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    1. New dream at the beach with a beautiful girl

      by , 09-30-2021 at 02:54 AM
      I had another dream set at the beach last night. What I remember most about this dream was this beautiful blonde who was probably in her early 20's.

      When the dream began, I was walking from the pool area to the beach looking for my friends. I couldn't find my friends anywhere but while I was walking around looking for them I bumped into this beautiful girl who was also looking for some of her friends. We started talking and soon we both forgot that we were separated from our groups and we were flirting with each other. As we continued to talk, I was trying to find out more about her like where she was from and how much longer she would be at the beach.

      We were suddenly interrupted when my sister showed-up and told me I needed to go with her because she and mom were ready to go and I needed to go with them. I remember feeling humiliated both that my sister had interrupted my conversation with the girl I was into and that she had announced to the girl that I was riding home with my sister and my mom.

      I then follow my sister through a beach access beside the resort to the parking lot where the Reliant was parked. When I saw we would all 3 have to ride up front, I tired to get my sister to get in first and scoot over to the middle, but she reminded me I was not supposed to be riding back with them so I needed to get in the middle. I went ahead and got in and scooted over to the middle and buckled up and then my sister got in the passenger seat and closed her door and buckled.

      While me and my sister were waiting for mom, I heard my sister say here comes your girlfriend, and then saw the blonde I had been taking two walking from the front entrance of the resort out to the parking lot. I was staring at her as she walked by and hoping that she didn't notice me and my sister waiting in the old reliant. I watched and she walked over to a red Ferrari and got a bag out of it and then walked back to the resort. I remember thinking not only was she hot, but she must also be really rich.

      As I was watching the girl walk into the resort, I saw my mom pass her on the front steps and then walk towards us while the girl disappeared into the resort.

      When my mom got into the Reliant as usual she could not get it to start. After spending several minutes trying to get it started, she got out to look under the hood and while she was out of the car, I saw the girl and a really muscular guy walking out of the resort and towards the Ferrari. I was thankful that that got into the Ferrari while my mom was still looking under the hood and that they did not notice me in the middle seat waiting for mom to get done and get back in.

      When mom finally got back in and began trying to start the car, I noticed the guy who had been with the girl walking back into the resort. I turned my head and saw the girl was waiting by the passenger side of the Ferrari. As mom kept turning the key trying to get the Reliant started, I kept looking over towards her hoping that she did not notice my situation.

      I woke up from the dream while my mom was still trying to start the car and my sister poked me in the ribs and told me my girlfriend was heading our way. I woke up right as she was walking in front of the Relaint and turned her head when she her mom trying to start it to see me in the middle of the front seat between my mother and younger sister.
    2. DC Affection

      by , 11-14-2013 at 01:24 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)

      Fui dormir as 00:30 repetindo o mantra "Eu sempre tenho sonhos lúcidos" até não conseguir mais me concentrar na frase e peguei no sono. Acordei as 4:00 ou 4:30 com o meu despertador para tentar executar a técnica FILD, mas não consegui fazer pois peguei no sono. Despertei as 4:50 com o despertador e o coloquei pra despertar as 5:50. Voltei a dormir e sonhei:

      Eu estava em um elevador, retangular, largo porém estreito, sem portas na frente. Parecia um elevador de serviço com apenas uma "barreira" que se fechava por baixo até a altura da canela. Quando o elevador estava subindo, uma mulher acompanhada de uma garota dizia que a garota precisava subir e a colocava no elevador em movimento. A garota parecia ter algum tipo de dificuldade de locomoção. A garota tropeçou e se apoiou no meu ombro direito, me pedindo desculpas. Eu reparava que era uma garota muito bonita, magra, pequena, de cabelos ruivos e pele branca. Ela me agradecia por eu tê-la "apoiado" e dizia que se casaria comigo. Eu brincava: "Conversa com a minha esposa sobre isso", mas eu realmente me sentia atraído por essa garota e triste por não poder me relacionar com ela. Sentia uma afeição por ela. No momento parece que a Juliana estava do meu lado esquerdo, mas não a vi.
      Daqui eu me via num tipo de parque, me via de frente, mas não era realmente eu. Era alguém mais encorpado, e o rosto não parecia o meu, nem o cabelo. Não lembro o que houve aqui, mas em seguida eu via um prédio, parecia estar de noite, e eu tentava ajudar essa garota, subindo o carro dela pelo lado de fora do prédio(?). Não me lembro como fazia isso, mas era algo como levitar o carro por cima com um raio de tração. Algo aconteceu e o carro desabou sobre o prédio, destruindo completamente ambos. Eu me propunha a reconstruir o prédio, e me via em 3ª pessoa juntando vigas e reerguendo o prédio.
      Depois disso eu via um rapaz gordo, alto, sardento e com cara de chato/folgado (o perfeito esteriótipo do garoto grande da escola que faz bullying). O garoto assistia uma gravação de uma festa onde via um garoto sentado com um capacete em formato de tigela, com alguns detalhes que não consigo lembrar. O garoto sentado parecia familiar, algo parecido com o Tom Hiddleston. O garoto gordo via algo que ligava o garoto sentado a mim. Ao que parece, o gordo estava tentando me encontrar. Nessa hora eu me lembrava dessa festa como se eu realmente estivesse estado lá em sonho antes mesmo da cena do elevador, mas não sei de onde veio essa lembrança. O gordo pegava o garoto de capacete e o levava a algum lugar, como quem fosse prestar um depoimento e entregar o ligamento do garoto comigo, como se mais alguém estivesse atrás de mim. Nessa hora o garoto de capacete não era mais um garoto, mas sim um garota. Ela sentava e o gordo dizia algo como "Ela ainda me ama". Alguém perguntava algo a ela mas a garota não respondia ou não conseguia responder. O gordo dizia "Ela é lésbica...".

