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    1. Shared OBE

      by , 07-06-2023 at 12:02 AM
      Originally journal on 06/29/2023.

      Bizarre experience! I've never had anything quite like this happen.

      I had a lucid nightmare the other night. Being lucid, I decided to stay in the dream. However, my spouse (in waking life asleep next to me) woke up in terror and started yelling.
      Her yelling woke me up. I opened my eyes and she was yelling right in my face clear as day. She was looking straight at me, shouting "Go away!"
      I could distinctly see the horror in her eyes. I told her that everything is fine, trying to calm her down.

      Afterwards, she told me that she was NOT yelling in my face at all. That never happened. Not from that perceptive, anyway. She did yell those words, but not at me. She was looking at something red behind me and that's what she was yelling at. She had leaned forward to get close to it when she started yelling at it.

      So, I saw from the perceptive of the red thing she was yelling at, not my body, which was facing a different direction in a completely different position in the room.
      It was completely dark in the room as well. I saw her as though there was a bright light illuminating her face, but there was never any light.
      This was an OBE, I concluded.

      That's all for now!

      Updated 10-05-2023 at 10:33 PM by 99032

    2. 5 ld. Выход в Астрал.

      by , 05-23-2020 at 09:27 AM
      5 ОС(ВТОС) Выход в Астрал (7 октября 2011).
      Сначала мне снился интересный сон. Я вышел на остановке у продовольственной базы и пошёл вниз по тропинке. Пока я шел, видел спрайт мужчины. Начало темнеть, я понял, что мне надо прийти домой. Тут приходит смс, и сразу же следом раздаётся звонок. В смс была написана фраза нормальными буквами: «Тебя видел мужчина 7 лет. Ты, что убица хочешь?» Дальше я говорю по телефону, и при этом иду обратно по тропинке на остановку. Разговаривал я один, но думал, что говорю маме. Я говорил, что по тропинке хотел срезать до дома, но не получилось. В это время снова посветлело и окружающая обстановка стала изменяться. Я говорю в телефон, что оказался ещё дальше от дома, чем был. Когда я дошёл до остановки понял что оказался в Ю.П. (Название реальной местности). Однако на реал эта местность не была похожа. Было видно две улицы. Мне запомнился один деревянный дом, хотя было видно и другие деревянные дома. Я сказал по телефону, что нахожусь на краю сновиденного пузыря, убрал телефон. Вспомнил, что читал на форуме: «чтобы выйти в астрал надо упасть на спину». Я стал падать на спину. Вокруг потемнело, и медленно я оказался в своей кровати.
      Думал, как теперь выйти в астрал, телом не шевелил, я сделал мысленный рывок и открыл внутренний взгляд. Увидел, что лежу спиной на кровати без одеяла, головой к столу. Я шевельнул своими астральными руками и увидел сразу несколько рук, будто я шевелю так быстро, что прошлые образы положения рук в пространстве не успевают исчезать. Я попробовал поставить ноги на пол, с ними было то же самое. Я испугался и решил вернуть своё астральное тело в физическое. Всё это время я чувствовал, что лежу на кровати, но при этом, когда я астральным телом стал на пол, то я почувствовал и его, но в меньшей степени. Как только я вернулся в тело - проснулся по- настоящему.

      1. Начала сна было полуосознанным. Окончательно я не понимал, что сплю, но при этом говорил про сон.
      2. В этот день я начал участвовать в эксперименте. Загадал число, и другой участник должен был через ОС узнать это число. В смс возраст мужчины 7 лет - это и было загаданное мной число. В Эксперименте число так и не было узнано. Были результаты 5=s, 1 и 4.
      3. Надпись в смс читалась нормально, буквы не менялись, но была орфографическая ошибка - убица.
      4. Разговаривал по телефону, хотя мне в ответ никто не отвечал.
      5. Падение на спину привело к тому, что я оказался в своей комнате.
      6. Решил, что попал в Астрал и вышел из тела. Полупрозрачные руки, и их мельтешение в воздухе - это подтверждало.
      7. А вот положение тела на кровати, и отсутствие дорожки на полу - опровергает, что это был внетелесный опыт. В реале я спал на животе, и головой лежал в другую сторону.
      8. Чувствовал два тела одновременно. (астральное и физическое).

      5 LD Exit to the Astral (October 7, 2011).

      At first I had an interesting dream. I got off at the stop at the food base and went down the path. As I walked, I saw a man’s sprite. It was getting dark, I realized that I needed to come home. Then an SMS arrives, and immediately the bell rings.
      The phrase was written in normal letters in SMS: “A man of 7 years old saw you. What do you want a killer? ”(Убица - This word was spelled incorrectly. Убийца - is a person who kills other people).
      Then I talk on the phone, and at the same time I go back along the path to the bus stop.
      I talked alone, but thought I was telling my mom.
      I said that I wanted to cut down the path to the house, but it did not work out. (Срезать - it means shorten the path).
      At this time, it brightened again and the environment began to change. I say on the phone that I was even further from home than I was. When I got to the stop I realized that I was in Yu.P. (Name of the real area). However, this area did not look like real.
      Two streets were visible. I remember one wooden house, although other wooden houses were visible. I said on the phone that I was on the edge of a dream bubble, removed the phone.

