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    1. Short dreams

      by , 08-30-2024 at 05:07 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie 1

      Dreamed Jesus woke me up in a false awakening. He had his hand extended, I took it and he led me to a closet. We opened it and I side was a white coffin. We Got Jamie out of the coffin.

      Okay, what is it with dreaming Jamie is in a closet or locked in a box or coffin? Very common themes lately.

      Jamie 2

      Flash of Jamie making out with some girl.

      Okay, getting tired of dreaming about that.

      Last night:

      Had kind of a rough night with her voice. I was thinking about the past again too much causing me to split bad. Had trouble sleeping for a while because of it. But we talked about it. Jesus wants us to give a lot of grace to one another. I'm getting there. I'm just worried if it bothers me sometimes - if we start talking again, I hope she is willing to explain some things from time to time. In order to settle the issue and move on from it quickly. I wouldn't recommend a giant discussion of the past in one sitting though. Might do more harm than good. Like we learned in school about earthquakes, better to have small quakes to alleviate the pressure instead of a giant destructive quake.


      Had a dream I saw something about Jamie online. She had a blog post where she had all these children. Asuka took me to her place. Jamie was there and another adult, I don't know who. Jamie was not looking at me at all. I decided to leave and at the door Jamie smiled at me. She looked tired.

      Uh oh. I guess I better be more careful from now on. I think Jesus has told us both to be really careful with one another.
    2. Fragmented recall

      by , 08-20-2024 at 09:57 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Posting a day late because I worked for our of the box in Didsbury for 12 hours moving a hoarder. One thing about going to Didsbury - I'm always keeping my eye out for white SUVs lol. The house I was doing was on an adjacent street to the one where Jamie drove past me in January, so my yellow dodge would be easy to see. At lunch break I had to give everyone a ride to the plaza nearby to get lunch. While moving garbage from the front and into the trunk. I noticed a white SUV parked a few houses down. I hadn't seen it there earlier. It had a tire on the back, with a white covering zipped halfway down. I couldn't remember if the one I seen Jamie in had a spare on the back or not. An odd thing I noticed is the driver's door was ajar. Didn't see anyone get in or out. Then it was gone when I was finished loading the trunk. Can't really say it was her or not just found it odd.

      Jamie 1

      I was with Jamie by her vehicle. She seemed to be upset or complaining about something in my last entry. I was saying something like: Not everything I report about her head voice is going to be completely accurate. Which is true, we've already established that .

      Jamie 2

      I was with Asuka and Jamie but my perception was way off on them. They both looked like people from the McDonald's I worked at in Lethbridge. Asuka looked like NAV. And Jamie looked like Victoria, the chubby girl my age that died from COVID. I remember making out with her and thinking it was odd I was seeing her like that .


      Dream I was applying at the coaldale McDonald's or something but the people didn't hire me. They were being really rude or something.

      Jamie 3

      A dream of Jamie sitting in her car. She seemed to be talking to me or someone else. She was crying and said my name but I can't remember the line she said.
    3. Bad recall

      by , 05-20-2024 at 04:16 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Had some issues sleeping the past few nights. But I had one fragment.

      Had a rough day with Jamie's ( voice) today...

      Forgot to mention last entry. I had two fragments of Jamie practicing hairstyles on a dummy or something.


      I was in a classroom or library with Jamie. There was a large white computer tower or something. It was really sleek, like a ps5 . Jamie went over to touch it.

      Last fragment was something about asuka and Jamie in my house.
      Tags: asuka, jamie
      non-lucid , side notes
    4. Nice

      by , 04-20-2024 at 08:06 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Seems Jamie is back to normal.

      Jamie 1

      Brief flash of driving in the country with Jamie in a white vehicle. This was daytime

      Jamie 2

      Brief dream of slow dancing with Jamie in a living room. There were disco lights flashing. Asuka seemed to be the DJ. The song was a really old song.

      Jamie 3

      I was in a backyard by a garden during the daytime. My dad was there and he said, " the girl that's arriving has borderline problems like you. You two would be a good match," not his exact words but something like that. In a muddy driveway a white pickup truck arrives and I see Jamie in the passenger seat. The driver I can't see but I feel it's her dad.

      Losing control

      I was in the backyard again. I was exploring a shed. I looked out a crack in the wall boards. I started tapping my chest hard. Not sure if it was an RC or not. I stepped outside the door and started getting dizzy. I began falling over but kept trying to pull myself up. I just kept fading more and more no matter how hard I tried to stay conscious. I was panicking.

