Night of September 13, 2018. Tuesday. Reading time: 1 min. Readability score: 62. Vestibular system correlation begins as my dream begins, which is semi-lucid but allowed to render randomly, as I do not make a willful attempt to orient or give willful detail to any of the patchy space. However, a common thought at this stage is choosing the setting of being on a bus, which is not as expansive a process as a helicopter or airplane (or flying unaided). So the setting stabilizes as a bus, seemingly in late afternoon, but I am not corporeal, as I have not fully “stepped in,” though I am on the right of the bus driver’s seat. There is no driver. An empty child safety seat (baby car seat) is atop the empty bus driver’s seat, closer to the steering wheel. The bus is moving in a setting that seems like an ambiguous mix of a bullring (bullfighting arena) and a Nascar venue. Although it is driving itself, my dream self is still liminally controlling its direction and speed. The Paul Simon song, “Baby Driver,” is loudly playing from an undetermined source, diffusing through the environment. There is an enhanced awareness of energy and activity. I start to feel very amused and cheerful by the absurdity of the scenario. Most members of the audience are cheering and throwing confetti as the bus circles the area. I start to wonder why the Paul Simon song emerged, as I had not heard or thought of it in years. Still feeling cheerful, I decide to come out of my dream.
I completed a few milestones today, as well as having some vivid dreams. I was kind of dissapointed at first but I just kept going back to sleep. I've realized after tonight the less tired you are when you go to sleep the better chance you have of having a lucid dream. Awake [COLOR="#4B0082"]Dream[/COLOR] [COLOR="#DAA520"]lucid[/COLOR] I went to sleep around 2 AM, I had a horrible dinner which might have had something to do with it. I didn't even really have a dinner except eat a bunch of seven-layer-dip and a chicken wing right before bed. Sleep: 2:30 Wake: 6:30 Sleep: 6:40 1. [COLOR="#4B0082"] I was in some sort of gymnasium where Obama was giving a speech. It was like a basketball court and then there was a smaller court right next to it so from a birds eye view it looked like a square next to a rectangle. [/COLOR] [ATTACH=CONFIG]4220[/ATTACH] [COLOR="#4B0082"] On all sides of the room there were bleachers and they were all full and Obama was on the far end of the square in the room giving a speech. I was next to my cousin Russell and some lady with a baby next to him. After Obama stopped speaking they put on a movie for everyone to watch. Inbetween the speech and the movie the woman with the baby started walking on top of this tall row with her baby and there was like at least an 8 foot drop. The movie we were watching had someone's kid being taken away by child services and I started yelling yea we got someone with the same baby problems over here and I pointed to the woman walking with her baby on the high beam thing. I kept yelling jokes about it and she kept trying to hide her baby, but still kept walking on the beam. Pretty soon her baby was taken away and I was the only one who was clapping as it was happening. Sounds cruel but would you rather have a dead baby? Sometimes I feel like the only person in the room who knows the true consequences of things. After that the movie kept playing and the next thing I know is somehow I met a guy and a girl on the way back to the cars and my dad was about to leave but he wanted to get "that movie with the rock in it" lol. So for some reason I remember all this is happening at our River house for some reason (my dad owns a river house we have 3 hours away from our normal house) Except in the "dream river house" it's a lot sunnier and theres a lot more bushes and trees and such. And I try to go in the house through this futuristic white truck thats owned by the guards, no real trouble for going in it but it looks suspicious. I realize I can't get through the truck so I go around to the place where the speech was taking place. Two of the guards pass by me (they are soldiers from some african country) and start talking about checking up on the display case, which apparently was in the back of the truck. I walk back to the auditorium building and in the dream it was blank but somehow I'm supposed to know it was a beach on that side, but now that I look back it was just white on that side lol. There were bushes and two wooden beams over a gap where it dropped to a beach down below that you had to walk over. Once I got back to the building the entrance room looked like it belonged to a church, and I met the Jogger guy and the girl I had met before. They asked me what I was up to and I guess I didn't remember what I said before because I said I was going to go watch Lord of the Rings. The guy asked me if I was going to where it was filmed or either asked me where it was filmed, dont remember. But I was saying no it's not around here it's all the way