      I recalled that I read on the forum: "to get to the astral plane you have to fall on your back." I began to fall on my back. Around it darkened, and slowly I ended up in my bed.
      I thought how now to go to the astral plane, I didn’t move my body, I made a mental jerk and opened my inner gaze. I saw that I was lying with my back on the bed without a blanket, my head to the table. I moved my astral hands and saw several hands at once, as if I were moving so fast that past images of the position of the hands in space did not have time to disappear. I tried to put my feet on the floor, it was the same with them. I was scared and decided to return my astral body to the physical. All this time, I felt like I was lying on the bed, but at the same time, when I became an astral body on the floor, I felt it, but to a lesser extent. As soon as I returned to the body, I woke up for real.

      1. The beginning of dream was semi-conscious. Finally, I did not understand that I was dreaming, but at the same time I talked about dream.
      2. On this day, I began to participate in the experiment. I guessed a number, and another participant had to find out this number through the LD. In SMS, the age of a man is 7 years old - this was the number I had dreamed up. In the Experiment, the number was never recognized. There were results 5 = s, 1 and 4.
      3. The inscription in SMS was read normally, the letters did not change, but there was a spelling error - убица.
      4. Talked on the phone, although no one answered me.
      5. Falling on my back led me to find myself in my room.
      6. I Decided that I was in the Astral and out of the body. Translucent hands, and their flickering in the air - this confirmed.
      7. But the position of the body on the bed, and the lack of a track on the floor - refutes that it was an out-of-body experience. In real life, I was sleeping on my stomach, and my head lay in the other direction.
      8. Felt two bodies at the same time. (astral and physical).
    3. Alternate Timeline (time-dilated dream)

      by , 11-11-2018 at 04:55 PM
      Note: For Privacy reasons, I will leave out the dates and some of the details.

      I find myself in an unusual world, it felt surreal, but I'm not a stranger to this kind of experiences. I didn't have a body. I was a floating point of consciousness. It seemed everything was made up of pieces of reflections. It's hard to explain. I ask my guide where I was and I hear her voice in my mind - "The Fractal World" and she explains it interconnects different realities. I was fully lucid all this time. I decide to go into the past and try to save Kana. I didn't focus on a time, I just wanted to be taken to a time that will ideally help me save her. One of the fractals pulsates. I go towards it and all of a sudden the world collapses and I wake up in my bed.

      I was groggy. I do a reality check half-heartedly and confirm it's not a dream. I look around sleepily and was surprised to see I was in my old bedroom, the one I shared with Kana. I look to my side and she was lying there awake looking at me curiously. I become wide awake. She looked so frail. I grab the phone and look the day, it was the day she was taken to Casualty (ER)! I try all possible reality checks multiple times and none of it shows I'm dreaming. I have had time-dilated dreams that are so realistic that reality checks become unreliable.

      Kana says weakly that it's not a dream. She says that when she finds me doing reality checks repeatedly. I feel her temperature and she was chillingly cold as if there was no life left in her... exactly like it was that day. I didn't care if it was a dream or not at this point. I am not going to let it happen again. I insist we go to ER right away and this time we go to another hospital. The hospital we were going didn't have our best interests. Something I didn't know back then. I had my own health problems leaving me sort of crippled, but I fought through it despite the pain.

      The hospital we were going to were unprepared to treat her from day 1, so instead of letting her survive and seek treatment elsewhere, they kept making her go for tests day after day without telling us what's up. It only became clear after she passed away that they were unprepared to treat her condition. So, essentially they were milking us of any money we had until she died instead of letting us go get treated elsewhere. They even refused to admit her in a room saying they were full. It came up later that they didn't admit her because they couldn't treat her. It was easier for them to have her die outside their hospital. So, long story short, not only did they not save her, they made her suffer a lot by having her do the same expensive tests over and over. However, what actually killed her was not her condition... it was septic shock from a procedure they did without anesthesia in ICU without consulting anyone or asking for Kana's own consent. Not only it was traumatic for her to endure the pain with no sedatives, the area got infected from contaminated equipment leading to all her organs shutting down. They didn't even do resuscitation when she flatlined a day later the proedure saying there was little they could do even if they revived her. She managed to hang on for around 1 day after the procedure saying she doesn't think she's going to make it but didn't want to leave without talking to me. That night, they didn't let me stay beside her holding her hand as she wanted. They said they don't allow "visitors" after visiting hours. Next time I was called in it was to let me know she has passed away. During her last moments, we had given her tests and scans to another bigger hospital which was quite a bit farther away. They said they were well-equipped to treat her, but now it's too dangerous to move her because her body was shutting down from septic shock. They were furious why we didn't bring her there before the procedure with contaminated equipment. It was still safe to move her before they did that precedure which pretty much sealed her fate.

      So, in this dream reality, I wanted to make a difference. I knew how it'll play out if we go into the same hospital. There is still a chance to save her if she doesn't get contaminated. I try to get Kana up from bed, she had no energy. She says she was too weak to go anywhere. I ask her to do it for me and she gives in. I manage to take her to the big hospital. I'll skip over the details. Few days pass. The flow of time was realistic. She was under treatment. She was in ICU for a day but got her own room when she was ready. She had some surgical procedures to treat her actual condition. The day she passed away comes and goes and she was still alive! I did reality checks every chance I got... it was still not a dream. I was happy, was I stuck in a reality where Kana survives? I was overjoyed. I go back to her room and tell her about this other reality where she doesn't make it. I give her a long hug and sit down beside her. She holds my hand tightly.

      Kana: "I'm sorry..."

