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    1. Night of Friday 9/22/23

      by , 09-23-2023 at 04:13 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:30PM.

      New Life
      I'm with my family at a hospital. I recall Grandma P and sister-in-law K in particular.
      There is a glass viewing case that has the newborn baby girl in it.
      The baby is "K Junior". I bring my Grandma P over to make sure she gets to see the baby, and she tells me she already has.
      We are rushing down a hall, and at the end of the hall there is a room similar to the small band room from high school.
      There is a group assembled here. My friend H is part of it. I think the subject of the dream has changed at this point.
      H has a new girlfriend and it is an exciting mystery about who it is. There are other members of our friend group there too.

      Later I'm rushing outside to a car. It's a downpour of rain.
      I'm carrying my saxophone case. My Dad is driving the car.
      He won't pop the trunk so I can't put it away. I'm frustrated because he won't help me.
      It seems he wants me to bring the saxophone case in the car with me.

      Recalled from earlier in the night.

      Random Dancing
      I'm at a dance studio. It resembles the one my girlfriend and I went to a few year back.
      I'm with my friend H again and we are in a line leading to the front desk.
      I'm nervous because I'm bad at dancing.
      There is a screen behind the desk and it has a randomized list revealing who will be dancing with who.
      H is paired with someone else, and I don't recall who my partner is.

      Recorded around 7AM.

      I'm playing a Zelda game. It resembles Tears of the Kingdom. My girlfriend S is watching me play.
      We are in a lava-themed area. I'm currently fighting a tall monster.
      There is a new partner (similar to Navi, Tatl, KoRL, Midna, Fi etc) that has the ability to steal enemy weapons mid-strike.
      In a dramatic and exciting moment, I execute this ability just as the monster is thundering down a massive axe toward me.
      The axe gets a green glow (similar to how the ultra-hand works) and teleports to Link's hands. S thinks it is awesome. We're both excited about it.
      At that moment, the game slows down, and the background is red. The silhouette of Link holding the axe and the action lighting makes the moment all the more epic.
      I strike, the monster falls, I win.

      Recorded around 7AM.

      Updated 09-23-2023 at 04:34 PM by 99808

    2. Night of Wednesday 6/14/23 (Comp Night 14)

      by , 06-15-2023 at 07:18 PM (Dreamlog)
      I didn't get the WILD or dream control I was hoping for, but there is a lot of recall here...so that's a plus!

      Before WBTB

      Sci-Fi Feeding Time
      It's dark, night-time at a stable on a farm.
      There are horse-like creatures and other monsters in sci-fi fleshy body bags.
      Some of the horse-creatures are sitting on their backsides...and have huge upright dongs.
      Like straight up into the air, 3ft diameter and 5ft high...
      Someone is showing me how they care for the creatures.
      They have one mature creature chew up food and spit it out.
      Then they collect the mush and feed it to the younger ones.

      The whole situation is very strange and I kinda wish I would've forgotten this one.

      Fireshots and Frogskins
      I'm in a team at Hogwarts and we are in the middle of magic combat with another group.
      They are Slytherins or otherwise dark magic users.
      It isn't a friendly duel, they are trying to hurt us.
      I shoot some fire attacks at one of them and set their robes on fire.
      I remark that the spell was meant for aesthetic uses, but very useful here.
      I shoot off some stupefies and experlliarmises, and notice that I have multiples wands and they break as I'm shooting.
      They sort of snap like twigs.
      It feels similar to how durability works in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
      Later I'm in a downstairs living space or maybe a lab.
      Mr. Weasley is there. He has a big frog creature. About 1ft tall.
      I'm wanting the frog's shed-skin shell from him.
      There is also information I'm needing. There was another person I was planning to bribe with the skin-shell.
      But I realize that Mr. Weasley has the same info.
      The room looks like my childhood kitchen now, with Mr. Weasley standing near the sink.
      I ask him for the info, and indicate my understanding that I don't need to bribe him.
      He pauses, gives me a look, sarcastically pauses...maybe a bribe IS needed...
      But then gives me the info.

      Cave Battle
      JM from work and I are planning a dangerous trip to get treasure.
      Later we arrive at the site.
      I'm in an underground cave with a large rock blocking the entrance above.
      Similar to a bombable wall from Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
      There is a horde of orcs/goblin creatures above the wall chasing me. JM is above as well.
      I'm searching the cave for the treasure. The monsters are getting closer to opening the rock.
      I start to look for a weapon instead. I find a bow, but the arrows with it are dull.
      They break through. I try to hide.
      3 goblins make their way to the back cave chamber where I am at.
      They chase me around the room and shoot arrows at me, I try to grab fallen arrows to fight back desperately.
      J!!! HELP!!! I scream.
      He shows up and helps me fight.

      After WBTB
      I head back to bed and focus on the forest I want to WILD into. I wait a long time, and multiple alarms go off interrupting my attempt. I eventually slip off to sleep without a WILD.

      False Awakenings
      I'm in my bedroom, thinking that I've wasted my time for the last day of comp.
      Crap. I do a half-hearted nose reality-check just to be sure...

      And I'm dreaming! But it fades quickly into another false awakening.
      This happens a few times, but I never get real control of the dreams.
      Only counting it as one dream because it all was sort of a blur.

      Hey, You, You're Finally Awake
      I have metal chains binding my arms together and I'm riding a cart through some valley.
      I'm a prisoner, similar to the opening of Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
      My right eye is bound shut somehow and I can't find a way to move my body to free it.
      I think about how maybe I'm sleeping with my eye covered...

      I must be dreaming!
      Despite being lucid, I can't do anything to free my eye.

      When I woke up, I confirm that my right eye was, in fact, lodged into my pillow. Go figure.

      Carpet Shower
      I'm at my Grandma P's old house (the one with the big upstairs area and Jack/Jill bathroom).
      My dad owns it now. He's talking to his friend about how great blowjobs are. I mean, I can't argue with the man.
      There is a stuffed animal on a chair alone in one of the rooms. I don't see the significance of it, if any.
      I'm searching for a shower and I find one in the middle of one of the big bedrooms over the carpeting.
      It doesn't strike me as strange that a faucet is right in the middle of the bedroom wall.
      I start to shower up, but my Dad interrupts me and I have to leave the room.

      Unexpected Assist
      I'm in an apartment similar to H and A's from a few years back.
      We're down some stairs. H is giving me a strange look and I feel like she is into me.
      Her and my girlfriend S are aware of my WBTB and WILD attempts, and are trying to help.
      They set up a bed for me with a stuffed animal to help me sleep.

