Raven just got the call about her Mom. So send your prayers her way. Jamie 1 I was doing food delivery with Jamie again. Apparently we were delivering to the same hotel or apartment. We were taking stairs for some reason instead of the elevator. I put the food down by one door. Jamie was putting the other bag down but I said hers is a few doors down. Honestly food delivery is Garbage in red deer. I'm already 20 minutes away which is an extra 10 in gas per day. I found a listing for a cheap hybrid Kia in a newspaper... Only 3500. I'm humming and hawing because I think it's hard to find parts for those vehicles. I would only be paying a quarter of what I pay in gas now. But... Jamie 2 In this dream we seem to be in a Stephen King novel. I remember something about Pennywise. I seem to be an early tween. I remember standing outside waiting for a school bus. Street was on a hill. It was also raining outside. It flashed forward to me being outside a school. I seem to be with a group of friends. Jamie is there, we don't know eachother yet but she seems to be flirting heavily with me. She says something sharp but sweet and goes inside the school. The Ritchie kid teases me about her. But I still don't recognize it was Jamie, so I say something like I'm promised to someone else. Some other kid with a spike cut gives me a dirty look. Later we are in a library. We are told to watch a movie. This makes no sense but we have to put these special gloves on to watch it. They are white gloves made of plastic. Around the wrists are buttons like the metal round ones on children's jackets that snap together. I'm told the movie only starts when all the buttons are snapped down. So I do that and there are like 10 on each glove. After being done I stare at the gloves looking for a screen or something. Then I experience a quick flash of a longer dream. In the dream The MCU Avengers were in Derry fighting Pennywise... And they of course destroyed half the town doing it. I wish I could remember more details. That sounds like a fun crossover. In the end the town thanks the avengers half heartedly. I guess because they ruined the town. Jamie 3 Same scenario. I'm walking with Jamie to school. It's raining again but we are holding hands. My vision zooms out and in the sewers I see Pennywise lurking. He looks super pissed. Jamie 4 An audio dream. Jamie is telling me that she still indeed plans to have a relationship with me in person. I know I already dreamed this. I kept asking Her voice to give me more dreams telling me this. I need a lot of reassurance okay
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening My grandma's house is back in the family. I am asked to spend a few days in it and I ponder moving there for good with my animals. I comment with someone that unfortunately the gym in that village has some type of martial arts but only in a shitty schedule that I can't attend and that may influence my decision to move there. I am a pretty confident actress trying to make it. I walk into a studio where I am going to shoot a commercial. I cross path with a kid I know from a Star Wars movie as an extra. The commercial is about a delivery service but for some reason I have to sit on a toilet behind a guy sitting at a desk at an office. I am pretty sure nobody wanted to shoot this embarrassing commercial. I feel extremely embarrassed. Then I go to the toilet for real and I am attacked by some jealous girl with a knife. We have an ugly fight and I slash her shirt and she eventually gives up, but she tells me she was sent by a group of people determined to hurt me because somehow they are jealous of me. The Avengers are now old. Even Superman is a retired ill man. But there is a world threat and they are called back to action. They say to call the Incredibles instead, that they will handle it. There is also some dude called General Radical (his name) and they want to call him to, but he is a kleptomaniac. When they knock on his door he is proud to show the stuff he is been stealing. He is proud of it.
