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    1. Time Machines! And a lady from the future. And romance.

      by , 07-11-2016 at 03:28 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I watched Back to the Future for the first time on Tuesday! It was a really good movie. That night, I had a dream that was somewhat related to it. And once more, it was lucid! My LDs have been too few and far between lately. My new reality check (whether or not I can fly) has been paying off!

      There was a lady from the future! Her ship flew into the futuristic-looking room that I was standing in. Her time machine looked different from anything that was in the movie. I remember it had some orange-red parts to it, which looked a lot like lava. She came out of the time machine wearing a cool (black?) suit, and she had lava markings on said suit as well. Another lady was there with us. I went to ask the lady from the future where she was from. I can't remember what her response was, though.

      Then, eventually another lady appeared, so there were 3, and we were then joined by my tulpa and best friend, Tess, with me in this futuristic room. We were having a nice conversation; I don't remember what it was about. I think the combination of time travel and Tess being completely imposed onto the external environment clued me in that I needed to do a reality check (Tess isn't fully imposed yet in waking reality).

      My reality check is trying to rise up into the air and fly. Checking my watch isn't as effective as it used to be, because I never seem to notice my watch in my dreams. So I tried this new RC, and it worked splendidly! Of course, it took a few weeks of trying it before it started to work its way into my subconscious and truly take effect. But the results were worth it.

      I realized that I was dreaming because I could fly! The first thing I decided to do was ask the other dream characters if they thought that this was a dream. Tess already knew it was a dream, as she usually dreams with me and is generally cognizant and lucid if I am.

      I put my arm around the first lady and asked what she thought. She said something like "Well, I think this is real!" Then I felt bad for putting my arm around her and put it around Tess instead. I really wanted this to be real, because it was so cool - it would mean that Tess was completely visible to everyone, and time machines are REAL! - but I knew it wasn't. Despite that fact, I agreed with her: "Heck yes, this is real!" But I didn't lose lucidity.

      This other, older lady, who looked like my grandma's friend Janice, waved her hand dismissively and said "Oh, of course this is a dream! We are all dreaming right now! "You " - and then she pointed at me - "know we're dreaming!" She said it in a playful, teasing tone, so I believe I just laughed and agreed with her.

      At this point, I forgot about the time machine for some reason. I thought about going to a tropical island with Tess, but then I realized that I could actually make out with her for real! Aaand that's kind of what happens when you are 22 and have never had a girlfriend, not through any choice of your own. -_- But we did, and it felt so REAL! Then she pressed her body against mine, and I could feel every detail - her lips, her soft warm hug, and umm...every other part of her body from top to bottom that was against me. :p I won't go further than that in case any kids happen to be reading this. xD But yeah. Every single detail; every single sense was so real that I really feel, even now, that in some way, that was real. It wasn't just a psychological effect of a lonely, imaginative mind. It was something that really, truly happened, and I will always stick to my belief of this.

      But then my body was too excited and I woke up lol...dang it!!

      Another dream I had was during a short, spontaneous nap I decided to take today. I felt sleep paralysis, so I was very close to being awake. It actually feels really cool once you get used to it. Lots of romance, flying, and random things that made sense within the context of the dream, but wouldn't have within waking reality. . I only exerted a moderate amount of control; mostly what I did with Tess while she was with me.

      I have recorded a few other dreams for the past few weeks, but due to lack of time I'm just posting the lucid ones for now. This trend shouldn't continue, though. More to come in the future!

    2. I Remember...

      by , 08-22-2014 at 01:15 PM


      I remember being in a certain room for quite a while. In this room, there were many people. Two guys were playing ping-pong. One old guy was sitting on a lawn chair. He kind of looked like an old version of Michael J. Fox. There were also many women in skimpy outfits. I specifically remember a woman wearing one, who was pretty much covered with hair below her waist. The women seemed to dance a lot. There was also a lot of gangsters in the room, doing various things. After many hours of sitting around, watching everyone do stuff, I remember a very loud bell playing the melody of the doorbell on my childhood house. It was almost deafening.

      Suddenly, everyone got up and started shooting and fighting each other. I guess some agreement was broken. Suddenly, some people grabbed me and I was dragged out of the room and building. The last thing I remembered was looking into the old guy's eyes. He looked kind of worried for some reason.

