non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I know a bunch of Hollywood actors and I am thinking that in the future when someone writes about our relationships, they'll portray it entirely wrong, because it is not glamorous at all, just all very goofy. Right now I am with a young and fit Russel Crowe and we are very good friends, or actually more than friends. He is married and his wife knows we meet, but has allowed it because so far we'd just been friends. But the truth is we are showering together in his house, although nothing else happened between us, which is odd. His wife comes right after we get dressed and she seems fed up with our weird intimacy, as she bluntly says it is time for me to go. He looks at me like "she is the boss", so I must obey. I tell her it doesn't have to be like this. We could all be together with each other. But she doesn't want to, she already hates that I am so close to him like a lover. I go stay at a hostel with mixed dorms. I have to share a room with two guys. They clearly flirt with me, but I show no interest, just ask for their help to turn on the tv but they keep trying to be friendly. Later I take a bus trip to somewhere, but when exiting the bus I wonder if I was carrying any luggage and left it in the bus. So I go back and ask the driver to wait while I look for my stuff in my seat. Turns out it's a lot of stuff. First I grab a bag, a coat and a sleeping bag, but only to reveal 3 more bags with books and food and drinks among other things. I am freaking out, wondering how am I gonna carry al that. I start stuffing as much stuff as I can in plastic bags. Meanwhile I find a 20€ bill on the floor. Then finally decide to leave some things behind which elicits complaints from fellow passengers who wanted the seats and floor cleared. Watching a scene from a show about vampires that I used to watch as a teen. Vlad has bought an abandoned church to live there unnoticed, while preparing his comeback. Some fellow vampires who work for some governing body overseeing vampire activity come to confront him about his plans for the world. They mention a symbol he painted on the façade which has some meaning, but he denies it. They demand to go inside. I then am physically there with them. I am also a vampire and sort of Vlad's assistant or protegé. Sunlight doens't harm us. We enter the church abut somehow he makes us go back in time to when the church is being attended by regular people. There is a mass going on, apparently a funeral and Vlad goes pay respects to the dead person, forcing us to follow him into the middle of the church. Some attendees start whispering and pointing at us, and soon I hear the word vampires and feel threathened. They've figured out what we are, because of our paleness, beauty and peculiar taste in fashion. I try to get out, but they turn on us, effectively surrounding and isolating the youngest among us. I rescue the kid and only then I leave. Later I am at the cinema and I have a huge fruit bat which I keep as a pet (I guess as my ESA). He is nice but I need to be very gentle or he'll bite. Some kid in the seat in front notices it and asks to pet him. But I say no, saying he will regret it. He gets angry, says he can pet whomever he wants, starting an argument with me. Some employees take us outside to discuss what's going on and I explain what happened and that I am trying to teach the kid some manners and protect him from being bitten. I also don't want a lawsuit from his parents if he gets a zoonosis. They agree with me and kick the kid out. They issue a refund for me. Driving through some neighborhood with Riverstone, when I spot my uncle Filipe in his car at a parking lot. I stop nearby to confront him. I think he sees us but pretends not to, then gets on board of a truck parked there and drives off. Riverstone thinks he didn't see us, I know he did and he ran away, which means he is afraid of us. I decide that now that I know where he parks his working vehicle, I'll give him a taste of what he does to my mom and stalk him, leave notes on his windshield, make threats, to see if he likes it. Riverstone doesn't think is a good idea, so he leaves. I do some recon of the area and find a small prefab house where workers like him have a toilet and a locker to leave their personal belongings. But it is actually much bigger inside than what seems on the outside. There is also a locker room for kids that have gym classes in the neighborhood. And soon enough some 20 kids with an adult come rushing in to use the toilet and get their coats. Followed by a huge group of teens that look like they came from regular school lessons. The last ones are three japanese girls and one asks in English if I am such and such person. The name she mentions sounds very much like mine despite her accent, so I say yes, even if I am not sure. But then some other lady who seems Russian, says no, they don't mean me. I apologize and leave. But decide to follow the girls. They lead me to a town that looks like Vegas meets Spring Break. Lots of young folks, college students, drinking outside bars, sitting on cafés, loud music, lots of neon signs. I go around to explore and then it turns into Tokyo. I admire the diversity of fashion looks of the young people and crack up laughing at some guy with a kind of scarf around his neck that has a built-in smartphone holder and he is recording himself talk as he walks hands-free through in the crowd. I go down to a subway station, but everyone seems to be getting out of it scared with something. I don't see anything suspicious, so I sit on a ledge for a bit to eat a snacl. I then spot a black scorpion passing under my feet. Not a dangerous one but still I don't want to be stung. Then I spot a red scorpion with dozens of tiny babies around. I fear the little ones cause they are more deadly. I drop some food on the floor and then another scorpion, beige, comes to sniff it also surrounded by dozens of babies. She encounters the red one and they fight over the food. The dark one also comes and both groups attack and devour the black one. Then the reds win the beiges and devour them. Some cleaning ladies come by and tell me to come down and not be afraid. They say unfortunately there is an infeststion of scorpions and roaches, but they claim they are not dangerous to people and that I just need to go around them. I come down and head for a ramp to the subway platforms. It's covered in roaches. I jump from place to place trying to avoid stepping ont the bugs but as I go deeper into the station, they seem to be more and more..
