Jamie dreams Feels like she hasn't been as active lately, But I'm still impressed I get at least one dream a week. First one happens while I fall asleep i fall into a few micro dreams of Jamie just being there with me holding my hand. Seems like she is trying to re assure me that she is still around and isn't finished with me. Second dream I am visiting a guitar teacher I use to know named Jake ( who is also a well known banjo player who is known for playing canadian festivals." But in this dream I am seated at a keyboard. He asks me what I want to learn. I have a notebook out, it says Jamie was learning this piece or something. so I try it out. but can't read the notes that well. I think it was supposed to be one of chopin's easier waltzes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN5z1mu6j4M The Drone Army I dream I somehow get captured by these Sentient drones armed with guns and lasers. they are all self aware like a hive. there is a long sequence of me trying to escape but I can't. I'm in their lair which is like a big bowl in the ground with a complex at the center. My dad tries to get me out but when I climb one of the sides one of the drones buzzes in my way. i am terrified. There is a building in the center where we are being held. Two other captives are there, a woman and a Man. Pretty sure the woman was Asuka. This dream might have been one of their dream games or something. The drones are communicating through a screen to tell us their demands. I have a feeling they will try to kill us all. At some point me and Asuka find a bed to lie down in. We start doing things under the covers. A drone flies in and starts threatening me. Data asks what it's problem is. I say it doesn't want me doing doing anything with the girl. I somehow wind up outside a house that's under construction. I see Mike from work and ask him if he knows a way out. He says try through the building. I go into the building and go in the basement to the other end. There is a woman Foreman at the construction building with some worker. I go to inspect a window to make it seem like I am working there. The man approaches me and we start talking. Outside is a staircase that leads to a road apparently in the drone's blind spot. the woman leaves the room and says, "My there are lots of workers here," I think she means me. I tell the man to just let me out of the window and I'll leave. He agrees. I wind up leaving by a green grove of trees. i' climb over a hedge and I'm now by a huge overpass. the scenery is like the road from The Canada border to Seattle in Washington. I also see train tracks, and also a train which looks like it's coming at me. It stops on the track which is covered in green vines. I keep walking and wind up on a street. I figure I am safe from the drones now. I see a whole bunch of small black birds which I at first thinks is them. They place down a nice hat on the ground, so I put it on my head. I also see G walking by, he smiles at me and then I wake up. Bjork A dream of bjork visiting me. She winds up giving me a hug, or cuddling me or something. I find it very relaxing like she is also trying to console me. In any case I am happy to hear from her. I had other dreams but completely forget what they were.
Wow is this site dying? Time travel? Me, Jamie, Asuka and Data enter one of those dream movies or something that Me and Asuka watch where we go right into the screen and participate in the scenario. The movie seems to be about Jamie. We apparently travel into Jamie's past to save her from certain things that would cause her to make bad decisions or something. She looks in her teens again like from the lucid where I found her. she's wearing the white shirt she used to wear under her work vest from when i worked with her. Jamie says to me in the middle of this, "You're saving me, are we going to get married?" and smiles. Well yes, if I have to. Might wanna really talk about this to me first. Strange fight Just remember I was in some downtown marketplace or something and got into a fight with some guy. He pulled out some circle thing like from doctor strange or something. It was a portal to himself from other dimensions. So if you punched him, he would deflect with the circle thing but himself from another dimension would block the punch or take the hit. He kept saying I was never going to win because I was fighting all of him from all dimensions. Bus Dreamed I was on a bus or something. Jamie was in the back with my cousin. they seemed to be ignoring me. I was sitting near the front arguing with some bald woman who was being really mean. My recall is still pretty low.
These few weeks have been pretty boring in the dream department. Building. Vague dream of walking in some large building with Jamie. She suddenly vanishes before my eyes as if she woke up from the dream. The Dork Tower I become Semi lucid while on a western style landscape. The entire dream is of a blue hue. I'm semi lucid. Don't know it's a dream but I know That I'm in a story. I fly up to a few people walking along a path. With them is a tall Gunslinger. He doesn't quite look like roland but I seem to think he is anyway. I get excited and say, "Are we looking for the Dark tower?" the man doesn't answer but suddenly looks frightened, as if the Idea of the Dark Tower and seeking it, is insane. The others look at me in terror. The dream speeds up and suddenly we are in a living room. but also entering a cave that will transport us to the dark tower. As I enter the cave with the others I am also in the living room with Asuka and others and we are try to fit behind an entertainment center. Maybe this was one of the movies that Me and Asuka jump into? Talkers I am in a scenario like in the latest season of ,"Z Nation." I am in a settling with some people. Half of them are Zombies. But these Zombies are self aware and can talk. Everyone calls them: Talkers. I am extremely paranoid of the talkers. They seem nice and well meaning but it feels like they will try to kill me and make me one of them. I am wandering alone in a house when I run into... Robyn? The girl who hosts karaoke in lethbridge. She tells me she saw my movie about her? Her voice sounds like Jamie. Robyn looks nothing like Jamie so I am extremely confused. I go, "yeah I know you're subscribed to my channel." Which I know robyn is. That's all I remember. A week or so goes by. Can't recall Jamie at all. It concerns me a little. I guess I am too use to them by now. Chase. Me, Asuka and Data, chase Jamie all over different dreamscapes. She never looks like herself. She also seems a bit crazy like in the previous entry. In one dream She is a giant black guy and we chase her all over a nightclub. In another she's a mad scientist and we chase her all over some big underground lab. This may explain why she was so hard to recall. Jesus again In this dream it is night time. I am alone in a park. I am really young in this dream like a child. Jesus comes over a hill with a little girl holding his hand. the girl is Jamie and she is also a child in this dream. It's like Jesus is her father and He is bringing Her to me. I say to him like an excited kid on Christmas or something, "Is this the girl you chose for me?" Reminds me of when Jamie would hang out and sometimes and at times it's like we would regress to children. Her voice would even sound like a child's and that's when you knew that things were going really well. Building again. Another dream of just exploring some building with jamie. We don't really talk but just seem more interested in exploring the place. We eventually split up.