in New Zealand. The dream ended a few seconds after I was imagining on a map my location on the earth, and then like on google earth there was a blue line zigzagging and zooming all the way to New Zealand. [/COLOR] After this I stayed perfectly still when I woke up, Which is a landmark success lol. However the DEILD did not work as intended. This was around the time I woke up at 6:30, and I was feeling like SH*T. Because if you read at the beginning what I had for dinner. I had a bit of a stomach ache, drank some water which only made me feel worse. I went outside my room and did some general cleaning for 10 minutes then went back to sleep. woke up at around 9:30 and nothing happened.. decided I had nothing better to do, even though I was fully awake I concentrated on going back to sleep. 2. [COLOR="#4B0082"]In this dream something happened that made me go on a road trip, can not remember no matter how hard I try. I was driving in my car on the road and the GPS turned onto some back country road, I had to slow down a lot to drive around all the giant rocks on the road, and I realized I didn't have the lights on so I turned on the lights, the lights inside the car worked but the headlights weren't working. Either way I saw the rocks in the moonlight/starlight anyways and at one point it felt like a childs toy car and I just grabbed the sides and picked it up over the rock. Then I thought about how crazy this was and I was like "wait a minute"[/COLOR] [COLOR="#DAA520"]I performed my first ever RC (:banana:yay!!:banana:) and my hands went through each other and I realized I was dreaming. I looked around and everything, even though it wasn't daytime, was still in vivid detail and it felt so real. It felt so much like real life it was that hard to tell the difference. I looked to the side and there was a bigger street and a jeep wrangler drove by and its headlights were shining through the snow into a thick forest/jungle straight ahead of me. I tried to fly but I couldn't get off the ground. Then I realized my dream was fading and I tried to stabilize by rubbing my hands together but it was too late and I woke up.[/COLOR]
1. I forgot because I didn't write it down and thought my key word method would work. 2. I am talking to someone while looking at my phone. The icons are strange looking some just black and white and the screen continuously scrolls icon after icon.(dream sign) 3. I am in an audience at some Glenn Beck thing. I get the feeling like it is being recorded for radio. As Glenn does his introduction I heard the Rush Limbaugh intro music. I look up and to the left and see his face on a large display. I find it odd and annoying so I tune it out. There is some blond woman talking. Blah blah blah. I don't know the words. Something about shopping and commericalism. Boring. I notice that she is standing in the wrong spot and keeps walking over to the middle of the stage to look a TelePrompter. I thought she was very unprofessional. The blond woman begins to interact with the audience. I see Luci from work. She starts bitching about how hard it is to find the item she is looking in any store in Joplin. I agree with her. I always hate it when I am looking for a specific thing and I can't find it anywhere. I always end up ordering on-line. Then she bitches some more about how hard it is to find jeans that fit. I lose interest. Women. I see Jana from work. She asks me if I am going to the big party. I say "uhhhhh". I wake up.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I was in an audience, probably on the far left side, a few rows back from the front, in a zoo-theatre. On the stage were two workers, one at the front of the stage and one at the back. The one at the back of the stage wore a white jumpsuit and cap and may have been mopping the floor. The one at the front stood before two "polar bears." The two "bears" stood up and were on the right (my right) side of the stage. The stood next to each other, side to side, so that it was hard for me to see the one in the back. The one toward the front, however, did not look much like a real polar bear, but like a mix between a polar bear and the huge, shaggy dog on Sesame Street. It was all shaggy, and its face, except a huge, black nose, was covered over with shaggy fur. It was like I had come in in the middle of the worker's act. He was telling everybody how he could freeze a polar bear so that it wouldn't hurt him, even when he got close to it. He was now standing right in front of the front polar bear (which towered over him), repeating the words, "Don't move, don't move." He may also have been stroking the bear's right arm. The bear didn't move, and it only seemed to be slightly annoyed by the zoo worker. The zoo-worker then said that this was all a matter of training, and that on some days the training still didn't work. So it was kind of a dangerous thing to do. The bear now turned toward us in the audience. I was now in the very front row, on the very far right side, very close to