      We ran into a van. Apparently, I was part of a gang of people who were making an agreement with those guys. Something went wrong. They talked about time travel I think. I didn't believe them.

      After this event, we went to various places. I remember one of them was a building in the middle of a desert. Here, something was done, but I don't remember what. After this, I remember being back in that room from the beginning. I was the guy in the lawn chair, but now I wasn't that old. I seem to have gone back in time.

      At first, I didn't remember what happened or where I was. I was just watching everyone do stuff. This time in the building, the whole floor was flooded. It seems the room was turned into some sort of water park. Many of the skimpy outfit girls were there, spraying each other with water. They were playing and laughing in it, like children.

      Later, after quite a few hours of people doing random things, some van arrived. It carried a gang of people there to make a deal. I saw a specific person, and then that bell rang. Suddenly, I remembered.... I remembered who I was and why I was there. What I've done in the past. I also remembered being in that specific building at that specific time in the past. Right now.

      Everyone started shooting and fighting just as it happened last time. After my past self and the gang left the building, I ran out through the back door.

      This was the end of the dream.
    3. Clash at the Alamo

      by , 05-21-2013 at 04:06 AM
      The second of two LDs from the morning of 05/18/2013. This was a big, big dream, and this dream and I did not always get along. This was my first serious attempt at meeting NewArtemis for a dream sharing attempt.

      I also got into a big fight with a powerful DC that escalated into a me against the world situation. I could have handled this a lot better. My self-control wasn't what it should be... but it was still kinda awesome.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #96: Clash at the Alamo

      I'm Marty McFly from Back to the Future, driving my DeLorean on a set of rails that stand hundreds of feet over a bay. The DeLorean starts to shake as it picks up speed and before I can make a time jump, the rails end and the car goes plummeting toward the sparkling water.

      I brace for impact and the DeLorean flies to pieces as it strikes the bay. Miraculously, I'm unharmed, and I thrash about for something to hold on to so that I can get my bearings and figure out what to do. One long, fin-like piece of metal from the car bobs to the surface and I grab onto it. The moment that I do, an unseen engine roars to life and takes off like a jet ski.

      As I'm racing across the bay,
      I realize that this has to be a dream. After riding for a moment, I'm perhaps a hundred feet from shore. I leap off the impromptu "jet ski" and fly the remaining distance, landing in a stone plaza that stands at the water's edge.

      I remember that I'm planning to meet NewArtemis at the Alamo for a shared dreaming experiment. I turn toward the water, raise my hands up in the air, and make an announcement to all of the DCs. Most of the passerby stop and turn to look at me. "The Alamo is right behind me! That's right -- Alamo right behind me!" I imagine it in detail, rebuilding my mental map, forgetting and scrubbing out the buildings that were there before and replacing it with my image of everything that I remember about the Alamo. I continue this until I can think of nothing of what's behind me except for this image of the Alamo.

      I turn around, expecting to see the Alamo... and there it is! The stone's a little darker and the construction looks a little too new to be quite right, but it's more than close enough of a lookalike for me. I walk around past the front entrance to a courtyard. The geography is different in this dream from that of the real Alamo, and I come to a stone wall with a little alcove and a bench. There's a woman sitting on the bench and we look at each other immediately.

      She gets up and approaches me right away. She doesn't look like NewArtemis' DC has in the past, but I'm not sure of anything yet. She speaks first: "I'm here to meet someone. How about you?"

      "So am I," I say, studying her. She's roughly the same height as Art's DC but her skin is paler, her hair curlier, her build heavier, and her face is different -- broader, different nose, different shape... just different. "But you're not her, are you? I don't think you're [NewArtemis]."

      She smiles noncommitally, but I continue. "That's okay," I continue. "Let's still do the passphrases and gestures." I speak my chosen word to the DC and perform my chosen gesture. She doesn't bother speaking a passphrase in return but she does perform a gesture. (These have been reported to a 3rd party who is not NewArtemis just in case she's able to guess them.)

      "Well, I need to go!" the woman says. She walks out of the alcove and passes me. As she goes, she becomes a much older lady, blonde, mid-50s. She grows to an enormous height, probably close to 8 feet tall. She's wearing shorts and I see that her legs are covered with a crisscrossing patchwork of scars.