      Woke up and the Jamie voice asked if I was okay?

      Fake Jesus

      I'm walking in a tunnel inside of a big tower with a maze to the top. At the entrance is standing Jesus in a red robe. He looks like a guy cosplaying Jesus. We make small talk and begin the maze tower. Suddenly he's a British woman. We are jumping on these blocks that take us up the maze. I'm talking to him and almost say , "god dammit." When I miss a block. I say, " Oh wait, that's a sin right. Please forgive me." The British lady says, "Yes, that's a sin.". I jump and make it to the block . It looks like Jesus again and he's standing on a rotating block, so he has to jump to stay on it when it turns on it's edge. I can't make the jump so I ask him to pull me up. He hesitates and I insist he's supposed to help me. He grabs my hand but the block turns over and he falls on me and we both fall down the shaft.

      Last night: no recall. Stress from getting into an argument with my dad where he thought it was okay to shove me. I had to go for a drive to olds to calm myself down until I was done with reliving all the trauma. Spent half an hour parked at the McDonald's and watching Tik Tok.
      Tags: asuka, jamie, jesus
    5. Strange.

      by , 04-17-2024 at 01:12 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Mainly remember 2 dreams. One from each night.


      I'm with Jamie and Asuka at a theme park or something. We are climbing some stairs that go way up. It seems to take forever to get to the top. At the top two people are waiting. One is that annoying girl Gina, from Tik-Tok... The one who got famous making funny faces and saying, " No Chick-Fil-A sauce?". Jamie seems to know who she is, Jamie looks at me and gives a devilish smile and ditches out the door. Me and Gina go through and the "ride." Is actually just flying. We both start flying and I see Jamie. Me and Gina start singing an 80's song. I think it's the love theme from,"Ghost.". While I do like 80's, I'm not a particular fan of that song, but I sing along anyway. When it comes to a high pitched part in the song, I stop. Gina looks back at me and laughs. Don't remember after.


      I'm in a basement with a bunch of people. I test gravity and Become lucid. I want to look for Jamie, but as I move around, I lose the dream.


      I'm in the basement again. Asuka is there and some children. My brother's girlfriend is there but is hitting on me... Fucking ew. Too tall/manly/ short hair. But I somehow sense it's Jamie. Not sure why she looks like that in the dream. She is holding my hand first and I go to sit down on a couch. Jamie goes to sit on my lap. But she sits right on my... You know. My memory fades after.

      Nothing much else to report. The head voice relationship thingy is really stable, compared to how it was months ago. I am pleased.
      Tags: asuka, gina, jamie
    6. More dreams

      by , 02-24-2024 at 12:38 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Short dream with low detail about working in an office building. We were moving boxes around and stuff.

      Long dream

      Started out... I was flying up in some interesting caves. They were endless and bright multi colored. I went in a crevice where some people were. Apparently my dad was working in the cave and we were laying tapes out. Some foreman mentioned my dad was fast and did everything in the cave so quickly.

      I was wiping a tape that was by a damp spot with water flowing through it. I couldn't get it to stick and after several tries... I started yelling in frustration. The foreman told me to leave. I argued the work couldn't be done. The man said he had a guy that could do it, and a young guy took my spot. This sent me into a ranting rage. I started leaving.

      Now I was walking down a grassy hill and some guy from the construction group was following me. We kept talking and he was trying to calm me down. I remember saying something like I was "hangry."

      I went to the camp where I supposedly lived, tried to eat at a restaurant but the details are foggy. I also got kicked out of the restaurant.

      Next I was in some store with advanced clocks and watches. This girl with long brown hair and grey eyes helped me in the store. Her name tag said , "Jamie," and might have even said so. She didn't seem to know who I was. And I wasn't sure it was my Jamie., even though the height and look was the same. She showed me a tiny clock inside a glass pyramid that fit in the palm of your hand. I guess it WAS Jamie, just that we didn't recognize one another.

      I left the store and saw something like a sci Fi convention going on. People were walking from a door in Starfleet uniforms. For some reason I thought I had a pass to get in, so I walked right in. I walked past lines of people in similar uniforms. I tried to shake some actresses hand but she looked shocked. Security people kept scanning my forehead as I was walking through. Then security escorted me out

      The security guy took me to the lobby and was holding my wrist. I kept telling him to let me go . Eventually after some talking we were friends. He showed me a watch he had that was in the shape of a glass pyramid. I told him that the Jamie girl that works there, looked and acted exactly the same as some girl named Jamie that I knew in another town years ago. A guy piped up... It was PewDiePie. And he said, "whoa, that's a crazy coincidence." Or something. We started talking but I woke up.

