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    1. Beatles fragment/High School Reunion

      by , 06-25-2016 at 09:41 PM (Book of Dreams)

      Didn't end up falling asleep until after 11:30, so didn't get a full 8 hours last night.

      Dream 1 (fragment):
      I was in a mini van listening to a CD I got from the library, it was all Beatles music. This is the 2nd time I've listened to the Beatles in my dreams lately, I think it's because I watched the Anthology documentary recently. Anyways, my old dog Stormy was there again (2nd time this week!) she left a big muddy pawprint on the seat when she jumped out of the van, but I didn't mind because I was so excited to see her!

      Dream 2:
      I had to go back to my high school (dreamsign!) for some sort of meeting, though I was vague on the details. All I knew was that if we didn't go, our diplomas would not actually be valid. It ended up being a movie night, we were watching "Space Jam 3" which I don't think exists in WL, but anyways, I was there with my friend Laura and I realized my hair was really long on the top and really curly. I remember looking in the mirror very excitedly because I've always wanted curly hair. By the end of this movie, I remember saying "is this really all the wanted us here for? This is a requirement for us to get our diplomas, but really it's just to get us to buy stuff" I don't actually remember buying anything, but that's how I was feeling, apparently. Once we were released, I ran through the hallway to get back to my apartment, but i had a textbook in a backpack I was wearing and it was really slowing me down. Running took a lot of effort, the bag was SO heavy, even though there was only one book. I remember thinking "wow, I've really gotten out of shape since I graduated high school," but really it's because I was DREAMING, should have done an RC... anyways, I was running so hard and getting so sweaty, that by the time I got back to my room, my hair was all wet and it was straight again. It also looked like my hair was thinning a lot on the top, I barely had any left.
      I got back to my room to find my three roommates (none of them are my WL roommate) who were all in my graduating class, and they were working out. Our apartment was a gym, and my bed was just a couch on the side. Then i had this fake dream memory where I remembered my WL roommate was just letting me crash with her because I hated my real living situation. I decided I would go back and stay with her, because I had a real bed and room to myself.
      The dream ended where I was driving to get something from walgreens. I almost walked, but the sun was starting to set and I didn't want to walk in the dark. Before I even arrived at walgreens, I noticed it was pitch black outisde. "wow," I thought, "It really did get dark quickly, good thing I drove,"

      I feel like this whole dream I was noticing the strange inconsistencies, but didn't once think to try and RC! Before I went to bed, I was really focusing on doing a RC when I saw a dreamsign, but it looks like it didn't work, though the fact that I was noticing anything at all is a step in the right direction, I think!!

      I'm about to take an afternoon nap... I'm hoping for a LD
    2. Dead Bats/Beatles Campout/Tuxedo Chase/Shopping Drama

      by , 06-23-2016 at 02:03 PM (Book of Dreams)
      4:00 am

      Dream 1
      I'm at my parent's house in my room (thought it looks different than IRL) and there is a bag with some stuff in it, looks like meat patties and potatoes, but when I open it up, there's a bunch of dead bats in it as well. These bats are huge, not just regular small bats. They spill out all over the floor, it's totally repulsive. I think there were some crazy weird beetles, too. I pick up the bats with something other than my hands, I can't remember what I was using, but I didn't want to touch them. I remember their wings were so strange. They were very large and the bones in the wings were as long as drumsticks. When I put them into a new garbage bag, the wings would poke out of the sides. It was a really disturbing image. Now that I'm awake, I feel bad for these little guys, but in the dream I was scared out of my mind.

      Dream 2
      I spent the night in a backyard (not sure who's house it was), in this weird metal spacecraft looking thing. The whole night I was drifting in and out of sleep, and in between sleeps I was listening to the Beatles on an iPod, but they were old songs I've never heard before. Finally, around 5am, I woke up and ran into the house. I think I can remember my mom saying I needed to drive to her house, so I did.

      WBTB: I didn't attempt to WILD, but I did do a bit of positive thinking and mental prep for a MILD. It worked!!