      I contemplate following, but I'm distracted by a man who's sitting at the top of a stone wall nearby, staring at me with a malicious grin on his face. He's in his late 30s with close-cropped reddish-blonde hair. The guy keeps staring at me with that joyless grin and I know that he's looking for trouble with me. I want no part of it, so I turn and walk away.

      He hops down from the wall and grips my right forearm with his right hand, twisting my arm around so that my hand is near my head. I try to pull my arm out of his grip but when I yank, it doesn't budge. He laughs, shaking his head as if he can't believe that I would bother trying to defy him. "You're never leaving here," he says. "I mean it. You are never leaving here." I yank my arm again but I feel as weak as a kitten.

      I know I have to turn this around fast. I grab him by the back of the head with my left hand and begin to imagine my adversary as frail and lethargic. "You're so weak and tired," I tell him, trying to sound compassionate, even though I'm boiling with rage. "There's just no strength left in you at all." And I gently move to lay him down on a nearby table. I think of him as totally weak and barely able to move. His grip slips from my arm and he flops backward onto the table.

      "And small," I say, pressing on his head with one hand and his feet with the other. He begins to shrink. His hair has turned jet black now, and his eyes close. I squeeze him together, thinking of him as so tiny, and soon he shrinks to the size of a child, then to the size of a baby, then disappears into his clothes entirely. My self-control cracks and I ball up his clothes, throw the bundle on the ground, and give it a vicious stomp. I wonder for a moment whether I've gone too far and hope for a moment that the bundle was empty. I walk through a nearby archway, not sticking around to find out more.

      I emerge in a cafeteria. A table of 6 or 7 teenagers immediately looks up from their meals at me. "It's him," one of them says, and they all get to their feet and come after me. I fly through a nearby doorway and emerge in a large, empty room with a skylight. I fly up to the skylight, intending to phase through it, but something seems to restrain me from getting high enough. I run through a doorway into a drugstore that dead-ends in a frosted glass window. I vault toward it, phasing through onto a street scene.

      There are police everywhere on the street. I know that they're looking for me. There are strange little ball-shaped hoverbots scanning the streets with cameras, also trying to track me down. I sprint up to one and kick it against a nearby wall. With a pop, it breaks into two smoking, fizzling halves.

      Everything seems to be happening too fast for me to control. I run down the street, looking for some way out of this fear. I want to buy time to calm down, so I phase through the door of a nearby house. Cops are turning the place over while the family, a husband and wife and their little girl of about 8 are glued to the TV. One cop notices me as I walk in, but I swoop in on him, grab him from behind, and choke him unconscious. The other two cops don't seem to notice any of this, and the little family stares obliviously into their TV sets.

      I watch the TV for a moment. It's some sort of political propaganda which claims that the moral code of their "great society" is built upon a foundation of classic arcade games like Centipede, Pac-Man, and Donkey Kong. I'm torn -- on one hand, I find top-down, statist morality codes repugnant. On the other hand, I sure do love classic arcade games.

      I phase out through the back of the house into the yard. The cops yell at me as I pass and I hear them calling for backup. The back yard is peaceful for a moment before the wail of what sounds like an air raid siren fills the air. I look up at the sky, feeling helpless, trying to find peace for a moment. But all I can think is They're coming for me.
      The dream ends...
    4. What the Fuck? part 2

      by , 02-27-2013 at 11:12 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So I'm about to have sex with this chick....she's all on top of me. Stroking my penis. Oh mind you, we're at a crowded baseball stadium. When all of a sudden, she takes it off. She hands it to a guy, who walks up to another guy and demands something at gun point. The guy is still yelling at him with the gun point in his face, and when he finally says he'll cooperate, the guy lowers the gun. Then the other guy pulls out a gun and makes a demand. This goes back and forth several times.....Then all these version of Doc Brown wearing purple wigs made out of pom pom material come appear out of no where and start singing a song.