      I look at her confused as tears fill up her eyes. The world around me distorts into fractals and I "wake up" in this reality, 3 years in the future, back in a world without Kana. I don't know what to make of it. Was it just a "dream" or did I experience a parellel reality where she survives?

      Updated 11-12-2018 at 06:00 AM by 68908

      nightmare , false awakening , memorable , lucid
    4. 3 years later -- updates, astral projection, perhaps

      by , 04-20-2018 at 04:56 PM
      Many of these previous entries have been big marking points of my first experiences with lucid dreaming, vibrations, and other important phenomenon whose name I do not know.


      Since then, I have had lucid dreams randomly throughout the years. I have randomly felt these strong vibrations during the night... I haven't had "nightmares" in which I've felt scared; though maaaybe a couple for ~2 seconds before waking up. Now that I can wake myself up or stop things, nightmares feel nearly impossible. That is, until recently.

      I am coming to the end of my semester abroad, but prior to leaving to come here, I talked to someone about astral projection and read a bit more about it. I tried a couple times before leaving and felt potential successes, so I downloaded a little "Guide to Hermetics" (perhaps one that was recommended) before I came. Busy for most of the semester and preoccupied with getting my shit together, I didn't think about any of this stuff much at all. But, once in a while I would.... Once or twice, I thought, maybe tonight I will try to astral project. Then, what previously seemed to be a random feeling of vibrations that would strike when I was least expecting it, would occur that night. (The only time it didn't was when I was incredibly tired and had no reason to say or think of it (imo).)

      Including last night, that makes ~3 times during this semester having some feeling of AP or whatever is happening (I have no idea, really).

      1. (after saying to myself, maybe try to AP tonight) Vibrations -> up-up --> feel like i am going upwards past this room. I make myself smile widely throughout it even though I am not feeling my best in general. I am excited, there is a doll, perhaps? Strange, wonder where I am and why I'm in this area. Windows, different house for sure, kind of fancy and large with high-ceilings and walls that I just keep going up and up in. I don't know if I stop on purpose or not, don't remember.

      was so funny that I could just do that! just like when I say to myself, I'm going to wake up at 7 tomorrow morning, and then I wake up at that time, hardly on purpose (just think it without imagining it would actually happen just from that).

      2. (recently). I am hardly trying. Vibrations, but I am almost pulled through them with no effort on my own. This is not good.... It feels like I'm being pulled up and things are moving fast. The energy feels negative, maybe completely or just partially because I'm paranoid because of some discord server stuff (joined a group which seems to be into a lot of this stuff + strange stuff I don't know about). In either case, I know I am not feeling trying to control anything or deal with this (not in mood) and I make myself wake up. First time hardly works (make myself wake up, close my eyes and I'm back, practically), so the next time I go from laying on my back to my side. This worked!

      3. Last night (though I forget quite a bit already). Not sure if I thought about it prior to it happening again, but I think I did a little bit. Later, during the night, I woke up from my dream slightly. I knew *this was it!* and closed my eyes immediately and thought to myself to lift up like before. I met the wall of vibrations and, after a bit, surpassed it. However, I thought this and made this decision in a split second of time - I did not consider it much. So was I really ready? Did I really want to do this now? I don't know.
      In any case, though....again, I went up. I don't remember how much control I had but it was definitely not a large amount. I was, however, more awake than the last time, and it didn't feel half as "negative".

      It did, however, feel a bit negative, though not right away.

      So as I went up, I was surprised to see that I was again inside a tall house with large windows, kind of fancy. This time it was not as dark and blue-tinted (like the first time with the doll), but it seemed like it was sunset-time-y. At one point I saw people sitting at round tables, I believe? Maybe a man (white man, balding, glasses, suit -- but this is probably just in my head, it was so vague and faint, everything, and he was not important at all; his description just helps describe the sort of vibe of the place).

      I passed more things, I think, or at least felt and saw more than just this, but I can't remember. This was definitely the longest I have been in this "place" in one complete, consistent bout of time, and I felt that I could remain in it for a long amount of time. I knew I wasn't in the correct mindset, however, and did not feel great about it all, so I began to feel like I should leave.

      Leaving to try to wake up felt similar to trying to wake up during sleep paralysis, though on the "other side" of things. That same barricade was there, it seemed, keeping me in that side as there is keeping me on the other side (that I must "go through" to get there). Part of me trying to wake up was likely propelled by some fear of negative things or not being able to make myself wake up, spurred by trying to move slightly (into my waking body's direction) and being met with such a strong barrier.
      It's all very interesting and I don't understand it, but I would like to!

      I really had to push myself awake (to this awake state, it felt like), and eventually did that. Then slept on my side as I had learned from the last time, and it was all fine. I wanted to write about it..since it was dark could only use my phone, but after I got ready to write (type) I must have closed my eyes for a second and fallen asleep again. I was exhausted. Woke up with my phone next to my head, and have been thinking about this entire event throughout the day today.

      There is definitely a lot to explore.
    5. Story of Cocoa (time-dilated dream)

      by , 04-01-2018 at 10:14 PM
      Hi guys,

      This dream spans through the course of seven years within the dream. Quite a bit of the daily activities had become fragmented as a result. I'll also be condensing the events so that it's more concise. The dream fluctuates between lucidity and non-lucidity. However, during lucid moments I choose to let the dream unfold on it's own.

      The dream starts off non-lucid. I'm with my significant other who has passed away, I'll address as Kana. We are surrounded by whiteness. There is a false memory that we been meaning to conceive a "soul child" astrally. Kana and I are both female. Kana says it's time. The white emptiness beneath us ripples and our energies meld as we astraily conceive our soul child. I feel drained and I awake.