the front polar bear. The bear, turning to us, made a weird motion with his arms, like a magician's gesture, and made a "sshha!" sound, which was also supposed to be magic. Nobody reacted to the bear. I don't think anybody knew or cared what it was doing. But I understood. The bear wanted to hypnotize and freeze somebody else. He wanted the hypnotizing relationship to be reciprocal, so that he could feel he had a little control over the situation. So I did my best to act hypnotized and frozen, to make the polar bear feel good. The worker was now over at the left side of the stage. He lifted a baby polar bear out of something like a cradle or one of those clear hospital beds for newborns. The baby bear looked like an actual animal. But it was long and greyish, like a seal, with arms and legs like a polar bear. The worker said the baby bear was just at the beginning of its training, so that the worker's ability to freeze the baby bear would be less predictable. But the worker thought he could do it. But as soon as he tried, the baby bear took a swipe with his sharp claws at the worker's mouth. The worker said, "Whoa!" and put the baby bear back in its bed. He then told the audience, "Yeah, I don't think we can do it today. The baby bear isn't being agreeable." Dream #2 I, possibly as someone else, was in a small boat in something like a Venetian (?) canal at night. I saw myself as if from behind and separated by ten meters or so. The canal was much wider than usual, and it was in the midst of a town that looked almost as if it were made only of wooden frames and scaffolding. The whole thing was very still, and it was lit from above with something like stage lights. My small boat was close to a small, wooden dock, at which knelt a kind of young, handsome, Arabic man. The man had a moderate mustache and a slightly stubbly face. He wore robes and a small, wrapped headdress. He had given me some kind of advice, which I accepted. I was now rowing, or simply drifting, away in my boat. I was now in an airplane, possibly with my brother. The plane was crashing into the ocean, not far from some small island. There was some kind of narration over the event, possibly as a memory from a female passenger. She said something about how everybody was acting okay as the plane crashed. But, she said, once the plane flipped upside-down, it was extremely difficult for everybody to stay composed. It was even painful. I hadn't remembered the plane flipping over. I thought, Is that really how it's going to happen? I don't know if I can take it! But the plane flipped over and crashed into the water. As it flipped over and crashed, I seemed to be separated from the whole situation, as if only imagining in my head all the different painful possibilities of being flipped upside-down in an airplane, crashing my head against the ceiling, etc. There was a lot of panicked feeling, but it all kind of faded away. The scene faded into my brother and I floating in the boat on the canal. We had drifted out toward the center of the canal. We sat up and began rowing our way back to the sides. There had been some huge storm and flood in the canal. My brother and I had barely survived. But the water levels were now back to normal. Things were calm. We were rowing our way to a portion of the canal that was light with morning light, not dark, like the previous portion of canal (still) was. We rowed in the water between two long, wooden docks. On the platform at the end of and between the two docks stood the Arabic man. I realized that the advice this man had given me had saved me and my brother. I somehow left my brother on the front end of the left dock. I rowed back toward the end. I approached the man. He either reached out or bent over to help me up to the dock. He also had an object in his hand. It looked like some kind of NERF toy. It was a hot-pink circle outline against a black circle of fabric, like some kind of pad for catching velcro balls. I was very grateful for the man's advice. I wanted to prove it in a really personal way. So I asked the man, "How do you say 'thank you' in Arabic?" The man asked, "Arabic?" He stood up and looke a little confused, maybe even uneasy. I noticed that a couple other men were with the Arabic man. They were all doing some kind of work in the city behind them. The city may have been white stone buildings or more of the wood-frame structures. The whole scene was bathed in gentle, yellow sunlight. I was worried the man wasn't Arabic. But he finally answered something like, "Meretas," or, "Muhretas." I was still in the boat, rowing back toward the front of the dock. The man walked alongside me, or a little behind, on the left (as I had approached them) dock. The man and I were discussing something. I was working a little too hard to make the man feel at ease. I still felt like I had somehow offended him by asking him how to say "thank you" in Arabic. I felt like he now also regarded me suspiciously. I was trying to prove I wasn't suspicious.