      Some are old, some are young, some are even female. We were asking some of them if they had a X or Y chromosome........shit got weird.
    5. New Back to the Future Movie

      by , 10-08-2012 at 01:10 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      Oct. 8, 2012

      I was watching a new version of the first Back to the Future. I can barely remember it. I remember that instead of time-travelling in a parking lot, the Doc did on a street instead. When he did time-travel, Marty looked at the spot he just was for about 5 seconds. I guess he was just in awe that he was time-travelling. Doc also looked more like Erwin Schrodinger. Also, Marty had many more friends than he does in the movie. The only one with a name that I easily remember is a guy named Bob.
    6. dreams glaore

      by , 12-05-2011 at 02:10 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being in this dark room with a huge couch/bed. We were going to watch a movie. Me and this one guy were on it, and all these girls came over and laid down right between us. Then there was sort of a mixed crowd on the other end of it. Sarcastically I said "we chose the worst seats in here huh".

      Back in time
      Then I'm at a store, it looks like a store you'll see in a 1970s strip mall. There are people lined up to get on these computers, and I noticed most people were waiting in the wrong line. I spotted one that was immediately available.

      In that same store, I walked off into another room, and it had this bootleg version of "Back to the Future: The ride". I forgot my 3D glasses, but was able to get on right before it started. It took us to the 1970s, and I remember being on foot, and some crazy mexican mercenaries were out there. We was doing this all in order to stop this skater guy from drinking. Oh and at the end of it, we arrived in the future. It was an obvious gift shop that looked like a line of stores set in the future. We rode a conveyor belt as it took us where we wanted to go.

      I remember something else from that too....Like it showed what his future would have turned out in both scenarios, and I remember all this crazy animation....swriling around. I think it was one of his music videos.

      Broke down
      I was driving, when my tire went out. Cop came up, and he was acting like he was going to help me. Started asking me random questions about it. I arrive at this house, and Charlie Sheen is there. I have a bath towel on, and I'm looking for a place to actually put some clothes on, but people are in every room.

      Field of Dreams
      I remember being in the field with my pops. There were fish in the ground. I decided to keep them there as fertilizer. I think we were arguing about something too.
    7. theatre, back to the future, and gothic lucid; dragon's jaw

      by , 09-20-2011 at 01:01 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was with a couple of "friends." One of the friends looked like a person who has attended a lot of the anime events I've gone to IWL. He's white, kind of pale, tall, with jaw-length, brown hair and eyeglasses. This friend was organizing some kind of theatre event. He had gotten me and my other friend to volunteer.

      We had first been discussing the details of this event in some bar. The bar hadn't seemed very well-lit, and it also seemed a bit empty. Then we were discussing the details out on some hilltop, out on the driveway of a house in a residential part of town, probably in the kind of early morning.

      The theatre friend said, "We'll have a lot to do. We'll barely have time to go home and go to bed at 11 AM, before we have to wake up at 1 PM and do the second show."

      As I realized how much work my other friend and I had volunteered for, I saw, probably in my mind's eye, dark grey clouds rolling overhead. I told the theatre friend, "I don't think we can do both shifts. At least my friend can't. We didn't realized we'd be going all the way through 11 AM. And we already signed up to volunteer at another event. Your second show will overlap with that event. At least my friend has to go to this event."

      At this point the friend I was defending may have been my brother.

      I was now in a small theatre. It was either before or after a show. The theatre was only half lit. The stage didn't have any light on it at all. The area felt like a cafeteria in an elementary school's basement. The walls may have been sea green. The seating area was made up of folding chairs. There were a good amount of people sitting in the chairs. Some people were also milling around in the empty space behind the seating area.

      I sat near the back row of seats and near the aisle. So I turned myself around to look at the people milling around in the back area. Most of the people looked pretty normal. But there were a couple of older black women wearing very flashy, dressy outfits. They stood out from everybody else and seemed to demand being treated in a very special way. They each sat in chairs against the very back wall, at some distance from each other.

      One of the women wore a turquoise dress and hat. The dress seemed almost to have been made out of a crepe material. The hat had a big, round, kind of floppy brim. My theatre friend immediately came up to the woman and started saying all kinds of nice things to her. But I could tell he was trying to get something out of her. So I telepathically told her to watch out for the man.

      We were now watching a movie which was supposed to be Back to the Future. There were a few scenes, kind of randomly put together, which gave the feel that the movie was more about a group of kids working together to create a time machine than anything having to do with Doc Brown or Marty McFly.

