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    1. April 20, 2024 7:42 am

      by , 04-20-2024 at 07:09 AM
      Had my first two shifts at work yesterday.

      I dreamed I was still working and that there was a basement where guests could visit too, getting offered drinks and such.
    2. Night of Saturday 9/2/23 (Comp Night 2)

      by , 09-03-2023 at 09:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      The REM rebound is real

      The Stylin' Spider Boss
      I'm in a Zelda boss arena that reminds me of the Wizzrobe battle in Stone Tower Temple from Majora's Mask.
      The boss is a large spider-like creature, and the solution is to shoot it in the eye.
      It drops arrows periodically, in case the player runs out.
      Later I'm in another Zelda boss arena. This time it is like Stallord's from Twilight Princess, but with a forest theme.
      The boss is a spider-like creature, with long spindly legs. It might be the same one from before.
      My girlfriend S has painted the legs purple and put converse shoes on the legs.
      Zoro from One Piece is resting against the locked boss door, watching the battle.
      He's saying something to Usopp, also from One Piece.

      It's night-time on a modern-military boat.
      Jiraiya from Naruto is leaning over the railing on the front of the deck.
      Some conversation has just happened, had to do with passing responsibility on to the next generation.

      Basement Fort
      I'm in a large basement, fully completed. A young boy is using it as his room.
      It reminds me of Grandma P's current basement.
      The boy has built a fort out of blankets, sheets, and chairs. He reminds me of S's cousin J.
      There is a set of locks in the sheets, where the keys would open the door. There are 5 or 6 of them.
      My sister's boyfriend N and my Dad are there.
      They are hanging out on a large sitting area, with half-circles of leather couches facing a TV.
      This section of the basement looks like the one from the home I grew up in.
      My brother A has just returned from travel. He is carrying a lot of luggage and seems overbeared.
      But he is handling it.

      Fun commentary here...my brother has a young boy due any day now. I don't really believe in premonition, but maybe this dream is saying that he will be OK?

      I'm at a wedding ceremony. Anju and Kafe from Majora's Mask are getting married.
      They are thanking me for helping them with jobs around town that got them to this point.
      There is another person at the wedding who is trying to have me arrested for meddling.

      The Arcade on Top of the Hill
      I'm in a big hilly place. There is an arcade-hotel at the top of a large hill.
      I'm now at the arcade. Lots of lights and sounds.
      I run into Arin Hanson from Game Grumps.
      I tell him I'm a big fan and he decides to hang out with me.
      We walk around the arcade a bit and then leave through a back-door.
      We're outside, back in the hilly area. There is a concrete floor, with a hole and a ladder leading down.
      He says we have to go down there.
      I tell him I can't because of my knee.
      The hole shrinks, such that a person could just barely fit.
      I try to squeeze through, but I can't.
      I think that maybe using some oil would work.
      I remember there is a train I need to catch.

      I really am recovering from knee surgery, so I was aware enough to reflect that here.

      I can recall a fleeting image of a sky palace area, where paradoxically, the hole from the previous dream would lead.

      Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:00 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    3. 14 Mai: Get lost in some sort of moldy dark backrooms

      by , 05-14-2022 at 09:52 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Waiting for my mom outside some empty store. Seems like a bankrupted travel agency. Inside it, there is a couple behind a computer working on something. There's some supports with some advertising outside. I grab a leaflet and I kinda break the support and then I struggle to fix it. Meanwhile the couple inside noticed it and is looking at me with blaming eyes, but they don't say a word. I say I am sorry and stop trying to fix it. Then the guy gets up and walks towards me to say it's ok. Embarassed, I go meet my mom who is next door with some old coworkers, instead of waiting here. They are debating that they want her to lead them into a strike and legal fight as she did decades earlier sucessfully. She declines several timas but they persist. I am feeling disturbed and want to leave. I am bored to death and my stims are about to explode. But she says she can't and aks me to wait outside the room they're at. I look around the building and besides this room, everything else looks basically like a damp basement with endless corridors like the backrooms. I go explore a bit and at some point it gets really dark and the corridor is very narrow. In the dark I encounter "the smiley" entity. I punch its face and it is made of metal. I grab it and throw it against the wall, over and over until it is crunched and unable to harm me. Then I walk back to a more illuminated area but I am chased by two other entities. They look like crash test dummies and they are made of hard rubber. I punch them too, but to no effect. I am about to be subdued by them and see a third coming over, when I finally manage to escape to the main corridor I came from originally. I find another strange moldy and smelly room with people living in sub-human conditions. They lie on wooden bunkbeds like the ones on nazi concentration camps. They are dirty and scared as if prisoners of the entities that control the corridors. Some kids ask me for my help changing a babie's diaper. I agree. But the baby isn't humam, seems more like an entity itself, a living doll. Doesn't seem harmful though, so I help taking care of it.
    4. cclxx. A red land and a dark underground place