      Dream 3
      I am in a restaurant, and there's all these really hot guys there. We're all eating together, and then the next thing I know we're all lying down on the table, and it feels like an orgy is happening but everyone has their clothes on. I'm not really participating, but someone is holding my hand. The next thing I remember, I'm standing up and I hold my hands out with my palms facing down and push, which causes me to levitate. I'm not lucid, but I think I must have been sort of semi lucid, because I remember thinking "is this going to work?" and it worked very well. Everyone was staring at me floating there in the middle of the room.
      Then there is a break in the dream where I can't remember what happened, but the next thing I know, everyone including me are wearing tuxedos and we're running through the mall (this restaurant was in the mall). I'm with this one guy and we're trying to find a place to "be alone" , while everyone else is running for different reasons I think. We find a gymnasium full of guys playing basketball, and I tell the one I'm with that I'm going to use a Jedi mind trick to make them all leave. In my head I'm not sure if it will really work, but we get in there and I snap my fingers. The guys all start to leave but they're giving me dirty looks. I turn to the guy I'm with and all of a sudden he looks completely different. He's like this small mousey kid and he also looks mad at me and runs away. I run back out into the mall and meet up with another one of the guys from the restaurant. I tell him I can levitate, and I try it again but it doesn't work. He says, "Try looking up at the sky when you do it," I try this and it works for a few seconds. Then we reach these glass doors guarded by two guys (who are also in tuxedos), and they say we have to wait 20 minutes before we can go through. I tell one of the guards he needs a haircut. Somehow they get distracted and we run through the doors. The guards start chasing us. I'm with a larger group of people now, and we're running toward these huge marble columns. I know my best option is to slide down them. I reach the columns and look down. It's a 3 story drop, and I say to myself "I can't do this, I can't do this..." I remember thinking I could try to manifest a feather bed at the bottom, but I know I could still get hurt. Then out of nowhere, I become lucid. Like completely full on lucid. I say "I'm dreaming! This is a dream!" I grab onto the marble column and prepare to slide down. I notice how real everything feels. It really was just like waking life. I realize I haven't done a reality check, and sliding down a marble column could be a really dangerous way to figure out if I'm dreaming, but I really felt that it was a dream and I didn't have time to check so I began my descent. There were little decorative holes in the column that I used to quickly scale down, and everyone followed me. Once we reached the bottom I almost punched one of the guards in the face, but since I was dreaming I decided what's the point. I was so excited to be lucid, but everything started to fade to black. I reached out my hands to touch something but it was too late.

      I was in this black void. I tried to open my eyes but they were like glued shut. So I kept them shut and tried to stay very still. I felt still very connected to the dream world. But nothing was manifesting so I opened them, and I was in my room. I should have done a RC, because this turned out to be a FA, but I wasn't lucid anymore and was just so excited, I remember jumping up and down on my bed and clapping my hands. Then I woke up IRL and tagged it all in my DJ.

      Dream 4
      I was going to the mall with my sister. We pulled up to the front in the car, and there was a car in front of the door, but no one was in it. A little dog was sticking his head out of the driver side window, so I got out and pet his head while I waited. Then the driver, an angry transgendered woman, came out and glared at me. I told her I was sorry for touching her dog and she was really pissed. She dropped her scarf and I picked it up for her, and she was like "yeah..." like it was my fault she dropped it or something. Then she left and I dropped my sister off, then I parked the car. While inside, I saw my high school biology teacher, and we talked for a bit. Then my sister and I went to Sears and had all these coupons. There was a man who was following us and he kept taking our cart every time we'd step away to grab something. I needed new work shoes but couldn't find the ones I was looking for.

      Updated 06-23-2016 at 02:18 PM by 34219

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    3. Mr. Kite is a Feathered Caterpillar

      by , 04-03-2015 at 10:03 AM
      Morning of April 3, 2015. Friday.

      I am in an unfamiliar outdoor area without many features. I am unsure of the implied time period. Apparently, it may be the 1960s, as I see young versions of the Beatles walking around though I do not interact with them. I get a sense of their innovation. I also reflect on how my best friend Toby and I could have seen them in concert in our teenage years if we had made more of an effort, which does not make sense as they had broken up as a band by then. I still feel cheerfully nostalgic. Even though I seem to be physically present, some of the events look quirky as if with film effects, including when the Beatles are walking and the frame rate seems altered. It might be implied to be footage from or for “A Hard Day’s Night” from 1964. Later however, the implications distort into also being linked to “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”, which is from a later time period (1967).

      At a later point, I am listening to “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite” on a pair of headphones while sitting outside near a table. It is a very long fictional version, probably about eight minutes or more, and has random parts here and there vaguely similar to parts of “Revolution Number Nine”. The music has less instrumentation in some parts (as if one more instrument is dropping out of the recording every few measures) but at one point sounds a lot like the real version of the song.