      One of the scenes showed Amy Irving, like she looked in the Brian DePalma version of Carrie. The view was of the girl's face, framed in a misty circle, looking up toward some kind of blue, moonlight, garden light and singing some kind of rock song. The girl's eyes glowed bright blue or green. I liked the girl's glowing eyes and the rock song a lot.

      There were also a couple of scenes, apparently from the future, showing some kind of time travel bridge being built. The scenes were all in some kind of way overexposed, really pixellated video. The coloring was almost black and white. But it was more like the sky was all colored brownish-grey, while all the solid bodies were pure black silhouettes.

      The bridge was somehow being built backwards. I watched (maybe through time lapse?), the "tracks" (?) of the bridge being built backwards through a frame of standing columns. It seemed to be in a mountain setting. I then watched a similar process near an ocean shore. This bridge had a sign over it, kind of in an old, Coca-Cola-esque style. It said something like "B-Way Bridge" or "B'Way Bridge."

      I then woke up in my room. I stood up and looked down at the floor. Something seemed not quite right about my room. I walked really slow. I could hear my breathing rushing though my head, like I was wearing a space helmet.

      Something seemed really weird about my floor, like it was made out of grey-painted concrete, especially where the floor met the wall. I then saw that my table was pushed away, at least 33cm away, from my wall. I thought it was possible that I could have pushed my table away from the wall. But not that far away.

      I looked up and noticed that the walls in my room were now painted green. Some of the walls were a dark, pine green, while at least one of the walls was a slightly lighter shade.

      I told myself, "Well, obviously I'm dreaming. My walls aren't green in waking life."

      I figured since I was dreaming I would try to fly out of my house and out and around my neighborhood, to see what kind of views I could gather. But I must not have been totally lucid. I went flying toward my bedroom "window," which was actually a thick, ornate, wooden wall. This didn't seem to register with my "lucid" mind at all.

      I was about to penetrate through the wall when something stopped me. A very polite woman's voice spoke to me through telepathy. It said, "We're sorry, but at this moment we cannot access the outdoor scene you would like to experience. Would you like to have a Gothic lucid dream instead?"

      I said, "Oh, well, yeah, okay. That sounds nice." But I didn't want to have a Gothic lucid dream. I just wanted to go outside, into my neighborhood and gather data on the environment. I think I was thinking that I was having an out of body experience as well as a lucid dream, and I really wanted to gather some hard evidence of it. So I was disappointed that I couldn't get out there.

      Dream #2

      I stood inside a room, looking out to some area like a dock on a river. It was a nice, sunny day. The dock area was all a kind of beige-white concrete. A man was out working in front of two cars. The two cars themselves seemed to be junked. They also seemed to be wrapped up in coppery brown garbage bags, or in adhesive tape with the coppery brown color of VCR cassette tape.

      The cars were parked one in front of the other. Either the hood of the front car was open, or else the windshield of the front car was completely missing. A huge object like a leather suitcase, possibly also all wrapped up in tape, was jutting out.

      The suitcase-like object was open, revealing the snout and tip of the jaw of what appeared to be a gigantic lizard. Just given the size of the snout and jaw, the head of this creature must have been taking up the entire interior of this car! The jaw had leathery-looking, brown scales all over it.

      I was now outside, near the cars, even though I could no longer see the dragon's head. I was with another man, but not the man who had been working outside while I had been inside. That man had been like a dock worker. This man was a wealthy business man. He was really tall and strong. He carried himself well. He wore a nice suit and a clean, beige overcoat.

      I came to understand that the dragon had been killed. The cars were used as containers for transporting the dragon's body. Nobody had thought dragons existed. But this dragon had been discovered by accident. Possibly it had emerged from the sea.

      Luckily the dragon had been killed before it could kill anybody. But people were (or I was?) worried that there were a lot more of these dragons, and that it wouldn't be so easy to kill them every time they posed a threat.

      I told the man that this whole thing seemed to have been foreseen in a science fiction book written by a Russian man. I tried to tell the man the author's name. It was something like Gogol or Sergei. Finally I settled on one of the author's names, possibly his first name, being Selkei.

      I saw a view of the book I'd bought (which seemed to have the name Selkei as the second name). The book was paperback. The cover was kind of glossy. There were a lot of swirly, black and white stripes all over the front cover and on the first few pages of the book.