Updated 08-24-2022 at 09:05 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At a campus, just waiting for something to end and I am drawing pics, sitting on a bench. Try to make a couple portraits of some people, a bit cartoonish. They look great, just don't look at all with whom I had in mind while drawing them. I go to the canteen and a group of guys who have a love-hate relationship with me, spot me from afar and comment something about me. I sense disappointment and also get the impression that some are planning on going after me to tease me. That worries me a bit. One of the dudes actually thinks I have a crush on him, but he is insufferable. He starts practicing his contemporary dance moves and he has at least one fan who is fixated on him, but he wants to impress me instead, so he starts doing very suggestive moves too close for comfort, and I am like 'please don't". Then I realize I can fly away from this mad people and inspired by his dance I start dancing as I go up in the sky trying to also spark some surprise. But there is barely any reaction from anyone, as usual. There is a building in front of me and as I get closer to its top, I spot my friend Zilla in an appartment and I stop by, entering through the window. She is nursing her baby and also has some new kittens, but what I am amazed at the most, is that she is also raising three tiny bats. I pick up one to take a picture of him in my hand, but he doesn't stay still and eventually jumps to fly and almost hits me in the face. I get scared and then laugh and she comments they are learning how to fly.
[18.07.2021] Roach escape I am with my mother, caring for my pet roaches. Suddenly, there is thunder outside and, simultaneously, a roach presses itself through a small opening and my mother despairs as is usual with working with such escapists. [19.07.2021] Storm I am at home, laying in bed. I look outside and see that there is a very dark and massive cloud there. Eventually, though, it moves away and I stand up, hoping to take a picture of a potential anvil. Then, I am back in bed and another storm comes around. This time, it does come to lightning here. My mother, who is scared of thunderstorms, says "Oh no.." as lightning impacts somewhere nearby, and the way the thunder sounds makes it sound like that there will be a second thunder that is much louder, but it doesn't come to that, so I comment that it probably wasn't a positive lightning strike. Transformations I am at home, somewhere past about 9 pm, using my laptop in the living room, where my mother is sitting as well, using her tablet. Then, I look to the left and see a bat on the wall. First, I comment on how none of us saw that then I put my laptop aside and run away in fear of the bat attacking me, and my mother tells me that they might bite or something like that. I come near the other end of the flat when I somehow grab the bat. For a few seconds, I am standing in a sort of large mansion with a pretty blue color palette used to paint the inside with the bat in my hand. Then I am back home, trying to handle the bat without it biting me. I think about killing it or something like that as I rotate it in my hands. A bit later, for some reason, I am the bat for a few seconds, and then there's a scene change. Apparently, I invited a friend over, who can make transformations or something. First, we are standing at night at the roach terrarium in the middle of the house and I transform into something there, but I don't remember what exactly happened. Then, after a small scene change where it is now somewhere mid- or late afternoon, we go into a room where we can probably be alone. There, the friend constructs the transformations from animal samples somehow, and I am eager to try it out. First, he wants to make one with snails (Gastropoda)¹, and I am one for a second. Then, there's a scene change again and I am back to normal. My mother wants something from me and I tell the friend to hide what he's doing, and then I go outside to distract my mother. Then, my father comes and wants something from the room so he just goes in, and luckily, the friend had hidden everything except the animals he was taking samples from, so my father asked what he was doing. As I woke up, I felt some disappointment, since it was pretty interesting. 1: This was just because I stumbled across the term on Wikipedia yesterday.
...are pretty much what has been constituting my dream recall lately. Haven't been lucid in a while. :/ My watch trick stopped working ever since I started using an analog watch, for whatever reason, and I haven't found another reality check that works for me. My watch (a G-Shock) actually has a digital component, too, but it's kinda dim and hard to see so maybe that's why it hasn't worked? That being said, last night's dream was mildly interesting. I was flying with someone else (don't remember who) into a run-down, abandoned building in a city. There was a bat hanging from one of the rafters! And everything was dyed with this strange blue light. Cool stuff, even if not lucid!