      What intrigues me is vivid but incorrect audio of certain parts of the music. For example, near the last section, instead of the melodic flourish over the circus-like organ cacophony just prior to the return to the verse, it is the Dixieland air horn sound (as from the car on “The Dukes of Hazzard”). I hear this in the left channel. It makes me feel very cheerful.

      Also, during this time, I watch Mr. Kite, which is a black-and-white caterpillar made up of a long series of miniature “war bonnets” of mostly black feathers, each tiny “war bonnet” directly behind the other. It moves about on the table, seeming to be moving in time to the music; undulating rhythmically and turning about left and right, defining a narrow oval path; a surreal event.

      Update (same day): Yet again, a dream occurs that had imagery seemingly influenced by something Zsuzsanna had seen and thought about, something that I could not possibly have known about. In this case, it was specifically a caterpillar that she thought looked as if it had feathers coming out of its body, which she had seen on a children’s DVD (checked out by her for our two-year-old daughter) the night before. (I did not see it prior to my dream.)

      Updated 08-26-2017 at 08:19 AM by 1390

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Oct. 8 2011

      by , 10-08-2011 at 04:41 PM
      The "Beatles"* never broke up--or they were all still alive, at least--and I was present as they were recording new material, or re-recording old material, I cannot remember. I remember moving through visuals of their discography (album covers, posters, etc.) as they were recording, but I don't remember them as being the same visuals associated with their music here in our universe. It seems like the dream took place in a series of rooms at some points, and on a stage inside a bigger room at others. There was a random pit stop at one point, a deviation from the rest of the dream, in which our huge tour bus/recording studio (?) parked in the middle of a snowy area in Iceland to find somebody's pet cat that escaped. The landscape was a mixture of snow and rock, with random drops, you would jump and land softly in more snow. Someone informed me the rocks were very, very old. They had a peculiar quality to them...they looked scraped, one had a big scar on it. They were a very light greyish-white, slightly transparent color, and stretched on for miles. Then, it was back on the bus, and the recording dream resumed. I got the sense that my dream was representative of an alternate history. It felt... strangely familiar.

      *or a band that was supposed to represent the Beatles.

      Updated 10-08-2011 at 04:49 PM by 50338 (typos + additions)

    5. wrong trains and father; boy, girl, and power plant; lingerie shop and poem

      by , 08-22-2011 at 01:48 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was at a train station at night. I might have been with one other person. Otherwise, the place was empty. The station was like a short, long, covered platform with fluorescent lights, with another platform, which was uncovered and completely dark. It kind of felt like I was in the middle of nowhere.

      One train came on the tracks at the covered platform. I noticed either that it was the wrong train or that it was going in the wrong direction. It was like these trains were running on subway lines, even though I wasn't familiar with these lines.

      There might have been two different lines at this station. Both the lines had "Queens" as one of their final destinations. One of the lines had a town that sounded like "Cambridgeshire" (???) as the second of its final destinations.

      I was looking for a train heading away from Queens. Another train was arriving, this time at the uncovered tracks. I was pretty sure it was heading away from Queens, so I thought it might be the right train. I walked over to the train.

      The train was very tall, with the actual car maybe one and a half meters off the ground. The inside of the train was totally dark. The train was about to pull away. I got the impression that this was the wrong train. To double check, right before the train pulled away, I jumped up twice into the air, flashing a "sign" (basically, my hands were both lifted up and spread out, as if I were trying to give someone two high-fives) into the train.

      I knew now that this was the wrong train. The train may have started to pull away. I realized some person in control of some kind of rail operations had seen me flash the signs into the train. I wondered if he would think I was trying to cause some trouble, or that I had thrown something dangerous onto the train.

      I walked away from the platform. I may have been hoping to find my friend and stick to him, so that nobody would think I was dangerous.

      I was now with my brother and sister in a kitchen. The kitchen was probably really dim, which may have made it feel really small and crowded. We were gathered around a smallish, round, fake-wood table. One or two of us may have been standing. The other/s was/were standing.

      One of us, possibly my sister, may have mentioned something bad about the way my dad had been treating us. Later, somehow, I saw my dad. He was talking to me or to everybody. But he couldn't remember my name. It was simply like he hadn't had anything to do with me for so long that he couldn't remember my name. He may have apologized for this fact. I may have told him it was okay.