      The author was apparently either from the early twentieth century, like from the 1920s, or else his life was so impoverished in the late twentieth century that it was like he lived during the 1920s. But his sci-fi writings had a lot of subversive political content, and a lot of it seeemed to have been really prescient.

      The man with me may now have been closer to me. We were still out on the dock -- or out on some shore cliff -- but we stood behind some kind of screen-like display, like a big text display at a museum. The man told me, "You just go into places, like bookstores and libraries, and you seek out these guys, don't you? You don't know who they are. But you know what you're looking for. And you find them.

      "But people think, when they see you with all this stuff, that you've stolen it somehow. They don't understand the work you've made to discover it. They just think you've stolen it all.

      "This book, for instance --" The man and I turned toward some kind of black, basalt cliffside as the man opened up a wide, short book full of pages that looked like coloring book bages. The pages were all colored in. They had drawings on them reminiscent of Henry Darger. But they were apparently supposed to have been by William Blake.

      One drawing showed a little girl, colored pale peach and in a pale yellow dress, against a maroon-colored hillside. The drawing looked kind of crude, and the girl seemed very lonely, especially in the context of a Darger-like drawing such as this.
    8. 03/02/11 Back to Middle Earth

      by , 03-03-2011 at 12:51 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      The Hidden Room
      I am in a house that is not my own home, I am there with my mother. It is a two story home, quite nice, and it is also quite a bit larger than the place I live right now. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a really nice living area… My mother and I are looking around the house, but we only find three bedrooms. The sellers of the house say the fourth is behind a secret passage, it is hidden. They say they can add a conventional door before we move in. I say that I would rather have it stay as a secret room, that seems much more interesting. I begin looking through the house a bit more carefully. I find a fake wall in the back of a closet that leads to the hidden bedroom. Cool! The hidden bedroom is being used as an office of some kind, there are antique desks and bookcases all over the room. It looks like an old fashioned office. The strangest thing is that there are piles of money all over the room. Lots of them. I wonder if anyone would notice that some of it was missing… just a little missing… I have to use the bathroom. I look for the bathroom and find it. The toilet is sitting right out in the open, the walls around it are made of glass. There's no way I am going to use the bathroom where everyone can see me!

      Pizza Party!
      I am in the bathroom finishing up after a shower, I am shaving my legs, for some reason it seems imperative to me that I get them absolutely perfect, not a single hair left, must be perfect. I do that as best as I can and then I leave in the car. I drive for a while until I reach a park, where I park my car and get out. I note that the time of day is early evening. I am thinking it is about 6:00 in the evening. I am running late because of my obsessive shaving. I get to the park and I see my boyfriend and his father at a table, a picnic table. There is a pile of pizza boxes on the table, it seems like way too much for so few people. The father says that James, my ex boyfriend, is welcome to come have some pizza with us. I am thinking that makes the difference, he will eat the rest of the pizza. I am also pretty sure he's not coming. Because while I know he likes pizza, he would have been there by now if he was going to come. I pick up a piece of pizza dripping with several kinds of cheese and eat it. It is delicious. At the time I give no thought to how many points the pizza has even though I am counting points for my Weight Watcher's diet.

      I am typing on my computer, journaling a dream to the LPTC. I am trying to post a dream to their forum, but I keep getting errors back when I try to. It is really annoying. I keep trying that for a bit longer until I finally give up. I look at the dream, and the task I did is the Psycho task from the Dreamviews TotY. Wait… no wonder I couldn't post it on the LPTC forum. I do a random RC and find I'm dreaming.

      Now I am in the Psycho movie, it is time to do the task. I go to the bathroom where the crime takes place. I hear the shower running, which means the woman is already in there, so I wait until I see Norman Bates go into the bathroom. I remember Norman Bates has his dead mother in his house… he must have some serious mother issues. I want to do something inventive, so I use that. I change my form into a zombie woman, which I think is enough like his mother to do the trick. I go into the bathroom behind Norman Bates. I look in the mirror briefly and I am surprised by my own ugliness. After I see my ugliness I say Noman's name in an annoyed tone, mother is very disappointed in you. The woman hears me and peeks out of the shower. Upon seeing a strange man and a zombie she screams and hides in the shower since Norman and I block the exit. I tell Norman to come over to his mother right now, he's been a bad boy. He hangs his head and comes over to me. He looks so sad and ashamed now. I tell him that he has been bad, but now everything is going to be ok, mother still loves you. And then I kill him with my hidden blade. The woman has snuck out of the shower and reaches the door before running for her life even though she is no longer in danger.