      by , 05-18-2021 at 10:39 AM
      18th May 2021


      Contextually I'm in some kind of alternate reality. In a basement or garage of some kind? But there's a feeling it's older. The ceiling is concrete and orderly and only slightly taller than I am. The ground is uneven and natural in some sense. It's dark. My dog is here with me at some point, but I'm distracted by something else?

      I was previously outside. A red-ish place, sandstone like. Reminds me now of stereotypical Mars depictions. It's sandy and the sky is a desaturated colour. I remember several interactions with dream characters, but only so vaguely. A man? Something about not belonging here perhaps.


      - I remember that last night I tried to think about several things relating to dreaming. I tried thinking about the lucid dreaming party that I never managed to successfully incubate, I thought about Occipitalred's thoughts on dream awareness in a traditional "non-lucid" state. I remember thinking about lucidity in general but I eventually became mentally distracted, lost focus, falling asleep at some point.

      - Something about the outdoors place reminds me of Tomb Raider III level design, but only in very vague semblance.
    5. still going.

      by , 03-29-2021 at 08:50 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Very vivid sex dream with a brown haired woman. Not sure who it was...


      Took place in my old basement suite I had in 2011. Jamie was there and I was letting her sleep in the spare room. Not sure the context of this dream.

      I'm sure I had other non lucids but can't recall them.
      Tags: basement, jamie, sex
    6. July 23, 2020 Semi-lucid and non-lucid

      by , 07-24-2020 at 05:58 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I can't remember the dream scene but at some point I was walking and the dream looked very real and the idea came about that this was a dream, and I thought 'no that can't be true... wait is it?' and then I realized it was a dream and the dream exploded into vividness. The dream was a bit dark so I shouted "clarity now!" but the dream sort of warped, it reacted but did not necessarily light up, I was at the KC pool and a girl stepped backwards into me and was leaning on me.

      At another point I went lucid again and was in a room on the floor looking up at someone on a bed, I started rubbing my hands together to try to get the dream to stabilize. I looked up at the person and said 3x3 is 9, 4x4 is 16 and they just sort of looked at me, the dream suddenly went very blurry and crashed.

      I was in my bed on my back looking up, I was in that in between state where my body was stiff but I could move, I felt my left kidney tensing up and it was very uncomfortable, this happened a few times and then it switched to SP, I was in my bed and the room went dark, I didn't think I was going into another lucid, I suddenly thought 'Okay so this is when I astral project... astral project!" and I tried to will myself into getting out of my body but it didn't budge.

      I also had a non-lucid earlier where I was in a house, everything felt off, it felt like I was alone there. My vision turned to an interactive overview map of a beach resort, my friends' faces were icons on different parts of the map, I felt like I hadn't been invited but then my face icon popped up at a location and I thought I had now been invited. Back in the house I needed to get ready, the upstairs seemed like an unfinished attic. A rat ran up to me and I thought that I didn't want to be sleeping and have a rat near me. I went downstairs and in my mind if felt like a very intricate basement that went deep into the ground, again it felt like I was alone, I went down into the basement through a hallway into a room and I could see a rat casually hop into the room and look at me. I felt strange and decided I needed to get out of there as the place felt haunted and I felt like it was going to be a struggle to find my way back upstairs, I walked backwards in order to keep my eye on the room, I could see another smaller room attached to the room lit up by itself.
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. Early Morning, 7/21/20

      by , 07-22-2020 at 04:43 AM
      Woke up around 3:30. Recall the following:

      Person with unusual head (doesn’t look like a head, more like a ball). Some kind of math involved? The person turns…

      …I have a Bible that looks like Myst: The Book of Atrus hardcover.