      Later, my dad was changing diapers. He may have been changing my diapers, although I seemed to be at least partly separated from the person changed, and the person being changed probably did seem like a small baby. The diaper was a small diaper, for a really litttle baby. It was full of urine, and it smelled horrible.

      My dad may have been balling up this diaper. He may now actually have been complaining, as if his inability to remember my name were an actual shortcoming of my own.

      Dream #2

      I was out on a sunny balcony. The floor was probably concrete. The barrier and the apartment wall may have been bright white. I may have been sitting at something like a school desk, looking out and across to another huge building.

      There was a black man behind me. He was a schoolteacher. Apparently I had been studying the subject he taught, all on my own. He was very impressed by the amount of independent interest I'd shown in his subject. He gave me some words of encouragement, then said he was going to teach his class now.

      There was apparently a window to my left. I heard it open. I knew that the teacher's classroom was actually the room with the window. I looked in through the screen as the teacher began his lesson. He had erased something off a chalkboard and then written a long, kind of complex equation on the board. Somehow he made it very easy to understand, very simple.

      I realized the teacher had been giving the lecture for me. So I decided to at least go in and listen, to show him I was thankful that he'd thought of me. I walked into the building.
      Before the classroom there was a small alcove. I had left "my backpack" in this alcove. My textbook (as if I were actually in the teacher's class now) was in my backpack. As I went to get it, I passed the doorway into the classroom. I saw that everybody in the classroom was sitting in very small chairs, possibly with no desks.

      The teacher began to criticize everybody for some kind of sloppy aspect of their work. It may have had something to do with not bringing either their work or their textbooks to class. I felt like this criticism was largely directed at me. But I felt like at least today I couldn't be criticized for not bringing my book to class.

      I opened my backpack and pulled my book out. It was jammed into my backpack, amid a whole bunch of loose papers, possibly with equations all over them.

      I was now out on a street in the suburbs. I was trying to get somewhere on time. I had probably left class at an awkward time specifically so I could get to this other place on time. I was walking along a street which may have felt like it was along some kind of ridge, looking down to an expanse of blocks of houses. The sky was dim, smoky grey, almost dirty-coppery.

      I felt drops of rain. I thought I should head back home (?) to get either a raincoat or an umbrella. I actually turned back and walked a few steps "toward home." But I decided that since I was wearing a red, waterproof jacket, I didn't need either a raincoat or umbrella. I turned back in the direction of my destination.

      I now felt a lot of rain. I turned back again, thinking I really should go back home for something. But I turned right back around, toward my destination. I figured if I hurried I could make it without getting extremely wet.

      At the same time I heard a group of young boys, maybe ten or so years old, rough-housing with each other. One of the boys, a kind of shaggy-haired, blonde boy with gold-tan skin and wearing a baggy, green, plaid, flannel shirt and baggy jeans, recognized me. He shouted out to me in his rough-housing voice.

      I kept walking, as if I didn't hear the boy. I knew I had promised before that I would play with him. But I couldn't do it now. I had to get to my destination. If the boy were to think I'd heard him, he'd follow me. And I didn't want him to follow me, either. I thought he'd get bored. I walked faster away.

      But the boy kept following me. He called after me. I was walking fast, almost running, along a grass ridge looking down to the blocks of houses in the valley. Finally I said to the boy, "Fine. You can come along -- if you can follow me!"

      I started running down a street on a slope. But I was running in something like a crawling position. But the crawling was very fast and low, almost like the height and speed of Luke Skywalker's flying car in Star Wars. (Although, on waking, I'd thought that my running position had been something like that of a scorpion.)

      It was raining a lot by now. I "ran" down a steeply sloped street and then down a gently sloped street. I sped through a few more streets, zigzagging around corners. But the boy was still behind me.

      I was now probably approaching my destination. I was in an area that felt like it was indoors, even though it probably was outdoors. The sky (if it was a sky) was dark.

      I ran past a power plant, which was a huge area, full of shiny, silvery metal pipes, all tightly banded together, and weird, beaker-shaped structures maybe three meters tall, also made out of the silvery metal, but with some kind of blue circles on them, possibly on their bases.

      It was like I was "running" on a path or aisle space around this power plant. The power plant was on my left. As I turned a corner to my left, a grocery store chain's warehouse stood on the right side of the path. It was possibly for a Kroger's, King Sooper's, or Safeway chain.