      Panther Dinner Time
      I'm in a fancy restaurant sitting outside. It reminds me of where we sat and got ice cream in Disneyland/California Adventure.
      There is a large panther approaching the seating area.
      It's aggressive and the crowd freaks out.
      Then a man appears from out of the crowd and seems to know the panther.
      He commands it, and manages to get it to jump onto a nearby brick wall and hang there.
      The situation is resolved.

      Medium workout
      Light dinner
      Bed on time
      6hr/30m WBTB
      Yuschak Primary Trigger (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate)

      So I still didn't get the result I was hoping for. There were some alarms my girlfriend had go off during the attempt, but I'm not sure I can 100% blame those for the failure. I think that given the challenge of falling asleep once again, 30m might be too long of a wake period. Intent was 20m, but by the time I had taken the supplements, recorded my dreams, used the bathroom, and reviewed my goals 30m had passed. I'm undecided if I want to test 6hr/30m WBTB one more time, or move on and try 6hr/20m in earnest.

      Updated 06-15-2023 at 07:30 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , lucid
    3. Cyclops River Battle

      by , 05-06-2022 at 09:00 PM

      Updated 09-01-2024 at 10:51 PM by 99032

      Tags: battle, cyclops, river
      lucid , memorable
    4. 3 August - Unwanted Magician

      by , 08-05-2021 at 07:52 PM
      comment non-lucid (shortened) lucid

      I walked down the street, looked around and thought - "could this be a dream?" Everything seems normal. In the 1st split-second, I think clearly not, just like with reality questioning in reality, but then I think "it could very well be" and as I raise my hand to RC I already know the outcome.
      DC, who is walking towards me, looks at me as if he recognizes what I am doing and smiles. Meanwhile, I inwardly celebrate - "Yes!", but tone down my enthusiasm. I feel like enjoying the dream as it is, as long as possible, having fun, nothing complicated.
      Something is happening in front of me, something fantasy. Some sort of battle preparation or perhaps a LARP? I arrive in town and there are more people around. I come to a bush that has brittle dry branches and break off a large branch with the goal of turning it into a sword. But as I break it off, someone attacks me with a staff, and I block the attack. Turns out he just wanted to practice, and we try different attacks and parries.
      I'll keep my staff as a magician's staff. I'll remind myself it's a dream so I don't lose my lucidity. I go to a nearby building and there's someone in charge of battle preparations and wants my help with a little something. I'll help. Then he goes out that he needs to pick capable people and heroes. I say I'm happy to help with that (I mostly want him to pick me), but he doesn't really want my help and doesn't take me seriously.
      Everything out there now is a mix of fantasy and modern and there's quite a crowd. To my right, I hear some talk about lucidity and I turn around and there are two girls giggling. I ask if they're lucid dreaming too. They say they do, and they look happy. I congratulate them.
      I say to myself, that was a good reminder. And I think it's probably not true, since it's my dream and I don't believe in shared dreaming. But I suppress such thoughts - I don't want higher lucidity and I don't want to stir up a fuss or disturb the story with the truth. This dream is fully about the suspension of disbelief.
      I'm looking at some dresses on a rack outside a shop. Then I go inside where they have decorative cushions. I wonder when the dream will end, but I know I have plenty of time and there's no reason for it to end. I walk down the street away from the crowds and the shops.
      Then I want to go back again and notice I don't have my staff. I try "Accio staff!" and try to imagine it in my hand, including the feel of the wood. Nothing. I'm disappointed. Maybe it's because I can't see it. But if I could see it, I could use telekinesis. I decided that when I see it, I'll use TK. I want to go back to the commander and convince him to test me to show him I'm a mage.
      As I'm going back, I'm suddenly in a wheelchair and moving awfully slowly. It takes ages to get back...
      I start thinking about how I'm going to write the beginning of my lucidity in my DJ, and I think of the best wording in English, and how I'm going to post it on DV
      . And as the balance between me and the dream collapses, I wake up.
    5. cclxv.

      by , 05-09-2021 at 09:33 PM
      8th May 2021


      Mom, new medications, a swap or trade for her? (not sure what I meant by this and recall is too gone)


      Watching HW play an undead rogue wearing a T2 helm, he's sort of streaming PvP activity where he's killing other horde players but also alliance, not focusing on any particular group more than another. He is in a full party with some friends who are helping him with the PvP?


      HW is visiting me, at a mix of my current and old home. I'm with him in the kitchen, downstairs. There's a moment of intense laughter when I or he make a joke, sort of together, but I forget what it was about. We're about to head upstairs and I go into the pantry (what pantry, which home?) and grab the only two beers there, as well as an orange juice drink in a similar but clear glass bottle. I ask HW what he wants but he doesn't seem to hear me. I ask him again once we are upstairs, also asking H if he wants one of these things too. I have some feeling of concern about who will pick what?

      9th May 2021


      Planet-landing, some colony and I'm? using a tank to take over the colony. Something about it being a job in planning by others for three years. I prove them wrong by myself by assaulting a base and then I eventually get some reinforcements to assist me. Then in a cave, the dream changes and becomes about wrestling or some form of free fighting. I remember breaking things up, made of wood.


      I'm in a place like L with H, walking across a busy street. It's sunny and looks pretty much as I might expected, considerably busy too. I see MB walking ahead in front of us at one point as we walk to wherever we're going but H doesn't notice or care. I feel annoyed and think to myself "yeah, you walk away you bastard" as I watch him go up another street on an incline, beside some kind of train or transit station.

      We eventually go up the same street too and H says he's going to call someone (one of our parents) but he notices the phone number is totally wrong for the contact, deciding to ring anyway and finding out who it might be. The other person answers and is equally curious and confused but they are nearby so we backtrack a little to a bit with a cafe. We approach and H talks to this person he had been on the phone with. I don't realise it in the dream but any awareness of them drops off as I focus on my aunt B who is sat at the next table over, facing an unknown dream character who is her friend.

      For some reason, as we get talking, this unknown character is showing me the inside of her mouth, which impossibly looks bigger on the inside than on the outside. Under her tongue, there is a pepperoni pizza pattern thing going on, but it's some kind of fungal structure that is an uncontrolled infection. I remember being told about this but in no detail.


      - The last dream with MB was about four months ago.

      - The dream recall for all of these is poor because while I did make initial notes, they were extremely brief and I had planned on getting around to typing them up sooner, whilst recall was still fresh, but the days didn't allow for it.