      Acordei com o despertador.
      [Ontem a Juliana me contou de um ex amigo que tentava ficar com ela. Disse que o cara era imaturo e dizia pras ex dele "Ela ainda me ama". Recentemente houve uma festa de aniversário de uma amiga dela, Mayara, para a qual fomos convidados. Ela sentiu que não deveria ir. Ontem ela descobriu que esse cara foi, mas como ele já não mora mais perto e nem mantém contato, ela acredita que o motivo foi para encontrá-la e nos irritar. Isso talvez explique o garoto chato procurando alguém na festa e, depois de encontrar dizer para alguém que essa pessoa ainda o ama].
    3. 8/24/13 - Best Dream Ever

      by , 08-24-2013 at 08:23 PM
      Note: This dream is pretty perverted. There is no actual sex involved, but you've been warned.

      I just had one of the best dreams ever. I remember I was at a party with my dad (some stuff happened beforehand, but I can't recall the details). I told everybody I was going home and I was instantly in my room. I don't remember why, but I thought someone was breaking into my apartment, so I grabbed my flashlight (the only potential weapon in my room) and I went to investigate. There was a very attractive blonde girl standing there,messing with something on the wall. I asked, "What the hell are you doing?" or something like that. As one might expect, she was surprised. The first strange thing I noticed about her was that she was extremely tall, so I told her something along the lines of, "Wow, you are really fucking tall!" She must've been about 7-9ft., though her height distorted and changed throughout the dream. The next odd thing I noticed was her ass -- it was the biggest, most perfect ass I had ever seen! I decided to sweet-talk her, so I said, "Can I just tell you you have the greatest ass ever?" She wasn't offended at all. I started kissing and spanking her ass cheek, which she seemed to like. I asked, "How old are you?" and she replied, "I'm eighteen." I said, "Well, I'm sixteen, so... is that legal?" but it was obvious that neither of us cared. After flirting some more, I made out with her. I've never kissed a girl before, so this was all new to me. Our toungues felt colder and slimier than I had expected, but I didn't care. It all felt good. For a first kiss, I think I did pretty well.

      Unfortunately, the dream ended shortly after that. I think she told me her name at some point, but I forgot it.

      Updated 08-24-2013 at 11:33 PM by 63938

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. 7/14 Beautiful Girl?

      by , 07-15-2013 at 05:12 AM (Link's Adventures)
      If you asked me to describe what I would consider to be the most beautiful girl, she would be blonde with hair to her shoulders, with light blue eyes and smooth, pale skin, a few inches shorter then me, kind of thin, but not like unhealthy thin, kind of curved, and well... her chest and bottom wouldn't be too big. Something would be there, just not a lot. She would have a delicate face and despite all that, she would be strong on the inside, defiant, be independent. But still smart, and be teasing and having a gentle, caring side.

      Anyways... I dunno if the girl in my dream was quite all those things last night... but the physical part and a lot of her personality seemed like that from what I recall. I don't remember everything... but I remember her face and figure pretty well... usually I don't remember details like that. In the later part of the dream, we are in a car, with my mom, and we are at this busy road with like four lanes, two and two with some roads in between to allow you to get to the other pair of roads... and for some reason... she gets out and runs off. I run after her, and she goes into this dark forest, unafraid even at night. I follow her, worried about her. She eventually ends up at this large cliff, which almost looks like it has giant steps. She starts climbing and teases me, trying to get me to come with her. I am afraid of heights though and the top is so high up. We had no equipment and even if we did, I still wouldn't have gone. She sighs and frowns, and continues going up anyways. I'm torn between following to make sure she stays safe or my fear, but then we spot a guy and his little sister, who is hurt. They both have kind of darker skin, but it seems natural. So I guess they are part hispanic or something? And he has short, spiky, black hair and she has dark brown, straight hair which goes to her upper back. Her brother and I help the little girl down gently, and the beautiful girl comes back down quickly to help, serious now. I forget what we do to try and help her... maybe wrap her hurt ankle. But that's all I remember of the dream... I know I had another dream after this one, but I don't think they were related. I wish I could remember it all... and I hope I can find her in my dreams again...
    5. 5/26 Crime and Beautiful Eyes