      I look around in my bedroom without moving not realizing I'm clutching something close to me under my blanket. "A dream?" I sit up and notice an otherworldly infant in my arms. "Yes, this is my child." She opens her eyes and we gaze at each other. "Oh yes, you are Cocoa." Cocoa smiles. This is the only time she smiles in a long while.

      vitamin B-6-cocoa.jpg

      Following months...
      Over the weeks I have moments when shroud of that reality fades and I'm lucid. Adapting to a life caring for a child was hard, but I manage to get by with the help of my mom. I hold on to my secret of my lucidity to myself. I begin to see something strange with Cocoa. She seems to be completely unable to feel guilt, pity, remorse, or sympathy. She seem to have no regard for safety of those around her and she seems to crave human blood, often biting into her own thumbs to suck blood if no one else is nearby.

      Soul Child
      As months turn into years and my getting accustomed to this reality my moments of lucidity doesn't have much effect. I was detached with the waking and I had grown to accept that my soul child is different from others. I even feed it my own blood to satisfy it's craving. It was not before long she starts exhibiting otherworldly powers. I communicate with kana in my head as I do in waking and ask her if we made a mistake bringing this child into this world. As Cocoa grew older, the more destructive she became. Watching over her, making sure no one is harmed, was taking a toll on me. In moments of lucidity I was tron between continuing my waking life and leaving this world behind. The waking world seemed so distant. Kana assures me that this was a time-dilated experience and for the moment guiding Cocoa was all we could do as there is good in her.

      One of the chilling moments of her childhood was when she asked me to rip off my eyes and give it to her because she thought they were pretty. I had told her it's not right to ask someone of that nor to expect it and there were better ways to appreciate things.

      As a 7 year old Cocoa had become more calmer and mature. For a while it seemed like she was breaking free from her shroud of madness. I been weaning off feeding her my blood and on her birthday she says she no longer thirsts for blood and apologizes with tearful eyes for all the harm she has caused and all the pets she has killed over the course of her childhood. I was relieved. She was getting stronger and stronger, it was becoming difficult to care for her when she is so powerful.

      I send her to school with caution and ask for Kana to watch over her. I see something that sends a chill down my back. As I was about to leave, Cocoa was smiling. The last I seen her smile was when she was a baby. I wonder what's wrong with me. Why was I not feeling relieved by my child's smile? Something didn't feel right. I go to the mall and look around just hoping to pass the time. Something didn't feel right, but I could quite place it. I order a sandwich at a cafe and look around. I look at a ceiling lamp above me and think "I can turn it on and off by snapping my fingers". I snap my fingers lightly. The light flickers on. I snap again, it flickers off. I look around nothing has changed. Everyone is minding their own business as if completely unaware of what I had done. My phone rings startling me. It's Cocoa's homeroom teacher's number. I answer it only to receive a weak voice saying "Cocoa" followed by a shrill blood curdling scream. I rush to Coco's school already knowing what I might see. I arrive at a scene with blood everywhere. Dead bodies everywhere. I had enough of this dream. It seems Kana and I failed guiding Cocoa. Amidst the bodies stands a blood soaked Cocoa. Upon seeing me she rushes at me and clings on to me with a tight hug. Saying she was sorry over and over, saying she only reacted to darkness in their hearts. I hug her back tightly. "I'm sorry, Cocoa, we couldn't save you..." and place my hand on back of her head. Her entirety pulses and I start absorbing her into my being.

      I wake up crying. I do a reality check and check my phone. It has not passed seven years. I lay back on my bed looking at the ceiling and wondering what the dream meant.

      Updated 04-05-2018 at 06:41 PM by 68908

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    6. Astral or not - Thoughts in a dream

      , 02-29-2016 at 04:50 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last 4-5 weeks doing mixed day-night shifts. Effin up my everything.

      Slept few hours in the afternoon after early shift and before midnight shift tonight.

      Weird dream. I was climbing, flying on some vines or bushes, as I would in a lucid.

      I'm trying to get to a country on the left side of the map, maybe americas. I'm not sure I can fly there with my astral/dream body, so I decide to take a plane with my astral body.

      I'm wondering how will this work. Is my physical and astral bodies both there with me, or my physical is at home sleeping? If it's just my astral, how will I actually "get" to that country and "be there". If it's my physical with me as well, how am I LDing/astral projecting?
      Tags: astral
    7. Attempts at Astral Projection early 2012