      - For some time now I have been feeling like there's something wrong internally, on a physical level. I worry on some level that part of recent dream symbolisms are related to this but I have no real basis for this other than some recent aches that haven't subsided. Recently I have been getting random intrusive thoughts about cancer, possibly since that's essentially what AH passed away from.

      - I had some more notes I wanted to put down but I'm currently distracted and have a headache, so I'm being unable to focus.
    6. 008 [l]: Tuesday 5 7 2017

      by , 05-20-2018 at 02:42 AM
      (Man it's a long one)

      My dream started with me on holiday, in this large house. One day on the holiday, I fell out with my mother after arguing with her on how to drink coffee. After some unrememberable and unimportant details about the rest of the holiday; We had to leave, and I had to wind up the ginormous grandfather clock in the center of the house. The clock took up an entire segment of the house, it took up a good chunk of the foyer the pendulum's weight was about as big as me, and I could only barely reach the chain so I could wind it.

      On the way back from the holiday destination, for some reason, I found myself in a weird version of Seoul in South Korea, in some nondescript shopping mall, after messing around in the shops for a bit, I realised I was dreaming, and decided to become the superhero, "Slime Guy",
      based upon the various Dragon Quest memorabilia that was scattered around. After trying out a bit of dream control, I started exploring the place, only to realise that some bits of it were flooded. for some reason, and the dream characters were walking around in the water nonchalantly, like the water wasn't there. I caused a bit of chaos and stole a shopping trolley, quickly dashing into one of the lifts (which where like a miniature network of wonkavators mixed with trams). I picked one of the wrong destinations, and got separated from my group.

      I ended up at one of the lift stations, unable to get back on the lift. I managed to get another lift that was pretty crowded, the lift had a tourist group, as well as a few locals. After trying to find a seat in the lift, I accidentally got sat on by one of the local girls. For some strange reason, she kept doing it, I was incredibly uncomfortable with this happening, so I attempted to get a Korean phrasebook up on
      my phone, but like in real life, it just wouldn't connect. She was on my lap for the entire duration of the ride.

      We eventually got off the train, the girl and her friends spoke some Korean which I understood as meaning "What is your name?" (For some reason, it actually did sound like the proper Korean for that phrase), I decided to fool around with them, and replied to them, "AMERICAN GUY!" in a perfect General American accent, before running off. All of a sudden, the supervillain "Iron Spinner" showed up and started attacking the bus. His whole gimmick was legitimately him being based around the concept of fidget spinners (I kid you not).

      The girl then suited up in an iron man suit and started blasting Iron Spinner, after a bit of tussling and scrapping, I saw a whole load of RED stickybombs from the game Team Fortress 2, I decided to try luring Iron Spinner in to them, I succeded, and they exploded, I also saw who layed the stickybombs, Donkey from Shrek. At this point, the wierdness factor must have overloaded my brain, beacuse I can't remember any more of the dream.

      Updated 06-30-2018 at 04:42 PM by 65287 (formatting)

      Tags: battle, long
    7. 2-10 to 2-11 2018 dreams (no LDs)

      by , 02-11-2018 at 06:31 PM
      I had to do some experimenting with sleeping positions to fall asleep but eventually it worked. Before bed I did waking life recall of the previous day and some light cardio and stretching.

      Round 1 of Dreams.
      Witch Lady / Diglett attack / Guitar scales on bus / Truck into freezing water

      I forgot what happened up until here. There was some context that there was a lady who was like this witch lady and I was trying to find her photograph to click on it and then be able to fight her or defeat her. There was more before that but I can't remember like where the idea of the witch lady came from and all. Maybe something to do with playing music or that she was locking up my creativity.

      So, I was looking at all these photographs, but apparently the witch lady was inaccessible. They were all sort of decoys or secondary figures.

      Then I was at the bottom of this hill, in this dungeon room type of thing. There were these boxes I could hit and activate and then an enemy would come out. I would fight that enemy and they would explode or whatever like in video games and coins would appear. Then, I would collect the coins.

      The next phase was that the witch lady was going to roll a bunch of poor little digletts down a hill that were supposed to run me over. I started walking up the hill against the flow of Digletts rolling down. The Digletts were actually innocent victims and more on my side than hers. She was just using them for her evil purposes. I found that if I just laid down, the Digletts could roll over me with no damage.

      This was interesting part because when I say "me" and "I" what it was kind of like was there was this female video game character who was the protagonist. And then I was mixing between seeing her from outside or seeing the dream from her perspective. But I had a sense that was "me" or "I" because she was the protagonist? I don't know if it was really "me" though.

      So then "I" got to the top of the hill and the witch lady was mad I had made it up so far. She took hundreds of these poor Digletts and cast them into some giant folder type of thing on the side. This was supposed to destroy or sacrifice them. I thought it was sad but it seemed the witch lady couldn't quite kill me.

      I forgot what happened next. Maybe I fought the witch lady or maybe more other stuff happened.

      Next thing I remember, I was on this school bus. A woman I was in a long term relationship with back in college was sitting in the seat accross the aisle and one ahead. She was looking at my shirt and saying she had never seen it before. She was reading it to me. (Note to self #1*) . I was telling her that she had seen it lots of times before and I told her the proper way of saying the name on it. Then she was putting her bare foot on my shirt. This seemed normal to me.

      Then there was someone who objected to her doing that. They were like, are you really going to let her just put her foot on you like that? And I felt kind of awkward because I didn't want to insult the girl but they had a point in a way. In the context of the dream, the girl putting her foot on me had more to do with just being "uncivilized" than being rude to me.

      Either before or after that, I had a guitar, and so did a guy accross from me. I played a scale in kind of a cool way. I remembered the fingering to the major scales. 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, something like that, starting on the low E string. Well, I thought i was remembering it, but that seems off. Then, the guy accross from me played the same scale but in some super rock star kind of a way. He was using some double notes where he could play a note on say the twelfth fret but then play the fifth fret on the same string simultaneously and it sounded cool. It was way better than my attempt at playing. There was still a tone of not being allowed to play music though.

      So then on the bus we were driving down along this road. There was some building and some kind of dirt road. The people were kind of pressuring me like, are you going to spend the rest of your life with this person? (Note to self #2*) I really honestly wasn't sure at that point and felt torn, but pressure to decide.