      …Water, island (?). About dream control, but not lucid. I think that it would be easier to do something unusual like suck up the water around me and spit it out than to try to do something less unusual. I then go under water…

      Driving. Something about telling the truth about something. It involved people being treated harshly…


      “Labyrinth” in chimney

      We (Dad and I, perhaps) are doing something with the mulberry tree at my Grandparents’ old house. This involves taking apart one of the branches, in which is a piece of metal. This appears to go along with some other metal pieces, and attach in a chimney to perform some unknown function. This has been a mystery of the house for some time. I think of it as a labrynth for some reason. There are some symbols in the chimney describing what it is that you are supposed to do, but the symbols are hard to interpret.

      I think the mulberries on the tree were of a very pale color, almost white.

      Also, I think this may be a part of the dream:

      There is something down in the basement that goes along with the labyrinth. It is behind a lot of my clutter, though. I go down to look for it.


      I don’t remember much details of this dream. Here are the notes I took when I woke up:

      Scary place, much shooting, can get trapped there, getaway at end
    8. old random dreams that were almost forgotten

      by , 04-11-2020 at 11:32 PM (My Robotic imagination)
      I noticed that when I start to journal out my dreams, that I end up recalling ones that have long been forgotten. So I have decided to creae a montage of dreams that appear while posting up new dreams.

      Dream #1

      I'm not sure when this dream happened but it was some time in the late year of 2019. I'm in a bright, peach colored room and I'm watching something on TV. I have a toy Dragonzord next to me, he is talking to me through my voice about something and then I leave from in the room. I'm in a dark hall with the room I was in next to me, spilling it's light out into the hall. Then I go downstairs, I saw people there talking and chilling out then ended up in the basement. I was a low laying place but big and on the floor was a black bag. In it was something black and wet. I went over and looked into it and got hit with a foul smell. I quickly tried to tie it up, but it busted and got all on the floor. It looks like it was huge chunks of flesh and angular things. I quickly started cleaning this stuff up and tied the bag once it was inside. I got away from there and headed back upstairs. But everything was all different. I wanted to get back to the place I was at earlier but the environment changed. The hall was strange and darker but managed to find the room dragonzord was in. It was the same and dragonzord was glad I came back to it and told me not to leave from there no more. Things are always changing in this place and we don't know if we will get teleported to another place.

      Dream #2

      I'm exploring a basement, which has always been a childhood thing I did and I'm one the main side. There is stuff there as usual and I go into the part of the place where it is smaller and had old wire mesh chicken wire there. Instead It was a much bigger room and saw some closed off places that looked like some homeless man made an enclosed room. I peeped through the curtains and saw someone inside, sleeping. He show up and I took off running. All he was was the curtains falling back into place as my shadow ran off to the left. He didn't come out but I wasn't going back over there to find out if he actually did come out.

      The second chain put me into the room I looked into, luckily the man was gone and nothing but an empty cot but I can see all the trinkets he had hanging down from the walls and ceilings. It was darker inside there and crammed up. I saw a drawing that looked like it was made by a kid with crayons.
    9. Our Mansion with Amazing Amalgamations

      by , 08-10-2019 at 01:12 PM
      Morning of August 10, 2019. Saturday.

      Dream #: 19,227-02. Reading time (optimized): 3 min.

      This online dream journal entry describes and explains chronological segments from instinctual dreaming, that is, dream exploration and control without so-called lucidity. Such dreams share the same processes, often in the same order towards the waking process. Their content mainly stems from modulatory factors of both (precursory) liminal space and enigmatic space with the usual dream state indicators, vestibular system adaptation, and wall mediation.