I forgot a lot of non lucids. I'll try to remember some as I write these down. Jamie Dreams Early in the month. 3rd person view dream of Jamie sitting by herself in a real comfy looking chair. She appears to be arguing with herself. But then I hear she is talking to voices. The closer I listen the more the voices sound like me. Some are negative and some are positive. She seems annoyed in upset. I try to get through, "This is MY voice." I say something like that. But all the voices argue I am a liar and they are the real voice. While I find her kind of adorable arguing with all of these voices, I know personally how annoying this can be *please lock me up.* In one dream I am in a bedroom with Jamie. I lie down like we are like a couple going to bed. She looks at me and says, "No." In another dream I find some ugly woman with glasses and decide to try to sleep with her. I hear Jamie's voice in my head say, "Robert no!." Is that what you you wanted, can't have you AND no one else? kidding. In one dream I am with my dad and we are walking around a city. We go up some steps to a c train platform where my dead grandma from 2010 is. She says to me, "I hope you know what you are doing with this girl." Implying that she doesn't like Jamie. At the top of the step I kind of victory jump. It's like my grandma is a part of those annoying spirits who are telling me to ,"Move on." from Jamie, are finally giving up. After about a week or so of Jamie not showing up in dreams I then remember one of her where I am trying to light a smoke. My lighter isn't working. Jamie comes up with her own lighter but can't get hers to work as either.Hehe she's trying to steal chelsea's thunder of dream cigarette lighting capabilities. Well: YOU FAILED!!! Really appreciate the effort tho :-) Some dream where Jamie isn't talking to me and driving away in her car. I'm standing with a woman, maybe her mother, She says, "She really likes you, you know." Really? Why isn't she saying anything? Another dream where me and Jamie are driving in her car. It's like the old dreams from last year. Can't remember the context of the conversation but she says, "Suicide is never an option." WOW. She's come a long way since the , "Let's commit suicide together," Dreams of mid last year. Good job. Was I being suicidal in the dream? I know I'm not, but I may have been being overdramatic in the dream. A dream where Jamie is merged with my body or something. Might have been because I was watching a really dumb show on netflix called, "Z Nation." a Walking Dead like zombie tv series that doesn't take itself seriously at all. Unlike the Walking Dead which Is why I can't stand it. Anyway in the episode some Hippy dude takes weird drugs so he can spirit walk inside someone and take control of their body. Maybe I saw Jamie in the dream and asked her to try it out. She kept trying to make me aroused in my own body, maybe to experience the sensation for herself. I get to the point where I almost burst and then ask her to stop. she does. Got back from seeing Alita: Battle Angel (Loved it by the way.) But after seeing it with my brother I had dreams about it. But it was Jamie. She was trying to put herself in a cyborg body like from the movie. The nurse lady from the movie was there and was saying that the body was having trouble merging with the body because she had no core... Very Strange. I know Jamie had once tried to convince me that she has BPD. and I've read that such people are said to lack a certain emotional center or core. not sure if that's what the nurse meant though. Interesting. Last dream. Was just me and Jamie lying in bed going to sleep. We may have been groping each other not sure... But, seems she is getting over whatever it was that was bothering her. Comments: This periods' dreams Jamie seems less happy than the end of december and january. Not sure what the cause of this is. She is resuming some of her affection though which I appreciate. That says it isn't me that's a problem. but she is having problems on her own that she is dealing with. Other Dreams Bunch of non lucids where a short blonde girl sometimes with long hair and sometimes with short hair keeps hitting on me. In one dream she makes out with me. these came after me and my brother went to a short concert in calgary where I kept seeing cute blond girls. Some were staring at me and smiling but they were all with guys, so I didn't think anything of it. Kissing Dreamed I was exploring some large building with some dark skinned girl. We wound up in a bedroom and started kissing on a bed. She tasted kind of sour, (IRL I have a slight cold so was just probably tasting my phlegm,) I suddenly Had this feeling like I was cheating on someone possibly Jamie. I stopped for a second but the girl looked at me with such wanting eyes that I resumed and tried to ignore the feeling. As if to stop it a bunch of guys manifested in the room on beds. They had donut boxes with treats in them and they started arguing with me. The girl left the room. Yelling I kept accusing some girl in my inner world, (Mine and Asuka's daughter i think.) of stealing my DVDs or something. I was filled with rage. Asuka said it wasn't the girl but she has no idea where the DVDs went. I checked the boxes again and they had a volume missing. *clap* BONUS DREAM *clap* This one I had a couple months ago. A dream with Jamie I forgot to write down. In this dream we are in The Dark Tower universe in Hambry. Me and Jamie are walking around the town and she is making fun of the accent of the townspeople. She's saying, "So it is," and ,"So it was." Then she laughs to herself.