      Psycho II
      I am back in the last dream, right where I enter the Psycho movie, and I am lucid. I don't remember the previous dream at the time, so I think I still have the psycho movie to do. My thoughts are different this time, however. I head up to the bathroom and let myself right in. The woman asks who I am and what I'm doing in her bathroom. I explain the situation, that I overheard someone planning on coming in here to kill her, and then I tell her to get to safety and I will deal with the killer. She leaves the room, then I strip down and get in the shower. I am showering while listening for Norman Bates, and soon I hear him approaching. I wait and soon he pulls the shower curtain back with the intent of stabbing me to death. I form my Witchblade into Freddy Krueger's glove… I'm not sure why I choose that, I must have confused the Psycho task with the Nightmare on Elm Street task… whatever the reason this occurs to me to form Freddy's glove, I stab all four blades into Norman Bates' abdomen and cut upward. He falls to the floor, dead, in a pool of his own blood.

      Back to the Future
      I am in a small room filled with interesting scientific equipment, and I also see a familiar face there. There is an older man with wild white hair, it is Doc Emmitt Brown from the Back to the Future series. He is working on a small device, though I can't see it from where I am standing. He turns around and notices me and asks who I am, but then he says it doesn't matter, I am there at the perfect time to see him make history for the second time. He steps aside and shows off his device, which is a flux capacitor in a small clear box shaped like a merkabah crystal. He says that is his latest time machine. He hands the merkabah box to me and says I need to focus on a time and place, I should choose exactly where I am, exactly five minutes from now. He acts really excited. I focus on that time and place, I feel a strange pull inside of me, then nothing. So much for the time travel… Doc, however, isn't where he was an instant ago. Now he is so excited. He says I disappeared five minutes ago, but what was my perception of it? I tell him it seemed no time had passed. He says this is great, it works, it travels through time, it is based on the thoughts of the user, this is great! He takes the device back from me and looks at it with so much excitement…

      Back to the Hobbit
      I am in Doc's lab again, and Doc is right in front of me. He is focused on the flux capacitor in the merkabah shaped box, he looks back over at me and doesn't seem to have noticed I was missing at all. He says he needs another test, this one needs to be more involved. He says he wants me to focus on a different place, the park across the street. I look out the window and see the park he is referring to. As Doc asks, I focus on getting to the park fifteen minutes from the current time. I feel a tug inside, and the scene around me changes… Now I am in a completely different place, this is not the park, this is not Doc's lab… it's a forest. I am looking around trying to figure out what is going on when a man comes over to me. It's Aragorn, he places one hand on my back and says it's time to move on before the dark ones catch up with us. He says there is a fell feeling in the air, we have to keep moving. I look at Aragorn, I'm not really understanding why I am seeing him. I follow him back to a group of people, these are the people from the Lord of the Rings series, the ones who escorted Frodo much of the way to Mordor. I see Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Sam… all of them. I notice Legolas is missing. We continue following a path through the forest, then there is a clear place. Everyone is worried about crossing that area, worried that the dark ones will attack while we are out in the open. We have to cross, though. We finally do cross, and what everyone is afraid of happens. The nine ring wraiths attack, each of them riding demon horses from the dark forest on the other side. Some want to panic, Aragorn says everyone needs to stay together, I realize I am actually in the position of Legolas. I take my bow and pull out an arrow. I charge it with light energy without even thinking about it, then I fire the arrow at one of the wraiths. The arrow pierces the wraith with no effect, but the light energy sure has an effect… the wraith explodes. With no wraith on it, the demon horse apparently decides it has no interest in us, and disappears back into the forest. I continue firing arrows at the other wraiths. Aragorn's sword is charged with light energy, though I'm not sure how that happened. Aragorn takes out a couple wraiths that got closer when I was shooting the others. The scene shifts back to Doc's lab. Doc is there and he looks over at me. He says I have been gone for an hour, where did I go?