      My dream is atypical as it provides two porch settings, one for co-occurrence with liminal space, one for enigmatic space. (Usually, one porch serves as both in an amalgam. Because of that, I mostly only use the typification “porch as liminal space” as enigmatic space is tricky to confirm without reasonable evidence.)

      My ongoing dream vivifies with the process of exploring instinctual realization that I am asleep as has occurred every sleep cycle since I was a toddler. I find myself in the Cubitis house (irrelevant since 1978) without my conscious identity. Earl (half-brother on my mother’s side; deceased) is sleeping on the floor in my old bedroom with his head oriented toward the door. It is just light enough to see some detail. I have no recall he had died or any recall of ever having lived in Wisconsin at this point (only this Florida setting). There are stacks of books on the floor. Earl’s head is close to one small pile of about four books as he is on his left side (as I am in reality as sleep simulacra in dreams typically match my sleeping position). I tell him to be careful about one possibly falling on his head. (This is my subliminal directive to remain asleep, as books require wakefulness to read.) I see the moonlight through the south window and consider the beauty of my room.

      Dream processes progress toward liminal space emergence. There is a vague backstory of having human remains in a small sack (a play on being in bed). They represent the essence of my dream self being ephemeral illusory “remains” of my waking life identity. It is still nighttime. Regardless of just having been in the house in Cubitis, Florida, I am now on the front porch of the Barolin Street house in Australia. I recall I had placed the remains in the basement but in the open. I also consider I should check to see if there is enough food in the house. I wonder if Earl will need something to eat or drink soon. I soon see bright light shining up through the floorboards. I consider the basement light is on. Eventually, that area of the porch floor (south side) is missing, and I can look down to see one section of the basement. (Note that there was no basement in any house I have lived in, in Australia.) I realize I need to turn the light off, so the public does not see into our basement or start intruding upon that area.

      I go outside and walk around to the back of the Barolin Street house. Nevertheless, I soon reach the front of the Loomis Street house without a second thought. The porch door is erroneously at the south side instead of the front (east). At this point, enigmatic space emerges to a lesser degree. With ambiguity, I consider there may be people active on the street at the front of the house (even though it was the back of the house seconds ago). After I am on the porch, my perception of physicality intensifies. I vividly feel the hook as I fit it perfectly into the eye latch, oriented on the right. (This act is the most vivid part of my dream.)

      I wander around in the basement. I see various packages of food and consider how much effort was needed to place it in different areas. I see many boxes of cereal and packets of potato chips that are almost empty.

      My focus changes. I start thinking that there are two access points at the front of the house, my illusory thoughts again erroneously contemplating the front of the Barolin Street house. However, to the left would be the outside area of the Stadcor Street house. Instead of a basement wall directly in front of me, it is a garage door that opens into the front yard. I falsely recall this is how someone carried the groceries in.

      From here, I step into the lounge room of our present home (W Street). Zsuzsanna says something to me about needing a flashlight (consciousness).

    10. 3 Jul: Mixing and rearranging old memories

      by , 07-03-2019 at 09:46 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Going through an office, like a school or library administration, until someone detects I am not a worker there. But I am trying to go across and find the exit or a passage or access to some place and I say I am just leaving. (This is a recurrent dream).

      Then with mom at what seems like a museum and we are caught in the middle of people marching or parading. I see a giant snake gliding on the floor between them. For some reason we start following them while singing along Bohemian Rhapsody. Then we continue our path on the street. It's already dark and we need to be careful as by the side of the road, there are lots of potholes with lava. I see someone falling into one but doesn't die. Instead, he gets his legs covered in lava as if it is jam or something sticky.

      Surprised to find that my house has a basement and lots of storage space and my dad saying "I told you, you would forget about all the rooms you have in such a big house". Except that no, it is not my house but a house I visited when looking for a place to buy. We had loved this house but the price was so high we didn't even argue with the salesperson, we just left. Also, the house is in the city, why did we even check it out? As we leave, I notice my mom looks much younger and thinner, must be about my current age.