Morning of August 17, 2017. Thursday. I am in an unknown room with mostly only a large square wooden table. I seem to be in a movie that is being filmed in real time. Two other characters are Batman and Robin as from the 1960s television series. It seems we may have been kidnapped and are being held hostage. A couple unknown males are also present but I am not sure of any backstory. There are a few items in the room which may have been sabotaged. Batman and I mostly sit on the table at first while Robin is standing. There is a point at which Robin follows my index finger in some sort of swaying dance to follow my lead even though I do not seem to be a main character in this movie, perhaps not even being filmed while Batman and Robin are. Still, I hold my right arm up, my index finger pointing upwards, and I move my arm side to side as if I were defining a downwards-oriented semicircle in a sort of pendulum-like definition or as if I am conducting an orchestra. It feels extraordinarily vivid though I am not lucid and it goes on for several minutes. Robin changes his facial expressions to apparently follow my cues as such. He is standing on the table and sort of half-dancing, half-swaying, seemingly professional but almost as if hypnotized. At one point, Batman has an oversized pair of black squarish plastic binoculars. Like other items, I suspect that they have been booby-trapped by the Riddler or the Joker. He decides not to use them and puts them down on the table. I then notice an unusual bat come out of them (they seem to be hollow now), which may be venomous and may have bitten Batman on his nose if he had looked through the binoculars. The bat’s upper body and wings are like a bat, but the rest of it has the look of a silverfish, except it is all black. It crawls around as I notice this silverfish-like bottom part of this “bat”. I consider that it seems of very odd appearance to be a bat, but soon realize that it is likely of a particular species and so thus is not unusual at all. Somehow, we all escape. I end up going out the back door of our present house into our backyard. I no longer see Batman and Robin. I notice three bats of mostly normal appearance to the left of the door and standing with wings out on the external bathroom window sill. They all appear to have Mohawk hairstyles. They are arranged in a triangular orientation, as if in the orientation of a water-skiing stunt, two on the bottom, and one on the top with a foot on each of the other’s shoulder. I step out through our gate, though instead of the street view, it is an alley with a high wooden fence on the opposite side (which my dream self does not consider wrong). An astounding energy and vividness develops as the Batmobile goes by to my right, to the north. It looks like a far more modern Batmobile; like the V10 Lamborghini Batmobile. I feel fantastic enjoyment as I watch it pass, looking at all the details. There appears to be another car in front of it, about a car distance ahead, which I feel is an unmarked police car from the 1970s. From here, a train passes from the north to the south. Near the other side of the alley are a set of railroad tracks. I am aware that this must be a scene from the movie to appear differently in the movie than the overall event is being seen. The train, which seems already half-destroyed, rolls on the tracks, rotating sideways as with the essence of a corkscrew or manual drill, as the tracks seem to be pulled to the south by some sort of machine, as parts of the train and what is left of it get smaller and smaller as it goes by, and the tracks being pulled along by the unseen machine until they are not present. I can vividly feel the vibrations in the ground in my feet and lower legs. I am briefly somewhat wary of this event being so close to our house (though I mistakenly perceive that it is close to fictional parts of our house to the south and it now seems I am looking out from a long apartment block). Still, I trust the movie studio knows what it is doing and I am confident that there is no threat at all. From experience, this dream may be telling me that, in exactly one year (on August 17, 2018), I will be meeting someone who played Robin in a movie, possibly in a public place such as a shopping mall (or a wayward visitor to my front door). I say this mostly based on two features, one, the appearance of three bats, which relate to long-term precognition (and in fact appeared in a dream with several layers of precognition about Zsuzsanna long before I knew she was a real person), secondly, another dream character seeming “hypnotized” by me in an eerie dance and following my cues or influence appeared in the sole dream I had of Charlie Pride - and I met him in real life exactly one year to the date after my dream. I may be wrong regarding the dynamics of this dream, but it will take a year to see if it manifests as such. (Then again, concerning the presence of the three bats, it could be many years from now to the date as with my prescient dreams about Zsuzsanna.) So, if I meet Burt Ward on August 17, 2018, you read it here first (though it may prove to be a different Robin, as Burt is now 72 years old, then again, it might even be a different person named Burt Ward, hard to say with prescience sometimes being skewed).