Updated 02-27-2019 at 03:43 AM by 6012
Here is a Jamie dream I forgot to add to last entry. Voyager Me and Jamie are wandering around Voyager from the TV show. We are in a turbo lift but only a small window opens. Janeway is on the other side. She is nice and talks to us but tells us to go around. the turbo lift goes down and we wind up in some construction area. We find staircases and go up them and wind up in the mess hall, where there is an alien race of Jocks or something. Me and Jamie just find a seat and wait and that's all I remember. More recent. Laundry room. Asuka makes me do laundry and for a joke, she is playing a song by nirvana about being in a laundry room. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zknlwXuGJUg I was kind of annoyed because I hadn't heard the song in a decade. Jamie comes up behind me and I didn't notice she was there. she says, "What song is this?" she was asking in the same tone of when I played guitar for her and she kept asking ,"Who's this by? Are you making that up?" Voices I am with Jamie but she seems angry. There is a semi-invisible demonic creature on her shoulder whispering in her ear. He lustfully whispers to her. "negative thoughts, negative thoughts, negative thoughts..." She doesn't seem aware of it at all. "I hate you!" she says looking at me. Annoying guide. Some tall guy with glasses comes into my inner world. He says,"You need to let her go." implying Jamie? Fuck no. Church With Jamie feeling better we both go to a church to seek Jesus out for some help. He is not there. But we sit down anyway on a pugh. It turns into a bed with blankets and we both fall asleep on it. Chelsea I'm on facebook and C has a post I like or something and when I comment on it. Jamie comes out of the computer and says, "I don't want you talking to this girl." I try to explain she's only a friend and she's already with someone. I think jamie calmed down. I'm not sure. Thumbnail confusion. Jamie makes me look at her profile picture on facebook. She changes the picture to her and some guy giving me the middle finger. Maybe my brother because one of my first entries with Jamie I am in a parking lot giving her and my brother the middle finger as they walk by and aignore me. I've noticed that a lot of recent Jamie dreams seem to reflect my early ones. Like in one entry I am missing jamie by a balcony and thinking about having a smoke with her. And recently she's explaining things to me while we are both on a balcony smoking. Interesting. In another dream she is looking at my youtube channel and I have thumbnails with a purple background. Recently while awake I checked our old facebook messages and she indeed changed her picture with a purple background. Very Strange... Jamie explains. I'm in some high rise apartment building at night. It reminds me of Tilted Towers from fortnite. I am chasing some people or something when I notice Jamie on an outside landing. She's wearing a mcdonald's manager uniform and for a second I think it's Emily from mcdonald's. but when she starts talking I recognise Jamie. She keeps explaining that she wants to start having real conversations or contact someday, but she needs to sort out some things in her life first. but she does have the desire. I ask, "Do you remember dreams about me when awake?" "Yes, I remember kisses" I'm thinking back to something short I left out last month. where I was nodding off on a bus and fell asleep for a split second and for a short second jamie kissed me. I ask if there's anything I can do (ahould I message her again)" She says no, In fact no one should feel pressured to make contact or send messages. I agree to that. Short lucid I become lucid in a room. Some east indian girl is there and I spend most of the lucid trying to convince her it's a dream. She keeps saying, "No,No, that's not real don't talk about that." More demons I'm with Jamie at my house and she starts yelling at me. "Don't touch me." Asuka runs and looks at her. "She has another creature on her." Asuka says and pulls the creature off jamie that I couldn't even see until she grabs it. Then Asuka throws it outside. Asuka does something to heal Jamie for a bit. Jamie grabs my hand and says, "Do you want to hold hands?" and smiles. Me and Asuka just laugh at her, in a good way. Boring I'm wandering a large store like Canadian Tire or something. But the place has all been re arranged. I wander to an outside area where a bunch of farm animals are. I chase ducks and rodents around a grassy area. Shut up That annoying guide shows up again this time when Jamie is around. He keeps saying we have different paths to go on. I tell him hell no, This is the one I'm on right now and I'm not moving from it. He asks if it's such a good path why aren't we together? and points to Jamie. I say I don't know. Maybe it's because we both have severe emotional problems and don't want to harm one another. Maybe she doesn't have room for me in her life yet. He said maybe it has something to do with past life karma, Karma to work out with soul mates. I notice Jamie's eyes then and she looks really sad, i think there may have been a fight earlier, not sure. I said I don't believe in Past Lives. I believe in Jesus so there's only this life and the heaven he has planned. The guide looks flustered at that and says. Where was Jesus when you sought him last? he wasn't even there? I say sometimes Jesus is silent, it's even in the bible. And, where spirits and guides like you have previously told me to give up Jesus came into my dreams and blessed me and her. He's the only one who seems to respect our free will unlike you guides And he helped us when she was possessed in a dream, he put obvious work into us unlike you guys. And go ahead, send me your BS soul mates. I've met some before and weren't even single, or even in my country. How many more deal breakers are you guys going to send me? Jesus Even turned his head away from me when you guys threw Dara at me, so guess what? I gave up on that. And Chelsea? She's not even single and you guys kept throwing me into her dreams when jamie was in trouble. And you know what I find it funny that while you're here telling me to let go Jamie is getting attacked by demons in dreams. you know what I think you're all demons... I was ranting like that the whole dream I think.
last month didn't have very much dreams. Jamie Dreams: In one dream she is saying to me: I can't believe you know what I dream about. in another, we are in a bedroom just talking. In one dream, we are at my house playing fortnite and my controller randomly logs out. I try to sign in and load the game but there are too many options in the menu which I endlessly scroll through. When I find the right option I wake up. In another flash, we are at a supermarket and we find christmas books of chocolates and start eating them without paying. In a dream some weeks later We are in the dark tower universe. More like we are in a setting from The Stand. It's new York and everyone is dead and rotting. The smell is horrible and we are walking among them. We wind up on a balconey way up and start smoking. Jamie is telling me, "I've been thinking of contacting you, but when I take it seriously, I get stressed out and smoke too much. In one dream I feind Jamie in her house at night but tied up in a dark closet. I untie her and she thanks me. Then says something like, "I'll treat anyone who rescues me, I might kiss them, or more." she looks at me and I just get nervous. Some weeks go by with no recall. I have some random dreams of flying but not lucid. In one night I had one dream of being at Jamie's house but she wasn't into talkingto me and it didn't seem like I was there. Then later we are in a dream of being in fortnite, weare hiding in a build but she is smiling at me. she also tells me she hates this game. Last week just remember being in my inner world. Apperently Jamie had just left abruptly for no reason. Asuka and data seem concerned about her. The dreams of her are tapering off, maybe due to boredom on her part or cinflicting feelings. I also had lots of uninteresting non lucids I can't recall much details of.