      Then I visit my uncles in Amadora, at their first house that I can only remember in dreams, but it looks different. The streets are modernized. They used to be just empty land and now there is a brick pavement all around with nice parking lots. It's like I am accessing memories and rearranging and changing them.
    11. xxxii.

      by , 09-03-2018 at 10:27 AM
      Non-dream stuff - Woke up with the earlier alarms, around 8:30 and then let the alarm repeat itself every so often, but ended up snoozing a bit and got up at 9:50. Remember the last part of a non-lucid.

      Dream fragment:
      It's difficult to remember what came before, because I went through a door, I think the front door of a very small terraced house. Inside it was dark but there was daylight from a window.

      Immediately inside there were stairs that went either up or down, and I decide to go down, where it was darker and there were no windows. The stairwell was cramped and it felt like an old building for that reason alone. Eventually at the bottom there was a room with a light. This was a shop, even if a very small one, as this room was no bigger than a pantry and it is implied by dream context to be a basement; a man was at the counter and there was someone else browsing. There were metal shelves and wooden crates with things in them.

      There were all sorts of things, I remember thinking it was a drug store at first. I saw some melatonin and other drugs I didn't recognise. I did not remember to question the dream's reality or context. As I looked around the room became bigger and the layout changed; there were a window or two now and toward one corner there were weapons; I remember moving them carefully to the side since I wanted to get past, further into the corner. I remarked on each weapon as I moved them; "this looks like a pillum... this a javelin...".

      When they were out of the way I got into the corner and there was a big cabinet that didn't interest me, and there was a narrow piece of wood furniture that almost looked like a column but was some sort of display cabinet. The other cabinet I wasn't interested in, the other man in the shop was interested in it. I think I either somehow passed it to him or he came to get it, as it was now next to the counter, and inside the cabinet were vinyls.

      Not just any vinyls however, the boxes' covers were decorated in a 20s or 40s style and they were all children's stories. Then I noticed there was a vinyl player from the 70s or 80s next to the cabinet now and the man was trying them out; I could see the vinyl under the perspex lid. Somehow, the vinyls produced images. I remember seeing animated cartoons of whatever the stories were. I liked the vinyl boxes because they were very colourful; with red or blue trims.

      • I've never had a sleep related supplement or the like simply appear in a dream like the melatonin did, so it feels a bit silly that I didn't notice it, especially given that currently, for me to get melatonin I have to ask my parents for it.
      • The weapons didn't look old; in fact the tips were in pristine condition and the wooden handles were nicely oiled.
      • The cabinet that didn't interest me looked old and dilapidated; it was one of the many lifeless-looking objects in the room that seemed to have little colour to them.
      • I'm starting to realise there may be a pattern to my interaction with stairs when they appear in dreams. Often I choose to go down, and when I choose to go down, it does tend to get darker and it tends to feel like it takes a long time. Stairs going down generally seem longer than stairs going up in my dreams.
    12. Video game Streisand effect

      by , 07-15-2018 at 07:01 PM (BahamutZERO's dreams)
      I dreamed that I was watching the news with my mom and her partner.
      The news was about the coming of a weird EU ban/censorship of a video game which contained content that was found to be insulting to Islam. It was especially strange because it was a very obscure video game on a very obscure old platform called Puma, which I'm sure pretty much nobody would know.

      Nevertheless, after hearing the news, we rushed to find that video game and this Puma itself. We weren't interested in the game at all, it was just 100% curiosity piqued by the Streisand effect. My mom and her partner went to look for the video game at the store. Meanwhile I went to the basement to search around in our old stuff.

      After searching around in the most abandoned places of the basement, I found my mom's old Puma, covered in spider webs. It was a gray device with a screen, a large cartridge slot and a big button on it. The plastic had an engraving of the real-life Puma logo (the running shoes brand).
      I brought it upstairs, and when mom came back with the video game, we blew in its cartridge and in the slot, and inserted it, toggled the big button, and a red LED lit up.
      The device showed large black monochrome pixels, and produced muffled beeping noises from inside.

      The gameplay was extremely poor. The game's background was a single static image of something resembling a desert, and the play area was under it, where there were static sprites of guys with turbans, beards and scimitars. You repeatedly pressed a directional button to advance your guy toward the right while enemies were coming at him toward the left. When an enemy got near you, you had to quickly press the attack button and the enemy disappeared. When you got to the right, you advanced to the next screen, which basically just meant that some score value was incremented and the position of your guy was reset to the left side of the screen.