Well, it's true isn't it? Once in a while I still have a dream that's worth sharing on here. I had an odd one just before I woke up this morning. The Reason I'm a Bastard - The first thing I can remember was that I was extremely angry. I was in some sort of suit that made me faster, stronger, and oh, I could fly with a jetpack. Pretty cool. Anyway, I was in the parking lot of my local safeway (supermarket), and the parking lot had apparently flooded for about 4-5 inches of water, and the store had decided to put in a tiny little dock for some reason. I was standing on this dock, staring at a tin container, which opened up to reveal a twisted and disfigured doll who had somehow come to life. I knew I had to put the doll down. It was evil. It walked up to me and said "My parents are dead!". That didn't stop me. "You killed my parents, you little shit." I said, as I grabbed the top of the tin container she had crawled out of and started slamming it on top of her. After a few hits I swung it low and shot her into the water, where she lied there fully submerged. I walked over and looked around for some way to possibly destroy the doll for good. I saw three grandmas wading through the water. I asked the first one "Do you happen to have a lighter?", to which she replied "Of course! Here you go." and tossed me a large, rigged together lighter. It worked though, and I could feel the doll fearing what i was going to do. Now I just needed gasoline. But where would I find that? I asked the third grandma, who replied "Why, I happen to have a container right here." and handed me a small black container filled with gasoline. "You're just going to give it to him?" asked the second one, slightly perplexed. "Well, if he tries to run off with it, I'll just make him pay for it!" the third one said, satisfied with her logic. As I began emptying the container on and around the area of the doll, who was still in the small lake, a crowd began gathering. I was wondering how I'd light it all, when all of a sudden someone shouted "HEAT SEAKER!". I looked up and saw a missle barreling towards me, and I rolled out of the way just before it could hit me. It grazed the water and then lifted itself up and apparently picked up something else, as it didn't come back. "Damn," I thought, "I've gotta pick this up". With the gasoline poured, I began to lit the lighter and was about to drop it and run away when some random janitor decided it was his duty to clean up part of the gasoline spill. Specifically, the part on top of the doll. For a split second, the doll had an evil grin on its face and thought that it was safe. "Like hell.." I thought, as I quickly pushed some of the gasoline back on top of the doll, who's anger and fury quickly turned back to distress and alarm. I'm pretty sure I said something like "Eat shit", and then pushed the lighter into the gasoline, causing it to burst into flames and then miraculously explode. The doll was destroyed, and I was shot into the air due to the force of the explosion, but quickly used my built in jetpack (Handy, huh?) to gain control and then land. The audience that had gathered applauded as if it were some fourth of July show. So, to answer any questions, yes, I did just dream about beating the shit out of a doll and then blowing it up, while wearing some sort of super suit. It either makes me awesome or insane, and I'm not quite sure which one yet.