October dreams. what? A dream from Jamie's perspective, she's driving in a car by didsbury and saying to herself, "I won't talk to Rob unless he sends me another message." more Jamie dreams I'm outside my house at night walking with Dara. Jamie is behind us and she looks super mad. In another dream I am sitting on a couch with some girl and not sure who and Jamie pries the top of the dream apart and peers in, she has a very dull and disappointed look on her face Some days later I dream me and her are in front of some papers and we are planning where to live? Lucid I'm in some weird shop and some youtuber I hate is there but in this dream we seem to be friends. I become lucid and spend the rest of the dream trying to convince him it's a dream. November This was a crazy night. dream 1: I was hanging with jamie and we seemed to be on okay terms. We were sitting under a water bridge or something when some woman with wings flies up to me. She starts flirting with me and puts something over my head and i just laugh. I get a mirror out and it turns out the girl put a mask on me that makes my face look like my face but plastic. I pull the mask thingy off but it comes off as some mesh leggings. I look over to Jamie who seems to have changed her face to someone unrecognizable. OMG I just realized why she was so mean in the next dreams. Dream 2: I'm having an awkward meeting with my dad. We decide to go to some restaurant but all the tables and chairs are in uncomfortable positions. FA, In a basement I think Jamie is there and some other people. I'm sitting on a couch and I find a small picture of an evil looking woman with brown hair. I feel a demonic presence attached to this picture. The picture jumps out of my hands and I try to catch it. It lets out a small laugh as I chase it all over the couch then I notice it's left a small trail behind of shit. All over the couch. I frantically try to clean it up and almost throw up. When Done, I look for the picture again. FA, in the same basement on a couch. People are there and I ask them If they remember the dream we just had? The one with the demon causing all sorts of trouble? Everyone looks at me like I've gone insane? I look to the couch and Jamie is there staring into my brother's eyes like she is in love and they are whispering something i can't hear. I get up from the couch and say, "Are you two getting into something here?". My brother shakes his head ,"no". He gets ups from the couch and leaves. I notice his friend richard there at the other couch. Jamie says, "Robert don't". "You know what pisses me off?" I say. As My brother moves away Jamie falls backwards on the couch. Her mouth a big ,"O", of surprise as in ,"How dare you look at me this way?" And she moves her arms to cover her breasts which I can't see anyway because she's wearing a dress that covers them. but what she doesn't realize is that by falling backwards the bottom of her dress is up, and not only is she not wearing anything underneath, but I can also see everything. I ignore that, and keep going. "It's that after all these years you're still not really my friend." Jamie scrunches her forehead, a look, which I've seen before when she's about to disagree with me. My memory fades here. next few days: Dreams of Jamie taper off, but I remember some fragments. School Dream of the school we usually dream at. Jamie is sitting there on the curb and she is saying, "You're not going to hit me with that are you?" I look down and I am holding some sort of Disc or plate... "No," I say, "Why would I do that?" Then the next day I have a fragment where She is smiling at me and we seem to be on good terms. Bjork Dreams One where I find Bjork in the gymnasium of the school. She says she wrote a song for me. She plays it and it's good. i wonder If I'll be able to remember the melody. Sadly i don't. Other dream was I was flying around a large abandoned city. I heard Bjork singing a melody. I began singing the same melody after she stopped. I flew up to her and she was floating in the air with some man. She asked if it was me who was just singing her song? I forget what answer I give and I just fly off. Other non lucids In one dream i am at my house? or someone else's. And I go outside and see a Big dragon roaming around. I hide and people I seem to know keep driving by on ATVs Asuka is in one and she said The girls have taken the remaining dybbuk boxes and have put them away safely. I explain that won't get the demons out of Jamie's inner world. She said it's a start. Data A dream where I can see Data trying to get into Jamie's inner world. I think I am watching on a screen. He comes to a shield he can't get past. He plants explosives at the base and it blows a tunnel underneath. At this point Data is so clear he looks exactly like the TV character. I usually never see him like that. He keeps tunneling with his phaser or something. He keeps saying what he is doing and what he is going to try, but it sounds too technical. At this point I think I'm watching a lost episode of Star trek. Some giant tendril rises from underneath him it looks like it's connected to something from the movie tremors. It begins pulling Data under and he still keeps talking just louder. Eventually his head falls off and everything fades to black. Jesus is being creepy again i woke up in the middle of the night and thought to myself ,"will I ever see Jamie again?" I fall into a dream vision and see Jesus with a big goofy grin on his face. He is pointing at the gates of heaven where a bright light is obscuring what's behind the gates. "You'll see her there!!!" Jesus booms without moving his mouth. What about before then? Semi lucid Dreamed I was walking somewhere in the wilderness at night. I discovered I could float if I pawed the air a bit. I had to find a washroom So I came across a familiar door that went under a hill. I knew it was a place under construction and late night people might be working so I floated in through the top of the door way which was very tall. Inside was a place with fresh drywall and there was a guy mixing mud loudly so I floated above him. He didn't notice. At the end of the hall was a large room maybe for a kitchen or living room. There was another hallway so I took that one and spotted another worker where i knew the washroom was. I floated above him too and went in the doorway. i did my business in the room. When i left one of the workers spotted me so i flew fast out the entrance door. Co-workers Dreamed I was with some of my co workers in a large room that seemed filled with water. Only we could breathe under it. One girl was still ina sybmarine or something but it was