      Then, we got to this sort of field with some small dirt hills. (Note to self #3*) There was something about having 15 minutes to get accross to the beach on the other side of the woods but not being sure if we were ready to set up this tent in the cold without having all our blankets and such. We weren't prepared for a night camping in the cold. Then the guy said he only had 15 minutes and was going to have to go all the way around. I said, no, look, there is a dirt path there you can drive on. Sure enough, he was able to drive on that dirt path and so we headed toward it. There was some ice on it but we were in a pick up truck now and should be fine if we take it slow. To the right of the path there was a body of water.

      Next thing I knew, the driver was heading straight for the water, to drive over the ice. I was thinking to myself, this is a bad idea, you won't be able to drive over the ice. It will break and the car will sink. But the guy went in anyway and sure enough, the ice broke, and we were all in the car, sinking underwater. Luckily we were able to get out of the car but it was pretty scary, especially with the water being so cold.

      I guess we sort of abandoned the pick up truck and were going to walk the rest of the way. Now there was a sense that someone was mad at us for drowning the pick up truck and would be coming after us.

      Next part I remember, I had gotten to a house that was supposed to be my Dad's. The other two people from the pick up truck were gone. My Dad was in the bathroom or something. I was in the kitchen and saw a bag of red ground beef on the counter, like a see through plastic bag. I weighed it and it was about 4 ounces. It seemed that my Dad had seasoned it up to make something for himself. I wanted to tell my Dad that if he was the person who answered the door, the people who came to kill the other people might not know that he was not one of the people who ruined the truck or whatever else. But then they might attack my Dad so I wanted to warn my Dad to maybe leave or not answer the door?

      Looking back, I realize that I was the first person they would see if they came in the house, and I wonder if anything else happened in the dream. That was as far as I could remember.

      I remember physically awakening on my left side some how, even though I went to sleep on my right side. I was kind of surprised at this. The first thing that happened when I woke up was like my mind was sort of melty or something? Like I felt like I half knew that I should be thinking of what I had dreamed but my mind wasn't fully awake yet or it was still disconnected from my consciousness. Eventually, it got to where I could grab hold of my mind and think through the dreams. So I stayed still, and thought, and nothing, nothing, nothing came until I think the detail of the red meat came to mind, then the ice water, and it all kind of flowed until nothing else would come to mind. I was able to wait long enough to pee to think back to that witch lady part and try to remember further and further back, but I couldn't get to any earlier than looking through the photos and trying to "click" on the witch lady to access her.

      I am not too angry about forgetting that part because I am surprised how much I remembered for just the first time waking up through the night. Maybe I want to use a voice recorder through the night instead of the computer screen, so I don't get so much light exposure, but I don't know how to set it up.

      Round 2 of Dreams.
      "Crash in my back yard / Talking Turkey"

      I woke up from this dream, started to remember it, then fell asleep a little bit again. So I think I lost some, but here is what I remembered.

      I forgot a lot of the beginning. But where my memory of this dream begins, I was sitting at my Nana's table with my sister. I was sitting where my Nana sits, which looks out at the whole back yard. My sister was sitting with her back to the wall where the T V is. I think my sister was drawing something and I was talking to her about it. She might have fallen off her chair or something, I don't quite remember, but it was something.

      Then, I looked out the back yard through the windows on the door and saw this giant black metal sort of thing. I was like, my goodness, that is definitely unusual. I didn't think I might be dreaming, but I was pretty surprised. I think I tried to point it out to my sister and she said, oh, its nothing.

      Then there were some police officers at my door. Some kindness came over me and I invited them inside the house, rather than keep them standing at the door. They were telling me how they came because there was a huge car crash and explosion in my back yard. We were on this big set of pink carpeted stairs, and all the police officers were all sitting around and laying down on the stairs. I kept noticing there was a table we could all go sit at, but I guess we all wanted to stay on the stairs. They were asking me when was my last time on something called "2 4 7 3 6 5". I tried to think back in my head to the last time I was on "2 4 7 3 6 5". It was morning time in this dream.

      I started to worry that once my Dad got home, he would be upset that I let the police officers in. So I hoped they would leave before he got home. They wanted to borrow his truck. Them taking his truck would cause him to miss his 9 A M A A meeting (he doesn't go to A A in waking life) and this made my sister upset. There were some jars of change on the steps.

      At some point my perception was that the big metal thing in the back yard was put there as a barrier so I wouldn't have to witness the wreckage of the car crash. But really I think that the big metal thing was the thing that caused the "crash" effect and the explosion.

      I think I forgot some more parts of the dream after that.

      Next in the dream, I only remember this part about a man being lusted after by women. He had some kind of name like Georginio'Bimbi or something like that. The initials were G apostrophe B. I forgot the rest but I think he had long black hair.

      I think I forgot some more parts around here.

      Then the end of this dream involved a scene with two guitarists on stage. I remember touching one of their guitars and noticing all the different wah wah pedal types of things there were on it. The guitarists seemed like they were going to have some kind of "guitar duel" but they ended up playing along with each other. They both had long hair and maybe beards.

      Then the guy on the right dropped down to do abdominal crunches while the guitarist on the left continued playing. The guy did abdominal crunches to the tune of the guitarists playing.

      Then I think there was a screen showing some of the antics back stage to the audience as the two guitarists did this performance. A guy came along and stole the guy's guitar who was doing the crunches. He ways sort of muttering to himself (for the crowd to hear, because he was acting) that he always wanted a guitar like this. So the "dream screen" followed him as he took it behind the back stage curtain and he wished for a car. A red recliner chair was along the side of a grey stair case and this seemed to be the fulfillment of his wish. On the chair there was a big raw turkey. On the turkey was some writing, something like, "I can have what I want." The guy either laid back on the turkey or he threw the turkey to the side before sitting down. Then he reclined back as far as he could in the red recliner chair, talking about how he was so happy to have his new car, by which he meant he was so happy to have the chair, but the chair was his "car". He was going to play guitar while reclining all the way back and he seemed so happy about it. I think the stair case would have got in the way of the neck of the guitar because it was right up against it. All this scene from the chair was seen from like a side profile view.

      So I woke up from these and began to think through them. It was like I knew something had happened but I didn't know what it was, so I kept trying to remember, and eventually, the details came up. As I was thinking about the part with the turkey, I fell back to sleep. I had a dream of a turkey singing "I'm talking!" In a deep voice kind of like Plankton's voice from Spongebob. That is not the first time I have been thinking of a dream detail from a dream I just had, woken up, and thought about it, and suddenly I was in a dream all about that dream detail. Interesting phenomenon.

      Round 3 of Dreams.