Dream Non Dream Dream 1 - Grey's Anatomy Cast Moving my Furniture Some guys are moving some furniture for me. Included are my Partner, my Brother In Law, and Alex Karev from Grey's Anatomy. The house we are in in a two level version of an old beach house my Grandparents used to live in. After a while, they come downstairs looking exhausted and frustrated. Apparently there was a problem. Lexie from Grey's appears and gives me the low down on the situation. While they were moving furniture around my baby son's bedroom, a window was broken. They are all very concerned that my son will suffer from too many cold drafts of air. Too much time in Germany is to blame for that brainwave I think! LOL Work stops and there is pizza for all the hard working helpers, but I realize I must bring a table down from upstairs so that people can eat it. I can't do it alone, but no one offers to help because they are all so tired. My Brother In Law seems to be especially tired - he begins to snore loudly on the couch next to me. I chide him for it and he smiles at me before quickly passing out again. Suddenly I feel really tired too, like I can't move, even though I did nothing. I know that the others all want me to go get the table, but we all pass out instead. Dream 2 - Cheater Theatre I think it's rather strange that "cheating" seems to be a reoccurring thread through out my dreams. Perhaps it is a dream sign, reflecting in inner fear. A group of people are watching my closely to see what I will do, if I will cheat on my man with this random guy that looks a bit like Tom Cruise. I feel pressured. I am not interested in cheating, but for some reason I agree to. There is a room separated by a curtain that we go into. Flash forward to after the "event", there is a large African American man telling me that I've got game, and he has respect for me. I barely acknowledge the comment. Flash forward to me putting on some makeup with the same people watching me intently. The onlookers are waiting with baited breath, and when I put on a certain shade of eyeshadow they go mental, telling me that the colour is perfect for me. It's really odd as they are all shouting and cheering over it. They offer me a really over the top curly blond wig to complete the look.
Good morning, everybody. My dream recall from last night is pretty fragmented, especially for the first dream. Dream #1 In the context of something else I can no longer remember, I was looking at a website which offered some kind of songwriting (?) service. The user would either be charged by word written or by number of whole songs (?) written, depending on how many songs had been written and how long the songs were. Dream #2 I was coming home at night. I was across the street from "my apartment building." I looked up to the windows of "my apartment" and saw that my lights were on. This, I knew, meant that someone was in my place, as if someone had broken into my place and was just hanging around in there while I was away. I was now in "my apartment." I was going from room to room, trying to find whether the person was still there. I had a lot of rooms. In one of the rooms, possibly the bathroom, I pulled back the curtains to the window. I saw that the window was wide open. I knew that the person who had come in here had gotten in through this window. I went through the rooms, trying to find evidence that someone had been in my place. Was anything missing or misplaced? Was anything in disarray? But I don't think I found anything wrong. I may eventually have found some mess under or on top of a bed in a dim bedroom. I eventually had one of my friends come over to investigate as well. I don't recognize my friend, and I'm not sure I ever saw him directly in the dream. He was an older, tall, white man with carefully arranged, grey, wavy hair. He wore a very nice suit. At some point the man and I had left the apartment. I probably had to go on with my normal daily life despite the threat of this house invader. But the man had an idea. If I stayed close to the apartment but I made it look like I had left the apartment building with no intention of coming back, perhaps the intruder would come back. So now the old man and I were milling around in the deli near my building. I was probably looking at some bags of chips. At some point, it may have become evident that the intruder was back in my place. The old man and I may have headed back to the place. Dream #3 I was watching some old clip of a role Sarah Silverman had had as a child. Apparently she was in some kind of show about high school kids But she looked as young as an elementary school kid. She was also wearing a costume that looked like a plush easter bunny costume, except that it was Elmo-red. Silverman stood on some huge stage, like for the Lawrence Welk show. The stage and the background were a seamless pink. Silverman stood with a young male friend beside a minivan, which was being displayed, as if for a game show. The front of the minivan was pointed toward the back of the stage. Silverman was doing some act where she was supposed to be giving a huge, smart monologue about all the great characteristics of this prize minivan. But, as part of the act, she kept screwing up her lines until, out of frustration, she (still part of the act) threw the boy into the minivan and then slammed the sliding door shut. Silverman then got into the front seat of the van. The shot was from the inside of the van now. It felt like the van was also oriented in the opposite direction. Silverman was still giving some kind of monologue as she pouted and slouched in the seat, her knees up against the steering wheel. The monologue was supposed to be funny. But the audience (of whom I hadn't been aware previously) was booing Silverman. Apparently they had been really offended by the way she had thrown the young man in the car, even though it had only been meant to be the comedic climax to her act.
Updated 12-31-2011 at 10:36 AM by 17680