really small. A floated up to her friend and smiled at her. Concert surprise Dream about some youtuber guy. We were at a music hall or something where a party was going on. We discovered we could do some really crazy dream parkour as the gravity seemed light. He found some markings high up that said if he could follow the parkour course in the hall three times, A well known rock band would show up. I watched him do the parkour sequence 3 times. On the last try he was struggling with it. He managed to do it right and suddenly a band i never heard of showed up and started to play or something. Training Various dreams of martial arts training. In one i'm being trained in a kung fu form by some chinese guy. He claims he is teaching me tiger and Crane, but the sequence i show him is different than what he is teaching. In another dream i am in a simulation where I am training with a wooden sword. A guy goes to stab me with his right sword and take mine and try to stab his right arm to deflect. The trainer says I'm not doing what he showed me. He asks again what should I do when someone swings with his right from that angle? I just say I have to be faster. The trainer shakes his head. In another dream i am practicing the form with a coworker. We go through a sequence and she says she doesn't like that particular pose. Messages I kept dreaming of getting messages from Jamie on Facebook, but they were all mean. Stadium Dream flash about seeing Jamie at a stadium with her own trainer? She looks like an anime girl and has a green bandana. She looks very angry but also determined. I wonder why I am there? Was I training for this? Or were we supposed to dream battle? i never got a conclusion to this. Basement 1 This is after Raven telling me she remembered putting up a shield in someone's inner world. I'm wandering a basement when I run into a woman with long dark hair. She also has dark skin and pulls me into a bedroom. We start kissing. Not sure who this was. Basement 2 I'm in Jamie's basement and I am wandering around. I go into a room where I feel a dark presence. I feel a presence possess me and i feel really dark like when i'm in SP. I go up to some people and ask them if I seem different. No body seems to notice anything but then my voice changes. Basement 3 I'm in the basement but find extra rooms where there's people in there with a long scenario to kill me. I Run into Asuka and data and they both say Jamie is nowhere to be found, but that this place is crawling with Demons, so we decide to leave. Basement 4 I enter the basement again the next day but get trapped and held down by hoodlums. An evil looking woman emerges and gives and evil smile. she says I'll never get back in here again. Jesus again I'm at the Dream highschool that me and Jamie use as a neutral ground to hang out in dreams. It's only me and her in class and Jesus is the teacher. He hands us a large book and says this is what we are to study for our assignment. I leaf through and there's a bunch of sci-ency and spiritual technobabble. One chapter catches my eye it says something about Jamie being suicidal? I look at Jamie but she's almost leaving the classroom. I stop her and say we should study. She says she knows it all and repeats all the terms in the book back to me except for the last one. She then leaves. Then i think she didn't want to talk about that last subject. Jamie tries to contact me A dream of talking on a computer screen with jamie. She says she misses the dreams and she can't find me. I say I can't get to her house since her shield went up and I got kicked out by some some woman. phone call I'm at home and Asuka hands me the phone and says it's from Jamie. I barely hear Jamie when I burst into tears and then I ask her why she hasn't called me in years and why now of all times? then I wake up. Roland I am in the Dark Tower World with Jamie we are walking with roland in a huge desert. IT's so windy that Roland is wearing some large archaic goggles to protect his eyes from the dust. I guess we were telling him about our friendship because he suddenly seems perplexed and then almost mad. He barks at us, "Why don't you two just contact one another?" and turns his head away in disapproval. I start to say I did attempt contact but then I woke up. The Rose I am at the corner of Second and Forty-Sixth in a vacant lot in New York standing over a Rose. IT's The Rose from the Dark Tower novels. Jamie is talking to me either in my head or through an earpiece for some reason we think this can get me back into her inner world. She asks me If I'm at the rose? We seem to making a coordinated effort or something. I am greatly transfixed by the rose. "Yes I am at the rose." I say. "...I'm always at the rose..." Then I wake up. Well I guess I screwed that one up. Lucid 1 I become Lucid in my house when I discover gravity is light. I can't think of any plans so i look into a mirror. I don't try to change my image but the reflection starts smiling at me and looks evil. It fades out shortly after. Lucid 2 I become lucid in a movie theater when I float up. I leave the theater and look for someone. I wind up in the projection room and my vision starts to go dark. I keep saying ,"Computer: lights" a few times until I see the light is on finallyI seem very determined to do something. I enter a place with seating tables where people are eating and I spot an old co worker Daniel. I go up to him and tell him it's a dream. He doesn't seem to care much but after I keep talking he looks somewhat interested. "If you're wondering who I am," I say, "I might be your subconscious!" But I screw up the word: subconscious. I briefly fall back into SP and I am struggling to talk because I can feel my physical jaw is mostly numb. I snap back into the dream. "I'm sorry i meant: subconscious. I can't talk sometimes..." Dan just shrugs. Then I clue into what I need him for: He has to get into Jamie's inner world to take her shields down because I am not allowed. I have to try to convince him. "We are going to use your dreams to build your confidence... With GIRLS!" Dan then perks up a bit and seems more interested and almost smiles, which is strange for him. "For this next mission," I continue," You are going to get to practice with a very SPECIAL girl!" Jamie's voice booms into my head. "Robert... REALLY?" she sounds really annoyed. But Dan agrees. I pull up my watch with a display and see Asuka and Data behind two separate screens. Asuka says, "Im planting a homing device on him now!". Data is at a display with a keyboard and his fingers are moving at blinding speed. He says, "Locking onto him now and Transporting." then I wake up.