      I forgot some earlier parts of this dream. Also my dream notes were not sequential so I am not really sure what order this all happened in. I will try to put it in the best order I can. (Usually I like to put the dream in the order it happened if possible. )

      There was a part with my sister and it was her "last day visiting". I remember being unable to sleep and not really knowing how to handle her leaving. There was also a part where I was walking through the neighborhood with my sister and encountered my sister's friend's brother in a hooded sweater. I think it was on one of the roads I walk to the grocery store on because I remember the chain fence behind him and it looked like where I make that turn. But I remembered thinking I have no idea who these people are.

      So then, there was this part where I was dreaming of having difficulty sleeping. I was wondering what to do. I tried looking on You Tube and I found this one guy's video that was interesting. I don't remember the content but it was definitely pretty cool. I tried to copy paste the title of the video but I noticed it contained some parts that weren't letters. They were actually like bars that I could slide a little bar along like a volume or brightness bar to control the percentage of certain content within the video? Kind of hard to explain. One of the sliding scales was called something like "transgender". So I guess the higher I put that scale, the more of a "transgender" quality the video would have?

      At first I thought the Youtube video person was really cool but then it turned out they had a lot of issues. They were a black haired transgender person who was raging at everyone. It seemed like they were trying to stand up for themselves though. I remember they went down some stairs, and I kind of went down the stairs, too. I had to go down them backwards so I didn't hurt my knees.

      I was thinking they are so angry because they are just constipated, or that if they would walk down the stairs backwards, like I did, they wouldn't be so upset. (Note to self #4*)

      I am not totally sure of the order of events in this dream or if I missed anything. But next, some of my friends from high school were around. My friend Tom had a big game boy. He was drinking too much alcohol and then shutting the game boy around his head, so you could only see a game boy where his head was. Then, he was sitting on the edge of the table, and fell off it backwards, hitting his head really hard on the ground, with the game boy on his head. It looked like he had a brief case on his head. I was concerned that he must have been really hurt, but he got up and said he was fine! I didn't realize it was a dream.

      Then there was a part where there were two locations the dream would toggle between. It was a Pokemon game kind of thing and I wish I remembered more of it. Each location had a brown portal and a white portal. One portal brought me one place, one portal brought me back. The portals were like glowing concentric circles in the ground. Okay, so then it was some sort of Pokemon battle thing, but I mainly wanted to just walk around the level. I was seeing the "dream screen" as if it was the view point you see when you play Pokemon on gameboy (like ruby/sapphire generation).

      Then I was sitting with a woman and she was showing me some kind of maps or schematics. She sat down on my leg to show the maps or schematics to me. I was really sort of in love at that point because I guess that is definitely a sign she liked me, and usually when a female shows the slightest sign of interest in me, I fall in love!

      There was this part where these brown socks I have appeared. The woman and I were both looking at the sock and it had a hole in the back of it above the heel that looked like the hole in the hat where you adjust the width. So there was a part where the "dream screen" just showed both socks.

      Then the woman and I were sitting in some bleachers but in my living room. We were sitting pretty high up on them, towards the back. We were looking out at the beach one moment, then it was in my house. We were talking about getting jobs so we could have a life together. I was looking at a schematic and the view of the beach and saying how it wouldn't be that difficult for me to make schematics for a living. It is much harder for the people who have to actually build it or make the materials, but just making the schematic is easy, and I could do that for a living. She was talking about getting a late shift, like noon to 8 or 4 to 12. We were saying how if we both still like each other when we have jobs, we can be together. It was very loving. I was sitting slightly behind her at one point with my face in her hair, kind of holding her like a big hug from behind, how some couples sometimes sit. Like a spooning hug I guess you would call it, I don't know. It felt really like a gift because I felt a lot of love for this dream person.

      I started to worry that my Dad would get home. Sure enough, he came in the front door. My attention went away from the woman and I guess she dissappeared. He had just gotten home from somewhere. He laid down on the lowest bench of the bleachers to do a bench press. Somehow he had got 150 pounds from the floor to the bench press position without actually having spotter racks like bench press racks in the gym do. The bleachers made long benches for bench pressing. I went to spot my Dad and accidentally pushed the bar down instead of helping him up with it but he still pressed the bar anyway, so i was relieved I didn't crush him. Then I noticed it was an E Z bar, which means it isn't a straight bar, it has kind of pointy parts as it is bent at different angles. There is usually a pointy part in the very middle of an E Z bar and he was bouncing this part of the bar so hard off his rib cage that I could see his rib cage get pressed down and bounce back up. I was thinking to myself, that is so dangerous, he really should not bounce the bar like that. But he was even throwing the bar in the air and catching it, and then at the end of his set, he flung the bar on the ground in front of him. That would be a very unusual way to lift weights in waking life, but I didn't become lucidly aware. Next, I saw another barbell, but it was only half the length of a barbell. I thought of my olympic barbell in the basement and that I could get that for him instead, but then the dream situation shifted again.

      He had gone out to get a second "yard scooper" so that we would have two such shovels to use as two "shovel arms" for picking things up in the yard. But he forgot to get the second one while he was out. I was thinking of other things we could use in the mean time so he didn't have to rush back out.

      I wrote that at some point, there was a thing with Eminem lyrics, but I have no idea where this fits. It wasn't the content of the youtube video so I guess I will just leave it at that. I also vaguely remember some sort of buildings near a beach, but the buildings were like marketplaces with no roofs. I didn't know where that fit, either. I woke up from every dream with that image in mind but couldn't really think of what had happened regarding it.

      I woke up from these dreams but fell back asleep midway of thinking through them. Luckily, I didn't lose all the details. I was groggy throughout this night when it came to waking up to recall dreams. But I had enough energy to keep myself up long enough to remember the dream before I went back to sleep.

      Later on I also remembered that I had a dream where I was trying to post a dream journal entry on a forum somewhere. I was falling behind on my posts but not because I wasn't writing them. I was just working on multiple posts at once so I was going to post them all once I finished them all, instead of one at a time. I was trying to make a post to explain to anyone who wanted to read my dream journal entries that I was sorry for the delay but there would be a lot of posts soon. (This came from my idea of going back to older dreams in my DJ and posting them up in archived DJ entries. ) I was actually thinking of dreams I have actually had within this dream when thinking of the dreams I would post.

      Round 4 of dreams.