      Jesus' message

      I fell into a brief HH dream. A scene like and oil painting of Jesus slid from the left and came before my eyes. He said, " After careful consideration of knowing Jamie's character, I have determined that the reason why you haven't heard from her yet, is because she feels very guilty about how she mishandled you in the past. She also is very fearful of the same result happening again." Wow, okay. All I can say is I'm not willing to reach out either, since I already have a few times and have been only met with silence. I'm not willing to message someone who isn't going to respond. I don't want to harass her in any way. I guess we're just gonna have to run into eachother more... Or she CAN do the drive bys more if that's what it takes for her to feel comfortable with me, she has my permission.

      neighbors house

      Brief dream about house sitting my neighbors house. I was on some landing. It was night time and I was talking to some girl on the main floor. I was doing some dream parkour stuff around the house while we we talking. She was saying how the previous owner had all these rock tiles for the driveway and how he was taking them all to his new house . I responded that the current owner of the house we were sitting said the previous owner left a lot of those tiles in the basement. That's all I remember.


      I was walking down a busy suburban street at night time. I was with some friends or something. I saw a girl I seemed to recognize with orange hair. I said to the guy I was with that a thought she was cute. The girl came up to me and seemed to know me. I'm not sure if it was Asuka, or Jamie. We sat down somewhere on a bench with a tarp over it. I was holding her hand. I rested my head on her shoulder and fell asleep.
    7. Lots of dreams

      by , 02-22-2024 at 02:28 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Dream recall increasing from journalling more. Yay!

      Dog wtf

      Dream of seeing my dog again. He was barking at me again. His mouth looked funny again. It reminded me of the previous dream when he looked like that, but I didn't think to do an RC.

      Jamie 1

      Flash of me and Jamie walking away from my house that I was in when I was renting the basement suite in 2011. We were arm in arm. My vision zoomed out in 3rd person perspective. It was night time, and we both looked semi anime. We also were smiling and looked kind of dazed.


      I was staring out of a window. I noticed my reflection. I was a girl though and I slightly resembled Jamie... I had spots on my face, like sick with the measles or something. My vision zoomed in and the spots were really sweat drops discoloring my skin. I looked away and looked back and now I was my normal self but still sweating. I was wondering how sick I was.

      Jamie 2

      I was in a large store like a Sears or something. Asuka was behind me and Jamie was beside me. We were walking on the tile path between the wall and a clothing section when a really short blond girl blocked my path. Some music started playing while we were talking and for some reason we started dancing. But I was confused about which hand should go where. I switched hand positions a couple of times. I then remembered that I was with Jamie, and I shouldn't be doing anything to make her jealous. ( only problem with my dream state I'm like a drunk guy and everything I do is impulsive). I leave the girl and find Jamie sitting on the floor on the edge of the clothing section. Asuka is just in the background watching. I sit down in front of Jamie, she still looks semi anime, she's staring into space and is smiling. I try talking to her but she hardly replies. I grab her hands and stand up. She stands up with me. I think asuka was using a song spell on Jamie or something when I was talking to the girl to trance her out from noticing, or being jealous. Maybe the song spell made me sober to think of Jamie as well.

      Next night


      I was in a town that reminded me of Red deer. I was walking into a store when I noticed a bunch of Arab looking guys in black bullet proof vests carrying large guns go into a bank across the street. I go into the store and warn everyone in there to quickly leave the store and that I seen people with guns. I hear a bunch of gunshots and I leave the store. The Arab guy keeping 6 makes direct eye contact with me. I pretend I don't notice and quickly enter a glass door leading into the hallway that goes to the other end of the shopping plaza..l I exit into a residential area and keep walking.

      Last night.

      Moving in together

      Jamie asks me to move in with her (her exact words). But when I move in it sucks. Jamie doesn't talk to me at all. I remember eating at a dinner table with her and her parents... Maybe siblings? I'm given my own room. I keep passing Jamie in the hallways but she never looks at me. This seems to go on for a day or two and I'm considering just moving out, since I feel like a complete stranger there.


      I'm in the backyard of a house by a garden. I see my dogs dad (who we put down years ago) he's a large and intimidating rottweiler. I think it's strange he should be around. He growls and runs past me, one of his hind paws is mangled. I noticed smoke by some plants and notice a small fire when I get there. I have to pee and consider putting it out that way. I try to but the my jeans get caught on some thorn bushes. I wake up.