Updated 11-27-2018 at 08:56 PM by 6012
Happy dreams Dreamed short dreams about Jamie. In one we are at the hall from the other dream where she was possessed and we are dancing. There are other dreams like these that I can't recall but they happened over a few days. Messed up Dreamed Jamie was trapped inside a giant dybbuk box. She was floating in liquid, arms outstretched in front of her. Weird I'm trapped in the box with her, we are floating in the liquid, her hair is outstretched everywhere, I am stroking her hair and consoling her. She says, "I love you." and I wake up. Next night. Jamie is mad Dreamed I was watching a class room. Jamie is in there and looks mad. She has a small chalkboard in front of her and is writing a message with multi colored chalk. I gather she wants to be left alone in the dreams. Room Dreamed I'm in my room with Jamie and my aunt is yelling at me. Jamie gangs up on me with my aunt and yells at me too. WTF Dreamed I was meeting a dark haired girl at a motel. Switched to cinematic of outside and all I could hear is the one up sound from mario.... LOL. Last few nights. Room I'm in my room talking with asuka and we are trying to figure out why Jamie is suddenly mad at me. Chalkboard See the classroom again and Jamie has written ,"I hate you," over and over again on the board in white. Tree I wake up by a tree with giant tendrils, one is stuck in me and one is stuck in Jamie. I look around and see other people in the field with tendrils stuck in them. Infiltration Strange dream about me infiltrating the Illuminati. To do so I had to drive towards BC by a forest. After driving for sometime it was night. There was a storm suddenly and there was strange clouds of energy. I got sucked into one. Next I am in a building. I walk from a lobby and get greeted by Sam Golbach from youtube. Umm okay. He's illuminati? Makes sense. He leads me into a classroom. For the test to join we have to go up against a creature to test our dream skills. Wish I remembered the details. I fought it by becoming it or something. After Sam seemed really impressed and said he had never seen anything like that. Guess I was in. I left the building and found myself on some street. Got picked up from Raven Knight and I told her what just happened. She decided to infiltrate the place too so I showed her the directions to get to the dark forest.
Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:11 AM by 6012
Short lucid Was at Jamie's house and she had some friends there. Found that boring but became lucid somehow. I wandered to a table to try time dilation. Started counting the spaces between my fingers with one eye closed left to right. everytime i went left again I had more fingers to count. by 20 20 the dream just faded out. Fight I remember chasing after Jamie after we had some huge fight of which or what about I don't remember. I finally caught up with her on some street, she eventually turned around and we both started apologizing. I gave her a hug and she felt so real. "I love you." I said to her then I woke up. Secret room Was in my inner world house. Somehow I had learned of a secret room in my house between some walls. I was in a kitchen part and looking at the walls trying to find it. I saw a vent there near the ceiling and tried to climb to it. I couldn't. A man was there, who I think was Data offered me a boost up. I went up and peered in the vent, there was nothing there but black. I told Data i couldn't get in. He lifted up the ceiling and I jumped down the other side. Inside was what looked like a giant storage room with random boxes and clothes all over the place. I wonder if Asuka had stored things here herself. I just leafed through things until the dream was over. Lucid I found myself wandering a street lucid. There seemed to be no transition from the last dream. I wandered for a bit but things started getting darker. I remember Mzzck once made a lucid longer by trying to eat a tree. I didn't see no trees but I found a telephone pole and teleported to it and began trying to eat it. It did taste kind of like a tree and I did smell pine. The act engaged so many different senses it kept me in the dream. After a bite or two I found myself wandering by a house that seemed familiar. I went into the driveway and decided to try time dilation again. I placed my hand on the ground. closed one eye and counted spaces between my fingers. Every time i went back left to right I had another hand. I managed to count to 40 before my vision began to distort too much so I Jumped up to escape the distortions. I didn't get very far, so I immediately tried again and flew up past the roof. I saw a woman get out of the house and i landed near her. I asked her if she knew where I could find Jamie and I said her last name. The woman said she did and would give me a ride. We got into her car and I briefly wondered if I should bother wearing a seat belt in this dream. We pulled away and a few moments later she pulled over and a midget got into the car. That wasn't Jamie... So I waited longer. Suddenly, a woman with long brown hair was suddenly sitting in the backseat out of nowhere. Looking back I'm positive it was Jamie. She startled me and also resembled S. I said she scared the shit out of me and why was she here ( i was still convinced she was S)? Jamie got mad and said she teleported in here to find me. Then she vanished either waking up or teleporting away. The woman's car stopped again and another midget got in. Flustered, I left the car. I still wanted to look for Jamie even though she had just been there. I began walking across a field toward some plaza calling out her name where it looked like there was fast food and shops. But as I got closer the businesses changed and seemed further away. Wound up going into some abandoned house. Went upstairs and looked around a bit. When I went back to the stairs a man wandered in followed by a weird creature trying to make itself look like an asian girl. I didn't walk but sort of hopped behind him. This freaked me out. So I teleported to the man and killed him with a knife I seemed to get out of nowhere. I turned to the creature and stabbed it's coat but the knife went through. It fell on the ground. I pulled off the coat and underneath was just a broom handle with a wooden head with fake hair. I wondered if the man was using magic to make it seem like he had a companion. My vision got all watery as it does when lucids end and so it ended.
Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:19 AM by 6012
Moe Me and my brother are driving around the country side. We wind up at a restaurant or something. We see moe and his friend at a table. His friend acknowledges us but Moe tries hard not to look at me. After we leave I say we should follow moe because he's heading to some abandoned place to film. My brother says okay and then we drive into the mountains. Portals I am in a tunnel like a time vortex that Dr. Who goes into. I see the end of the tunnel and see a dream with Jamie in it. Some force knocks me into a side tunnel and I instead see a dream in front of me with C, who I used to work with. Stranger danger I'm sitting on a couch upstairs in my inner world house Asuka comes and grabs me and tells me I have to start my shift. She leads me to the kitchen where Jamie is standing around looking sheepishly. Asuka says this girl is my co worker so we better get started making her (Asuka) supper. Me and Jamie look at each other like this is dumb. I hear someone downstairs. Another girl who's voice I recognize as C. I leave the kitchen and head downstairs. I see C wandering around but she doesn't notice me. I walk towards her and she vanishes somewhere. I search the entire basement but can't find her. I head back upstairs and then I notice C hiding under a table downstairs in the corner. Apparently she doesn't know where she is and knows it's not her house. I go back downstairs, find a couch and try to light a smoke. My one lighter doesn't work, so I reach into my pocket and try another lighter. It doesn't work either. I see a green lighter on the table but i can't roll the thing that trikes the flint... C emerges from under the table and offers me a light but I wake up. Moe again A dream about being at moes wedding. Everyone is partying. heart An HH flash of a pink heart As I wake up.
Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:20 AM by 6012
Creepy FA I woke up in my room with semi sleep paralysis. I felt an evil presence there and started calling out to Satan??? Really strange I would do that. That's all I remember. I had a lucid at some point but I forget the details. Cookies Asuka sent me to visit Jamie with a bunch of cookies. I felt very awkward bringing them over. I kept wondering why Asuka would send me to visit someone i haven't talked to in several years. I was really dreading the meeting. Lost I was heading home but wound up in my backyard and discovered a huge ditch with parts under construction. I tried crossing a part with a bridge that was just a tarp strung up. I fell off it somehow and landed on a plank. I discovered pathways in the ditch and the place seemed a lot bigger. I didn't want to get lost in there so I decided to try and climb back up. Other dreams are coming to the surface but can't hold onto them. 1 million Dream about some youtuber who said he would take off his hat if he hit 1 million subscribers. He wound up hitting that many. Then he was walking around town at night with his hat off. I thought he looked really strange with a bald head.
Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:42 AM by 6012
Trapped I had several dreams of being trapped in an abandoned sanatorium. There was a demon there who was making it hard for me to breathe. I remember Asuka and Jamie trying to get me out. Guitar I was at my brother's house playing guitar and trying to get the right guitar tone. He had a blue effects processor. Lucid I was in a truck driving through a city that looked like Las Vegas. In the Truck was youtuber omargoshtv. I was in somebody's house or a restaurant. Downstairs an asian family were eating something. The food they ate slowly turned them into Zombies. I went upstairs to a balconey and find a window. I hear the zombies getting more rowdy, they have vine like black veins that are coming from their skin. I fly out the window. I Become lucid because of the gravity being light. I fly towards a green valley. I go fast quite a few miles. I find a house on the edge of the valley and enter it. I find a black couple I seem to know and warn them about the zombies. I tell them to leave immediately before they get here. The guy says it's okay he can handle it and offers me a pepsi. I see a 2 liter bottle and ask if he has cans? He says no, So I take the bottle. The truck I was in pulls up. I get in and someone from lethbridge is in there. I mention it's a dream and I can't believe my lucidity is lasting so long. He nods in agreement. We drive for a while and I lose lucidity. I have to pee so I ask if there's a stop. Turns out my dad is driving the truck and we stop by a grove of trees. I go out to pee but my dad starts arguing with me for some reason I can't remember what. An asian family tells him to stop picking on me but he persists. I wind up throwing him to the ground and say some final words in the argument. I take off somewhere but can't remember. Battle I am in a desert valley with some people from the dark tower series. I am shooting a gun and kill lots of bad guys. A black wolf keeps teleporting around and I can't get a clear shot of him. I pull out a device and call Raven Knight. I tell her to get there quickly because we are pinned down. She arrives on an elevator that appears out of nowhere and begins tracking down the wolf.
Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:43 AM by 6012
Car WTF Just leaving a snowy trailer park in a car with my brother driving. The road we were on was suddenly vertical. Thought for sure we were going to fall to our death but my brother hit the gas hard and we made in up the road to safety. Waverly Hills Had a Dream I was traveling to explore Waverly Hills Sanitorium. I was in a city going over an overpass walking. I had the main key to get in. I got to the right bus stop. Suddenly I'm walking into the fence where Waverly Hills is and a lady from work was standing there and said rudely it was about time I got there. I looked at my watch and it was the right time. I opened the gate and let a whole bunch of people in with cameras. Some were close friends and another one was James from youtube. The place also was renovated to have personal hotel like rooms. Me and James dumped a bunch of stuff off in our room. He vanished for a while and then I found him hiding in a closet looking scared. I asked him if he was going to film a video with us later. He said, "No bro, I'm too depressed right now." Or something to that effect. Next Thing I remember was walking downstairs with my group of people. I noticed the halls looked newly renovated. It reminded me of the Omargoshtv video i seen of the place where he mentioned they were going to renovate waverly hills and turn it into a restaurant hotel. We all gathered in a dining room. I sat with Jamie, people were talking loud. There was an east indian girl sitting across from us but I recognized asuka in her. Asuka started yelling at me and Jamie and told Jamie that I was very insecure about getting older and that I already have wrinkles so don't bother finding him again in waking life. Asuka had a mean look on her face. I got up and left the table and ran up some really strange stairs and landings that went all over the place. At some point I passed Aldosworldtv and noticed he had a g7x camera. I was back in my room Jamie was there. I Told Jamie that Asuka is lying I wasn't even worrying about any of that. Jamie kept saying, "I know I know, she's not well," When I woke up. I Saw James had a new video of the stanley hotel. There's a part in the video where he goes to the most haunted room and hides in a closet where a ghost touches you apperently. And it was the exact same closet from my dream and he had the exact same expression. Here's his vid :
Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:44 AM by 6012
Staircase First dream is of being trapped in a staircase, you could go up and down but not exit. Pewdiepie Had a dream of being outside my house at night time. Youtuber Pewdiepie was by a garbage can telling me to take out the garbage. I opened the bin but pulled anouther garbage bin out exactly the same size. I told him there's only more garbage cans. He laughed at that and Asuka was standing near us just smiling. Rob. Dream of walking up to a gas station where my friend from high school rob was at. I asked him if he was doing anything later. He said he was too busy with work. Locked outside I was locked outside of work with some girl from work. We were talking about stuff but can't remember what. I leaned against her for warmth and we started kissing... Escape I dreamed I was escaping some death camp. I remember hiding in a giant fenced off area with a bunch of dead bodies in bags. The stench was more horrible than you can imagine. I found I could run super fast and float by the wall of the tall fence. I flew up higher and kept escaping that way the smell wasn't as bad. Jamie Had a dream I got a visit from Jamie at my house. All the rooms were out of place. She arrived with all these people and had strange hair. She didn't seem interested in talking to me. I kept asking if she wanted to talk but she was getting angry. Recalling conversation isn't my strong suit. She wound up running out of the house and into a strange garage that led to strange basement complexes. Found another friend from childhood named Gary and started talking to him. I was with Asuka and Data later and we were looking for Jamie. We found her guides wandering around and they were saying Jamie was too stubborn. Water jetski First part I am with another girl from work. She is talking about moving to BC. I said I'd like to go too. Some how wind up on a water highway on a big jet ski. I am enjoying the feeling of going fast. Wound up in a dry valley and decided to turn back. That's when I turned back.
Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:45 AM by 6012
I've had some lucids over the past 2 weeks but have made no time to write them down until now. Basement Became lucid in the basement of a house. Ran outside looking for my house (whenever I'm lucid IN MY HOUSE, for some reason I assume it's the wrong house) I call out to Asuka a few times. I try Time Dilation instead (Have no idea if my/Hukif's method works, it gives a bit longer lucids but not by much.) I put my hand on the ground and count the spaces between my fingers (this method of counting is what works for me instead of staring at one spot.) Each time the amount of fingers i have doubles making more spaces to count as unit of time. The extra fingers look fake. I count to 90 but the counting seems super sped up. Then I see I have hundreds of tiny black fingers that are so small it's impossible to count between them. By now the distortions are crushing me so I jump really high to escape them. I land on the sidewalk and the dream begins to black out. (No panic here this is very common trying this method, I usually enter another dream instantly lucid. FA, Instantly lucid in the basement. I find a mirror where I look like a woman. I try to take my top off to see myself but keep getting more shirts underneath. I start looking like my normal self again. Decide o look for Raven so I call out to her again, Walking through doors trying to make hem a portal to her dream. I come out the front of the house. There's 2 women outside that look like fake Ravens. I ask them if they are raven. They look kind of scared and don't even answer. I say, "I know a way to prove you are not raven." So I attack them knowing raven would fight back. A woman who may have been asuka runs up to me and asks me to stop attacking children. I keep saying this isn't my house and none of these people are raven. Asuka says it IS my house. I still don't know it's Asuka so I decide to attack her next by taking her hair and throwing her by the hair a few houses down. I run up to her but she teleports me back to the basement. I run out the door again when I wake up. Why is my dream self so violent and psycho??? Random lucid I was in a basement in a giant building. I was on some weird sciency tech team studying parallel universes. Me and some woman go to the parallel universe through a door. We exit the building and both agree that this exit is in a different location than the one we are use to. Some time later I'm running through a part of the building that is under construction. I find i can jump high and do Parkour stuff. This makes me lucid. And it transfers to outside some how. I start flying in the air and see an angelic being or Jesus, something like that so I decide to attack him for some reason?. I go to grab him but exit the dream. Bjork explains I fly down to some cabin in the woods type house that is also kind of fancy. Asuka is standing by Bjork. I tell Bjork I'm lucid now. She said she remembered something from the blank spaces she has between dreams, she remembered talking to her boyfriend. (the periods when awake apparently in this state she remembers waking life as if they are fleeting dreams). She says no wonder I was hesitant to be so involved. I told her that i read an interview where she mentioned a boyfriend. She touches y face and smiles. Her face changes from older to younger and tells me to just let these dreams be what they are. I say yes I'm fine with that. The dream ends fast. Tricky Me and my brother were in some weird building inside of a mountain. We kept going into an elevator that led to a giant spinning room where a ghost or something killed you and then you were teleported into the hallway again. After a few times my brother went on ahead somewhere else. I ran into a group of guys wanting to try the same room. They told me you had to pour salt water on the ghost and handed me a glass. We all went into the spinning room, and when the ghost appeared we all poured salt water on it. It turned into a solid-ish girl with brown hair, maybe a friendly looking older Samara... if that's even possible. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Then gave me an evil mean face. One of the guys said That he thinks she likes me and I should ask her out. I just shrug and wake up. Beam I'm walking with Roland from the dark tower. We are in a rundown city with old rusted cars everywhere. We run into a guy by a mechanic shop wearing greased overalls. Roland asks him if he seen the path of the beam? The man saiys his basement was built to follow it a ways. Roland asks if his basement goes all the way to the dark tower? The man says no. Roland follows the man inside. I wait outside and look up in the sky and wonder why we can't see the path of the beam in the sky anymore?