      I forgot what happened in the beginning of this dream. It was something with my sister and Aunt. My memory of the dream starts with me walking through this market place and there was a 20 percent off sale. The coupon was a piece of paper kind of ripped into a square, but then it had another square cut out of its center which I was trying to tape back in. I hoped that I could use multiple coupons, but then I realized I didn't need anything from this store, and so even at 80% off, it is still not a good expense of my money. Then there was someone, maybe my sister, or someone else, who wanted to go to the sale. So she was waiting for some guy to walk through the door so she could hand off her baby to him. He would be walking through the door at exactly 10:08 or 10:09 A M (something like that) and so she would walk out just as he was walking in and hand off her baby to him.

      I guess a lot of these perceptions in dreams of the context of what is going on around me is telepathic because usually it is not said outright.

      The next part was pretty interesting. I went to the end of a hallway and into this room behind a plastic curtain, like they have at gym showers. I started to notice lots of quarters on the floor and thought, maybe I dropped them there. (This makes me think there was some part of the dream in which I was already dealing with dream money but I can't remember. ) So I picked up one quarter, and then there was another, until one after another after another appeared. I looked at them, and they were silver, and seemed like waking life quarters. Some even had states on the back or eagles. Then, as I went more to my left, there were fifty cent pieces, some of those European coins with the silver around it and gold in the middle, and then gold dollar or five or even ten dollar coins in the shower part of the room. One of the quarters that was tails up, showing a bald eagle, was darker in color. I noticed this but just explained it to myself as waking life because money can get some dirt on it sometimes. I was feeling such a high from finding all of this money. The thought occured to me that it might be a dream. I think I finger palm tested a little, but eventually talked myself out of it being a dream! (Now upon awakening I find humor in that. ) As I picked up the coins, I had the sense come over me that they weren't mine. I was going to take them all anyway, and hoped that whoever they belonged to wouldn't come to get them before I finished gathering them all up.

      Then I walked out from there and still had the money in mind but there was another objective now. I had on a black shirt with some red design on it, like a red square. Everyone else seemed to be wearing this dark green science olympiad shirt that I got in high school or middle school and it still fits me. My sister was one floor up but could talk down to me. She told me to change out of my "nice clothes" before I come up, because they were using lots of cleaning chemicals up there. I saw that she was wearing that green shirt and I thought of changing into that shirt too. For some reason I proceded to go upstairs. But I had forgotten to change my shirt first and was upset with myself, because I would have to go all the way back down. Going up, I think the stairs were a little funny.

      My friend Yanni was playing a plastic water bottle as if it were a saxophone. I thought to myself, wow, I didn't know you could play a plastic water bottle so well and make such a great sound. Auditorially, I heard real saxophone music. Yanni was trying to attract a woman.

      When I went back down the stairs, I noticed they were a little different than they were going up. There were like 4 or 6 steps, then it turned 90 degrees and there were 4 or 6 more steps, then it turned again and there was a really long set of steps going down. This seemed unusual to me but I didn't become lucidly aware or thinking of checking if I was dreaming. I remember the stairs were a little slippery at one point as I went down them forwards and I got really scared. I had to catch my balance on the side of the stair well and then started going down the stairs more carefully.

      As I went down the stairs, I saw a few things. One was a grey electronic key board. I played it a little but was afraid it would get in the way of Yanni's music, so i stopped. (A lot of dreams were about a fear of playing music, which is coming up in my waking life as I consider picking up guitar again. ) I also saw this Kirby "alarm game" which was like a video game console. Also, I saw another quarter, but this one was clearly a fake plastic quarter, so I just returned it to the ground.

      I got back downstairs and now Yanni was at the foot of the stairs, still playing saxophone. I wondered how he got there again. I walked through this row of bushes into a hallway and there were these really cool exotic flowers. They were bundled really close together and looked or felt kind of like fabric. There were sky blue, goldenrod, pink or red ones, and other colors. I noticed one flower seemed different but didn't think much of it. They were all along the side of this hallway.

      I think some more stuff happened that I forgot. But then I found myself writing out what had happened so far, like I was doing a dream journal entry, but I was still in the same place. Unless I had dreamed of waking up, and forgot. I just felt like I was still in the same place.

      After I felt I had finished journaling, I got up and started helping set up for the party. As I went along, I began to have more dream memories pop into my head, so I wanted to be sure I wouldn't forget them. I found myself a white piece of printer paper and ripped a little corner off to use for notes. I looked for a writing utensil and found a colored pencil that looked different colors but said dark brown on it. It was more like a mix of light brown and orange! But the text on the colored pencil in the dream was very clear. I rotated the colored pencil around to find this word for the color on there. The tip was very sharp. I was not lucidly aware, but I was doing all of this with some level of consciousness, just not knowing it was a dream. I remember thinking it was pretty cool that dream memories would just pop into my mind as I went about my activities, so I would always have another memory to look forward to. I leaned up against a solid surface and wrote about the Kirby alarm, something else I had seen, and then I was going to write that I saw Yanni playing saxophone. I felt self conscious to write about Yanni because he was standing right near by, but I justified it like, I am writing my dream, it is not about him. Just as I wrote the name "Yanni" on the paper, he actually started to walk towards me. I was like, uh oh. Then, he started to talk to me about telekinesis. (I find it amazing how in my dreams, telekinesis is very common place, but in waking life, it is harder to notice. )

      Other stuff may have happened. I woke up and thought through these dreams, glad to recover them in some good level of detail.

      (I wanted to note that I had been setting a strong intention to practice dream recall within a lucid dream because I heard that any action performed in the lucid dream state is seven to nine times stronger than an action performed in waking life. So I figured doing dream recall within a dream would boost my dream recall in waking life. It was cool to me how immediately this translated into a non lucid dream about dream recall. )

      Round 5 of sleep.

      I tried to do a wake back to bed after the last dream by doing some light physical activity and then going back to bed. I fell back asleep after what seemed like a long time of waiting there awake, and then woke up from that sleep with no dreams I could remember. That was a little dissappointing. I tried to sleep again but couldn't. I got up to start the day.
    8. Star war

      by , 09-23-2017 at 08:51 AM
      I flew in space, above planet, in some kind of exoskeleton looking spacesuit. It was dark grey, nearly black, helmet looked like head of owl, on the back I had eagle like wings, and I had also regular shape of rest of my body. Surface was covered by something like hard feathers (metallic?).
      In front of me, the vast imperial army slowly closed distance to myself... Star destroyer next to star destroyer, clouds of TIE fighters.
      I stood between them and planet with my hands and wings in gesture of stopping something and I told quietly: "Behold! This planet is mine. Leave in peace or be destroyed."
      I saw chucking admiral in part of my visor muttering something like "fool", while imperial army didn't even pause.
      From legs, hands and wings dark violet plasma flames appeared and I started complicated dance in between enemy ships, changing advance of TIE fighters in debris field fast. The star destroyers started barrage of shots, but I knew where to fly, so I weaved between shots... it looked like dance. There was no more chuckles. I close to star destroyer and with slash of hand I cut it from front to back in half. Not even stopping, I danced between shots and advanced from one star destroyer to other... destroying them as fast as Tie fighters.
      Then admiral called Darth Darkness(I don't remember exactly whether it was darkness but it sound that way) to battle... and much bigger ship appeared, resembling Executor. I promptly changed my course and cut in half that majestic ship too. The fleet then retreated into hyperspace, leaving only debris field behind.