      by , 05-27-2012 at 04:32 AM (Link's Adventures)
      I was at a airport with two guys I know in real life. We were on the runway, running away from security guards. I don't remember what we did, it may have been simply being on the runway, but we were all running away from them, splitting up. I reached a nearby city, but I continued to move and weave through crowds, knowing someone was following me. I figured maybe the cops were now following me... Someone grabs my arm while I am moving out of a crowd and I turn around as they leave and I see a beautiful blond girl holding my arms with piercing blue eyes, but the bottom parts of them are rimmed with orange. They were very pretty and unusual. I knew she was also hunting me down to turn me in but I was captivated by her eyes and all I could say was, "Your eyes are so pretty". She apparently thought I was just trying to distract her and said, "I'm not going to fall for that one again". And I said something back but I am not sure what. Something about asking her to do so one more time(but not like as a trick, but to believe it because seriously, it would be amazing if someone had eyes like that ). Then she simply turned away for some reason and let me go and walked off and vanished into a crowd. Then one of my friends ran by and I woke up due to my alarm clock... -.-'
    6. I dreamed a an event that i thought up before i actually went to sleep!!

      by , 05-11-2012 at 03:59 PM (All Human Beings Are Also Dream Beings!)
      Although I didnt become lucid, i found it interesting how my mind took over a dream that i previously had been dreaming of before actual sleep.

      Tonight was the first time i feel asleep in a dream that i created myself!! it started with a beautiful girl of whom i like in my class. I dreamed that we were sitting at a beautiful candle lit dinner outside, along with the scenery of the ocean. We ate a nce dinner and i would of course treat her with the most respect, and ask her questions about her plans for the future.

      The dream start to have a mind of its own when we were done eating a nice dinner! Now we are waiting in line at a movie theater. It was a long line but it is finally are turn to receive our tickets. At this point we are both unsure of what movie we want to watch.

      I stop and stare at my surroundings. In a theater, I always notice that the Interior design is always red---so as i looked at my surroundings, i noticed the colors where very red. I guess this is what my mind picked up from my experience in a movie theater.

      Finally the beautiful girl decides what film we want to see. at this point the dream begins to get blurry. We are in a theater but i cant see anything! the screen is blank! (the dream is starting to change).

      The dream ended very quickly! it was like my mind was trying to tease me. My mind was like "now that we got that out the way, get ready for the weird stuff". Now i am in some sort of academy. It was like a boys prep school---everyone wore uniform (a white collared shirt with Black jeans).I remember walking down a long hall with people laid across the floor having conversations. The weird part about the people laying across the floor was that everyone was Asian lol

      Now am walking down this hall, and the next thing i know is i hear a voice. Its the Beautiful girl! she wasn't physically there but i could hear her voice. her voiced called out to me "hey is everything OK I'm just checking on you" and i would reply "yes everything is fine". As i walked through this huge academy full of Asian people, sometimes she would come back and check on me again---starting with the same thing "hey is everything OK I'm just checking on you" and of course i would reply with im find

      I wondered if this was me trying to fight to get that dream back? because i was now in some weird Academy for boys that didn't know of

      Anyways I found my way to an open Auditorium. Now to think of it, it resembled my old Middle school Auditorium very beat up and old looking. As i entered through the back door; at the front stage stood a boy who of course was Asian. He was chubby, big boned, and he wore the same clothing as the others (white collar, black Jeans).

      As i approached him, judging by the look on his face he did not seem happy with my presence. Suddenly this big boned boy burst! into the air. I'm thinking: he has powers! ---towards me he flew throwing blue flames at me; Obviously trying to kill me! as i dashed around the auditorium.

      I remember his words as well "YOU THINK YOU"RE BETTER THAN ME!!!". At that moment in the dream i wished that the Beautiful girl would call me, and ask "if everything thing was alright".

      Thank God I woke up out of fright lol...but i loved the whole experience. For the slightest of seconds i dreamed of something i actually wanted to dream about.

      P.s. I hope i see that killer kid with powers when I'm lucid so i can kick his butt lol
    7. Chevy's DJ

      by , 07-07-2011 at 03:44 PM
      Night before 7/7/11

      My friends and I were searching for something in the wilderness- I don't know what- when we found a girl my age (14) who apparently ran away and found a house in the wilderness. And let me tell you, she was beautiful. I could go on and on about her but I would probably bore you, so I'll skip to the details. Anyway, she played this 'game' where you have a long rope and there's a rope net high up off the ground (maybe 30 feet) and somehow you swing under the net with your rope... if you don't understand, it's okay because my dream was very bizarre after I met her. She was very much into me as I was into her, and we hung out a lot and kissed and stuff. About 2/3 of he way through I told my self "this must be a dream... this could never happen in real life!" and thus became lucid. My friends and I played her 'game' and there were attack dogs under the net so we had to be careful. About this time, I lost lucidity and woke up, it's okay though because it was a good dream.

      Updated 07-07-2011 at 06:37 PM by 48247

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid