the guy couldn't be found anywhere. I stand up and apparently am uninjured. Then I notice i crowd is forming around me and they do not look happy. I then realize I'm standing right smack where all the damage begins and...I'm still hold the sword. I begin to see why all the people are giving me bad looks. I start to try and explain but no one will here me and next thing i know i'm in court The court is basically The People Vs Me and i lose. the judge lets me of easy for some reason and i get house arrest until "He sees fit" I go home which is just like my house only the furniture is different and my room is weird( Of course i don't think so until i wake up) I have a huge bathroom all too myself and i have a roommate and apparently I'm rich and half a lot of stuff. The scene reminds me of something out of a Miyazaki movie. The room looks bright and happy with bright colored clothes everywhere( My roommate is a designer or something) Me bed is round and has lots of quilts on it and is surrounded buy wall dividers. It looks quite cozy. Anyway my parents are pissed and they don't believe me about not destroying Walmart. They, along with my roommate, go some where and I end up alone in the house i cannot leave. I'm not even allowed to go in the yard. So I'm siting in my room and looking out the window. I see this gigantic hole or cave in the ground. on the inside walls of the hole are thousands of smaller holes. Inside each of the smaller holes are bird nests. The birds are all different shapes, sizes and colors. There are even rainbow colored ones. The whole time I'm thinking " I remember that being there" But at the same time I'm so entranced but how beautiful they are to care. Then I see these big trucks pull up and guys come out and start spraying this purple smoke into the hole. Al the birds start freaking out and i think they are killing them. I can't sit there and watch this so even though I'm not allowed to I jump up and run outside. I yell at them to stop and they give my funny looks and explain they are only trying to get the birds out because the hole is going to collapse. Feeling stupid I head back inside. I get to the back door and see that right beside it is a large aquarium. In this tank is strange looking frogs and turtles of odd color. I was thinking out loud and said "How weird.." One of the turtle turned to me and replied "HOW RUDE!" I was like I turned to go the other way forgetting i was trying to go back inside and saw this black car pull up. Some how I knew whoever was inside was here because I had left the house. I step for and start to say it was all a misunderstanding but stop mid-sentence when I see that the man getting out of the car is none-other than Sylar (From the show Heroes). First if you don't know who Sylar is then go watch Heroes, He is my favorite bad guy other than Freddy Krueger ( I'm not including Anime villains ) until then the small explanation is he has super powers and he kills people Second I completely froze when i saw him but only for a moment then turned and rad inside utterly scared for my life. I slam the door behind me and run and hide in the bathroom and lock the door. There is a little slit in the door that you can slide open and see out side for some unknown reason. I look through and watch as my back door flys off it's hinges and hit the wall. The only though that runs through my mind at this point is "shit shit shit Shit Shit SHIT SHIT SHIT" Then he turns and looks straight at the bathroom door and i slam the slit door I'm looking through shut and back way too fast tripping and falling to the ground. The door to the bathroom moves but won't open because it's locked then the door is busted in half. I watch in shock and Sylar enters the room. Then I jump up and run for the window hope to escape but Sylar is to fast and grabs the back of my shirt and throws me to the ground HARD. This knocks the breath out of me and a struggle to get to my feet but he kicks me back down. Using his ability to move things with his mind he flips me and makes it were i can't move and smiles saying "I would say any last words but you don't get any...goodbye" He raises his hand in the oh to familiar motion about to finish me off ( In the show he slices the tops of people heads off with his power by pointing and making a slicing motion) I slam my eyes shut. That were I wake up...guess i died.
dream : comments : lucid 14th of January, 2012 Finally, I'm up to date with my online journal! This was a pretty bizarre one, too. I don't remember how it started but my recollection comes in when I was going downstairs into this dingy little store to buy fried chicken. After I got it, me and two others went to commit some sort of crime. It basically involved being in this field and sneaking around but there were lights everywhere and we got caught pretty much straight away and were arrested. I’m not sure if we actually ever went to jail, but most of the dream we were on our way there in some form or another. Except for one part in the middle where I was in a jungle village with monster people. But I have no idea what that was about. Anyway, at one point my uncle was driving us to jail when I noticed lightning striking in a field nearby. It was really slow moving and kind of seeped from the sky into the ground. We went to check it out and where it had struck there were wispy streaks of plasma all over the ground. It looked totally awesome. My uncle got too close to the stuff and it jumped towards him and zapped him. Though you couldn’t really call it a ‘zap’; it was too mellow. Where it touched him, it was like when you put your finger over a torch and your skin glows red. In fact, come to think of it, the whole thing was like those Plasma Balls, slow moving and glowing where you touch it...but more wispy. So he slumped over and was all kinds of screwed up having just been electrocuted but I jumped in and revived him. I went over to check more closely this strange material and discovered that it was in fact coming out of camembert cheese! We jumped back into the car and did some burnouts through an outdoor kitchen and then settled down and continued on our way to jail. Somehow we ended up on a train that was filling with gas, so this guy gave me earphones to put on that played music that turned into oxygen. I told him that was stupid and couldn’t possibly work but then the train crashed down a mountainside anyway. Somehow we all survived (it was a Hell of a wreck) and wound up back on another, more Western style steam train where some dusty cowboy was trying to give people a baby. I’m sure more happened but I can’t remember the rest and frankly, don’t really want to.