      Updated 09-23-2017 at 08:55 AM by 66278

      Tags: battle, starwars
    9. Battle on the Roof

      by , 07-23-2017 at 03:37 AM (Dream)
      Side Notes (Side Notes)
      Battle on the Roof
      I was at some party, Negan was there. We were on a roof.
      I made an idea, I grabbed the glass that was protecting everyone from falling down to the hard ground.
      Someone else did the same, I said whoever is knocked off loses (and dies). I held the glass as a shield and a stick
      as a weapon. Negan is amused.
      Later, a girl is pushed off by someone, the someone has her back exposed so I hit her with my stick, the stick breaks.
      I sense someone behind me, I duck. The girl with a fire weapon (?) tripped over me and knocked the someone off.
      She was holding on the edge, I say "Sorry" and knock her off.

      Hey guys it's been awhile, alot of my dreams have been...weird lately and I didn't want to share them. I'm happy that I got a dream that had Negan, he's my favorite character on the Walking Dead. I had another dream today but I'm not sharing it.
      July 22nd, 2017
    10. The Dark Mirror

      by , 06-05-2017 at 05:08 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 06-04

      The Dark Mirror

      I am in a place I don’t recognize. It is a cave of some kind. I hear the sound of the ocean from one direction so I follow that sound. There is light getting into the cave from various places where cracks have penetrated through to the outside. I follow the sound of the ocean and emerge on a ledge that is high up over the ocean below. And I’m not alone there. MoSh is there with me. He says we have to find the mirror. At first that doesn’t make any sense, but then I remember something about a mirror in someone’s inner world that was allowing Templars to attack. I pinch my nose and I find I can still breathe, I’m dreaming. I tell MoSh that he’s dreaming and he says he already knows that. We search around on the ledge and connecting caves until we find a place where there is an outcropping of rock reaching over the sea. On the outcropping is what appears to be a mirror, but the mirror is totally black with no reflection. MoSh says that’s it, and he wants to go kick some Templar ass. I go to the mirror and plant a couple timed explosives on it. We both go through, then the explosives detonate behind us and shatter the mirror, destroying the portal behind us.

      On the other side of the mirror we are in another strange place. There are Templars all around, and it seems to be a wide-open area outside, I really don’t get a very good look at the surroundings because it’s dark and MoSh and I get attacked right away. MoSh tells them to leave Bjork alone, though at that point I couldn’t think who Bjork was. No matter, they shouldn’t be harassing anyone, so now they would all pay. As we are attacked I focus on using Battery by Metallica to call down bolts of lightning on the enemies. In spite of there being so many of them, the Templars seem to die pathetically easily. When they die they disappear from the dream. I focus on the song Damage, Inc. by Metallica and throw fireballs at many of the Templars. I then transform my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and start cutting Templars down in large numbers as they attack. The Templars are attacking using an assortment of blasters and also melee weapons such as swords and battle axes, though none of the weapons seem particularly effective. I focus on the song Phantom Lord by Metallica and create an expanding wall of fire that incinerates many Templars. Soon it looks like any Templars left are retreating, and MoSh tells them they’d better not come back!

      After the fight is over MoSh is saying we need to make sure the mirror is gone from Bjork’s inner world so they can’t use her any more. My mind still isn’t remembering who Bjork is, but I say that’s fine, I’ll try to get back to where we saw the mirror. I focus on Through the Never by Metallica and both MoSh and I go through the resultant portal. On the other side we are once again on the rocky outcropping that reaches out from tall cliffs over a deep blue ocean. It is a quite beautiful sight. There is a pile of rubble on the rocky outcropping where I know there used to be a mirror. I point to the rubble and tell MoSh that the mirror is history. Just to make sure I drop a fireball on the rubble and turn it all to ash. MoSh says he hopes that takes care of things. Everything fades to black as I wake up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    11. The Destruction of the Ring

      by , 05-30-2017 at 03:53 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 05-19

      The Destruction of the Ring

      I am in a strange place but I don’t really have time to look around and see where I am because I am under attack. I am surrounded by a large battle, there are orcs and humans fighting all around. I was being attacked by orcs, so I formed my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and started cutting them down as they came at me. There were also other enemies attacking, evil looking humans, trolls, Uruk Hai, and I could see large bat-like things flying in the sky, those were no doubt the Nazgul. I also see there are numerous people that seem to be fighting against the orcs, though things are happening too quickly for me to recognize anyone. So I just keep fighting, dodging aside when a troll tries to nail me with a huge club. I jump up onto the club and go right up to the troll and use my Alex Mercer blade to remove its head. I look around and see there are so many enemies coming from all directions that I don’t see how we can possibly win. I then think that the only way these enemies are going to fall is if the One Ring is destroyed. Which Frodo is trying to do… but in the book he needed help… But how do I get to Mount Doom in time? I look up and I see someone using energy attacks on a Ring Wraith, it’s MoSh up there kicking Ring Wraith butt! I watch that for a bit but then I’m being attacked by an orc that needs to have its head removed.

      I start running towards the huge gate of Mordor, though I know there isn’t a chance I can run all of the way to Mount Doom. As I am running and cutting my way through enemies I see a small shape on the ground running with me. I look down and see Pikachu keeping pace with me. He is right under me when he transforms into the Blue Eyes White Dragon, and now I am sitting on the back of a dragon and streaking towards Mount Doom, Pikachu wipes out some enemies with a blast of lightning as we go. And then we are soaring over Mordor, I can see Mount Doom smoking and I can see the red eye at the top of the tower that Sauron uses to survey everything, but not everything all at once, he is watching the battle I just left. Pikachu carries me directly to Mount Doom and I get off on a path that leads to a cave. I follow that and see I have gotten there just in time. Frodo is standing at the edge of a drop into lava, and he is right now announcing the ring is his. He disappears from sight.