Updated 08-17-2017 at 02:54 PM by 1390
Morning of June 4, 2015. Thursday. As I have written in a few other entries, I have never had a “serious” dream about vampires (or zombies either). In fact, the only vampire dreams at all have only occurred in more recent years (which is unusual in that I watched far more vampire movies when I was younger yet never dreamed of being chased by one - probably because I never found vampires scary or threatening in any way even when young, this in my realization of how many dreams are otherwise directly or even solely influenced by movies or television shows regardless). This entry makes the sixth online entry (main tumblr journal) regarding the vampire theme (out of about 2,000 online foundational entries for my more complex and revealing work later on, hoping to build to about a meager 10,000 which represents only about a quarter of my writing), and there are not that many others documented. Obviously, without Hollywood movies, or perhaps more detailed literature as such, there would be no dreams about vampires - only less detailed monstrous threats perhaps (with human features), such as other types of unrealistically-rendered “demons”. I have dreamt of a large threatening bat but in a different context. The “were-hyena” dream (from 1990) is one of the only human-like fictional monsters I found threatening, and that dream was mainly a result of real-time environmental audio precognition (where I dreamed of a particular sound before it being linked to a very similar sound in reality - a type of recognized and personally well-documented dream anomaly I have never read about elsewhere). In this dream, there is no direct instance or coherent rendering of my dream-self. I am mostly watching as if being a vaguely-aware bystander. The main character is a male of about forty at the most, of whom I do not know or find familiar in any way. He is in a meeting with Dracula and seated to my right at an old wooden table. Dracula is on my left but is rendered with extreme distortion. While he has the head of a bat (only about half the size of a human head), that head is hanging down from a snakelike neck so that his head is actually not visible to the person he is conversing with and actually at about the level of just below his ribs. It seems to involve the vampire wanting the man to read for him (in my last nonthreatening vampire dream, I was to write Dracula’s biography). Apparently, the man is illiterate or not a very good reader and seems to be explaining this. Over time, I began to notice “more” (which is probably a typical changeover). The bat head may be either fake or be an additional extension from the snake-like “neck” from his upper chest area. I notice what looks like a sheet over a human head which is then implied to be the “real” vampire’s head - a dream detail which is probably a result of posting online an older - though enhanced with adult writing style, and freshly researched - dream from 1969 (“Sgt Carter Stalked by Killer Newspaper” from March 8, 1969). Although a new dream being influenced by a minor focus on a much older dream is something I have come to see occur more often as I grow older, I have more recently noticed it as having occurred now and then in past times more than originally noticed or realized. I suspect the man is not that surprised by the distorted vampire because I get the impression that he cannot see very well (although the vampire with the sheet over his head probably cannot see very well, either - even if he saw through the additional low-hanging bat head eyes he would probably only see the underside of the table). From here, my dream shifts into the vampire becoming something else, supposedly more “demonic”. He seems to be threatening as he walks toward a Rapunzel-like character and is growing horns as he is walking. However, it soon seems that he only has one larger horn though farther to one side, which makes me associate him with unicorns and juvenile fantasy. My dream takes on a rather distorted cartoon-like essence before collapsing into the abstract. Interestingly, one of the first things I read when looking at another dream-based site today was someone dreaming about a vampire that changed into a creature with horns, without deliberately searching with such terms, though such synchronicity (or form of precognition) always happening continuously and too often to keep any record of.
Updated 09-28-2015 at 12:53 PM by 1390
Dream - Lucid I was in a very large room with many people. The walls were a cream color. We were singing in some sort of choir. I was standing towards the front, and turned around to look behind me. There were people ducking and screaming. "It's a bat!!" I heard someone scream. I then saw a bat swoop down behind me. I was trying to get away from it myself, when it landed on my hand and bit me. It left three small puncture wounds on my hand. I was panicking a bit, because I knew I needed to go to the hospital. There was more to this one, but I can't quite recall. ~ I was working in a jewelry store. I went to open shop. I got there, and Rachel was there, too. Her parents owned the store (I worked for them at a coffee shop 7 years ago IWL). They were there as well. The store opened, and a girl I knew in high school, Amanda, came inside. I think she was returning something. I thought about it, and thought I had heard that her fiance' was dead. I didn't say anything to her, but approached her and gave her a hug. She didn't hug back or say anything, but I wasn't offended. I finished hugging her and walked the other direction. I then remembered that I had forgotten something at home. I asked Rachel's parents if I could run home and get it real quick. They said I could. I left the store. Then, I saw this scene of a stag in a beautiful forest. He was sitting in a tall grassy area. Sunlight was peeking through the treetops, and everything it touched shimmered. I then saw some glowing thing. I do not know what