Updated 01-16-2012 at 05:49 AM by 52392
Before I went to bed last night I ate a few pieces of cheese to help evoke some creative dreaming! After reading a little I fell asleep and had a series of dreams that I believe occurred in the hours just before I woke up (this is what it felt like anyway). This is what I remember upon waking up. 1st fragment of dream: I remember this was a long detailed dream, but I only remember the end part. I was travelling with my boyfriend, not my real boyfriend but someone I have never met before in my life. Somehow something went wrong and we were being arrested by a woman who was in control of the area we were staying. She had the power to decide if we were to go to jail, which would mean never being released or seeing each other again. My dream boyfriend did not argue this but I pleaded and cried with the woman to let us go, that we were getting married soon and I wanted to spend my life with my boyfriend. She never said she would let us go but I knew in my mind then that she would release us. That is all I remember... 2nd Fragment of Dream: Occurred just before I woke up. I was stranded on a big empty wooden boat at sea with a group of people I did not know. The boat had a closed top with dark wooden panels and hardly any windows. There were lots of areas and hallways I explored and a couple of rooms where the majority of the group of people stayed. The first part focused on us meeting another little boat and begging for help. We did not understand why they didnt want to help until our boat crashed into theirs, at which point they began climbing onto our big boat. I remember feeling threatened and trying to calm them down in case they were angry we damaged their boat. This then turned into another part of the same dream where I wanted to get away from the people on the boat, we were in close proximity of each other and I needed some space from the group. I explored the corners of the boat and found a white wood panelled door. This door had several swing parts to it and when I walked through there were stairs. I did not go up the stairs, however another girl came and went up the stairs and I was able to see through her eyes there were more people upstairs, hundreds more people. We then realised this was the upper class and we weren't allowed upstairs and I remember trying to convince them I could come upstairs but they all looked down at me. That was when I realised that we must be the lower class. This was when I woke up. 3rd Fragment of Dream: I managed to fall back asleep for another hour where I remember dreaming that I was being sick everywhere in a room with another girlfriend in it. She was sick once but then looked at me and saw how much mess there was in the room. The room then turned into a red car and a guy friend told us that we would be ok we just had to abandon the car on the road, which we decided to do. I don't know what any of these mean but they all seem to revolve around travelling places to some extent. They also don't feature any real people.
This has to be one of my favorite dreams I've had in a while(well excluding my lucid ones). But anyways, i was inside my friend and ex band mate Andrews house. I haven't been at his house in months but im there kind of often in my dreams. And every time in my dream his house is massive, it's pretty big in real life but i think its because my friend Brendan told me before I first went over his house that it was huge. In the dream i was upstairs and Andrew's mom Suzane came in and asked me why I was there i never responded and grabbed a couple of big nuggets of weed. This was like extremely good bud too. It had these orange and purple hairs on it. I actually said out loud I only see this quality bud in my dreams, but i guess it never just clicked. Then i "remembered" that Incubus was down stairs and I told Suzane. we went downstairs in excitement to see them play. I got to the family room they have and it was just Andrew, Suzane, Brendan, Incubus, and I. I was in awe because currently they are my favorite band and i as a straight male am in love with Brandon Boyd. So it was just a little show they put on and then while we were all just hanging out Brandon gives me a guitar and hes like play something. I was so happy cause i know how to play basically every Incubus song. But instead I ended up playing some sweeps for whatever reason. I woke up at that point and then went back to bed. In my second dream i was outside of my Friend Chris Connors house and every time im with him I basically smoke weed and this time was no different except i was by myself sitting outside smoking a hookah. I was walking away when the cops came by and were doing a drug bust on some other people the cop "arrested" me too but he put these small like finger cuffs on me and i just walked away and pulled them off. The dream shifted and i was watching ESPN on my TV in my mansion that I apparently owned. They had Celtics and Bruins game recaps on. Then i was with my sisters friend Lexi and one of her friends. she said something about moving in with her friend because the situation at her house wasn't good. Then I was playing Hitman and became agent 47. The dream was very realistic and i guess thats what threw me from identifying it as a dream and becoming lucid.