      Sam is calling to Frodo, I call to him as well. I use my Penticon chip to switch to infrared vision so I can see Frodo even though he is invisible. I tell Sam to stay calm, I can see Frodo. The ground is shaking as if Frodo’s proclamation has shaken the foundations of Mordor. I approach Frodo, he says to stay away, the ring is his. I say of course it is, I sure don’t want it, but he’s been hurt, and I want to heal him. I can tell he doesn’t believe me, so I focus on the song Touch My Heart right now to send light energy through Frodo. After the energy flows through him Frodo looks disoriented. He looks around but doesn’t stop me when I reach him and pull the ring from his finger. He grabs it from me and says he will do what he came to do, and he throws the ring into the fire. Now it definitely seems this volcano is about to blow its top. All three of us get quickly out of the chamber in the volcano and make our way down the slope a short ways. Frodo says this looks like the end, Sam says I seem to come and go whenever I want, why can’t I just take them with me? I say there is no need… they’ve got a ride on the way. They both look puzzled, and I point into the sky where three small specks are approaching. Those are eagles, and they’re on their way to take you to safety. The eagles fly closer and now Frodo and Sam see them, and they have clearly spotted us. But as they are diving in to pick us up everything fades and I wake up.
    12. Battle; LDer; House; bad dude

      , 04-10-2017 at 03:11 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      This one was few days ago:

      I am standing in an opening in a stone wall. Looks medieval. I'm carefully looking out, shielding myself with my large, round battle axe. There is a horde of people dressed in bear skins and similar attire, rounding a corner with their weapons raised above their heads. As they come near, a woman aims at the opening and starts shooting arrows with a bow.

      Last night:
      I'm in my childhood house with my brother. We start to notice that items are rearranging themselves. New items appear that we have never seen before. I want my brother to hand me my phone so we can call our parents, but my phone was rearranged.

      I notice our front door is not fully closed. I look outside and I hear someone coming up the stairs. I get scared, but then I see it's my dad.

      I'm visiting someone in their apartment. Talking to this girl, it turns out she is a lucid dreamer. We talk about how to pronounce DILD, WILD and DEILD. What's her method and something about "if we were dreaming now"...

      I'm in a same or similar apartment as dream before. Someone is at the door. They open to see and it's about 8 pot head hippies. They want to close the door, not let them in, but somehow they push their way in. So they let the hippies use the fax or whatever they wanted. I'm thinking, wow, if they wanted to hurt me, there is nobody to stop them.

      Another knock on the door. Its the satan. They don't want to let him in either, haha, but they can't say no. I think nopenopenope and I walk out the door. But there is his wife. I knew her name in a dream. She offers to walk me out, and again i"m nopenope. Then I realize if she wanted to, she can just appear anywhere while I'm going down the stairs couple of floors.

      Then I woke up and was time for work. Thank god.
      Tags: battle
    13. [02-02-2017: Duel]

      by , 02-02-2017 at 11:04 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was a slightly grim afternoon. I was outside my house, just in front of my exit gate. It was raining a bit. I turned back, facing entrance to my house. Suddenly a huge knight in black armor appeared and challenged me for a duel. We started fighting. Just like the knight, I was able to block or parry each of incoming attacks. I was fighting bare handed while the black knight used a battle axe. When I finally managed to land a hit, the knight escaped and came back with someone helping him. It was a human in rags, he blown a dust off his hand and made a purple mist form almost everywhere. I escaped from it as I knew that it was poisonous. After a few more blocks the mist dispersed and I was able to counter one of his attacks. I made a surprise upper cut punch that sent him flying back and fall, bouncing on the ground twice.
    14. Ninja Fight

      by , 11-19-2016 at 10:56 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I was a girl, I got sleepdarted by Ana from Overwatch. I woke up to a lesbian on me wanting to get it on, but I was not in the mood.

      My dream transitioned to my highschool going to BlizzCon. I didn't remember the details of the con but it was apparently in New Zealand and we had minor earthquakes before we left.

      The bus stopped at a mall. We looked around, I separated from the others and looked around by myself. When I walked out my dad was there and he complained that I took so long looking around that it was midnight. I was about to come up with an excuse when I realized he's my dreamsign, and I became lucid.

      I had a false awakening and my laptop was on my bed. It was on Facebook with a video of an African American girl with a white family, who claimed that they are her true family and she ran away from her dark-skinned family, and e comments were people talking about how racist she was, and also some people talking about her name was "Gental" which sounded funny because it sounded like "Genital"

      I woke up. I did reality checks. I fell back to sleep and had another false awakening, and I accidentally astrally projected.

      My dream transitioned to me as Dr McNinja from the webcomic Dr. McNinja, with an older ninja who was dressed more like Rambo than a ninja. We were fighting against all of the enemeis of McNinja, under the leadership of an alien luchador a la Darkseid, with Frans Rayner as his right hand man. He sent an entire city's worth of soldiers and police at us. I didn't recall all the battle's detail but it was awesome, with us skirmishing throughout the city by jumping on cars to make our getaway and ambushing checkpoints.

      We took out the police and was about to make our getaway, when Frans Rayner called us and told that McRambo got a nuke in his shoe and we won't be able to get it far away from us in time. We panicked a bit but then I took him up a tall building and we dropped his shoe, then we run like hell.

      We survived, and celebrated about how we will escape now, but our noises drew the attention of Space Luchador and Frans Rayner, who were right above us all along in a helicopter, and we were just mutually unaware of each other earlier.

      My dream transitioned to me talking to someone about the setting of Dr. McNinja. I claimed that in the Dr. McNinja world, nearly all popular fictional characters coexist. I saw from a third person view a bunch of characters on a ferris wheel, but the only two I remember were Stitch and Reuben from Lilo and Stitch, except Reuben was a shapeshifter in the shape of Stitch but with his yellow eyes.
    15. Oops

      by , 04-16-2016 at 06:35 PM
      D1 - In some kind of club, it is very dark and everybody is sitting around on large flat cushioned leather chairs.

      D2 - On a battle field. I'm on a muddy battle field, wearing heavy armour and the battle is nearing its end.
      The queen on the opposite side is dodging my blows, she has long fair wavy hair.
      I am not scared and am protected by one femaile knight but I realise that the queen does not mind if she dies in the battle, as long as she kills me Oo.
      I imagine the sword striking me on the side, lower abdomen and slicing through me.
      So I become scared and want to run
      Tags: battle, dark
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