else to call it but that. It was a round shape and was glowing in faint rainbow colors, but you could mainly see white. There was another one in the back room of the jewelry store too. I think it also acted as a portal. Rachel touched it, and turned into a scarecrow. She could then approach the stag. She stroked his fur, and he let her. It then got to a point where I did the same thing. At first, I could see myself in third person being the scarecrow and approaching the stag. But then, it was first person, and I was stroking the stag's fur. At first, I was expecting him to run, but he didn't move a muscle. I started to speak with him. He spoke to me in a deep, male voice, talking about scarecrows and how we came to see him (he did not realize that all the scarecrows who had seen him were all different humans). We spoke of other things as well, though I can't remember. Eventually, I went back to the jewelry store. Then, I was shopping at a grocery store in the produce section. I was looking for grapefruit so I could eat it with my breakfast for a healthy kick. I saw these small fruits inside these circular holders, kind of like the ones cups are in at fast food restaurants. I went to pull one out, and it was cutting it into a square shape as I pulled it. I saw that it was a type of melon, so I decided I didn't want it. I went to put it back, but it wouldn't go back in now that it was cut; it kept sliding out. I then kept looking, and spotted a bigger white fruit in a similar holder, but I read the sign and saw it was cantaloupe. Ugh, why couldn't I find a grapefruit? Someone, a female I believe, came up to me and asked what I was looking for. I responded "A melon. No, a cantaloupe. No, a grapefruit." I think she showed them to me. I can't quite recall. ~ I was laying in my room, but it was a part of a much different apartment than the one I'm living in currently; it actually seemed to be a mixture of my apartment and my dad's old practice. It had many rooms all lining the same hallway on either side. In fact, my old roommate, Cherie', still lived there. So did her boyfriend, Jeremiah. I was debating on whether or not I had time to get up and shower. I then got up, and walked into a bathroom (there were a few bathrooms in this apartment). Jeremiah was in the shower. I got in with him and started washing my hair. We were laughing and having a good time. I think I put my arms around his neck. I noticed that the water was kinda cold. I guess he liked showers the way my husband likes them. I didn't mind the cold much (though I do IWL). I then had to get out, I guess Cherie' was coming home and was going to shower with him. I had only washed my hair though, and still needed to shower more. I saw my reflection in a mirror of my hair. It was already dry, and looked very wavy and shiny. I figured I could get by with just shampooing my hair and it wouldn't be a big deal. I needed to wash my face, though. I couldn't get to my shower stuff anymore because Cherie' and Jeremiah were showering. So instead, I pretended that I had my bottle of face wash in my hand, and started to pump some on my finger. I felt nothing. I kept trying however; I put it on my face, rubbing it around. I felt it a little, but not much. It felt dry. Probably because it was. I then walked by another room, which was actually an office. I saw a computer on a desk in there. It had a flowery background. Now that I think about it, it really resembled my dad's old office, though the furniture was switched around. I saw my therapist in there. She smiled and closed the door. I guess she was working. I think the bathroom I normally used was in there. Crap. I then found myself showering in another bathroom in the apartment. I looked down and I was standing on a couch/lounge chair. It looked similar to this, only it had two cushions instead of just the one, and had a curtain-type pattern on top of the navy blue. I watched the water hit the chair. I then was out of the shower, and approached a mirror in the bathroom. To my surprise, I was looking at the reflection of a young skinny guy with a white tank top on and short, dark dreads. I knew who I/he was in the dream. At this point, I became semi-lucid. I noticed that behind me, When I moved in the mirror, the guy me moved, but the other me, the girl me, was moving of her own accord. This part was extremely vivid. I then turned around and saw Cherie' was there too, but she also was a guy! She looked similar to me. I knew who she was supposed to be as well. I said to her "I wonder if I have a penis." I looked down to look. I didn't see a bulge. I did notice I was standing in a white bathtub though. I then pulled open my basketball shorts and vagina. I even saw my birthmark on my belly that I have IWL. Boo. No penis for me. Cherie' then checked to see if she had one, and she did. She said, in her voice, I might add, "I do. It's long enough to impregnante someone!" I saw a glimpse of it. It was hard. Damn, son. She was right. Then, either I woke up, or lost my semi-lucidity. ~ I slept super well last night, and I know there were more dreams, but I can't remember them all right now. I just kept thinking about how I needed to sleep more. I was dog tired.
Updated 08-06-2014 at 03:21 PM by 32059