      I ran around another left corner, but I found that the grocery warehouse building was going to merge with the power plant. It did, and as I rounded another corner, I found myself in a culdesac made out of the structures of the power plant and the walls of the grocery warehouse.

      I turned around. The boy hadn't gotten around this last corner, but he wasn't far behind. I ran into him at some kind of stairway or something. We were definitely indoors now.

      I looked to my right and saw, a ways away, a few women beyond a door and in something like a library. The women were all maybe in their mid or late twenties. They were all really pretty, with really nice bodies, and they were all dressed professionally.

      I "remembered" that I had just come from that library. I had had to take a subway home from there, possibly with a group of kids I had volunteered to supervise. We'd taken a cicrcuitous route, and we'd needed to change trains at least once. After all that trouble, I "remembered," we'd only gotten to this place. But this place was a very short walk from where we'd started! I kind of thought that sometimes the train was more trouble than it was worth.

      But as the boy and I walked through a set of swinging doors (like doors going into the back area of a grocery store, like a meat area), I looked back over to the girls in the library. I felt like if I kept looking at them long enough, while they were unaware of me, I'd catch some of them starting to make out with each other. I was pretty sure they were all gay, but that they were just hiding it from me.

      The boy and I were now in a small, foyer-like area. To my left, the area seemed to fade off into something like an outdoor area with a maze of metal staircases. To my right was another set of doors, hard double-doors like the entrance to the school. Before me was a window wall. It was night outside and dark in this foyer-like space.

      The boy was now a girl. She was a freshman in high school, and I was a senior in college. But this girl still liked me. And I probably liked her. There was another girl with us. She was probably my age.

      I left the situation. The older girl told the younger girl that if she liked me she should just go with it. She should tell me she liked me.

      There was now a view of the girl's family. The oldest son of the family was in a coma. The mother was watching over him. The son seemed to be laid out on a bed-like table in a room that kind of looked like a bedroom in a suburban house.

      Now the scene had changed. The woman was still watching over the oldest son. But the mother was now with another woman, or possibly another two women her age. None of the women may have been wearing pants.

      The mother told the other women, "My daughter told me, 'I don't care what you think! I'm just gonna live my life and love who I wanna love!'" The mother was saying this in a bragging tone, as if she were proud of her daughter standing up for herself and going out with an older boy.

      The mother walked away from the group, still talking about some of the things her daughter had said. The mother's panties were loose, and I saw something jutting out from the back of the crotch, like a maxi pad or a diaper.

      I was now standing out on some sidewalk, possibly in a space like out in front of an airport. It was morning. The sun was up, but it wasn't over the buildings, so there were little shafts of gold light and big pools of grey-blue shadow. It may have been cold outside.

      I was out on the sidewalk with a young man who probably looked a lot like Lance Loud from the reality show An American Family. The young man was in something like the situation the girl had been in. Except now the situation was that the young man was gay. He'd told his mother, but she didn't approve. They'd gotten into an argument and hadn't spoken with each other in a while.

      But now the oldest son had woken out of his coma and was coming with his mother to meet the young man. The car pulled up to the curb. The oldest son, who kind of looked like a young Andy Warhol in terrible, sixties-style clothes, got out of the car and greeted the young man.

      The oldest son said, "What's the deal man? I know you need to express yourself. But think of how I did it! Do it with a little more sense and tact."

      The oldest son himself was apparently gay. He had, however, broken the news to his mother with a lot better results.

      The oldest son then asked the young man, "By the way, do you have any cash I might be able to borrow?"

      The oldest son and the young man walked down a few cars, to an old, seventies-style cadillac which had just pulled up. It was a drug dealer's car. The oldest son and the young man were apparently going to shoot up on heroin right there, in front of everybody. The young man even had one of his sleeves rolled up!

      The three of us were now in some trash-strewn area at the base of columns for a bridge. We were all sitting in furniture, like a whole living froom set had been laid out in this trash-strewn area. We were all waiting for some guy, possibly someone like a drug dealer, or someone to gived us money for drugs.

      As we waited, the oldest son turned on a song by Elliott Smith, probably from his album Figure 8. I thought I knew the song. But I was only getting half the words. I wondered to myself if the oldest son liked Elliott Smith because he kind of sounded like Lance Loud. Lance Loud was something of a gay icon. So if Elliott Smith sounded like Lance Loud, maybe gay males sympathized with him. (WTF???)

      The next song to play was a Beatles song. It was to the tune of "This Boy," but it had something to do with the words "Sweet Girl" or "Sweet Angel." I managed to half-sing along with this song as well.

      I began to wonder if the young man was getting jealous of me. I knew all the songs the oldest son was playing. I seemed to be showing off that fact. Would the oldest son think I knew a lot, and would he fall in love with me? Was I taking the oldest son's love away from the young man? I may have stoppedd singing at this point, so it wouldn't look like I was singing to impress the oldest son.

      Dream #3

      I walked into a narrow-looking shop on a narrow, stage-like street of wood-fronted buildings. The store was something like a Victoria's Secret. It was getting close to closing time. There were three girls working at the shop, all talking with each other. None of them seemed too worried about my presence.

      I looked around the shop. There were all kinds of panties for little girls. There was apparently lingerie somewhere as well. For some reason I thought I'd try on some of the lingerie. I thought I'd buy some of the little girl panties and wear them while I tried on the lingerie. I thought I'd ask the women working at the store if they were okay with this. (WTF?)

      But the girls were still talking and joking with each other, apparently getting ready to close the shop for the night. And I still couldn't find the lingerie.

      I climbed up on top of one table and then scaled up a bunch of wall-mounted racks. High up in a rack I found more little girl's panties. One pair was pink, satiny, skinny-looking panties. Another pair was like satiny boy-short panties. They were mostly pink, with some blue on the hips. They also had some design like a weird, almost tribal-looking, but cartoony, butterfly on them.

      I mayy eventually have spoken with one of the girls.
    6. The suckiest lucid dream I've ever had

      by , 07-27-2011 at 12:46 AM
      I have not had internet for a few days. I really don't wanna type all the dreams I had, so I'm just typing the one I had last night, cause I was lucid and excited about that. In order to understand this dream, you gotta know that I did not go to sleep until 8 a.m. this being because me and Cay were up watching Silence of the Lambs and Beatles movies. Time well spent. We were at Cay's house and fell asleep in Cay's bed.

      This is where my dream starts, we wake up in my bed, at my house. I don't question this. However, when I roll off my bed to stand up I step on something and hear a moan. I stepped on a leg. "Hey... Hey! Who are you?" I'm strangely calm for there being a stranger under my bed with his legs poking out. The response I get is, "Your really going to make me move? -sigh-" Aaron crawls out from underneath my bed and stands up beside me, rather drowsy looking. "Your not my boyfriend," I say to him. Aaron smiles at me. "Maybe you are? Gah. Whats your name?" "Aaron." "Shit." (that's what my boyfriends family calls him, which explains my cursing) "How old are you?" "Seventeen." "Your not him!" I do a reality check, boom. Lucid baby. Cay is suddenly up and dressed, ready to go somewhere. She grabs the purse she rarely uses and says, "Let's go." I don't know who she was talking to cause she leaves alone in her family's massive truck.

      At this point, Aaron becomes British. Most likely due to watching two Beatles movies, cause he sounds quite a bit like John Lennon. "What'cha wanna do?" "Find that freakin' temple." I say and go outside. "How ya gonna do that?" I try to teleport. It fails. I pout. Aaron starts stroking my hair like my boyfriend does and says, "There, there, love. Let's drive." "I barely know how its pronounced, much less am I gonna try to drive there." "Know what it looks like?" "Yes." "That's all ya need." He's driving my brother's car again. We go towards this place called Buffalo Market where I live, and end up at the temple where this little gas station should be. I'm puzzled. "This ain't right." I then notice Cay standing outside circling the temple. "Promise it is, dear," Aaron says and we both get out. This thing is a lot bigger than I thought it would be, also. "Your still wrong, Aaron. No one else is here except us, and I'm highly doubting thats even really her. She'd have figured somethin' out by now."

      She disappears shortly after I say that. "Fuck." I'm getting discourged. "Aaron, I'm sad." Aaron walks up to the temple and knocks on the side of it three times. A little door appears and opens. Out runs Brandy, Lady, and Sophie. My two dogs and one of my cats. "No Penny?" My other cat. "That's why I only knocked three times." My cat Penny, is a little unfriendly. "Was this supposed to help?" Aaron looks at me like I'm retarded. "Pick one and cuddle." I picked up Sophie and she was a lot more cuddly then she is in person. I like that... for a little while. Then her eyes suddenly turn red, her claws get really long, and she scratches the shit out of Aaron's leg. I scream and go to help him when Cay's twin wakes me up.