      We got bored of it after like 2 minutes and wondered what all the fuss was about, and why the heck they would ban this (especially after all those years).

      Updated 07-15-2018 at 07:10 PM by 57251 (spelling error)

    13. Problem Solved

      by , 06-11-2018 at 02:28 AM (Night Vision)
      This was a dream from early in the night, which may explain some of the peculiarities. I—and I may or may not have been me—mention some ongoing problem to my mother—who definitely wasn’t my actual mother. Neither of us actually seem to be represented visually in the dream: I perceive her as a powerful and protective energy, and I am observing somewhere from outside of the “I” character—I guess whom I also recognize by ‘feel’. The only clear imagery from this part I can recall is the setting—the basement of my old house in M---.

      I guess I was just complaining about it, but she takes it as a call to action and immediately sets to work. She first does something to me to keep me from interfering in any way—like an abstract version of shutting me up in a room. It had been a problem that I considered tough and protracted—I can’t remember any more about it than that—but she takes care of it with astonishing ease. And then she lets me go.

      But I manage to get into some kind of trouble again not long after that—in a forest, almost falling into a freezing-cold river I don’t see because of the snow covering it. Fortunately, she comes along and is able to get me somewhere safer, but I can’t convince her I’m not getting into dangerous situations in purpose, and so she does the shutting-in-room thing again.

    14. Been Here A Lot Lately

      by , 04-12-2018 at 02:42 AM (Night Vision)
      I find myself walking down the staircase to the basement of my M--- house. It occurs to me that this is a place I only visit in dreams—and so I must be dreaming right now.

      The room is dark, so I try to brighten it up a little bit by clapping as if the lighting there was the kind that responded to that. But that doesn’t seem to help, and the visuals, though still vivid, have an indefinite quality to them that tells me the dream isn’t very stable. I decide I’ll cut the visuals off altogether to stabilize it through other senses, but wake up first—right around the time I ordinarily wake up, which explains the instability. I seem to have completely lost the ability to sleep in nowadays.

      Tags: basement
      lucid , dream fragment
    15. More Than 21 Cats

      by , 03-28-2018 at 10:39 PM (Night Vision)
      Last night, I once again found myself lucid, once again without being entirely sure how it happened. It felt like the dream was close to an hour long, although it was technically two dreams since there was a brief awakening and reentry in the middle. Because it was so long and I spent the whole thing just exploring the house I found myself in and messing around, it wouldn’t make for very interesting reading, and so I’ll just include a few highlights of it.

      -Finding a series of books entitled “More Than 21 Cats” on a bookshelf.

      -Devoting more attention than usual to maintaining awareness and focus. My lucid dreams almost always end with no warning whatsoever, and while I used to consider this something I couldn’t do much about, I’ve been wondering lately whether preventative stabilization might help. This intention seems to have carried over, and as the dream was longer than any I’ve had for a while, I’d call it a success.

      -Receiving a few gifts for no apparent reason from people who were around. I spent a good chunk of the dream opening them, resisting the urge to go off and do other things since it seemed like that would have been ungrateful, even if it was a dream.

      -Moving a wardrobe with my mind. I extended my hand, interfacing with it on a mental level—if that makes sense—and then pulled. And then I pushed it back.

      -Having the dream briefly interrupted by a message displayed over the scene as if it were a screen. It was a rather ominous message, but it seemed to have no immediate effect other than turning everything in the house green and shifting some of the furniture into new styles and/or positions. This may have been a direct result of moving the wardrobe as it happened shortly afterwards, and the last time I tried to control things in a lucid dream was also closely followed by something weird and threatening happening.

      -Two more visits to my M--- basement, the first before the green shift, the second afterwards to see if anything had changed. It had: the second version had a closed door where the tunnel often is in dream versions of it, as well a sort of workshop behind the same wall, visible through a couple small windows.

      -Lots of cats around, but probably less than 21.
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