Spoiler for Random Intro: Wandering through gated back yards, jumping over fences, and looking for a bathroom, I find a downstairs apartment with the door wide open. I go inside, and shake the snow off my jacket before going any further and dripping it on the floor. But I shook it right into someone's shoes... That doesn't look so nice, so I leave, abandoning my search for the bathroom. There are an assortment of little beings that are all around me now, and no longer any snow on the ground. A few small children, two cats, and a goat are all in a circle on some green grass. They all appear to be trapped, and in danger if they stay inside this backyard maze of fences. I carry all of them over a fence except one cat. This cat is huge! I try to coax it to walk over on its own, but it is also a lazy cat. So, I pick it up, weighing well over 100 lbs, and carry it over the fence. There is another small animal, maybe a sheep, that also wants to escape. I lift the fence in the air slightly, and crawl underneath, motioning for the sheep to follow. It does, and pushes me out of the way, crawling through swiftly. On the other side of the fence, I am face to face with a giant bat. At least I think it's a bat. Looking right at me, drooling profusely, a nasty looking orange drool. It has small flexible fangs. It also has a very powerful venom. Not very good. Biting onto my arm, I feel that none of the fangs pierces my flesh, but I don't want to take any chances, so I wrestle it away, pushing its porcelain smooth beak away. Now holding it back by the beak, we stare at each other, both still pushing at the other. The beak is so smooth, I actually rather enjoy touching it. Kind of cold to the touch as well, and very colorful with swirls of reds, browns, and oranges all throughout the beak. The animal's owner comes by, and pulls him back by the shoulders. She tells me, "He's just hungry, sorry about that" Being sort of like a bat, I assume he eats bugs, so I tell them to hang on for a bit, while I find some food for him inside my house. There are no bugs... I go downstairs and ask my room mate if he has any bugs. "Of course I do buddy, here ya go." and he hands me a plastic bin. 'Great! Now I can feed this thing.' I dash upstairs, but looking inside the bin I just see a loaded gun, some batteries, loose change, a few lint balls, and random other odds and ends. I take all the bullets out of the gun and toss them separately into the bin, then ditch the gun as well. 'There's gotta be bugs around here somewhere' I go outside, and find a large group of rather juicy looking bugs on the window sill. They all look dead, but still meaty. I pick one up by the wings, a large green bug, and it starts to wiggle around a bit. 'Not quite dead yet!' so I put it back down on the window's edge. The rest of the bugs all have rigor mortis, so I know they are dead. I pile them all into my left hand and go back over to the bat creature. Somewhat human, but definitely more animal than person. I hold out my hand and he ravenously slurps them into his beak and chews them for a bit before swallowing them, followed by more drool around the edges of his beak. Quite gross. Seeing where I got the bugs from, he walks over and looks for more. Seeing the one I left behind because it was still alive, he goes in to eat it. I pray that the bug either is spared death, or dies well, whatever is meant to be... To my surprise, the previously lifeless but twitching bug now flies off, just out of reach of the bat creature, then shoots rapidly into the sky at what I assume is maximum bug speed. I help the bat-man (more bat than man) find more dead bugs to eat. Mostly dead moths that are stuck to loose boards on the side of the house, or in abandoned spider webs. The creature eats more of the wood than the bugs, just chewing on it, as he holds it like an ear of corn. Walking back to the front yard, his friend/caretaker person tells him it costs too much to feed him and he has to make some money himself if this is going to work. Bat-guy sits down on a bench looking rather dejected, as he stares down at his feet with his hands in his lap. I go up to him, pat him on the back and encourage him, "You'll be able to do something to make money, don't worry." He looks up to me as if saying, "Like what?" but with just his eyes. I answer, "You could always give massages to people" and we both start laughing. I see a smile return to his beak and hope in his eyes. "I didn't know you could understand me" I say, amidst more laughter, just thinking about this bat-guy giving people massages... He nods understandingly.
Dream 1 I was in a super market with my Brother. I thought I saw Nat Mc. She was coming my way and I was reaching for some Tuna on the top rack. I grabbed one of the cans and it was open. I started to eat the tuna from the can, as the girls came my way. The girls were now Latoya and Rach's Mum. Latoya tried to give me a kiss, but held her hand out, for a shake of hands maybe? I didn't want to be greeted that way as I had just ate tuna, and probably smelt like one. Latoya had blonde/orange hair. I told her she looked great with that colour hair, and asked her if she had done it like that before? She said no. I saw Rach A next to me, and said Hi, what's been happening? False awakening (no lucidity) I was trying to DEILD and was finding it hard to get back to sleep as I thought I failed. I got out of bed to whoosh the blankets, thinking it would help my chances of getting back to sleep. I jumped back in bed and want to sleep. *Face palm* Dream 2 I was at a random house, and was doing something on the PC. I noticed Maryanne C(MC), and her kids had visited us. I greeted MC with a kiss on the cheek. I went to greet the kids, and gave them one hell of a awkward hi-5. I put the television on her the kids to amuse themselves. We were sitting around and I saw a big bat standing on it's perch. It's perch was just a couple pieces of timber nailed together. It had spread it's wings right out and started to fly around the room. I was convinced it was being controlled by wind force that was in the room. It came inside the lounge we were sitting. It was now spinning as fast as a ceiling fan, coming closer and closer to Sarina's face. She was letting it get closer and closer, trusting that it would stop as it gets too close. MC's boy said to us, imagine if we were on dope and saw this happen. I noticed a piece of paper that Luke St had written on. It was a convocation of that Luke and the chick from Bathurst (Orange hair?) was having. Some things that were written was, that I was maybe gay? and that my big lips are what scared her. I assume she meant something else.