      Semi lucid

      Prelude: I dream I am laying in bed. Jamie is talking to me as a voice in my head. I tell her I'm meeting up with Raven in a dream and we are going to see some cool dream place, I invite Jamie along. Jamie says in my head that she's going to put on something special for the occasion.


      I'm on a motorbike and stop at some hobby place. I go inside to reserve a table for the people coming (Raven, Jamie, maybe asuka). Inside the place people are playing cards and chess. I notice a piano in the corner and make a mental note to talk to the owner about tuning the piano and leaving some cards, since I just got certification in piano tuning and repair.

      I slap my jacket over the table to reserve it and leave. Outside is no longer a street, but a huge Campus. I walk through a few large buildings on the campus, I walk by a room with ridiculously large bleachers inside.

      Outside I meet up with my group. A hooded lady, who looks like she's going to a cosplay convention. Two golems, the clay made into man, kind. A lady wearing wearing a blue wig with a large braid hung over one shoulder she introduced herself as "Samantha." Or something (Asuka). I say I reserved a table in a game room where we can play cards or chess. The two golems shrug and agree that could be fun.

      I begin walking through the campus again with the group. After sometime, the two golems are walking ahead of me, and that's when I hear Jamie call my name. I looked behind me, and she's barely even dressed. She's wearing a golden bra with sparkles on it. She walks past me and she's only also wearing a g string of the same color. On her waist is a thin gold chain with a blue veil mesh which barely covers even the top of her.... Box. The tips of her hair are blond. She turns her head around and smiles at me, asking with her eyes if I like what I see, then walks beside the Two golems.

      It then clicks in. I remembered the conversation in my head with her, when she said she was going to wear something special . For the bedroom yes, but for chess club? I'm about to follow them through the door when " Samantha," distracts me and starts talking to me. Then I open the door but the hobby/game place is gone and it's the room with the strange bleachers.

      I run outside and look for my group. I give up after a while and fly atop some pole sign. I turn and see Samantha again with her blue hair. She seems to be trying to cheer me up from losing the group. I notice she's wearing stilts to reach the height of the pole sign. I say, "You know this is a dream right? You don't have to wear those, just fly up." But she vanishes. Then I notice her below on the grass waving at me. She teleported.

      I shrug it off and fly away. I notice people on one of the ledges of the campus building. They are waving at me and calling for help. But I keep flying. Then I notice more people need help. I fly to them to rescue them. They are no longer people. Just mouths stuck on the ledges, they are just lying there calling for help. I go to pick a mouth up then it vomits on my hand. I stare at the mouth and it seemingly dies like when a bee loses it's stinger. I go to grab another one but the same thing happens. The stench is getting to me. I almost begin to vomit myself when I wake up.
    8. crazy

      by , 10-05-2021 at 07:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A dream about the other Victoria I used to work with... An old co worker came up to me in some office building hallway and told me that the other Victoria has just passed. I was really shocked. Note: I follow her as friends on fb. She hasn't been online for like 6 days. I'm not even gonna go there...


      Really crazy dream about a really small island on a lake. I was with some people. A woman with brown hair. Jamie or Asuka, couldn't tell. And maybe two others. The dream island manifested Giant animal spirits of people. Talking like King kong Giant. One guy stepped on and there was a large ape like king kong. Someone else manifested a giant lizard. I stepped on and a giant green cobra came out of the ground. The brown haired woman stepped on and another giant cobra sprang from the ground... Only it had 3 heads!!! The island itself was like only 50 feet wide, so the animals keep trying to fight, but when one of us gets knocked from the island by the creature it vanishes, and when we go back on it, the monster comes back. So we keep getting knocked off the island and running back on. Lots of crazy fights going on.


      Was outside a house at night time. Apparently it was my house. I walked up and the porch light is on and Data walks out the front door. Data from Star Trek. His pale skin looks painted on. I can't believe it's him. He greets me like he knows me and I just can't believe it.

      I wake up and remember That in my inner world house. I do have a character named Data who lives there. Although in a decade this is the first time I actually have seen him as the character. Usually he's very vague in image, like a shadow. I sometimes think he has glasses on.
    9. Short lucid.

      by , 06-15-2021 at 08:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I was semi lucid. I was distracted because I was in a wooden floored room with people just standing there. They had blue bandanas hiding their right eye sockets. I had an uncontrollable urge to see what was behind them. I went to an older woman and I was trying to pull the bandana away but she was heavily resisting. When she realized I wasn't giving up she let me and I saw an empty eye socket when I lifted the bandana.