      by , 10-15-2015 at 09:13 PM
      Recounting my experience from last night when I tried to astral project. I have been attempting to astral project for months now but this is the closest I've come.
      So I started my usual relaxation techniques like I do almost every night, I stayed very still lying on my back until the sleep paralysis took over. I began to feel that tingling electroshock feeling throughout my body like normal, although the onset this time was far quicker. This time all the sensations I were feeling were more intense than normal. I actually began to feel my energy flowing freely throughout my body at a very high frequency vibration. I also felt every one of my chakra points and I could feel them "connect" their energies in a constant flow of electricity and light. I felt them all. Then my mind went still. I went from seeing the brightly colored hallucinations behind my eyes, (ones that you would normally see when trying to fall asleep) to seeing the full layout of my bedroom, all with my eyes closed. I could see my door leading to my closet, with my pile of laundry sitting nest to it. Panning my sight through the room I saw with great detail the rest of my room's layout. I also saw a figure, standing at the foot of my bed. Don't know if it was a spirit or what but it was defiantly a male energy, most likely a former human, about 25-30 years old (if you can even put an age on those types of things). It just looked at me curiously as if to wonder if I could see and communicate with it. Hands clasped together in front of him. I could tell it wanted to tell me something, or convey some thought to me. I wasn't fearful of it at all, and I did not feel any sort of negative energy associated with it. I wanted to just focus on getting to this next plane so I "told" (more like sent my message through thought) it that I needed to only focus on myself at this time and did not wish to commune with anything just then. I thought I almost saw it nod in agreement then faded back and moved out of my room by phasing through my bedroom wall opposite of my bed. I kept trying to pull myself out of my body completely but after about 20 min of trying to lift my spirit up, I gave up and opened my eyes. Upon opening my eyes I immediately saw another form at the foot of my bed, again it looked and felt human, but also greatly familiar. At this moment my perception kind of shifted and I went from seeing the figure at the foot of my bed while I was laying down, to seeing myself laying on my bed while I was standing at the foot of my own body. It was this that I truly feel I was outside my body for a moment, and was in fact looking at my own body while being outside it. I sat up, confused and felt myself shift back into myself completely again, back to my original state. As always after I attempt to astral project, I can feel my energies flow through my body, and it's at this time that I do my best work with controlling and manipulating my energies. But last night, man, all I could feel and see surrounding me was my energy. And it felt so much stronger than normal. I could also see the energies of everything around me, they look to be an almost thick, transparent ethereal fog, each belonging to one thing or occupying only one space. I saw many of these "clouds" of energy. Not quite sure what they are exactly but I will look for them again when I am in this state.
    8. Pirated Books

      by , 10-01-2014 at 06:11 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      11 AM

      I was walking, looking for a book or store. I was on the street, morning or afternoon. I met a seedy-looking guy who led me to a shop. It looks more like a shop for pirated copies. The clerk there showed me a pirated CD copy of "books". I declined. I looked around the shop. There were Christmas decors for sale too.

      I saw a small ceramic statue of a "sifu" or "sensei", an old man with a long white beard and red clothing. Not sure if he was bald.

      I was in a dorm. My dorm? I went to the bathroom to pee, but then I realized I was in someone else's room, peeing on the wall and floor. Once I realized it, I finished it first then ran for a mop. I wiped the wall and floor.

      Jen/Sarah was giving a lecture and mentioned me to the students.

      Rob was there. He was talking about eating or avoiding eating something since he ate too much of something the night before. Hito? Pork?

      Daniel/Someone was talking to him online. He asked Rob if he believes in the Astral or something. Rob got annoyed and told someone to tell Daniel/Someone to shut up.


      I slept around 5:30 AM.
    9. The morphing toilet by the dark mirror takes me to call Sensei instead of finding the blue world aft

      by , 09-21-2014 at 11:38 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      The morphing toilet by the dark mirror takes me to call Sensei instead of finding the blue world after failing to Astral project. (WILD)


      After a brief visit to bathroom at 2am I decided to Astral Project. I relaxed my entire physical body in bed. My mind was already relaxed enough that I could focus well on this task. Within what felt a couple minutes, I started hearing a buzzing within my eyes. I focused on the buzzing in order to make it grow and become more intense. It got to a point that it was decently loud and I experienced vibrations around my entire body. I recalled that a couple of nights ago I was using the same technique (it is a new technique I am working on) and it kind of blew me off due an overcharge of energy (you may want to read here as a reference)

      Overcharging my body for Astral Projection and failing - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      So I decided not to be -energy greedy- as just start the separation process out.

      As I focused in my Astral body lifting from my physical body, I could feel the vibrations very intense, but for some reason, I was not completely able to come out. I decided to ask for assistance (you may do this if you struggle to leave your body) and I felt there was an entity around me (I asked who this one and it was one of my Spirit Guides.) I asked her to pull my Astral Body out. I felt here working on my feet and literally like she was pulling my feet, even that it felt physical at some degree, I know it was my Astral Body being pulled. I was able to separate and I found myself floating over my physical body. I had with my dad a conversation about my previous event and he told me that the same would happen to him and that once he projected out, he would charge his physical body with energy for it to feed further the Astral body) As I attempted this, I focused way too much on my physical body and I did return to my physical body.

      I was back in my body, but still in the WILD stage, so I figured I would once again, pull myself down after charging a bit more extra energy. During the process, my mind lost focus and I found myself thinking about a couple Dares I wanted to complete.

      I found myself floating above what appeared to be downtown. It was day so I realized that I was not Astral Traveling anymore but I did fall asleep during the process, which I was still happy since I was lucid. Not what I was looking for, but no complains neither!

      I decided to land as the dream was very stable. I recalled I wanted to work on some dares, since the thread is almost dead. So I entered a building and I wanted to look for a bathroom in order to do
      "Find a mirror and talk with your reflection." Once I got inside of the building, it appeared like a hardware store and there was almost right by the entrance a toilet and next to it, a sync with a mirror. So I got myself in front of the mirror and said, "Hi, whats up?" It looked like me, but like if on the other side of the mirror there was no light, or like if light did not reflect at all, because it was the same looking as me but it was really dark (in colors, not that it was evil, just like a person looks like in the darkness.) I did not hear any reply, so I attempted again and visualized being answered. This time, I could hear a faint voice coming from the mirror that it said "Mario Party" (what the heck???) and I did not feel like staring more into the mirror and wake up, since it replied to me, I figured it was valid.