I...don't feel like proofreading this. My house is more like a dorm than a duplex, the hall is wider and has more doors, but all the colors are the same. I wander into our room and think it still feels more like his than ours. I can hear my boyfriend talking from the kitchen, he is telling someone that he is going out to pick up food for a party. In our room there is a stranger in the bed with a blonde woman. They aren't really wearing anything. He has coerced her into playing a sex game. I find myself sitting on the bed, strangely intent on their actions. "What is the point of this game again?" The woman asks. "Jesus! The point is to see how long I can kiss you without vomiting. You're disgusting. When was the last time you showered?" He's being a huge jackass but she doesn't leave. He coerces me into 'playing', and eventually I say that I'll only have sex with him if he calls my boyfriend in to help. Some more strangers come into the room, the same ilk as the man in the bed. At least they're wearing clothes. They decide that since I'm not playing his game, I can play theirs. It's called 'See how long you can stay conscious while we beat you'. What, doesn't that sound like fun to you? I struggle as they pull my legs out straight and begin to strike me. I'm surprised by how much it hurts. The stranger decides he's going to have sex with me whether I want it or not, says that's what I get for being a tease. Thankfully I fall unconscious. I 'wake' with the sensation of arms wrapping around me. It is so realistic that I cry out and try to struggle away. "Hey, are you alright? It's just me." It is just my boyfriend. I relax and lay next to him for a while. Eventually we get out of bed. I want to tell him what I've done before the stranger does it. What will I say? I was curious and it turned out badly? For a minute I thought I wanted to sleep with someone else? Before I can figure it out, he leaves. Something else happens. I can't remember, but I'm coming back into the dorm/duplex and I am suddenly lucid. As always, I'm amazed by the clarity, how real it feels. I round a corner and find myself in the hall outside our room. Ours is the only one standing open, I go inside but my boyfriend isn't there. At first I intend to find him, but when I get back into the hallway I start to mentally call for Liam. At the end of the hall is a wide wooden gate that is about my height and 10' wide. I immediately notice that there isn't a handle but I'm curious. The force of my curiosity creates a gap between the corner of the door and the wall. I hook my fingers into it and pull until it creaks open. On the other side is a collapsed tunnel. I hear a distant rumbling and dirt showers down from above. Of course, I think cynically, the one way I want to go is blocked off. It doesn't occur to me that I can clear the way. Instead I close the door and as I'm turning away notice a faded white dumpster filled with sapphire blue dirt. I'm having trouble with my eyes. The right one keeps dragging and skipping images. I think that maybe if I keep it closed I won't wake up, so I gently close my right eye with my finger and cover it with my hand. It seems to work. "What are you doing, silly? You aren't using your eyes." And once I realize that, I have no further trouble seeing. There's a breezeway and another sharp corner where there's a bathroom. I hear one of the managers from work talking about me, saying that I was such a whore for sleeping with a stranger, in my boyfriend's bed, while my boyfriend was in the other room. It makes me ridiculously angry, I see them leave out the side door and take the front door which leads out onto a bright pink pathway made of metal grates, that runs parallel to the path below. I suddenly have a bat in my hand. I run, savoring the feeling of the wind on my face and how the metal vibrates under my feet with each running step I take. I run lightly, easily, cutting off the three people below and jumping down in their way. I land on one person, smack the second with the bat, and when the manager has the audacity to be amused, I throw the bat at his face. There. Problem solved. Then I realize the person I landed on is my friend Laura and I have hurt her. Still, she is glad to see me. I pick her up to carry her home, but her body is stretchy like...rubber or taffy. Or maybe a length of fabric. And for some reason there's a cat sitting on her chest. I struggle to pry it off of her and then cast it away so I can lift her more easily. Um, something about a funeral? I was being disrespectful by riding a bicycle around while a man tried to talk to everyone who had gathered to honor the dead. When he mentions that food will be brought out, and that the caterers are fantastic, two people come outside with the food...carrying a vat of pork in a container shaped like a pig, that's suspended between two poles and is dripping grease everywhere. It smells delicious.
Well I don't remember much since I didn't get to really recall my dreams or write them down after I woke up and it's been a few hours since then, but, I'm in my kitchen and I open up a box or a bag, can't remember which, and take out a bat, which I had apparently ordered online. The bat looked like it was kind of a mix between a bug-eating bat and a fruit-eating bat. I get some sliced strawberries from the counter and feed them to it, "aw"ing and cooing at it the whole time I was feeding it. I knew I didn't have the equipment to care for a bat, so my plan was to order it, feed it and hold it for a while, and then send it back. My parents came in, and I expected them to get angry that I'd ordered a live animal without their permission, but they didn't really seem to care at all. At some point I lose track of the bat and find it drinking dirty water at the bottom of a dirty concrete hole in this weird, scary, concrete place, like a parking garage or something. I hold out my hand and coo at it until it comes and hangs from my hand, then I go back to the kitchen and use the fridge water dispenser to pour some clean water into my hand for it to drink.