      Note: I would not have remembered this dream unless I hadn't been browsing the FYP on tik tok. On it a Woman spoke of a dream where she had a vivid lucid where she kept telling her mother that it was a dream. Her mother covered her face with her hands and when she pulled them away she saw empty eye sockets.

      Short Lucid

      I was entering my home with someone but I forget who. I was lucid right away for no reason. I said aloud, "I have to find Jamie." I asked Asuka if she could tell me where Jamie was. Asuka was now a black man. I laughed and asked Her why she decided to look like that. Asuka began to gave an answer but the dream ended abruptly.
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    10. Lots of Action!!!

      by , 05-25-2021 at 06:08 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Intimate dream with her. It was wild...

      Jamie 2

      I'm with Jamie and Asuka. Asuka seems to be somehow merged with Jamie. We are walking in some building with some blond girl. We enter a room. There's a metal device that gives off a huge sexualised vibe... since the blond girl is nearby I ask if I can eat her out. Asuka says, "Robert Don't do it!!" Because she's merged with Jamie. The girl says okay. and it's like I can't stop. The rest is pretty sexual. oops

      Brown haired girl

      I was witha brown haired girl that looked sort of like jamie. But this girl was taller and had more defined features. The eyes were like jamies but the rest of the face. Almost as if Jamie had a slightly hotter older sister it would be this girl??? not sure.

      Sex dream

      With some East asian girl. We are trying to have sex. she's super dry and it's like trying to tap a wooden stump. She gets frustrated and I try to tell her it's not a good idea to just jump on... you gotta have proper foreplay first so she's properly ready for it. but before i can tell her that she just runs off in frustration.
      Tags: asuka, girls, jamie, sex
    11. Nice

      by , 02-01-2021 at 10:14 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      In my inner world house. Jamie is Asuka. Or they are merged. Asuka use to merge with other dreamers long ago. I can see the jamie part not looking at me but Asuka is. In the background Asuka has one of her homemade CD's on. She use to record singing CDs. I am singing along with the song playing and I walk by Asuka who's merged with Jamie. I can see Jamie's eyes being vacant like i'm not there. But Asuka is smiling.

      Harry potter.

      Been a long time since I've had an HP dream. Years... I am in the basement of hogwarts. A bunch of Bad wizards has the entire basement on lockdown. I'm with some girl in a cafeteria hiding. There is a snake man with the kind of looks of voldermort. But he's one of the good students. He's taken a potion that makes him look like one of the bad guys. I follow him up and down hallways trying not to be seen by the bad wizards. There's bulletins on the wall, there are pictures on them that move. It's one thing to see that on the movies, it's another to see it right in front of you. It's like the pictures are really really alive. We use magic to transform into small creatures, and we have small brooms and fly out of a window to the top of a circular tower. We fly in through a window and Mrs. mcgonagall is there and she is a bit startled to see us. Pretty sure that actress died recently... RIP. Wake up after that.
    12. some recall and crazy coincidence...

      by , 06-08-2020 at 07:24 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Remember last week when i was ranting about how unhappy i was that i had a 13 reasons why dream? Well, season 4 just dropped on netflix and I had no idea. Precog? I of course binged watched it inone night on my days off. I made sure to have a coffee from mcdonald's in my hand. and i toasted andtook a sip everytime Jessica was on screen. haha.

      Jamie dreams.

      I had a dream of maybe kissing her? I don't know it was really fleeting.

      Another dream we were in my house but we came from a crawl space in the ceiling and fell into a ball pit. Like we were kids having fun.

      Last dream was I was standing by my old street where i live when i knew Jamie. But where the library should be was a highschool where jamie was attendting... I was waiting for her at the end of the street. That's all of that one.

      Hypnagogic Images

      A flash of Captain Picard in a black space giving me the middle finger? I wonder why. Also it's very odd that i considered him a mv role model while growing up and i recently noticed his character has the exact same initials of Jamie... if anyone wants to know a little bit of where i get my sense of right and wrong from. It was from watching him growing up on TNG.lol.

      Flash of asuka feeding me some strange dream japanese food. I was wondering if she's still around...
    13. yikes

      by , 03-23-2020 at 07:20 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well, I've been dealing with some temptations lately. all I can say if Jamie can really sense these things... I really feel for her.