      Gah. That dream is so long and boring and weird. I'm so sorry if you made it this far.
    7. singing fake beatles song

      by , 06-06-2011 at 11:37 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a big theatre. The theatre was kind of crowded. The lights were on, but a show was playing. It was apparently the Ed Sullivan show where the Beatles played.

      I was surprised by the songs. The first song sounded a little bit like a Beatles song, but it also sounded modern. It may also have sounded like the "Boss Boss" song, by RC Succession.

      The second song sounded even more modern. I could also hear it very vividly. I was really surprised by this song. I was surprised I hadn't heard it before, and that the Beatles had chosen it for the Ed Sullivan show. But I really liked it.

      I was now getting up on stage. I was taking part in some kind of performance show, like a karaoke show or something like that. I felt like there was a band somewhere, but I didn't see a band: only a couple of guys leading me up on stage. The stage was empty and seemed to be made up of two or three tiers of some kind of beige-colored, polished material.

      I knew I was supposed to sing the Beatles song I had just heard. But I didn't know the song. I thought that maybe all I was supposed to do was lip-sync with the song. I figured that if I paid enough attention to the words I could do that on the spur of the moment.

      I now faced the crowd. The song was playing. The song was full, so the singer's voice (don't know which Beatle it was: didn't sound like any) could be heard. But I was actually supposed to sing out loud with the song.

      I actually got through the first verse pretty well by sticking to the sounds as I heard them sung. I ended the chorus of the first verse pretty loud, with a lot of enthusiasm. I had a feeling that sooner or later the singer's voice would be withdrawn, and that I'd have to sing all by myself.

      The second verse was starting up. I was really afraid I didn't know the lyrics. But I figured that if I heard the first words from the singer, I'd probably recall the rest of the song.

      At some point I may have been back down in the crowd, or I may have had the view of a camera looking into the crowd. I may have realized that the crowd was really a group of my peers and that I didn't have to worry so much, even if I did a bad job.
    8. 12/29 Forbidden dance and possessed Beatles book

      by , 12-31-2010 at 05:36 AM (The Midnight Train)
      I see records lying on floor and on shelf and they belong to Pascal. A girl comes to have a look at them. One book about the Beatles is possessed by spirits because I sense their presence. The girl is looking for a good book. I tell the girl that they belong to my brother's music collection. I also see jeans and a Pink Floyd t-shirt lying on the floor in the messy pile.
      I see the brunette girl from College Humor. I offer her some food from this warmer and it is vegan. She takes it. Then I find something slightly better in the warmer and also give that to her. It is a vegan hot dog. She refuses to take it this time. We are in the same room that the music collection is in. The room has a dark vanilla carpet. The shelves are white. After the College Humor girl took the food she walked to the opposite side of the room from the collection and food warmer.

      Another dream:

      I girl I knew in intermediate school is dancing in this music video that looks like an old DOS game using a forbidden dance move that looks like the wavy hand move in Hawaiian dance. She is therefore expelled from school.
    9. Dreaaaams!

      by , 11-09-2010 at 03:56 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Space 1

      some really weird abstract space dream. I think I was flying in a ship and was entering a place like in a starfox video game. There was this HUGE mother ship that I was flying through and trying to blow up. I think i hit a critical part but it didn't blow. I had to exit the mother ship. I tried to fly back in but it was impossible to do so because of a shield of some sort blocking me out.

      Space 2

      Really weird dream of just floating in space near a large planet like jupiter. I was facing some other space dude. His eyes were black portals and I got pulled into them. Then i was near some Nebula. I saw the black portal closing from where i came. So I flew towards it but it dissapeared. So i get flying towards the nebula but it never got any larger. It's like I wasn't moving at all.

      False awakening

      FA, and I'm in some dark room. I think i feel the presence of a woman so I try to make her appear but it turns out she's not there. I get up and go looking for her but I can't remember the dream.

      Hypnagogic stuff

      Some HI stuff about sexual things so gross that I won't even mention what it was.


      I was playing on an acoustic guitar with black blotches marking the chords I was supposed to play. Turned out to be the song by ST Sanders where he makes fun of a Beatles music video. I think I clearly remember where the chords were...

      I was just singing along with the stupid lyrics. I got to the end where I sand, "Elm. Beef, Elm, Bee-hee-hoo!" and some guy was singing the very end with me. I found it rather funny.