Abigail: I had a long cool dream with lots of animals and also some other beings like a little cute yoshi Abigail: But I had this bat-friend (no doubt from thinking about batjohn too much, as my dreams from last night were from thinking about tinysherlock too much x3) Abigail: And for a lot of the dream the bat-friend clung to my shoulder or back, and it was a cute, white, sentient bat vuv Abigail: Well, before that I was placing these things all along the wide underside of a counter that was outside, because apparently you had to stick these little button things onto the underside of something before a bat could hang there Abigail: And I was planning on keeping a bunch of bats, just because I could, but for some reason I was never able to. Abigail: And at one point my family lived in a place in the woods and we had horses and dogs, like my aunt's place that I just went to, and then I went to sit on one of those foldable chairs that you take to places, again like at aunt ramona's, and some chibi naruto characters came and snuggled with me, and a little yoshi came, and something else, but I don't remember what, and it was all very cute Abigail: Oh and there was a part near the end where there was one of those "in the next merlin!" thingies Abigail: That was kind of random and out of nowhere Abigail: and omg Abigail: It was, like, Arthur was cursed into thinking that he was different animals at different times.. or at least act like them, and I was like OMG THIS IS GONNA BE A GOOD EPISODE and now I know that it is not real. how sad. Abigail: oh and when we had the horses and dogs, I was up on the roof for a bit, trying to chirp like the birds were chirping and trying to get them to chirp back and some of them were RIGHT next to me, but it was a dream so I didn't think anything about it Abigail: And when my parents got home I was like QUICK GET OFF THE ROOF because I knew they probably didn't want me up there 'cause I could damage things, so I went down to pretend like I'd been petting the dogs the whole time, and then Alex accidentally let our two bighorn sheep run away and he ran after them Abigail: Because apparently when we moved in, there were already two bighorn sheep there, so we just kept them. :I they didn't have a pen or anything, they just hung around. Abigail: Sorry this is a wall of text lol Abigail: Oh and I was iron man once, except that wasn't a very good dream because everyone kept being really mean and annoying, and so then I started having a tantrum and throwing things and stuff, and then I flew uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup into the air and made war machine follow me for some reason, then I flew straight down into the ground or something, I don't really remember, and then I woke up, but I held still and relaxed and tried to just go into the next dream, but it didn't work :V Abigail: And in the last dream with the sentient bat and the next time on merlin and all that, in our basement there were these elk that would just come in and I can't remember if they were sentient or not, only that elk would come into our basement sometimes, through the big open basement doors, and I think Alex had to wrestle them out or something? Or.. interrogate them or something? I don't remember. Maybe sometimes I would be the one to do it? Abigail: And there was an evil bat-human king that was living with us but he was the last of his kind and he was scheming to somehow use me and my bat-friend to continue his race or something. Abigail: I woke up before he did anything :V
After a routine awakening I tried to go back to sleep. After a few minutes, without warning, a bat flew across my head and screeched. I noticed that I was now completely paralyzed. As my vision faded to black, I thought that I was dying. Instead, I woke up with my head under my sheets.
Updated 03-19-2013 at 08:38 PM by 57896
Owl and Bat House My recall has been really poor lately, but I remember this dream from last night. There was a house that was always dark, and I mean like there were no lights. It was full of owls and bats. You could hardly walk because they were everywhere. There was some lady who lived in this house. It was narrated to me that she walked around the house naked all the time because there were no lights. My view of the room was like a black and white drawing. Nothing moved. I was able to KIND of focus on some of the owls and bats, as though I was verifying what they were or something.
A and I had moved into a new house. The house was large and had many divisions. Once we got to the new house,a boy with black hair came to visit us. He had blue jeans and a pale-blue shirt. The boy was very curious, talkative and friendly. He is always around us, that seems to please A. I'm a little upset that he´s always around, due to the lack of privacy. A tells me that he just needs attention and someone to talk to him. He tells me he is the son of a neighbor. I saw him come into our house through the large windows of our room. Initially when he tried to enter the house through the window,he looked adult, and wore an electric-blue shirt, and had short black hair. I flew towards him to give him a kick in the face, but the curtains (which were also blue) blocked my sight, and I stopped. When the curtains came out of my sight, the man had disappeared and in its place was already the boy. I'm walking around the house to see how it is. The kitchen has walls painted of many colors. The room has a small television .... It also has marble stairs that give access to a garage door, in the bottom of the stairs. Along the staircase, I see three dogs. The first one is near the top of the stairs, looks like a Labrador. When I open the door he wakes up. The Labrador was sleeping in a bag of raffia. He looked at me in a sweet way. Everything i saw in this part of the dream was in night vision mode, since everything had a green tint. The kid comes home again after I have sent him away. I speak a little with him and then he leaves. I speak with A and tell him that this lack of privacy can not be and that we must move to a new house. She tells me: "You need to speak with the landlord first ok?" I went shopping with A. Once we parked the car four thives appear. After locking the doors of the car, i started walking back and forth with it, trying to run over them. One of the times I did Reverse one of the robbers hit on my rear window with a wooden baseball bat. The window didn´t break. I look to my right and I don´t not see A inside of the car. She´s outside of the car, dressed all in black with a dress in spandex, to mid-thigh. It has a black bag to match the dress. The robbers are trying to get her, and each time one of them comes near her she hits him and pushes him. I tell her to get inside the car, but every time she goes in, one of the robbers approaches her. She does not seem too bothered by the robbers, because she laughs each time one of them gets close. I get out of the car, grab the baseball bat from one of the robbers and throw the baseball bat at one of them, breaking his teeth, i break the head of another robber with a punch. Then i grab the baseball bat again and deliver a full swing into the third robber in the head, leaving the thickest part of the club in his skull. When the fourth robber comes in my direction, i break his nose with a kick. The third robber looked like Alec Empire from Atari Teenage Riot.