      Had a few dreams that i can't recall now.


      Became lucid in my house and asuka was around. I asked her if she'd seen Jamie around. Asuka said: Yes but she's been hiding out in a parallel universe. Asuka holds up a mirror and I walk through it like a door. On the other side is a Giant mall. A bunch of people are walking around and they all look exactly the same. They look like Soji, from tar trek Picard... I ask one of them if she had seen Jamie, Ahe reluctantly said "yes." and started walking me down an aisle, butthen I woke up.

      Other dreams were flashes so they don't really warrant titles.

      I was laying in bed dosing off wondering about why I'm struggling with these temptations. I fall asleep into a micro dream and jesus is on the cross again and he says, "My son I am always with you."

      Last sleep, I saw myself sleeping with someone who wasn't Jamie and i heard Jamie's voice as a voiceover, "No," Suddenly the girl under me vanished and I was suddenly outside and the girl's clothes were a heap on the ground. I saw text flash over the scene. "Jesus sent you this girl." Wasn't sure if the text was referring to the girl or jamie.

      Okay in all history of having entities flash text prophetic messages in my dream, virtually none were true nor came to pass. So I don't trust it at all.
    14. Lucid

      by , 01-07-2020 at 04:25 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Just a dream of being in a dark room or something. Jamie was there holding me i think. I feel she's just letting me know she's still around.


      Was at my house outside.I flew up and became lucid. I wanted to visit Jamie. I was flying over a green field and saw a house with green peeling paint on the outside covered in branches. I tested to see if it was Jamie' house. knocked on the door and a young blonde woman answered. i asked if Jamie was there and she said, "yes,". I saw to the left a living room and a girl with long brown hair about Jamie's color got up from a couch and headed to the door. I was watching her friend, the blonde woman, Who was standing in front of a tv screen loading a game. The woman got sucked into the tv screen, and i saw another screen flash behind that one. I know me and Asuka Go into TV screens when we watch a movie... I wonder

      Sometime later I'm not lucid, I'm on a couch cuddling with jamie watching a movie. She gets mad for seemingly no reason and transforms herself into a man to seem unattractive. she gets up and shuts off my TV and surrounds herself with 3 tvs and starts playing fortnite... umm ok. I ask for the remote back because I wanna finish watching me show. She says no.

      Dumb dream.

      I was with a friend I use to work with at Mcdonald's. We went to a mall and met up with a fortnite youtuber I don't really care for at all. He seems really depressed at the mall like he's sick of the game he's playing. I forget all of what happens.
      Tags: asuka, jamie, mall
      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Oops?

      by , 12-03-2019 at 01:40 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Only recalled 2 dreams this week.

      Dream 1

      Was walking in a strange town and got home. I was with some nerdy guy who claimed to be Jamie's new boyfriend. He kept going on about her and had a book where he was writing her as a character. The guy was more weaselly and cringy than me. It's almost like she gravitated towards a replacement for me. He seemed friendly though. At some point we transitioned to my house and I sat down with him. I was leafing through his book to skip to the parts about Jamie. The "new boyfriend," then mentioned that Jamie suddenly had stopped talking to him for some time. I was like, "yeah... She does that."

      Jamie then stormed into the house followed by Asuka and Data. She was glaring at me in anger and maybe a little hurt. Nonetheless in my mind it was years since I had seen her and I was overjoyed just to see her. I had a big smile which she probably took as something negative but I was just happy to see her. Asuka rushed Jamie into another room probably for some healing of the dark cloud that was over her and maybe a talk about why she's so upset (I still don't know why.).

      suddenly Bill Hodges was in the house looking for something. The guy from ,"Mr. Mercedes." a show I've been watching on Amazon Prime. He was yapping about something but I don't know what. I kept making fun of his accent to the new guy and we gad a laugh over it. For some reason I started loudly saying, "How Dare you." making fun of Greta tunburg... honestly that's a bit of a meme now. I thought it best to give Jamie and asuka privacy in the house So I Invited the guy to go out to get some drinks and a Pub burger or something. He seemed to like the idea when I woke up.

      Honestly, I miss the big dream hugs from Jamie.

      Strange bugs

      I went in my backyard for a smoke. I saw a bunch of giant hammerhead ants crawling around so I went inside and went out the front door. Some woman in the house said my dad had left a bunch of strange bugs around. I went out the front and encountered hundreds of tiny bugs where the heads of them were the head of my dog... WTF. They all jumped on my leg. Time to give up smoking.
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