      I also recalled the Advanced task of the Month. Even though I already completed it within the first week
      (my super-lousy lame patronus

      Expecto Patronum at Downtown - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      I wanted to complete also the toilet one as I told to Ophelia, and well... I had a (not so beautiful and dirty toilet) right next to me. An awesome gift from my subconscious. It was not extremely gross, just dirty and old looking:

      I just step over it after opening the lid and I hoped it would not break, as I recalled someone trying to do this and getting the toilet broken in the process, thus failing the task. Luckily it did not break. I visualized getting pulled inside the toilet. I could feel my feet shrinking and getting wet and I started to be pulled in, until most of my body was inside the toilet, only my upper chest and head were out. I knew I needed to enter it entirely to pass, so I pulled myself further in, but I was stuck. I tried hard to get in, but I was not successful, I realized the toilet turned into a Urinal:

      It was sparking clean but I was completely stuck. I tried to flush a few times but the water would come out from it around me. I was thinking what was going on with all the dream toilets for everybody. I jumped out of it and it morphed back into the same old dirty toilet. Since I was in a hardware store I looked for something to help me. I realized that if I could find one of those shrinking mushrooms from Mario it would help a ton:

      I was able to find some, but they looked like real mushrooms with leaves. I grabbed a bunch of them and step over the toilet right now (and I believe it got bigger) I ate the mushrooms and I shrunk immediately, falling inside the toilet. It flushed itself and I travelled through the pipes at a very hight speed. There were some religious figurines that they were cut in half
      (I bet I know where this comes from, Ophelia lol) and some other stuff, but the water was not gross at all.

      I then appeared at some place else, right back in down town. I was happy I did the toilet thing, even though I already had the Advanced ToTM wings.

      I then focused on Dreamers lucid dare and started to look for the blue dreamworld. I entered another building, pretending it would take me there, but I had no success. It took me to an almost empty office, with just a desk and a pc:

      But it was much bigger than this. I started to open different doors and going through different rooms. Apparently, I was not inspired enough and did not think to open a portal as I gave up on it and told me I would do it other night.

      I instead tried to recall more dares to do, as I want to complete all of them. I recalled an easy one, Call Sensei on the phone. I pulled out my cell phone and pushed the call button (dialing is so overrated and unnecessary, lol.) I could hear a voice that said, "Sensei is here..." I said, hello, what's up and I Sensei said something like, "Habla espanol? Alo alo? Mexico?" and suddenly my phone turned off. Well, I did call Sensei, so I guess it is valid, despite the weird call, lol. I then tried something interesting, and I tried to connect with my subconscious through my phone in order to come here and check out more dares as I could not recall any. I was able to get to the dreamviews page, but it looked like an app and I could only see our logo.

      A little afte that, I managed to get to the thread "Task of the month for September. And I saw some of Box77's posts. I tried hard to look for more dares
      (never realized that I was in a different thread, my lucidty was falling fast) but I was unsuccessful. I realized I was staring way too much at my phone until I entirely lost lucidity and something related to apples was going on, but I woke up almost immediately right after that.
    10. Overcharging my body for Astral Projection and failing

      by , 09-19-2014 at 10:24 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Overcharging my body for Astral Projection. (Non-lucid)

      NON-DREAM Astral Separation Attempt Astral

      Well, this was a weird experience.

      Yesterday around 2am I decided to astral travel. I wanted to project, but I wanted to super charge my astral body to be able to go as high and farther as possible. I could hear a slight buzzing on my ears (usual thing) and I focused instead of just coming out, to concentrate the energy and focus all the energy around my entire body. The buzzing got so loud, that it was as intense as if I had huge speakers. I could not hear other noise around, and there was plenty of background noise from cars, etc.

      From here, my body got completely paralyzed (I am familiar with it of course, completely normal) and then is when I wanted to go out, but then, the energy was so intense that my entire hands were hurting me huge time… not just the fingers, but the entire hands, both of them.

      I had to break the trance because due the pain I was not going to be able to come out, and actually took me a while to be able to move my body again, so it could have been a super awesome projection because I had more energy than ever.

      Could it be so much energy that my dense body could not tolerate it? What are your thoughts? I think this is what happened!
      Tags: astral, energy, fail, hurt
      side notes
    11. experamenting with time travel Astral or dream?

      by , 03-19-2013 at 01:50 AM
      I went to sleep for a nap around 4:30 I'm only 32 but I have a bad back so I take frequent naps during the day. I know it was after that when I finally got to sleep my guess would be 4:45-50 awoke 5:30