Morning of April 14, 2015. Tuesday. I never thought that I would be running around in a dream as Captain America and yelling “Avengers Assemble” numerous times (which I hear myself yelling quite clearly), though I am in this one, though as myself and proper ethnicity, apparently (and with my real-life name), not Steve Rogers. One would think that a dream this far removed from reality would have at least a trace of lucidity (or even a subtle degree of dream-making awareness), especially as it includes flying near the beginning, but such is not the case. Other than Captain America (I am the leader), there are about six others. My wife starts out as the Black Canary - which is actually DC, not Marvel (let alone an Avenger). Later, she is known to be the Black Cat (which is Marvel). There is one point where I am commenting on how beautiful her catlike eyes are - they do stand out with detail and beauty over every other feature of my dream at one point. The other Avengers in my dream are not actual Avengers for the most part other than I think Hawkeye and Iron Man (though they remain in the background and go off on their own at times). About halfway through our adventures, on at least the second floor of a building, we find someone who wants to join us. It seems to be a male at first but he is only pretending to be a superhero in the sense of role-playing and his costume (mostly red and white) has a rather shoddy homemade look as well as his shield (which is irregularly shaped cardboard). Still, we welcome him into our group. He calls himself the Shield (an Archie Comics - Pep Comics character, not Marvel, though who came shortly before Captain America), and for some reason that sounds like a member of the Avengers, and he has a vertically rectangular shield in contrast to my round one. However, he has a bad limp in his right leg (apparently from birth) and can barely walk at times. Eventually, I see that “he” is actually a short-haired girl (or somehow changed into one over time - though the general appearance is the same). There is one point where I ask her if she wants the shield to be real and she says yes (which of course would be a good idea) and I simply nod my head and that act makes it real - and so now it is indestructible. We do have to support her (while she is walking) a couple of times, one on each side of her. (Oddly, I do not think to heal her leg.) It is likely that “she” and “shield” (”she hold”) are typical subtle in-dream transitional plays that I have experienced all my life. I note my reflection in a window at one point, and it seems quite realistically detailed. At one point, two young males in beige trench coats in an alley fire machine guns at me but I hold up my shield and the bullets bounce off and kill both of them from the ricochets. The physical orientation and sense of touch seems quite enhanced as I hold the shield and I vividly feel the vibrations and sense of slight movement as I hold it. Although I can fly, I do not later on while in costume, because I seem to remember that Captain America does not fly (truly weird dream “logic”). I do however fly near the beginning of my dream when I am not wearing a costume, though other people find this amusing and not unusual. At one point in the last section, my wife goes to an area on her own for some sort of surveillance (in an alley in an isolated part of the city - the city of which is unknown, though some parts seem to take place in La Crosse) regarding a possible villain to see if it is safe or viable to go to a meeting they are having (though not directly related to our group). After this, we are all in a building on the third floor, I think. There are a couple businessmen on the first floor though I do not see them; I only hear the conversation and do not think it has much to do with us. For some reason, one of the members of my team (or possibly the implied villain - this is not definite) is experimenting with some sort of drug in the form of Kool-Aid or some such. I become extremely annoyed. In fact, I get so annoyed, I pick up their large refrigerator and fling it down the stairs. The overall detail and sound is amazingly realistic at this point. I consider this act as I watch the refrigerator go nosily down the stairs (the door opening and the contents spilling out) and even turn at the stairwell from the force of the throw, and am even aware that the businessmen have to move out of the way (though I do not see this happen). From here, I throw two other things down the stairs, including a cabinet and a storage box of some kind. It almost seems humorous. No one else reacts. I feel like throwing something else, but slowly wake.
Some dream where my laptop computer was really tiny. It was supposed to be waterproof now too, and I was using it while in the shower. It turned off, and I thought that the water had killed it. I got out of the shower, got dressed, went into my bedroom, and plugged it in. It turned on, but it seemed sort of glitchy. Marcus told me to wait a minute. I then tried turning it on again. Turns out it hadn't been damaged by the water, it was just low on battery. I FA'd. I was in my college dorm room and realized that I was an hour late for a class that was taking place in the library. ... For some reason I was waiting at the bus stop. It was a rainy, foggy day. I did a reality check because this seemed like a dream. It didn't work though. I was observing this dream where the Hulk and the Hulkbuster armor were fighting. It looked just like the trailer. (See the Age of Ultron trailer) Thor was involved in the fight as well. At one point the Hulkbuster suit was using Thor's hammer. It was glowing red. ... Korra and Aang (Yes, Both Avatars) Joined the fight. They used earthbending to attack the Hulkbuster suit. Black widow, Captain America and Batman came into the fight. The fight grew very chaotic and I recall having trouble figuring out who was on who's team. ... Something to do with Tony Stark building this weird Iron Man suit with a giant head. It had two small eyes going up vertically the front of the mask. The suit malfunctioned and broke his neck. ... I was in this huge log cabin mansion built in the woods. All of the characters from both Avatar series were in here, and they looked like real people. Meelo wanted to teach me how to airbend. Batman: So awesome he shows up even when everyone else is Marvel and he is DC.
Dream 1 I was in an Avengers space ship I think there was a party and the "Ultimate Avengers" were being brain-controlled. IronMan was in his Hulk-Buster armour and the Incredible Hulk was chasing me even Chris Evans as Captain America was after me. Dream 2 I was walking to my friends house and I knocked for him then we went to my other mates house and then went to the park. It was an orange day. We went to the basketball cage where my next door neighbours were. I tried to be nice but they were very aggressive "Get outta here,man" is what they said, there were 3 of them. I called them "The Ultimates" because of the previous dream. I tihnk I walked away with my friends after.