      felt like astral travel but sometimes charactors were aware of my presents they didn't seem shocked that I was there. experianced time travel things rewinding around me. saw things that I know never happened in true life that makes me thing it wasn't a OBE. I've done obe before. Before this experiance I was trying to project and don't know if I succeeded or not but I had vibrations and was unable to go thru my floor which is usually no problem or my wall but it was easy to get thru my door (closed) but it felt like I got stuck half way thru. my body lay on my bed tho when I started to feel vibrations I could sence that I was by the door so that was the first place I tried to get out. I forced myself awake and tried again. I think I felt vibrations so instead I decided to teleport myself out so I did. It seemed like time was rewinding around me and I said stop and at that point I was with my girlfriend and a friend of mine. They were aware of me because I said something to them and they responded. I than said my girlfriends name and I wanted to go back to the present nothing happened. So I was just like whatever and I asked myself to take me back to world war 2 so I could watch it from a spectators point of view things were rewinding around me and when it stopped I was in a house. It was during the war times but it was america and not europe/asia/hawaii so I wondered around for a while to check stuff out and it was pretty cool. nobody seemed to be aware of me. This may have been an astral experiance. After a while living those days "I was born in the 80's" I decided I want to see myself as a baby so I told myself show me as a child so I was fast forwarded to me at I seemed like 3 years old. It looked just like me as a child from what pictures of me looked like. I watched my first Christmas after that than I went to view my highschool days. I relived alot of the moments that were special in my life as tho they were happening to me again. I wanted to wake up so I said awaken. and I couldn't wake up I tried closing my eyes and nothing. So I'm like what am I stuck here laughing. So I closed my eyes as tight as I could and forced myself awake. I was curious how long I had been asleep and I look at the clock because it seems like I was asleep for several hours (7-8 or even days) It was less than an hour later I know it was after 4:30 when I went to sleep and it was 5:30 when I looked at the clock. I was shocked I know time works differant in the Astral, but my experiance seemed more dreamy
    12. Leaving my human life behind and going back to the Pleiades.

      by , 02-24-2013 at 11:08 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Leaving my human life behind and going back to the Pleiades. (Non-lucid)


      In all my dreams I have some degree of lucidity. If I am not fully lucid, I still know that something is not right. For an instance, I have a car accident, but I do not worry because I know it is OK (at a deep level I know I am dreaming) But this dream, I really bought the dream entirely... I really thought it was real, to the point of being a bit sad when I woke up from it (despite how amazing the dream was)
      Might be easier to understand if I tell you I am a Starseed. Enjoy!

      I was with my wife in a big room and we were going to head out. I was sharing with her that I needed to meet with a couple clients for some psychic readings.

      We decide to get out for a walk, and we wore only a short t-shirt. I was wondering that if it was going to be too cold. It was also raining and it was very foggy and cloudy at the same time, but it was warm. There were people around. We were in a city that looked like Rome since it had a lot of Roman buildings and such. These building were made out of stone and the detail was amazing.

      I overheard people saying that there were going to be some major changes in the planet. Talking with my wife, she said that she overheard that the temperature was going to be around 150 F. I told her she was nuts, that no way it could get that warm. It started to rain harder and my wife ran away. I felt the rain water warm on my face and I was kinda surprised. Suddenly, I saw a like a big stone falling from the sky into the ground. I saw a couple more of these stones, both were on fire. I realized they were meteorites. I could hear the noise of the meteorite and people all around me screaming, but I was not afraid, I was in fact, somehow thrilled. I considered if I wanted to allow one of them to hit me or if it was better to avoid them. I wanted to get hit by one, but my instinct told me to avoid them.

      Suddenly, a major earthquake started to happen. It was over a magnitude 9. The buildings started to crumble and I felt excited because I was going to home, to the Pleiades where I belong. The building shattered and fell over my head. My vision started to blurr and I lost consciousness. I felt I was leaving my physical body, until the image of a hospital appeared in front of my eyes. I could see my body, very wounded and my wife crying next to it. I was attached to some machine and I heard the doctor announcing my death. I floated away from the hospital. I was a bit sad because of my wife, but I was excited at the same time.

      I roamed around the hospital and I saw my dad in a different room and one of my childhood friends as well. They were not sick apparently.

      I appeared in a building and I had some trouble controlling my Astral Body, I was not used to be a Spirit. I rapidly decided I wanted to cros over and go back to the Pleiades, but I decided to explore first and roam a bit more. I had all the time of the world after all. I was in a 32 stories restaurant, going from room to room and I even discovered some hidden rooms as well. Someone spoke to me telling me that the restaurant had many secret rooms.

      I appeared again in a park, and I was trying to float without success, so I started to climb a building (spiderman style) when suddenly, a young female greeted me. She was with a friend, and her friend was astonish, looking everywhere trying to find me. I knew right away she was a medium, so I jumped to her. She got scared and I apologized about it. She said I was acting weird and she did not know if I was a good Spirit. I told her I was. I also told her, "I am a dead medium." I explained to her that I was a Psychic Medium when I was alive. I started to wonder if she was using her clairvoyance or clairaudience to communicate with me. After I while I wanted to finally leave the Earth.

      I started to float higher and higher until I left the planet. I had the Earth on my back, out of space.

      I had a huge blissful feeling. I felt free. I felt I had no boundaries anymore and I felt very blessed. I was going home and I could not wait. I looked around me, and I saw an endless sea of stars

      Right below me, I was able to see like a water see, but it contained stars, planets and asteroids. I wanted to explore it so a glided to get closer, until I saw a big building, a building that cannot be found on Earth. Upon entering it, I met with two ET beings talking in some strange tongue. I spoke to them and they showed me a Piano. They said it was a nice instrument to generate music found at Earth. I told them that my previous life was there and mentioned that they could find other instruments as well.

      From here, I took long flights around the Universe, meet with some other ET beings. At some points, in the middle of nowhere, I spotted a few ET beings talking. One of them was considering incarnating into a human body. The other ET beings told him that the Earth was full of violence, hatred and envy. The ET being kept saying that it was not a nice place to experience a whole life at. I agreed and jumped into the conversation. I told them I was a Pleiadian who was incarnated into a human body, and crossed over recently. I shared with them the pain and sorrow the Earth is going through and told them I would not come back at all.

      I decided to finally go to the Pleiades and reunite with my Galactic family.

      On my way there, I met with a very hot human being. She had the same of a human and everything, but she was an ET as well. She mentioned that she came from a planet were money did not exist, love was among all people's heart and the whole planet were thriving. She also told me that everybody was hot because they were no GMOs nor other crap on their foods. She mentioned as well that they were having a blast during an entire lifetime of about 40 years. The planet was full of amusement parks, discotheques and scenic views for the enjoyment of the inhabitants. I felt it was a nice place to enjoy a lifetime, specially after dealing with the human life, but I really wanted to go back to the Pleiades.

      I was going however, to spend some time with this being and getting to know the planets located in the area. I felt blissful, I felt so amazingly well. I was truly in the Here and Now... time did not matter anymore. I was in heaven.

      I had a FA in a room, with my wife at planet Earth. I got frustrated and stated what the hell was going on and why I was on Earth again. I did a reality check, but it did not fail. My wife went ahead to write down a dream
      (something she never does in real life) and so I went to write mine. I woke up for real.
    13. 12/22/12 Night Whispers

      by , 12-23-2012 at 12:24 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Night Whispers
      I am on a beach like the one described in my hypnosis program that I fall asleep with. I am fully lucid. I am thinking I should find someplace where I am needed. So I trace out a circle in front of me and it becomes a portal. I step through the portal and into someone's bedroom. There is a kid in the bed sleeping, a boy that looks like he is about 15. There are several people standing around him, though they are not waking him up. They are leaning over his bed and whispering things in his ears. When I get close enough I hear that they are talking about death and murder. I ask them what they think they are doing. One of them looks up at me in surprise. I think he is surprised I can see him at all. I tell them to leave the boy alone. The one who looked up at me tells me not to mess with things I don't understand. I tell him we can do this the easy way or the hard way, but stop trying to put negative thoughts into the kid's head. The man says I have been warned, so now I will pay the price. All three of them approach me, I stand my ground. They transform into strange demonic creatures right in front of me. I summon a sword from my Witchblade. The demonic creatures seem to hesitate, I think they are surprised I am going to stand and fight them… then they attack me. I duck down and underneath a nasty looking sword as it is swung to remove my head. I use my sword to run the demon through and pump light energy into the thing. It burns up from the inside out, disappearing in a flash of white light. I barely respond quickly enough to block another attack coming from behind. I duck around and turn, taking out the other two demons quickly with my sword. I look back over at the boy in the bed. He hasn't even been awakened by all of the commotion. I think either he is the deepest sleeper I have ever seen or maybe I have been fighting in the astral plane, which is the only answer that really makes sense. I don't have a chance to check before I wake up.
    14. Strange DEILD

      by , 09-26-2012 at 01:45 AM
      This strange thing happened a few nights ago. I was dreaming of laying in bed with this asian girl. She was asleep. I was looking at her eyes and all of a sudden they jolted open! It scared the shit out of me. The scene went black and i assumed that i just woke up. So i laid still and imagined my body floating. I started hearing loud bangs on the door. Then i heard someone stomping up the stairs. I was aware of what was happening so I wasn't frightened. I heard a cat strut in and meow. I opened my eyes and i was laying on my bed watching the cat walk around. I got up and looked into the mirror and saw myself laying in bed! I was stoked! I left the room and in the next room i saw my brother and this guy just staring at me before i opened the door. It was creepy. Then i went into my aunts room. She was asleep wathing tv. I walked over to her and patted her back. She jolted around instantly and had a blank stare. Once again creepy. I woke up and got up to go pee. I noticed my aunts room lights were on. Here's the crazy part. She said she woke up to this feeling of someone pushin her back. I was really creeped out then.

      Anything like this ever happen to anyone?
    15. gardens, party

      by , 06-29-2011 at 06:09 PM
      sweet series of lucids last night, but memory is getting hazy now. one bit i was talking to this woman and her girl about obe's astrals etc. when the woman said she didnt believe in obe's a had to ask her where she thought her body was now, or what body did she think she was using now. she still said she didnt believe so i just explained that she was basically saying she didnt believe in dreams and left it there. i spoke to her girl insted who seemed to agree that when she dreams she is away from her real body somehow, and i said that i guess when we are flying around in our dream body, that is essentailly what astral travel is.

      had a couple more recurring bits. one was a party for me when i dont expect that many people to turn up, then eventually it gets quite full. one woman there was impressed with something i was doing and offered to give me a cheque for 100k to carry on my work. not sure if it was the garden work or just the dreaming stuff she was impressed by, but eventually the offer was withdrawn for some reason. this pissed me off but the party was still good.

      it was in this block of flats and a group of tourists turned up. they were from jamaica and eventually turned into the west indies cricket team. by this stage i was flying around looking at things that i had previously planted around the town. there was this awesome 'guava' tree with massive purple fruit on it that was just so beautiful. shame it wouldnt grow here in reality..

      the next bit was another recurring place, but i think it doesnt really have a deep meaning to it, just a place that has formed in my mind that i like and revisit. after the place had changed back to a place more resembling reality i asked a guy if he knew the place i was talking about. it was like a bar with a big blue menu screen behind the bar and the music playing was heartbeats by the knife. the bar was kind of part garden centre as well, and we were getting things for the garden and even large daisy like flowers seemed somehow miraculous to me however i still didnt really get lucid at this point as i was earlier. reminded me that i had one earlier in the week where jools holland was presenting a tv show in front of 12 foot daffodils
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